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ICSE Class X Prelims 2020 : History and Civics (Goldcrest High, Vashi, Navi Mumbai)

3 pages, 48 questions, 36 questions with responses, 45 total responses,    3    0
Mahim Bhandari
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GOLDCRHT M tGII GOLDCREST HIGH, VASHI COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT (2019 - 20201 GRADE: 10 A NAMEOFSTUDENT: ~ ~~ MARKS: 80 DATE . : 21.11.19 History & Civics H.C.G. Paper -1 (Two Hours) Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory). A total of five questions to be attempted from Part II, two out of three questions from Secfjon A and three out of five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. PART I [30 MARKS] Attempt all questions from this part Question 1. a. How is the Rajya Sabha members elected? (1] ~ a t is meant by Residuary powers of the parliament? [1] c. State the composition of the Electoral College in the election of the President of India. [1] d. How many members can the President nominate to the L:ok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha? [1] e. ~Y whom and on whose advice are the Council of Ministers.appointed? [1] f. Why is Supreme Court said to be the guardian of the constitution? [1] g. What is the Appellate Jurisdiction of the High Court? [1] h. "The High Court is a court of record. What does it mean? [1] ~ame the current Chief Justice of India? j. Who can increase the number of Judges of the Supreme Court? [1] (1] Question 2. @Mention any two Repressive colonial policies of Lord Lytt~r:a- b. Name two forerunners of the Indian National Congress. [2] [2] P.T.O 1 -~ ~ ht ~ b Mention any two administrative changes that the British Government broug a I m . I nd",a. East India Company s rue t b. ctive? ~ o founded the Home Rule League in India? What was I s O 1e 1919 e. State any two provisions of the Rowlatt Act passed by the Government in - ~ s. e.> "-. ~ -,: ~ ~ rd out rega mg the ~ . '<<.:> l2.1 I l21 l 21 [2] f. Name the three members of the Cabinet Mission. [2] g. Why was the Simon Commission rejected by the congress? h. Explain the immediate cause of the First Wor1d War. [2] . i. What is meant by the term 'Cold War'? Name the two power blocs that the world was j. What is meant by the term 'Non - Aligned Movement'? . d" "d d 1 nto [2] IVI e (2] PART II (50 Marks) SECTION A Attempt any two questions from this section. Question 3. s./With reference to the Union Parliament discuss: a. Mention any three of its Electoral powers. (3] b. How does the Parliament exercise control over the Executive? [4] c. Give any three reasons to justify why Lok Sabha is considered to be more powerful than the . [3] Rajya Sabha. ~estion4. The President and the Vice President are part of the Union Executive. In this context, answer.the following questions: a. State any three qualifications required by a candidate to be elected as the Vice President [3] of India. b. Briefly explain the procedure for impeachment of the President. [3] c. Briefly explain any two Legislative and any two Executive powers of the President? [4] Question 5. With reference to the Supreme Court, explaln the following: a. Its role as a guardian of Fundamental Rights. [4] b. Qualifications required to be a Supreme Court judge. [3] c. Any three measures that assures independence of the Judiciary. [3] SECTION B Attempt any three questions from this section. Question 6. The First War of lndepe d An .. n ence, 1857, led to several changes. With reference to this, explain: a. Y three military causes of the w ar. (3] 2 u -;;:. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;:,;: (l) .,_Any four political causes of the war. [4] c. The ch anges introduced in the administrative set up of the British territories in India. [3] ~U:Stion 7. In t he political scenario of 1939, important developments took place in India and abroad. In th is context, answer the following questions a. Who was the founder of the 'Forward Bloc'? Why was this organization formed? [4] b . Why did Sir Stafford Cripps come to India? Why was the-Quit India Movement launched? [3] c. Explain any three proposals made by Lord Mountbatten to settle the independence issue for India [3] Question 8. ~ a. Identify the person in this picture. Name the two newspapers he used to spread his ideas. (3] b. What was his contribution to the national movement of India? [3] c. Briefly explain 'Surat Split of 1907' [4] estlon9. . With reference to the First World War, explain the following: a. Any three causes that led to the First World W ar. [3J b. Aims & Objectives of the League of Nations. [3J c. Any four terms of the Treaty of Versailles. [4J ~ t i o n 10. With reference to the United Nations and Its Specialized Agencies, answer the following: a. State any two functions of the UNICEF and any two functions of WHO. [4] b. State the composition of the General Assembly. [3] c. Mention any three functions of the International Court of Justice. [3] _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __x._ __ _ _ __ _ _ ___x_______ _ _ __

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