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ICSE Prelims 2017 : Physics (Gospel Home School (GHS), Rishra)

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Debarghya Sarkar
St. Augustine's Day School, Kolkata
XI - XII Science
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t- I I d t GOSPEL IrOME SCHOOL, RISHR.A' SECOND MODEL TEST 2OL6-2AL7 SUBJECT - PHYSICS CLASS -X TIME:2 HOURS l i FULL MARKS: 80 ta this paper must be uritten on the paper prouided geparately" you wilt noi a" alloraed to utrite during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent iru reading tlrc Question Paper' *itin, th" on"*t'"' Th" ti*" niurn ot th. h"od of thi ,o0", i" th" ti*" ouo*"d fo, \ I Ansu-rcr J . - t i AttemptallquestionsfromsectionAondanyfourquestionsfromSectionB, ore given in bracket The intended morks for questions or ports of questions Section A (Attenqp!-el!-ggesllonE) i /\4 \44 named? [2] and why is it so a. Draw ihe V-l graph for non-ohmic resistor. what is the slope of the graph called heater the electric you for use should nichrome b. which of the two wires of same dimensions, of copper or t2l element? Give reason. pand take emission Y ray c. When does a substance exhibit radioactivity? ln a simpie radioactive decay, does cr, i2l piacesimuitaneouslY? , producing it' 121 d. Explain why an induced current must flow in such a direction so as to oppose the change t2l e. Why is the core of a transformer made of soft iron? \44. a" of resistance of the heating element (ii) current An eiectric heater is rated 1o0o w-200 v. calcuiate {i) the value flowing through it' 121 b. Wrnch pin in an eiectric plug is made thicker and why e c" On wnich principle does a toy car work and to obtain what? in the direction # )6.aKJ of energy causes a displacement of 64 m in a body "'-'"' forr"appiieo ii't ,f'," power ' e. Mention two economic measures to reduce global warming' [2] of force in 2.5 seconds' calculate (i) the t2l t2l Q3. a" b. refraction depends on which two factors? The shift by wnich an object appears to be raised cjue to panel. what is a solar celi macie up of ? Give one disadvantage of solar c. d. F the iength of air column How is the frequency of vibration of air coiumn related to Explain why the sky appears blue in colour' Draw the cooling curve for naphthalene' ? i2r Ltl t2l rrl 14) r^l lzl o4 a. b. c. d. e. 20" c changes into ice at 0"C ?Take specific heat capacity How mr-rch heat energy is released when 5 g of water at i2l of water =a.2 Jlg/kspecific latent heat of fusion of light of t2l speed the does how case slate, A light rav passes from water to (i) air (ii) glass. ln each a 5N"Draw magnitude of forces each by applying two A steering wheel of diameter 0.5 m is rotated anticlockwise 12tr moment of couple diagram to show the application of forces and caiculate the a placed inside (ii) calorimeter polished are Explain briefly (i)the outer and inner surfaces of a calorimeter t2l wooden t2l which on The magnitude of e.m"f induced in the secondary coii depends ice=336J/g" change' applied' jacket, factors" Section B bttempt onv four ouestions) Qs. a. a cylindrical anode' Show how uril! you Draw a cathode ray tube consistin! of a heater, a cathode and 1000 V to the electrodes of the tube? connect a low tension battery of 6 V and a high tension of t4l 7 i { I to form a chemical -How is the radioactivity of an element affected when it undergoes a chemical change b. t2l i2l How is kilowatt hour related to Joule' bottom'(take the strikes it of water when water falls from a height of 50m .calculate the rise in temperature t2l g=10 m/s',specific heat capacity of water=4200 J/kg'C compound? /"" c, d, P6. lf i3l movable pulley' a. b. c. pulley and single Give three differences between single fixed of an object. (i) Name the type of lens'(ii) where is the A lens forms an erect, magnified and virtual image ,. \ rr--^^ rL to show the formation of image'{iv) Name the object placed in relation to the lens?(iii) Draw a ray diagram rql t5 LJ] device which uses this PrinciPle' one end"what will be the ratio of the when a string is plucked at one-sixth length of the string from ral frequency with respect to its principal note LZ) ? Q7. a. placed in a magnetic field is obtained bvwhich rule? The direction of force on a current carrying conductor State the i ts b. t3l rule. on the basis of their energy conversion and principle state the difference between a.c generator and d.c rnotor t2l its freezing C to 348 at g water of 40 of ln an experiment 17 g of ice is used to bring down the temperature the specific latent heat of ice' state one calculate JlglK. 4.2 is water temperature, The specific heat capacity of t5l important assumption made in the above used. F c. calculation' Q8. a. I b. i I* c. d. remaining 29 bulbs are again joined in series and 30 bulbs are connected in series" lf one bulb is fused and the l2: in the connected to the same supply .Will the light increase or decrease of effect what circuits and short 'on Name the device used to protect the electric circuits from overloading i2" electricity does the above device 12" ionising highest has the Which radiation travels with the speed of light? Which radiation turbine' the m above water level is 50 A hydroelectric power station takes its water from a lake whose which must fiow through the turbine water of mass the Assuming an overall efficiency of 40% , calculate room? work? power? each second to produce power output of 1MW'(g=10 m/s2)' 14' Q9. and ejecting out burnt gases through a A rocket is moving at a constant speed in space by burning its fuel of the rocket? (ii) ls there anv force nozzle. Answer the following :(i) ls there any change in the momentum 14. much? i b, h c. Jt s d. t2l acting on the rocket? lf yes , how iiri.-*.*,on,s 2nd law conciusions along with the graph and mention which factors remaln constant'[2+2] t'21 Mention the external sources of background I2l Give any two impacts of life on earth due to global radiation' warming' Q10. { t! t i a. b. (ii) a solution of silver chloride' l2) Name the radiation which can be detected by a (i) thermopile pendulum in air' Also draw the Name the type of vibration executed by an oscillating simple i2i displacement-time graph for the vibration set' which O 0 8 resistance of ammeter an to c. A cell of e.m.f 2V and internal resistance 1"2Q is connected 9 o .Find: (i) the reading of the is connected in series with two parallel resistors of 4.5 Q and (iii)the potentialdifference ammeter(ii)the potential difference across the terminals of the cell t4l across the 4.5 Q resistor.(iv)draw the circuit diagram' d" Draw the simple sketch of a step-down transformer ,Label the different parts of the diagram' t2l -X

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