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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : History and Civics (Gokuldham High School & Junior College (GHS), Mumbai)

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Shikhar Karmakar
Gokuldham High School & Junior College (GHS), Mumbai
1st to 10th science
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GOKULDHAM HIGH SCHOOL & JUNIOR COLLEGE SECONDARY SECTION (2023-2024) PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION SUBJECT: HISTORY/CIVICS aoKUt DHA INIOR COLLEGE H.C.G. PAPER I MARKS: 80 TIME: 2 Hours GRADE: 10 DATE: 05.01.2024 paper provided separately. Answers to this paper must be written on the first 15 minutes. the You will NOT be allowed to write during paper. This time is tobe spent in reading the question allowed for writing the time Paper is the this of head the at given time The answers. Part Iis compulsory. Attempt allbequestions. attempted from Part II, two out of three Atotal of five questions are to questions out of five questions from questions from Section A and three Section B. questions are given in brackets of parts or questions for marks Theintended This question paper consists of8printed pages. |. PART-I (30 marks) Attempt all questions fromthis part Question 1 [16] Choose the correct option: when he/she he/she is called District judge and cases, civil decides judge (i)When a decides criminal cases, he/she is called (a)Chief Justice of India (b) Munsif Judges (c) Advocate of both the courts (d) Sessions judge analogy. (ii) Complete the following ,Rajya Sabha: Council of States Lok Sabha: (a) People's court (b) House of the people (c) Parliament (d) Councilof Ministers 1 (viii) Grade: 10 History /C (iii) Suppose you are a member of the opposition party in Lok Sabha. Y express lack of contidence in the ruling government. Which motion want u move in the Parliament to do so? (a) Censure motion (b) Adjournment motion (c) Cut motion (d) No-confidence motion (iv) Smt. Droupadi Murmu is the present President of India. What is the minimum age to be elected as the President of India? (a) 35 years (b) 65 years (c) 30 years (d) 20years (v) Vice-President of India is elected by (a) Chief Justice of India (b) members of the Parliament (c) Governor (d) Chief Minister (vi) Lok Sabha Adult citizens of India Rajya Sabha : (a) Nominated members ofLok Sabha (b) Judges of Supreme court (c) Retired members of High courts (d) Elected members of Legislative Assemblies (vii) Which agency is responsible for providing safe drinking water? (a) ILO (b) UNESCO (c) UNICEF (d) WHO 2 History /Civics Grade:10 (vii) the British colonial The abovepicture shows two Governors-General of India during India with rule who contributed to the consolidation and expansion of British rule in their aggressive policies. Identify the correct option to match the picture. (a) Lord Dalhousie: Doctrine of Lapse and Lord Curzon: Partition of Bengal (b) Lord Wellesley: Subsidiary Alliance and LordLytton: Banned import duties Lapse (c) Lord Wellesely: Subsidiary Alliance and Lord Dalhousie: Doctrine of (d) Lord Curzon:Partition of Bengal and Lord Dalhousie: Doctrine of Lapse (ix) The Khilafat movement was started by (a) Savarkar brothers (b) Lala Lajpat Rai (c) Ali brothers (d) Shah Jahan and Nurjahan (x) Security Council is the executive body of the UN. There are total in it. (a) 15 (b) 10 (c)9 (d)5 (xi) First session of Indian National Congress Second session of Indian National 1885: W.C Bonnerjee ? Congress (a) 1938: Subhash Chandra Bose (b) 1907:Rashbehari Ghosh (c) 1886: Dadabhai Naoroji (d) 1924: Mahatma Gandhi 3 members Grade: 10 statements which reflect the the identify list (xii) From the given Lucknow Pact. two factions of Congress the between unity about brought (i) It (i) It was confined only to rich people signilcanc, (ii) It provided for a communal veto (iv)All of the above (a) (i ) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iv) (c) (iii)only (d) (i) only (xii) CivilDisobedience movement was suspended after Gandhi-Irwin Pact Why did the Congress decide to resume the novement in January 1932? (a) Failure of Second Round Table Conference (b) Failure of Cripp's Mission (c)Chauri-Chaura incident (d) Japanese Mission (xiv) led the freedom struggle outside India. (a) Subhas Chandra Bose (b) Maulana Azad (c) Lord Wavell (d) Dr. Shastri (xv) Arrange the following events in chronological order i) Trcaty of Versaillies (69) Hitler's invasion on Poland (i0) Japanese attack on Pearl Habour (iv) Japanese invasion n Ch na (a) (i),(iv), ( i) and (ii) (b) (i), (), (ii), and (iv) (c) (i), (6), (i) and (iv) (d)(iv), (ii), (ii) and (i) (xvi) "The atomic bomb attac.s on Japarn killed or injured 28),099 and rendered 200,000 homeless acurding uo Tokyo rlio. Many more people vitims of the attack are dying daily from burns." New York Times, August 224 Name the tw cities on which the atom bombs were dropped during the wat,1945 (a) Tokyo and Kyoto (b)Osaka and Sapporo (c) Hiroshima and Nagasaki (d)Kobe and Nara 4 Grade: 10 History /Civics Question 2 (1) The Executive powers of Indian Union is vested in the President of India. (2] Name the three emergencies which the