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CBSE Class 10 Sample / Model Paper 2023 : English Language & Literature

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St. Xavier's School, Durgapur
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X PRACTICE PAPER TERM 2 SECTION A Reading [10 marks] Question 1. Read the passage given below. Call it a blessing or a curse of Mother Nature, we have to breathe in over 10,000 litres of air in a day (more than four million litres in a year) to remain alive. By making it essential for life, God wanted us to keep the air we breathe clean. Everyone can see the food that is not clean and perhaps refrain from eating it, but one cannot stop breathing even if one can feel the air to be polluted. 5. Several harmful and noxious substances can contaminate the air we breathe. Generally, much is said and written about outdoor air pollution, most of which is due to vehicular and industrial exhausts. Given the fact that most of us spend most of our time indoors, it is most important to recognise that the air we breathe in at home or in offices can be polluted. It can be a cause of ill-health. Air pollutants that are generally present in very low concentrations 10. can assume significance in closed ill- ventilated places. .The indoor air pollution can lead to allergic reactions and cause irritation to the skin, the eyes and the nose. But as is logical to assume, the brunt of insult by pollutants is borne by the lungs. It can lead to the development of fresh breathing problems, especially in those who have allergic tendencies, or it can worsen the existing respiratory illnesses like asthma and bronchitis. There can be several sources of indoor air pollution. Tobacco smoke is one of the most 15. important air pollutants in closed places. Passive smoking or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) pollution can lead to all the harmful effects of tobacco smoking seen in the smokers in their non-smoking companions. ETS as a health hazard has been unequivocally proven and is also getting social recognition now. One can occasionally see signs displaying the all-important message: Your smoking is injurious to my health in offices and homes. 20. The children of smoking parents are among the worst affected persons. The exposure of young children to ETS leads to increased respiratory problems and hospital admissions as compared to non-exposed children. Several studies, including those done at the PGI, have shown an increased risk of lung cancer among women exposed to passive smoking. ETS also worsens the existing lung diseases like asthma and bronchitis. It may be responsible for the development of asthma in children. 25. The gases are very toxic in high concentrations as may be encountered during industrial accidents, but even in very minimal amounts, as may be prevalent in homes and offices, they can cause irritation to the skin or the eyes, rashes, headache, dizziness and nausea. Improving the ventilation is an important preventive measure, besides trying to eliminate the source that may not be always feasible. Other indoor pollutants are toxic chemicals like cleansing agents, 30.pesticides, paints, solvents and inferior quality personal-care products, especially aerosols. Very old crumbling pipes, boilers, insulation or false roofing can also be important sources. Asbestos is a hazardous product that can cause cancer in humans. It is important to realise that the air we breathe at home may not be clean always and we must try to eliminate the source of pollution. We should give due consideration to ventilation.. Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below. (1 5) (A) What does the writer mean by using the quote Your smoking is injurious to my health ? (1) (B) Rewrite the following sentence by replacing the underlined phrase with a word that means the same from lines 15-20. Shalini, without a doubt, is a Manchester City fan. She even got the stadium tickets to go watch the live series. (1) (C) State a reason for air being contaminated with noxious substances. (1) (D) Why are the children of smoking parents more prone to hospital admissions ? (1) (E) List one reason as to why we should give due consideration to ventilation ? (1) (F) How does the writer justify emphasizing ventilation over eliminating the source of pollutant? (1) Question 2 Read the following excerpt from a case study titled what is a healthy diet? What is a healthy diet? Many clinicians find themselves at a loss to answer this common question from patients. The difficulty of offering a simple answer is understandable. The overwhelming volume of data generated by food and nutrition researchers coupled with sometimes contradictory findings, the seeming flip-flops in 5. recommendations, and the flood of misinformation in diet books and the media can make it seem as though explaining the essentials of healthy eating is akin to describing the intricacies of particle physics. That is unfortunate, because there are now enough solid strands of evidence from reliable sources to weave simple but compelling recommendations about diet. 10. In the United States and other developed countries, the average woman can expect to live 80 years or more. With such longevity, it isn t enough merely to consume the calories needed to sustain the body, build it, and repair it. The foods that supply these calories can influence the risk of developing chronic conditions, which range from heart disease and cancer to osteoporosis and age-related vision loss. 15. Although much remains to be learned about the role of specific nutrients in decreasing the risk of chronic disease, a large body of evidence supports the utility of healthy dietary patterns that emphasize whole-grain foods, legumes, vegetables, and fruits, and that limit refined starches, red meat, full-fat dairy products, and foods and beverages high in added sugars. Such diets have been associated with decreased risk of a variety of chronic diseases. 