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r GOSPEL;HOM E SCHOOL,RISH RA I FAINAL MODEL TEST .20L6-20L7 I I CLASS i - I X SUBJECT- BENGAH ( 2nd LANGUAGE ) l Time - 3 Hours Full Marks :80 Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You wiil not be allowed to write during the firsL 1"5 minutes. This time !s to be spent ln reading the questiorp paper" This paper comprises of two section, Section - A and Section - B. Attempt all the questions from section A. Atternpt four questions from section B, Answering at ieast one qLiestion fnom eacl'l part and any two other question. Section * l! (40 Mlarks) i I Qi:estion - 1 Write a short composition in tsengali of approximately 250 words on any one of the foilowing (15) tepics : (ilTfrWq,Eac'rI (ii)qtfrmt ; rt:ffir sr<-dl i Ixir<m z gfr-fi - {<Tft-{ sr<-F{ - a{qisE TIfufr<q ffi"rd'- (iii) ,.{$'m E+irel-< ft-,flrqrr"{ qrqsctf cq?i Trfu E]s - rl i ftm sr(,+-fr '- "{Q 4<m TfslF fr-cs qsm ffiFrouH (oifilru-s qRffi fie{ corf,rs ilrd fi ul-{ TG UArq el cflq {iv) - ' EE suq-t +r i r ri iirl rl :i 1! Question - 2 (7) Write a letter in Qengali in iapproxinnately 120 words on any^of the topics given beiow I I tit qp-Etcq orflrg qniwpmryqr s*tft< qdr qsF qdtat qrdril , cry{FFFRT I 'tl qfuut I fmrr ffi <,fd'|,$T{ oHr{ Iq.s qsB "E ffi{ tiit<toaqFrc.rcq S_rfficffi qffis qq<IqercT {""ffqrsT $.l(q i: ,rl' i i | <r-{qlrrs erq ltkEe.r< c{ 4sf; TI cqqi r DTFI ffi q1q , s w?rcdu.ffrcx 1' .t Question - 3 ir Read the passage given, below and answer in tiengaliiithe questionrs that follow, using your own words as par as possible. ,10) (5x2=10 , tJ/(Z_lV i i I ffi ,rp-qas e6;ft.i cilst{ aw r q$lt{ qmt< $'rc{ (c ,q$'sr{ , Fmft ss dc{r fud frd rAr {fr{ rc qlrq I ofi *t -ii crq qwlETqrnq flWo, qlg TcT .{$3i csn rf{wr rffrfdlilfq ffi1f s-rcq ufil qsB qas fr6,{ S , sG qc'q-aq E-q frT ri qq , nR<-ql\e=Bor,{ cu(-ri\s olcs;<tgr <rqlffifficq T'Iril "'i"l-", - ' , un | . \ rI I : Rr+ l:If qry ort s qfr u-rr <rcffi ;; ; e-.E5trc+ ft,* A* ;i "* o.lcs- i s<o, $BM, o]-q1Frl-fllrq-BlfiFC$TI olqltrrrflrcwrlsct<E g o C{<r+ft<]rrrfl:r cqrl+ftT"lykTr falqr*riso.tils, fiqpftTqo,.no 1-a:'qfsnsotf{, fiq-gfrv5, l "fardolm-?T .r=i-s .l=F qHfug' r-T@ qo r orf, qcr r{r{ crft qfr ?rfti I I t s I ;' t i , @ rfltrq. fr R7H qc{ "rrgo I 6 fr{crs qrulc*'{ <q Tq Er(EIrF Ts ctrrd frco q6T qHfrcq< {rF (i) ffiqr$-{ TfC{ q$fr{ fi *n-< ,{q ? i a1-a3ryd i , i o{d (ii) ffi c+felH trcfi ? ' iiiirl f, TTk"rd ? (iiiy {"1i-1i;frg1o'fi (iv) {ry-q1fu1srcs , sR[ .