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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Biology (Gokuldham High School & Junior College (GHS), Mumbai)

10 pages, 85 questions, 53 questions with responses, 53 total responses,    2    0
Shikhar Karmakar
Gokuldham High School & Junior College (GHS), Mumbai
1st to 10th science
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COLLEGE GOKULDHAM HIGH SCHOOL & JUNIOR SECONDARY SECTION (2023-2024) PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION HAN SUBJECT: BIOLOGY(SCIENCE PAPER II) MARKS: GRADE: 10 DATE: 11.01.2024 80 TIME: 2 hrs. provided separately. Answersto this Paper must bewritten on the paperminutes. 15 You will not be allowed to write during the first paper. > This time is to bespent in reading the questiontime allowed for writing the is the The time given at the head of this Paper answers. from Section B. SectionA is compulsory. Attempt any four questions questions are given in brackets [J The intended marks for questions or parts of This paper consists of 10 pages. SECTION A (Atempt all questions from this section) Question 1 (Do not copy the Select the correct answers tothe questions from the given options. [15] Write the correct answer only): question. : ()Full complement of DNA of an organism is termed as (a) Gene (b) Genome (c) Chomosome (d) Alleles is: (ii))The basic struclural and functional unit of brain (a) Cyton (b) Nephron (c) Neuron (d) Axon (iii) The chromosomes are duplicated in: (a) M phase (b) Gl phase (c) G2phase (d) S phase 1 BIOLOGY JSCIENCE PAPER IL GRADE 10 (iv) This part of theeye is responsible for the adjustment of the size of pupil: (a) Iris (b) Sclera (c) Lens (d) Choroid (v) The left ventricle possesses a thicker wallthan right ventricle because: (a) It receives deoxygenated blood from left atrium (b) It receives oxygenated blood from left atrium. (c) It pumps oxygenated blood out of the heart. (d) It pumps deoxygenated blood out of the heart (vi) Undersecretion of thyroxine may lead to: (a) Dwarfism (b) Simple goitre (c) Gigantism (d) Acromegaly (vii) The packaging tissues between the coils of the seminiferous tubules are called as : (a) Leydig cells (b) Hymen (c) Graffian follicle (d) Clitoris (vii)Which of the following is not a vestigialorgan? (a) Vermiform appendix (b)Caecum (c) Wisdom tccth (d) Ear pinna (ix) The only plant hormone which is a gas at ordinary temperature: (a) Auxins (b)Cytokinin (c) Ethylene (d) Cortisone 2 GRADE 10 BIOLOGY ISCIENCE PAPER III| (x) Assertion ( ): In the turgid state, the cell is balanced i.e. no water enters or leaves it. Reason (R):The turgor pressure and the wall pressure balance each other and no absorption ofwater occurs. (a) Both Aand R are True. (b) Both A and R are False (c) A is true and R are is False (d)A is False and R are True. (xi) After Mitosis, a female human cell will have : (a) 44+ XX chromosomes. (b) 22 + X chromosomes. (c) 22 + Y chromosomes (d) 44 + XY chromosomes (xii) Population density isthe number of individuals per at any given time: (a) Square metre (b) Square Centimetre (c) Square kilometre (d) Metre (xii)The harmful gas responsible for causing the ozone hole is: (a) Carbon dioxide (b) Nitrogen dioxide (c) Sulphur dioxide (d) Chlorofluorocarbon (xiv) The colour that proves the presence of starch while carrying out the experiment for photosynthesis is: (a) Blue black (b) Blue (c) Black (d) Pink 3 BIOLOGY JSCIENCE PAPERIII GRADE 10 leakage of highly toxic (xV) In India, we had Bhopal gas tragedy associated with with leakageof: associated gas methyl isocyanate. Chernobyl disaster was (a) CO, (b) CO (c) Nuclear radiation (d) Methyl cyanate Question 2 (i) Name the following: a) Canal through which testes descend into the scrotum just before birth in a human male baby. b) Aphenomenon by which the living or dead plant cells absorb water by surface tension. c) Development of fruits without fertilisation. d) The tissue that connects two cerebral hemispheres. e) A hereditary disease in which the blood does not clot. (i) Arrange and write the terms in each group in the correct order to be in a logicalsequence, beginning with the term that is underlined: a) Ovulation, Blastocyst, Fertilization, Implantation. b) Duramater, Pia mater, Cranium, Arachnoid. c) Fibrin, Thrombokinasae, Thrombin, Fibrinogen. d) Metaphase, Prophase, Telophase, Anaphase. e) Neanderthal man, Homo sapiens, Cro-Magnon, Homo erectus. (iii) Statethe exact lucation of thefollowing structures: a) Myelin sheath b) Adrenal gland c) Chloroplast d) Prostate gland e) Hydathodes 4 BIOLOGY [SCIENCE PAPER III| GRADE 10 (iv) Match the items given in Column I with the most appropriate ones in Column IIand rewrite the correct matching pairs: Column II Column I 1. Leukopenia a) Reabsorption of water from kidney 2. Vasopressin b) Islets of Langerhans 3. Phagocytosis c) Dccrcase in the number of WBSs tubules 4. Pancreas d) Neutrophils engulf solid substances 5. Leukemia e) Diabetes mellitus f) Tremendous increase in the number of WBCs (v) Choose the odd one from the following terms and name the category [5] towhich the othersbelong: a) TSH, GH, ACTH, ABA. b) Coughing, Sneezing, Skating, Blinking. c) Industrial wastes, Sewage, X rays, Oil spills. d) Mitral valve, Coronary artery, Aorta, Pulmonary vein. e) Uterus, Urctcr, Oviduct, Ovarics. 