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ICSE Class X Prelims 2023 : Chemistry (Hutchings High School & Junior College, Pune)

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Mahi Issar Sharma
Hutchings High School & Junior College, Pune
3rd to 10th
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HUTCHINGS HIGH SCHOOL AND JUNIOR COLLEGE PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2022-2023 CHEMISTRY (SCIENCE PAPER 2) CLASS X Time: 2 HOURS MAX MARKS: 80 Totalnumber of printed sides : 6 Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You willnot be allowed to write during first 15 minutes. This time is to spent in reading the question paper. The tine gven at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing answes. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of question_ are given in brackets []. Question 1 SECTION A (40, marks) (Attempt allquestions from this, Sectior) Choose one correct answer to the questions from given options : [15] (i) The metallic oxide which when reacts with HC1 forms salt and water : (a) Carbon monoxid (b) Ammonium hydroxide (e) Nitrous oxide (d) Sodiu oxide (ii) The main ore of Iron having the chemical formula Fe,03 is : (a) Iron pyfites c) Haematite (b)Cryolite d)'Calamine (i i) Two non metallic elements cach having 5 valence electrons undergoing chemjcal boning will contain (a) Three single coval nt bonds (b) Two single covalent bonds (iv) Out of Cuz, Ag cathode is : (c) Triple covalent bond (d) Double covalent bond Mg? and Zn2*, the ion which discharges first at the (a) Cu2+ (c) Zn2+ (d) Ag* (b) Mg2 (v) The metal generally refined by electrolysis is: (a) Calcium (b) Zinc (c) Magnesium (d) Sodium (vi) ElementsA and B have atomic numbers 8and 13 respectively. The chemical formula of the compound formed between AandB willbe: (a) AB (c) BaAg (d) BA3 (b) AzBs (vii) The IUPAC name of acetylene is : (c) Propyne (a) Ethyne (d) Ethene (b) Propane P.T.O 1 The gas which turns moist starch iodide paper blue black: (c) Nitrogen dioxide (viii) (a) Ammonia (b) Chlorine (d) Hydrogen sulphide (ix) ldentify onc statement that holds true for the electrolysis of molten lead bromide: (a) Silver grey metal deposits at the anode. (b)Temperature is not maintained during the electrolysis. (c) Brown vapours of bromine are evolved at the anode. (d) Electrolyte contains Ht ions along with Pb2t ions. (x) The vapour density of the second member of the Alkene series is : [C = 12, H = 1, O = 16] (a) 28 (b) 21 (c) 42 (d) 14 (xi) The pH of a solution which reacts with NH4Cl to liberate a gas which turns phenolphthalein - colourless to pink is : (a) Less than 7 (b) Less than 3 (c) 7 d) More than7 (xii) Conversion of bromo ethane to ethene using alcoholic KOH is, n example of: (a) Dehydration (c) Hydrogenation, (b) Dehydrohalogenation (d)Dhalogenation (xii) Empirical formula of a compound is XY2.If its, etnpirical formula weight is equal to its vapour denisity, the molecular forrmula of the compound will be (c) X3Y6 (a) XY2 (b) X>Y2 (d) XY4 (xiv) The catalyst usedin the,conversion f ethene to ethane is : a) Conc.H SO (c) Vanadium pentoxide (d) CCl4 (b) Nickel (xv) The hydroxide soluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide is : (c) Pb(OH)2 (a) Zn(OH)2 (b) Fe(OH)2 (d) Fe(OH)3 Question 2 (i) Sal ammoniac is heated with slaked lime to give a pungent alkaline Gas X. (a) Identify gas X .Give balanced chemical equation for the above reaction. (b) How is the above gas collected giving reason. (c) Why is ammonium nitrate not used in the above preparation ? (d) Write the equation for conversion of Gas X to liquor ammonia. (e) Write the equation for the reaction in Haber's process that forms Gas X. (ii) Fill in the blanks with the correct options given in bracket : (a) The polar covalent compound in gaseous state that dos not conduct [methane/ammonia/carbon tetra chloride). [acetic acid/ (b) A diabasic acid which isa weak electrolyte is electricity is formic acid/carbonic acid ). . 2 P.T.O (c) Two main metals present in bronzc are [Copper &tin / copper & zinc/ copper & lead ]. (d) Mcthanc gas is collected by [upward displacement of air/downward displacement of water /downward displacernent of air). (e) Hydrocarbons having the general formula C,H2n ngenerally undergo [substitution /addition] reactions. [5] Identify the following : (iii) (a) The gas evolved when copper reacts with dilute nitric acid. aluminium ore. (b) The name of the process for the concentration of electrons in a (c) The tendency of an atom to attract the shared pair of covalent bond towards itself. NH4OH and insoluble in (d) Awhite precipitate wh ch is soluble in excess of cold water or dil.HNO3. remain unaffected by caustic alkali. (e) The impurities present in bauxite which [5] State your observations for the followingi. (iv) electtolysis using platinum or (a) Aqueous copper [II]| sulphate undergoes carbon anode. sulphuric acid (b)Copper is heated with concentrated ethene in carbon into a (c) Bromine vapours are passed