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ISC Class XII Notes 2022 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane) : We Are The Music Makers

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Maddy .I
Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane
1st to 10th, X-XII
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WE ARE THE MUSIC MAKERS Introduction An ode is a lyric poem on a serious subject, written in a dignified and exalted style. We are the Music Makers is also known as Ode and is included in O Shaughnessy s book Music and Moonlight (1874). There is no doubt about it that the poem is in the form of the Ode proper. It is serious in content and treatment. It praises or admires all creative artists poets, musicians, painters, etc. It celebrates their power and impact. Explanation Stanza- 1 In the first stanza, the poet talks about all the artists and writers of the world in a collective voice we . These creative artists are not merely musicians. They include poets, painters, sculptors and all other artists. The poet calls all of them music makers since they create harmony and sweetness. The poet calls all artists as 'dreamers of dreams', since their dreams get concrete shapes in the forms of poems, songs, stories, paintings, sculptures etc. Dreams, here, refers to high ideals and values which all of us desire. They express their dream in various forms poems, painting, sculptures and the like. It is from their dreams that ordinary people get inspired. It is ironic that these artists are often labelled as losers and forsakers .They gain little by their pursuits in material terms. They are not in for acquiring power, wealth and even name. They remain aloof from society and do not engage in worldly pursuits. They are seen wandering alone by the sea shores where the strong waves break or sitting by deserted streams, lost in their dreams and searching their soul. Its not Sun but the Moon, which is pale that gleams on them. Meaning they don t have a glitzy and shiny life. They don t have poor economic condition. Though they remain away from real life, yet they have a powerful role as movers and shakers of the world. Through their art they shake/stir the world from its habitual slumber and push it forward on the path of progress. Their art in its rebellious form and nature challenges the status quo and brings about a change, which is essential for the forward movement of society. They move and shake the world not through action but through their ideas, ideals and dreams. Stanza- 2 In the second stanza, the focus is on the power of artists. The deathless ditties wonderful, immortal songs created by the artists soul are capable of building the world s great cities. They are capable of building and rebuilding new cities, new settlements, new civilizations by arousing radical thoughts, feelings and realizations in people s mind. Through the fabulous stories they can describe a glorious empire of the past. After all the poems, stories, songs, paintings and other arts mark the glory of a civilization and make it immortal long after its gone. The poet further says that a man may dream, at pleasure and go forth and conquer a crown . Here dream refers to ambition, at pleasure refers to get an opportunity and crown refers to an empire. So it means that an ambitious man may build an empire when he gets the opportunity. But an artist can inspire three men with their new ideas and can bring about a revolution which can bring the downfall of the empire. A man may conquer a kingdom through his ambition but all it takes is an artist to build public opinion that can bring down empires. No wonder art is one of the first things to be censored when repressive regimes come to power. Stanza- 3 In the third stanza, O Shaughnessy lauds once more the power of artists.. The poet believes in the ancient legends and myths that now lie hidden in the history of the earth. He alludes to Biblical cities of Nineveh and Babel. When artists suffer, a Nineveh is built a society in which people stood down and did sinful deeds and invited God s wrath. And when they rejoice, a Babel rises up coordination and unity such as the people showed when they embarked on the project of building the Tower of Babel to reach the heavens. Nineveh and Babel are symbolic of human rise and subsequent fall. O Shaughnessy says that the artists are capable of overthrowing the old world with their prophecy of a new world So, their dream is capable of replacing themselves to give birth to a new dream dream of a new modern world. In other words, they demolish the old decadent world by predicting about the new desirable things. He attributes an almost Godly manner to the idea of the artist, and through the final stanza he says that to kill art is, thus, not possible. Art survives when nothing does. And the men who think and dream the music makers are really important and immortal in this world. THEME The transformative power of art. The ability of the artists to cause changes. The timelessness of art.

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