5 GRADE 10 BIOLOGY [SCIENCE PAPER III| SECTION B QUESTION 3 (Attempt any four complete questions from this section) ) Give an example of a nitrogenous base in DNA (ii) Distinguish between Rods and Cones (on the basis of pigment). (iii) Give two methods to control noise pollution. (iv) Fill in the appropriale word: (a) Beta cells: Insulin :: Alpha cells (b) Sperm: Spermatogenesis :: Ovum: [1| [2] [2] [2] (v) An apparatus as shown below was setup to a physiological process in plants. The set up was kept underinvestigate sunlight for 2 hours. Droplets of water were seen inside the bell jar. Answer the questions that follow: [3] Water droplets Rel jar Covered potted plant (a) Identify and define the process occurring in the above experiment. (b)List any two adaptations in plants to reduce the above mentioned process. QUESTION 4. (i) Define speciation. [1] (i) Fxplainbriefly. a) Vaesctomy b) Tubectomy [2] ( i)What role is played in excretion by a) Urinary bladder b) Kidneys [2] (iv) How is endosmosis different from exosmosis? [21 6 GRADE 10 BIOLOGY (SCIENCE PAPER III| (V) The diagram given below represents the structure found in the inner ear. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow: [3] D (a) Name the part labelled A. (b) Name the labelled part above which is responsible for : 1. Static equilibrium 2. Hearing QUESTION 5 [1] (i) Name a non-biodegradable pesticide. |2| (ii) What is ultratiltration? Explain briefly (iii) Name the plant growth regulator which can be used when you are asked to a) Induce rooting in atwig. [2] b) Delay leaf senescence (iv) Given alongside is a diagram representing astage during mitotic |2| cell division in an animalcell. Duplicated chromosomes -Aster Centriole Spindle fibres -Chromatid (a) Name the stage that comes just after the stage shown in the diagram. (b) Drawa neat labelled diagra11 of the stage ientionel in (a). 7 GRADE 10 BIOLOGY [SCIENCE PAPER III| () Given below are the two figures (A &B) showing a phenomenon of peppered moth that was first observed in Manchester before and after the year 1850. Carefully observe the picture and answer the questions that follow: (a) What name has been given to this [3| phenomenon? (b) Give the scientific name of the insect. (c) Briefly explain the above mentioned phenomenon. Question 6 (i) Nane the enzyme present in tears which has an antisepticproperty. (ii) Detine a) Excretion b) Osmoregulation. (iii) State any one difference between Lamarck's theory and Darwin's theory based on cvolution [2] [2] (iv) Draw a neat well labelled diagram of Human sperm. (v) Given below is a sehenmatic diagram showing Mendel's experiment on [2] sweet pea plants having axial flowers with round seeds (AARR)and terminnl flowers with wrinkled leaves (aarr).Study the same and answer the questions that follow: |3| Parent Gametes Axial Round AARR AR AaRr Terminal Wrinkled aarr AR AaRr ar AaRr (a)Give the genotype of F1 - progeny. (b)Give the phenotypic ratio of F2 - generation. (c) State thelaw of Independent Assortment. 8 ar AaRr BIOLOGY (SCIENCE PAPER III GRADE 10 QUESTION 7 [1| (i) Expand the abbreviation MTP (ii) Give reason. (a) The placenta is important structure for the development of foetus. (b) Sunflower's head points towards the sun. (ii) What are the factors responsible for population explosion in India? (iv) Differentiate between the brain and spinal cord based on [2] (21 the arrangement of (2] neurons in both. v)Given below is a diagram depicting a defect of and answer the questions that follow: human eye. Study the same [3] Eye lens Retina Iage is rfomsd in front of rulina Light rays coming frorn disiant object (u)Name the defect shown in the diagran. (b) Give one reason that causes this defect. be (c) With the help of diagram show how the above mentioned defect can rectified using a suitable lens. 9 BIOLOGY (SCIENCE PAPER III| GRADE 10 Question 8 [1| (i) Define diapedesis. (ii) Give another name for light and dark reaction. Oxygen is a waste product of photosynthesis. Justify. [2] ( i) Study the internal structure of human heart given below and identify the valves 1and 2. [2] 1 2 (iv) Dravw a neat labelled diagram of an open stomatal apparatus as seen in the surface vicw. [2] (v) The given figure shows water pollution. Study the figure and [3] answer the following questions. O9DODDOD0D00 JowogDg000n00 Qgna0gno gopoo (a) Mention the sources of air pollution shown in the picture given above. (b) Give measures to control air pollution. (c) What is smog? 10

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