solution of tetrachloride. glass test tube. (d) Lead (II] nitrate is heated in a haYd hydrochloric acid. conc. (e) Manganese dioxide is heated with the following compounds : (v) Write the IUPAC name for H Br Br H (b) H-C-C- H (a) H-C-C-C- OH H [3] Br Br H CH2 - CH-CH3 (c) CH3 -CH L CH3 OH formula for each of the following : (vi) Draw the structural [21 (a) neo pentane (b)propan-1-al SECTION B (40 marks) this section Attempt any four questions from Question 3 given in as per the instruction (i) Arrange the following the brackets : 2] molecular weight) Ethyne,Methane [in decreasing order of Propene,Ethane, (a) order of nuclear charge) (b) Si,s,Na,Al,Cl|in increasing P.T.0 3 (i) Identify the Anion present in each of the following salts: [3] (a) Salt Areacts with conc. sulphuric acid produces a gas which fumes in moist air and gives dense white fumes with ammonia solution. (b) Salt Bburns with a golden yellow flame when subjected to flame test and on reacting with dilute hydrochloric acid evolves a gas which turns lead acetate paper silvery black. (c) Salt C reacts with acidified ferrous sulphate solution forming a brown ring at the junction. (iii) Aluminium is obtained from alumina by electrolytic reduction : [5] (a) Name the process used for the electrolytic reduction of fused alumina. [0.5| (b) Name the compound present in the electrolyte which does not contain aluminium. Why is it added to the electrolyte ? [1.5] (c) What is the anode made up of ? (d) Write the electroiytic reaction taking place at cathode. [1] (e) Why is layer of powdered coke sprinkled over the electrolytic mixture? (1] Question 4 (i) Define the following : (2] (a) Isomerism (b) Catenation (ii) In electroplating an article with silver [3] (a) Name the electrolyte used (b) What is the anode and c thode made up of ? (c) State any two conditions required for an even deposition of silver on the article. (iii) Ahydrocarbon Xcontains weight of carbon. [5] [C- 12, H= 1] (a) Determine its empiricalf rmula. (b If molecular mass of X is 28 findits molecular formula. (c) Name the final product formed when Xreacts with Chlorine. (d) If X is hydrogenated in the presence of a catalyst,name the product formed. Question 5 (i) Observe the diagram carefully and answer the following questions : [2] (a) Which property of Gas Yis demonstrated by this experiment. (b) Instead of red litmus solution, if methyl orange is used in the trough, state the colour change of the fountain formed. Spray Gas (Y) Water Dropper Water + P.T.O Red Litmus 4 (ii)Draw the electron dot structure for each of the following : (a) NH4l (2] (b) CHa (iii) 60 cc of OXygen was added to 24 cc of carbon monoxide and the ignited. Calculate the volume of unused oxvgen and the volume of mixture carbon dioxide produced. [2) (iv) Give balanced chemical equations to show the following properties of sulphuric acid : [4] (a) Acts as typical acid [using sodium carbonate] (b) Acts a a non volatile acid [using potassium nitrate] (c) Acts as a dehydrating agent [using ethanol] (d) Acts as an oxidizing agent [using carbon] Question 6 (i)) Three elements are represented as SA,4B and C [5] (a) Ion of which element will migrate towards anode? What type of reaction will take place at this electrode [oxidation/ reduction] ? [1] (b) Write the ionization reaction of element A. [1] (c) What type of bond is formed betwee Aand C. Draw the dot diagram showing the formation of the said bond between A andC. [1.5] (d)Which one of the elements mentioned above will h ye zero electron affinity, 1low ionization: potential and high electronegativity? [1.5) (ii) Distinguish between the following as directed : [2] (a) Sodium sulphite and Sodium sulphate ( sing BaCl2 solution) (b) Zinc nitrate and lead nitrate (using ammoniasolution) (ii ) Complete the following table (do not redraw the table) Alloy Constituent elements Magnalium (i) Solder (iii) Uses Properties/Reason for alloying Light,hard,tough Fe + Ni + Cr + C (v [3] (iv) (vi) (ii) Electrical fuse Utensils,cutlery,autos Question 7 (i) Classify the following as strong electrolytes, weak electrolytes and non electrolytes : [2] Sodium nitrate, ammonium hydroxide, alcohol, sodium hydroxide. (ii) Give reasons for the following : [2] (a) In Ostwald's process, the ammonia-air mixture passed into the catalytic chamber has a much higher ratioof air. (b) Acetic acid does not form an acidic salt but lorms only normal salt. P.T.O ) ) (iii) Differentiate between the following pairs bahed on the information given in brackets : [2] (a) Conductor and electrolyte (conducting particles) (b) Cations and anions (formation from an atom) (iv) Write the balanced equations for the following reactions : [4] (a) Ethane undergoes complete combustion. (b) Laboratory preparation of methane from sodium acetate and soda lime. (c) Preparation of ethyne from 1, 2 -dibromoethane. (d) Conversion of trichloromethane to tetrachloromethane. ****k****** *********k********************* H S 6

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