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TAMIL NADU OPEN UNIVERSITY MCA - II (SEM 4) JUN 2008 : Visual Programming

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Wk 6 MCA 660 MCA-20 M.C.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION JUNE 2008. Second Year/Fourth Semester VISUAL PROGRAMMING Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75 Answer for 5 marks questions should not exceed 2 pages. Answer for 10/15 marks questions should not exceed 5 pages. PART A (5 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 1. Is ReDim an executable statement or a non-executable statement? Where can it appear in an application? Discuss with an example. 2. What are Message Queues? Discuss. 3. State the purpose of ActiveX control. Give example. 4. What are the contents of DLL files? Discuss. Wk 6 5. List and discuss the object data types in VB. 6. Can multiple views be provided for a Single Document Interface (SDI) in Visual C++? Discuss. 7. List and discuss the two Virtual Functions in the CDialog class in VC++. PART B (5 10 = 50 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. 8. With relevant examples discuss the different library functions in VB. 9. With relevant examples discuss the following control structures in VB. (a) If / Then Selection Structure (b) If / Then / Else Selection Structure. 10. With relevant example discuss the following components in Visual Basic : (a) Command Button (b) Image Control (c) Message Box (d) Text Box. 11. Discuss the features of Crystal Reports and Data Reports. 2 MCA 660 Wk 6 12. What is Exception Handling? How implemented in Visual Basic? Give examples. is it 13. Highlight the features of Visual Data Manager. Give relevant example to illustrate the same. 14. What is a Single Document Interface (SDI)? List and discuss the steps involved in creating a SDI in Visual C++. 3 MCA 660

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