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ICSE Class X Board Exam 2024 : English Paper 1 (English Language)

8 pages, 43 questions, 28 questions with responses, 29 total responses,    2    0
Shikhar Karmakar
Gokuldham High School & Junior College (GHS), Mumbai
1st to 10th science
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ENGLISH LANGUAGE (ENGLISH PAPER- 1) Maximun Marks: 80 Time allowed: Two hours AnSwers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. Youwill notbe allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. 1he time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all five questions. Ihe intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets |J answering Iou are avised tospend not more than 30 minutes in angwering Ouestion l and 20 minutes in Question 2. Questionl [20] (Do not spend more than 30 minutes on this question.) Write acomposition (300 - 350 words) on any one of the following: Write an original short story entitled 'A Strange Visitor'. (ii) Narrate an incident from your experience in which your parents had entrusted you with a difficult task. Give details of the task, how you carried it out and your feelings at the end. (ii) Describe how you spend your time on a holiday afternoon. Why do you think it isnecessary to have these times of quietness and solitude? (iv) Express your views either for or against the statement Junk food should be banned'. This paper consists of 8 printed pages. T24 011 OCopyright reserved. Turn Over () an account of Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or the subject of the what it suggests to you. Your composition may be about there must be a clear picture, or youmay take suggestions from it; however, connection between the picture and your composition. [10] Question 2 (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.) Select any one of the following: Your friend was absent from school on a day when an unfortunate incident (i) took place for which you were blamed. Write a letter to your friend giving details about the incident, your role in it and how the matter was finally resolved. (i) of saving You wish to stage a play to create awareness about the importance electricity. Write a letter , to the Manager of a nearby shopping the mall/supermarket requesting permission to use the space in front of your shopping mall/supermarket to stage the play. Give him/her details about shoppers. requirements and state why the play willbe beneficial to the Question 3 (i) (i) 24 011 Write a notice to Your school is hosting an Inter School Dance Competition. the students about the event. be put up on your school notice board informing him/her to Write an email to the Principal of a neighbouring school to request send their dance teacher to act as a judge for the competition. 2 [S] [S] Question 4 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: Ashamanja Babu lived in a small flat in Bhowanipore. A clerk in the registry department of Lajpat Rai Post Office, Ashamanja Babu was fortunate as he could walk to his office in seven minutes flat without having to fight his way into the buses and trains of Calcutta, He lived a rather carefree life as he was not the kind of person to sit and brood about what might have been had Fate been kinder to him. On the whole, he was quite content with his lot. Two Hindi films and fish twice a week - these were enough to keep him happy. The only thing that perturbed him at times was his lack of companionship. A bachelor with few friends and relatives, he often wished he had a dog to keep him company. It need not be a huge Alsatjan like the one owned by the Talukdars, 10 who lived two houses down the lane: it could be any ordinary little dog which would follow him around morning and evening, wag its tail when he came home from work and obey his orders faithfully. Ashamanja Babu's secret desires were that he would speak to his dog in English. Stand up', 'Sit down', Shake hands' - how nice it would be ifhis dog obeyed such commands! That would make him really happy. On a cloudy day marked by a steady drizzle, Ashamanja Babu went to the market in Hashimara to buy some oranges. At one end of the market, beside a stunted kul tree, sat a man. As their eyes met, the man smiled. Was he a beggar? His clothes made him look like one. Ashamanja Babu noticed at least 20 iive sewn-on patches on his trousers and jacket. But the man didn't have a begging bowl. Instead, by his side was a shoe-box with a little pup sticking its head out of it. Good morning!' said the man in English. Ashamanja Babu was obliged to return the greeting. 'Buy dog? Dog buy? Very good dog." The man had taken the pup out of the box and had put it down on the ground. Very cheap. Very good. Happy dog." The pup shook the raindrops off its coat, looked at Ashamanja Babu and wagged its minuscule two-inch tail. Ashanmanja Babu moved closer to the pup, T24 011 3 Turn Over gave his ring crouched on the ground and stretched out his hand. The pup 30 finger a lick with its pink tongue. Nice, friendly dog 'How much? What price?" Ten rupees." rupces. Ashamanja Babu A little haggling and the price came down toseven to save it from paid the money, put the pup back in the shoe-box, closed the lid the drizzle, and turned homewards, forgetting all about the oranges. Ashamanja Babu's Dog by Satyajit Ray For each word given below choose the correct meaning (as used in the () (2] passage) from