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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Chemistry (Smt. Lilavatibai Podar High School (LPHS), Mumbai)

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Shikhar Karmakar
Gokuldham High School & Junior College (GHS), Mumbai
1st to 10th science
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I LILftYATIBAl PODltR Bl&B SQIOOL- ISC PULIIDRAlll1EXAM1R1tnoN 102s-M SUBJB.CT: CBEMlsnti mm -!HOURS- . &RADR:to llltRKS:&o Instructions You will not be allowed to write during the ftrst 1S minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. ,._ ( .n-......... A an ur om -~~J The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brae ~~41]. . # ' ~SECTION A r~ . (Attempt all questions from this sectio'n(,~'v ~>J . [15] Question 1 _ + ' Choose one correct answer to the questions from the given opti{ts~(~., i. electrolysis of compound P. gives silvery grey me~~bde and reddish brown fume~ at anode . Appropria~e conditions of ele~?~;~ . a. P : molten lead bromide . cathode; l(a~ anode : coppe~ b. P : aqueous lead bromide .cathod~,~di anode : graphite 1 c.. P : molten lead chloride catho~'"\.: anode : graphite P : molten lead bromide c td~~n anode : graphite . u. Salt A on ~eating with copper ~sc_ sulphuric acr.d gives reddish brown . fumes and give~ dirty green~; . insoluble with e_xcess of ammonium hydroxide. S~t A is a. Ferric sulphate b. Ferric nitrate ( c. Ferrous nitrat ,~.,~ ~, _.,, Ferrous sulphate Which of them w iii. ost ( atomic weights: H =1, C = 12, N. 14, 0 =16, S= 32] Avagadro . . .~. x 10 13 a. 18 x les of water --l1: 1.25 moles of carbon dioxide .. c. ulphu~c acid d. 67.2 L of ammonia The o ~ reduced product when ammonia is treated with copper (II) oxide iv. ar~ '\)~~ ., '"-., ~ ~ s e d ptoduct : Cu. Reduced product : N2 ~"oxidised product : Cu ~duced product : H20 , c. Oxidised product : N2 Reduced product : Cu d. Oxidised prod~ct -~ lliO Reduced product : N~ v. The name and formulae of the compound when sulphur trioxide reacts with concentrated sulphuric aci~ is a. Metasulphurous acid , H2Sz07 b. Pyrosulphurous acid, H2S03 ~Oleum,H252 0 d. Oleum , H2S20s This paper consist of 7 printed sides . - ' ! : ~ .... o~.2 ~, Page 1 of 7 lJIY vi. vii. Aqueous copper sulphate i'S' electrolysed -using copper elecf:<?de _at cathode and copper-electrode at anode. cathod~-and anode respectively are_ a. Cathode: 2H+ +2 e - Hi anode: Cu -2e Cu2+ Jr: Cathode : Cu2++ 2e Cu anode : Cu Cu2++ 2e c. Cathode : Cu - 2e- Cu2+ anode : Cu2++ 2e Cu d. Cathode : Cu2++ 2e Cu anode : OH -. e - OH Veena had unknown solution labelled. as P , Q and R . Table shows some of the reactions of the solutions with sodium carbonate and solid ammonium chlorire Reaction when Sodium Reaction with solid ammonium m!-~l~ . ',) carbonate is added to it p II ,,._ Gas evolved No reaction ~,;,, .;~. No reaction r Gas evolved Q '(k,d' " l .... R No reaction No reaction !ii~:~~ .... ~The correct PH of the three solutions are . ~'%, -~~~'' ~..P a. P = . ~,. 2~ R = 13 a. P = 2 Q = 7 R = 13 : "t -w.' P = 2 Q = 13 R = 7 c. = 7R = 2 Element A with Sulphate ions makes the formul~~SQ possible position of A in periodic table is f ...' a. Period 3 group 2 ~~~eriod 3 group 13 c. Period 2 group 15 ,~,. ,A~. Period 3 group 1 Which of the following is a safe mod 0;, tor~e a. Ferrous sulphate stored in z ~ ei b. Copper sulphate store~tti essel c. Silver nitrate store~tluhi~um vessel Zinc sulphate stqre~ cl,piler vessel The element with hig~J~~onegativity _in period 3 is a. Sodium (:;;~. "..