President can declare. (i) Revisory jurisdiction of a High court is applicable in case of natural justice. [2] Explain revisory jurisdiction. [2] (ii) Mention the terms of the Rowlatt Act. (iv) Muslim league was formed in 1906. State any two factors leading to the (2] formation of it. (V) What were the similarities between ideologies of Fascism and Nazism? (2| (vi) The main objective of UNICEF is to look after children's welfare. [2] Explain any two functions of this agency. (vii) Non-Alignment is the international policy of a sovereign state according to which it does not align itself with any of the power blocs. Name the architects of NAM. [2| Part II (50 marks) Section A(Civics) Attempt any two questions from this section Question 3 India is a democratic country, where people exercise their sovereign power through their elected representatives. In context tothis, answer the following questions. (i) Rajya Sabha has both elected and nominated members. What is the composition of Rajya Sabha? (3] (ii) Mention any three financial powers of the Parliament. (3] (ii) With the adoption of theconstitution of India on 26th November 1949, Mr. Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar became the Speaker of provisional parliament and continued to occupy the office till the first Lok Sabha was constituted in 1952. State any four functions of the Speaker. [4] 5 Historv/Civics Grade: 10 Question 4 Minister at Ministers, with Prime of Council The constitution of India provides for a answerthe following the head, to aid and advise the President. With reference to this, questions. Jawaharlal Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri (1) As a railway minister under Prime Minister major railway incidents. He tendered his resignation on two occasions i.e after two owned responsibility for the mistakes of his department and thereby resigned trom his post. In this context, explain individual responsibility of a minister. (ii)Name the three categories of ministers according to their rank. (iii) Mrs. Smriti Zubin Iranihas been Minister of Women and Child Development [3| [3| since 2019 and also Minister of Minority Affairs since 2022. She was the youngest minister in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's second ministry. Distinguish between [4] Council of Ministers and the Cabinet. Question 5 With reference to the Supreme court, answer the following questions. (3| (i) Explain Judicial review. (ii) Mention any three cases that come under the original jurisdiction of Supreme (3] (iii)) The current and 50th Chief Justice of India is Justice Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud, Court. who enteredoffice on 9h November 2022. What is the composition of Supreme court and how are the judges appointed? [4] Section B (History) Attempt any three questions from this section Question 6 was the birth One of the most distinguished features of second half of the 19th century of national awakening in India. In context to this, answer the following questions. society. [3| (i) Write any three contributions of Jyotiba Phule towards the (ii)Reformers like Rajaram Mohan Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar used role of press? newspapers to advocate for social changes. What was the (iii) What were the aims of Indian National Congress? 6 [3] (4] History /Civics Grade: 10 Question 7 The first World War was unique in history. In this context, explain the following (i) Race for armaments (ii) Immediate cause of the war (iii) Four clauses of the Treaty of Versailles (3| [31 |4| Question 8 Study the given picture and answer the following questions. [3] composition of this organisation. the state and organisation the Identify (1) (3] organisation. this of objectives three any Write (ii) organisation and explain its functions. (iii)Name the principal judicial organ of this (4] Question9 break the war cabinet, was sent to India in1942 to the of member a Cripps, Stafford Sir following questions. political deadlock. In context to this, answer the 3] of Cripp's Mission? (i) What were the causes for the failure [3| Japanese attack on India? (i) What did Congress think of the threat of a ruthless brutality and the (iii))The British put down the Quit India Movement with movement. [4] movement was short lived. State the significance of this 7 History/Civics Grade: 10 Question 10 Effortsmade by Early Nationalists were not adequate enough to have amass base tor freedom movement. So, a new group of leaders sprang up, knovwn as Assertive Nationalists. In this context, answer the following questions. (1) Suppose youwant to present the demands of the people of your area to the MLA of your locality. State any three methods followed by Early Nationalists you would choose to present your demands. (ii) What were the reasons behind the Surat Split of 1907? [3| [3] (ii) Imagine you meet one Early Nationalist and one Assertive Nationalist during a train journey. After talking to both of them you realise the difference in their ideologies. Based on your observations, draw a comparison between Early 4] Nationalists and Assertive Nationalists. ************** 8

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