20. Diet, of course, is just one approach to preventing illness. Limiting caloric intake to maintain a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and not smoking are three other essential strategies. Compelling data from the Nurses Health Study which was collected through a questionnaire of 5 questions shared with 100 respondents, show that women who followed a healthy lifestyle pattern that includes these four strategies were 80% less likely to develop cardiovascular disease over a 14-year period. The responses were tabulated (Table 1), for analysis. Table-1: Awareness level among respondents 25. A companion study, the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, showed that similar healthy choices were beneficial in men, even among those who were taking medications to lower blood pressure or cholesterol. Although much solid information on optimal diets has emerged, the full picture of the relationships between diet and health will take years of further research to fill in. Yet several fundamentals have been established and are unlikely to change significantly. On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below. (1 5) (A) Why do the food researchers get data coupled with contradictory findings ? (1). (B) Comment on the approaches to prevent illness in line 20-21. (1) (C) Why do researchers feel that several fundamentals have been established and are unlikely to change significantly? (1) (D) Justify the researchers suggestions of healthy dietary patterns leading to low risk of chronic diseases. (1) (E) Healthy diet helps to prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases. How does evidence from Table 1 support this statement? (1) (F) What purpose does the Can t Say column serve in Q1 of the questionnaire (Table 1)? (1) SECTION B Writing and Grammar (10 marks) Question 3. Attempt ANY ONE from (A) and (B). (A) Study the concept chart from the sports magazine section of a monthly publication. Write a paragraph in not more than 120 words, analysing the listed situations due to the global pandemic. (5) (B) You are Somya/Sahil, a resident of Modern Colony, Kanpur. You come across the following information on a local library s notice board. As you want to be a choreographer, write a letter to the Director, National School of Dance, Kanpur, in about 120 words, seeking information about their courses, duration, admission procedure, eligibility criteria and other details. (5) Question 4. Read the conversation between a teacher and student and complete the passage that follows. John was annoyed as he couldn t enjoy the Cars monthly issue digitally. So, his mom (a) She knew that John was (b) so she went to the store and got that book for him. John got happy and thanked his mother. (1 + 1) SECTION C Literature (20 marks) Question 5. Answer ANY SIX questions in 30-40 words each. (2) (A) What were Valli s emotions when the elderly man expressed concern that she was standing on the bus seat? (2) (B) Custard s reaction was different from that of others, on seeing the pirate. Using evidence from the poem, explain how this difference is represented in The Tale of Custard the Dragon . (2) (C) Justify the poet s allusion to Rapunzel in the poem Amanda . (2) (D) What does the poet Walt Whitman suggest by saying that they do not sweat and whine about their condition in the poem Animals ? (2) (E) When the writer says, Baking was indeed a profitable profession in the old days , what did he mean? (2) (F) Comment on the tone of Mme Frostier when said to Matilda, Choose, my dear . (2). (G) Mr Weiherer was pleased that Richard Ebright not only put in the nightly research hours towards butterflies, but also his other interests. Comment. (2) Question 6. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120 words each. (4 2 = 8) (A) Natalya and Ivan argued about the ownership of Oxen Meadows and the superiority of their respective dogs in the play, The Proposal. Based on your understanding of the personality traits reflected through the given points of arguments of Natalya and Ivan, develop a conversation, showcasing another argument between them. You may begin like this: Natalya: Hello, Ivan. I wasn t expecting you to be here. Ivan: Hello, I am equally surprised to see you here. Natalya: Why are you surprised? . (4) (B) Bholi s evolution from a dumb cow to saying no to marry Bishamber was a great journey. Examine her journey highlighting her stand for herself. (4) (C) It is a bitter truth that death is immortal and would come to all. Evaluate the chapter Sermon at Benaras with reference to the given statement. (4)

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