>' ? b. Fluorine v. Chlo~,~\ d. Iodine . Name of th ~~'aria that form~ ~rown ring when concentrated sulphuric aci~ is . .liE lt '" t). ,:,i.. ' viii. ix. x. XI.. mtric xii. ~-1~ qua nitrito-N iron (III) .b. Nitroso iron (III) sulphate ,. ,)y.phate . itroso iron (II) sulphate d. Ferric sulphate 1 moles of Ethyne reacts with 2 moles of hydrogen in presence of Ni at 300 C to give organic compound A . A on treatment with Ch in presence of sunlight give B . compound A and _compound B are b. A = ethane B = chloroethane a. A= ethane B = ethanol d. A = chloro ethane B =ethanol .g. A= ethene B = 1,2-dichloroethane . Page 2 of 7 Pooja found a piece of aluminium which was 95% pure . Suggest a suitable method by which the piece of aluminium can be further purified , Electrorefining a. Electroplating d. Distillation c. Electrometallurgy Nitric acid taken in the equation can be dilute nitric acid or concentrated nitric acid xiv. Identify the reaction where nitric add is acting as oxidising agent NaN03 + HiO a. NaOH + HNO3 ( CO2+4NOi+2H2O \P'= C+4HNO3 \. ,HiO CY"\_ Mg (NrL) C. MgSO3 +2 HNO3 i~'\,,.JiPl, V"J 2 + ;J\.Jl + -~,, j Ca(NQ3)2 +CO2+ HiQ ~- CaCO3+ 2HNO3 Element A is from period 3 group 2 and element B is from period 2'(1'ou1~17 :" xv. ( ~~,;}\:J; Formulae and type of bonding between A and B is b. AB2, cov,~~~1) a. A2B , covalent AB2_.; c. A2B , ionic /"tr. ' ;;~t:~. ... Question 2 $,'-:. ,,~~ . ?-' [5] i. ~. '\ti'MN~~ xiii. 11 ~<>';.~~~.) B o l')r !-.: 'I._ )~-</ :, . ,, .~\. . . .( g,>, ~' ~-"! "~-(' =:~ 1t . '\;. . li H - ~ ~- ~!:, '"t 'I~ -~ . .. -. , A ... . ""',~ ~ ,,. " .. ,(~J'~ -----1 .. Gas D Drying agent C 1:9.. v ~ ":,,,, '9,, ". ,~ y~ ;, !n Ga,~s~pared by reaction of A with B ~resence of d~g ag~nt C Aq~eous reacts with silver nitrate to give insoluble preap1tate msoluble m excE:ss of cf nitric acid a. Identify reagent A and B b. Identify drying agent C and gas D c. How is gas D collected ? Justify your answer d. Why should this reaction not take place above 200 C e. Can cone nitric acid be taken as reagent B ? Justify your answer Page 3 of 7 ii. [5] Match the following . Column A (a) Cu+Zn (b) Ethyl alcohol to ethene (c) Ice (d) Nitrogen molecule (e) Water molecule ColumnB Non polar covalent compound 1 Polar covalent compound 11 ... Concentrated Sulphuric add Ill Glacial acetic acid IV V Brass lT .,, .-.;r.. Complete the following by choosing the correct options from the brackets:.,'i__~;\~c.~i~ a. _ _ _ (fluorine , chlorine , iodine ) has highest electron affinity in~iqjens b.- An exampl~ of ~ono~ic weak acid is _ _ [carbonic aci_~~~setic$1cid', hydrochlonc acid ] .. t.~, '"<~~1~J ?,;,.,:f c. _ _ (Ch, all!!!lonia , N2) burns with greenish yello~ ~~li,resence of oxygen , - ~,, ,-~ d. Second homologue of alkene is _ _ _ (propen~?'~~~~"f~thane) e. Suitable method to prepare lead carbonate is (_'i\~)4:i~lacement, neutralisation, double decomposition] ,_ )\-_ .) Give one word which means: (1- ~, '\, a. The bond formed by sharing of elec,tr~\i.,~ "'both the electrons are donated by the same atom ~- -\:tl .