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TAMIL NADU OPEN UNIVERSITY MCA - I (SEM 1) JUN 2009 : Elements Of System An

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ws8 MCA 414 MCA 04/ PGDCA 03 M.C.A. DEGREE/P.G.D.C.A. EXAMINATION JUNE 2009. First Semester/First Year ELEMENTS OF SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Time : 3 hours PART A (5 Maximum marks : 75 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 1. Write about any three important characteristics of open systems. 2. Write a note on Planning of systems project . 3. Describe the characteristics of candidate system. 4. Explain the conceptual data modeling. 5. Explain briefly the procedure used to construct Questionnaire. 6. Explain briefly about the activities involved in system conversion. 7. Describe Software Maintenance . ws8 PART B (5 10 = 50 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 8. Discuss the system development Life cycle with a neat diagram. 9. Explain the behavioural issues that contribute to system success. 10. Explain about process requirements in detail. 11. Briefly discuss E-R model with example. 12. Illustrate the use of decision tables in the representation of logic. 13. Explain structured design with a neat diagram. 14. Write short notes on the organizational impact of MIS. 2 MCA 414

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Additional Info : Mca - I (sem 1) June 2009 Question Paper - Elements Of System Analysis And Design
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