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TAMIL NADU OPEN UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 3) JUN 2008 : Computer Graphics

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Wk 6 MCA 651 MCA-11 M.C.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION JUNE 2008. Second Year/Third Semester COMPUTER GRAPHICS Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75 Answer for 5 marks questions should not exceed 2 pages. Answer for 10/15 marks questions should not exceed 5 pages. PART A (5 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 1. Describe the following : (a) Mouse (b) Joystick. 2. What are the advantages of raster scan systems? 3. Describe windows and view ports. 4. Write short notes on Point clipping. Wk 6 5. Explain view volumes and projections in detail. 6. Explain Depth Compression in detail. 7. Write short notes on command languages. PART B (5 10 = 50 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 8. Explain major components of CRT with a neat diagram. 9. Explain Bresenham s line drawing algorithm with an example. 10. Discuss various Hard-Copy output devices in detail. 11. Explain the various 3D Transformation in detail. 12. Explain Sutherland-Hodaman Polygon clipping algorithm in detail. 13. Explain view volumes and projections in detail. 14. Present a tutorial on User Interface Design. 2 MCA 651

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Additional Info : Mca - II (sem 3) June 2008 Question Paper - Computer Graphics
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