(,,1. b. The coating of a superior met ifi{erior metal. c. Ability of an atom to form se ~bonds d. The energy required to. re~~ ectron from the outermost shell of an isolated gaseous atom. ~'y . e. Name of the proc~s~~ pure alumina is converted to aluminium metal a. Mention the ~~ ~--all'W of the follo_w_in_,;g:a,_:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___, \!.. iii. iv. v. 2. 1. HHHH I I _I I H-C-C-C-C-OH I I I- I H H H H H I HI H-C-H I H I H-C-C-C-H I H I H-C-H I H I H b. Draw the following structures 1. 2-methyl but-2-ene 2. Propanoic acid 3. 3-ethyl 2-methyl pentane Page 4of 7 [5] [5] [5] SECTIONB . (Attempt any four questions) ~tion.3 . v.' For the lab preparation of nitric acid a. b. A . . Write balan:ced equation when potassium ~trate is treate~ with concentrated sulphuric acid less than 200 C Why should the complete apparatus be made of glass . . Wri~_baJanced equ~tio~ of the ~ollowing and m~tion the prope~ ~ s u l ~ ~ exhibited by the following reaction . . _ , J a. S + li25O4 (cone). . + _ _ '- ' , b. CuSO, . 5 ffiO cone H2SO4. _ _ _ + _ ____. Arrange the follo~g elements as per instr ctions given {~ : a. Na, ~, Cl, S, Si (increasing Ioni~ation potential) . -~~\>~ r,v Ifft. <-..\J"' ' b. 12) (21 (3) . Mg, Cl, Na, S, Si (decr~ing atomic size) .c. 0, F , Br , I_ (increasing oxi~ing pow~~L _), .-._: . . _j,.>. Aayush had following reagents in the labora:s;.: f"\. . [ sodium metal , sodium hydroxide, dilute~ . .:di%'cid , dilute H~l, zinc ~etal ] Write ),alanced chemical equations p r e ~ ~ following salts a... Sodium ~phate by titration~-,' _ :: . b. Zinc chloride by simple ~ ~ l ! n t . -' . y. , Identify th~ reagents A and B ,!~~Von from. lead ~~bona!~ to l_ead chl~ride . .PbC03 A Pb(N~.J!\- PbCh . _ .; i. , Answer the following~~ _ _ a. Give reason . ~ o t be reduced to aluminium by a reducing agent b. Write b ~ ~tion to convert bauxite ore to sodium aluminate . [2] for JY. [1] [2] [2] Gfb{g> -, . 3C02(8> + 4lliOC8> , : , . 2uH10(g) -__...,,......., ., 8C0i(g) + 10ffiO(g). Cal~e~e otal volume of carbon dioxide formed .. ~e~ced equations : . . . . Mmmonium chloride is treated with slaked lime b. Sulphur treated with concentrated nitric acid _ c. Ethyl bromide treated with alcoholi~ KOH For the commercial preparation of ammonia a.. Name the process b: Write balanced along with catalyst used c. How is ammonia separated from unreacted In and unreacted N2 _ [3] [3] Page 5 of 7 ------!Hm!QUHYDP ffllll!IIIIII_ _ _ __ ~stion5 Jt Name the following a. Method used for concentration of sulphide ore using oil and water ,. :. An alloy containing 4 percent copper t,tsed in air crafts .it. Write balanced equation with appropriate conditions and catalyst a. Ammonia gas to NO gas b. Sulphur dioxide gas to sulphur trioxide gas iii. Rani has unknown salt A . aqueous solution of A gives white precipitate s~lf with excess of ammonium hydroxide and gives white precipitate with BaCh s o l ~ ~ . ~/1' a. Identify the salt A ~xecfwith b. State the observation when aqueous solution of lead nitrate~ ,,it aqueous solution of A ~. ( " , c. Write balanced equation of A with BaCh solution -~"- :'~,;1 iao-. Name the following in presence of CC14 a. IUPAC name of the product formed when ethei,e . !, Type of isomerism between but-1-ene and bl.