-. (2) i (qrc$ 3g Ecq GCTCET? , - -ii , ^ qlD'l:r&-s qUft{"r rg (v) -t"t..t I rqf qCsA v qfsfursa yLv..l s{t.rt \", 4qll(d Cg'H tf*q l.ll \L:tL< i Question - 4 Answer the following questions according to $re instiuction lr l, titqcmfuRo eEl.fs "msfrh qd cq?t -, i , j lrvi)l I I I [ i ,j l ir ; l givenj- i ii l I l t : i <I"t - (2x1=2) I TiT@ , {lRlil rss qs Tatl.c{ Erq I FffiRo i l: <t1{r$efr{ rTrqlar rrslrFdl ffirf, EfllE. , 'ftGF $'3lU (iv) Frcd,t (4x%=2 5rfl{ - (iilEl$l qirslDT $B qiiil ; )cfss - TH qq.-r t iri (2x1*2) I q{Ikr <.lsrefrr ?tffi sr i : I !l r T. s'f?TFr T-fs, L{o C<t{t cord'kt qcq qflft' {" flqf{ffi rMfrws m dI orr ? ( M,.f$ r(o(ou) 2xttt 2) Section - t] (40 Marks) Attempt four questions from this section , you must answen at ie part and any two other questions . .ltim, _ , " qle C{q-{I <u,tV@ ; _ - - - l " efCSfl 6{E. CS' ? t qqfr\5',6q3 qd ST? 1i1 'ffi' {2} (ii)qlvT ffiFT qls (2) A '{ ? qdfu T{R TTg"t fi ? CSTI ? (iv)fllc1f nlcql qlss EIq4E fiilT alr$o il a ,{li} qlqg< Q.uestion - (3) (3) q 6 i 'icq.orgw{' ,r l 'i , l (ii) cs'FI a|-{rq ,{scII Tql (iii)B'fkU6'Eqfwo ' fi qFq qr[q \eT l ) , /' ,4ft.T +,Ftl rg< "FflDif 3-69 6ffi ? " "* .,{JlL'{, s'l,at .i\rl g$clt TGl(q{ lL\'tL<(I z. (i)<sl c$ ?t Trcs (l) (iv) ,areBt t ) i ,l 'i (1+1) ' (3) ? ' <Fro ft c<nrfn q(TCE (2) ? (3) l I : I Q"uestion -7 l il ] 1 " ,{sFd ffigl1 Tfq-{t rytt q{fs Q[s (effi ; ,l , (i){|rqTr c$ (ii) , L{T<FE ? qt i , iir ;,' (2) i frBIT '- <FKO (iii)Tcrq Ifis"t (ir) )'] f*t qffi:nrq frBK T.qff STqI R(TQ I *,ffi- ? sFtf ,4Tq7II ,ilft Eq i rclq-G-{ Trdfrs qf,{ c.F-m[ Eq I i r :,dR""l lr 'r (3) M-Td ir ]A j" Rnq@t "F {qrir colwm wBI ffir, r" 1 I qrFil (i)' iTAsdtccf{ Tq <Eilo.f ffi ?' 1B' ii,l qt sRo-H +o{ tRQfur sqn Tqt <mq r (iii) sFT ' qE3 Tq ', qsr{,c$d Elg. srf,cT[ ? tivt qt sR-oIg c"rm fi qm1 ss:il qr*.Cq ? ry I Fro fi c+<.rfm qs6{ : ? (1+2) (3) (2) (2) ri rl i Question - 9 'S-TW' " qs frrq{lT q191ffi e4 Lqr Fmcil{ ffi1 " qT{t <ql qC{.Q ? {i) rola SqCI srrcFt ? (ii) ' qlg6 sa ' {rq oR otzq-{ ffi gr+ t (iii) ' cflffi' TE-o f, (iv) ' frrflcffi Question dfr ' <f,@ fr mr<nrqt {LTCq 'ss-ds' (2) (2) (5 I :t - 10 (3) ullvl r{o '{"r\e " il Tf$ " TE tk+ I/ qt-q TkT nT To TI-s r mra ?<fidr< Tclt TET T're tit .11TR-ol{ {qrs-f, (ii) ' qfq ' Tq@ TR fi tRnxc{R t qlq <"rs <q oR< flrd qcfiE csf, I {1\ lL! (3) ll I' (iii)T{ a ltros i,,,in* ffito'nEF< <'fnl qT ? (2) ? i (3) I I I