the options provided: 1 perturbed (line &) (a) frightened (b) unsettled (c) confused (d) mocked 2. stunted (line 19) (a) prevented from growing (b) prepared for tricks (c) prevented from taking action (d) allowed to do stunts (i) T24 011 Which word in the passage means the opposite of the word 'expensive'? (a) carefree (b) ordinary (c) cheap (d) haggling 4 [1] myfriend. lolengo to school (c) honme. () talking,prove (g) Instead of (h) lhave not slept Choose the correct option (i) but or so. The magician took 1. (a) (b) (c) (b) (c) (d) yesterday. sentence without complete to make onc using and, cat. turned it into a He mouse. pity on the turned it into a cat. he mouse the Showing pity on into a cat. mouse he turned it the on pity Iaking by tak1ng pity. cat a into mouse magician turned the Ihe it into a cat. completed because This work must be could not follow him. (a) could not He fled where his pursuers (b) He pursued somewhere his (c) (d) follow him. followers could not flee. pursuers could not He fled somewhere when his cannot follow him. He fled where his pursuers He began late. He finished first. (a) He finished first and began late. (b) He began first but finished late. (c) (d) there is a deadline. though there is a deadline. This work must be completed when there is a deadline. This work must be completed He fled somewhere. His pursuers 3 T24 011 your worth turned magician the mouse (d) Taking pity onthe There is a deadline. This work must be completed. completed, there is a deadline. be must work this Since (a) 2 4. doing something. Ihave let my keys Though he finished late, he began first. Though he began late, he finished first. 6 follow him. liv) Choose the correctoption and revwTrite the sentence according to the instruction given after each. 1. [8]-5 Arun and Nikhil had climbed the mountain. (Add a question tag) (a) Arun and Nikhil had climbed the mountain, didn't they? (b) Arun and Nikhil had climbed the mountain, had they? ( ) Arun and Nikhil had climbed the mountain, hadn't they? (a) Arun and Nikhil had climbed the mountain, did they'? 2. The children have broken the window pane. (Begin: The window pane......) (a) The window pane had been broken by the children. (0) The window pane has been broken by the children. (C) The window pane has not been broken by the children. (d) The window pane had not been broken by the children. 3. The apples are so cheap that they cannot be good. (Use: too') (a) The apples are too cheap and good. (b) The apples are too cheap as well as good. (c) The apples are too good to be cheap. (d) The apples are too cheap to be good. 4. She is very clever and beautiful. (Use: 'not only') (a) Not only is she very clever but also beautiful. (b) Not only was she beautiful and she was also clever. (c) Not only is she clever she was also very beautiful. (d) Not only was she very beautiful but is also clever. T24 011 Turn 0ver D. Iprefer a simple vanilla ice cream to fancy desseris. (Begin: I wouldrather...) (a) (b) to fancy desserts. I would rather have a simple vanilla ice cream desserts. cream than fancy ice vanilla I wvould rather simple a have 6. than fancy desserts,. I would rather prefer a simple vanillaice cream fancy dessert. (d) l wvould rather have a vanilla ice creamthan a He asked, "When do you intend to make the payment?" (c) (Begin: He asked.....) (a) (b) He asked when he did intend to make the payment. payment. He asked when she is intending to make the (c) He asked when I intended to make the payment. (d) He asked when they are intending to make the payment. 7. If the rain does not stop, Mariam will not be able to do the laundry. (Begin: Unless...) (a) be able to do the Unless the rain does not stop, Mariam will not laundry. (c) Unless Mariam does the laundry, the rain will not stop. laundry. Unless the rain stop. Mariam willnot be able to do the (d) Unless the rain stops. Marjam will not be able to do the (b) 8 This is the best movie I have ever seen. (Begin: Never....) T24 011 a) Never had I seen a good movie than this. (b) Never Ihave seen a better movie than this. (c) Never have I seen a better movie than this. (d) Ihave never seen a good movie as this. laundry. (ii) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) What kept Ashamanja Babu happy? [2] What does this tell you about him? What is that one other thing he needed to complete his happiness? Why did Ashamanja Babu think the man was a beggar? [2] [2] Why did Ashamanja Babu forget about his oranges? [2] In not more than 50 words, narrate the series of events from (iv) was taken out of the box till it was paid for. E the time the puppY (8] Question5 (i) Fillin each ot the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in (4] ~I brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. Example: Next day my uncle (0) (spend) a lot of time. Answer: (0) spent He (1) (select) clothes for me, and my aunt (2) (give) my face a scrub and (3) (groom) me. My uncle (4) (follow) me about (5) (utter) several pieces of advice before (6) (let) me out. You must never scowl even if the sun (7) (hit) you in the eyes. You must try (8) (look) pleasant.' (ii) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (a) There's a black cat sitting (b) The horse jumped (c) Mother goes [4] 37, the wall. the hedge. the market every day. (d) Several people have climbed Mount Everest T24 011 recent years. TurnOver

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