\t-2~"J. _/ . c. Name of the white precipitate when lead~~ ~ated with dilute HCl r f\ -~" ' Jillestion 6 )': Name the following a. An el~ctrolyte containing sodi~~i'educes the fusion point of pure ~.... ~, alununa b. Method used to covert_ sulQ~-iYr~"to oxide ore Write balanced equations for the{0Uo.Jmg . a. Sodiun:i carbonate tr~'-1~),a~l ute HCl . solution hydroxide ammoruum treat~~ b. Lead mtrate ~Give reasons . , -~,,...,, ~.'I\... a. Solid sodil.lp\.$1-~rfae is a ba~ electrolyte b. The blu~~~1aqeuous copper sulphate does not fades and remains the sam~nt(;?pper electrode is taken at anode p ating with silver, the electrolyte sodium argentocyanide solution is c. Fo . P~!' over silver nitrate solution. ents are given in their own symbol and position in the periodic table, S~~.~l.. ~~'d{ers are shown with a letter with reference to the table. Identify ~.-~ ~- jjr. iv. ,; [2] [2] [3] [3] [2] 'I!, [2] [3] '\".,.~ 16 15 17 18 14 13 2 1 Gtoup 0 Ne D Li J Periods 2 H M Si E Mg A 3 y u G T R 4 a. The fo:r;mulae with most electronegative compound with magnesium ion "'53'3b. Which element from group 2 would have the least ionization energy. -r c. Type of bonding between A and H and give its molecular formula. ),tf Page 6of 7 [3] un--- ~~lk'UllUflJM~ra.nw.t..ullM~JHlll'WJJ'HJ~Ulf'f.....aUhlla - - - - D C l . . . _ l w t l i i_ _ _,......_..._,,,._ ______ - - - - - - - - Question 7 i. A compound contains - Carbon 14.4%, hydrogen 1.2% and chlorine 84.5%. Determine [3] the empirical formula of this COillpound. Work correct to 1 decimal place. Vapour density of the compound is 84. what is its molecular formula of the compound [ atomic weight of C = 12 , H = l , Cl = 35.5) ii. Write Balanced equations for the following a. Ethyl alcohol treated with acetic acid in presence of cone sulphuric acid (... b. Sodium propanoate treated with soda lime .; ~,,.. r,t ,,.,}~"ti,[;::, .!!';;1l c. Ferric chloride treated with ammonium hydroxide ~:.,.. ~: _;) iii. From the equation: (NH4)2CriO7 N2 (g) + 4ffiO(g) + Cr2Q3 Calculate: is heatea a. The quantity in moles of (NH4)2 Cr2O1 if 63 gms of (NH4)2 Cr~ .... f-.'t.,,;~v.~s b. The quantity in moles of N2formed at same time 3 c. the volume in litres or dm of N2 evolved at s.t.p at samf~~. -~?. d. the mass in grams of Cr2O3 formed at the same tim~: -~,_,,_,~ r ,:ii~:--, [atomic weights H-1, Cr-52, N=14 0 = 16] ;/' \, l Question 8 i. Distinguish the following pair of compounds with,.,cb. p o~ds given in bracket . [dil HCI KMnO4] a. Solid Sodium carbonate and solid sodim~fsu, ., -~~..:., ~mmonium hydroxide solution ] b. Zinc nitrate solution and lead nitrate ii. Draw electron dot structure of .,,,;, .....t 'le;. /~'-"',, a. Hydronium ion - - .,._~' .ff-..:-. .,, b. Ammonia (:~'\~'(~~:~ iii. Solve the following a. Percentage of sulphu_; il}~i~m sulphate [atomic weight of Al = 27 , S = 32 , t -~-t,~.,~J 0 = 16) ;f ammonia b. Number of mol~ c. A gas-cylin~ o1'~ty of 20 ~ 3 is filled with gas X the trtass of which is 10 g. Wh~n)f1e~ \\ylinder is filled wi~ hydrogen gas at the same temp~rature and p~~. ~mass of the hydrogen 1s 2 g. calculate the mol~cular weight of [3] (4) ,.,,. ' >'1.1< ,,. -~,;,(.l I,,, - . ,_,.~ [2] ,. i~-~ ...., ,. -~. [21 . [3] 1h~1;.L iv. th~s~~t~ Iden~1~d wing ~---~J~colo ured explosive liquid formed when ammonia is treated with excess ''.,_~ i n e b~"'~ashmi heated salt A with MnO2 producing greenish yellow gas . Identify the c:mion in the salt A c. The acid salt formed by incomplete neutralization of sulphuric acid with sodium hydroxide ' Page 7 of 7 [3]

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