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ICSE 2015 : English Paper I (English Language) Sample

3 pages, 37 questions, 20 questions with responses, 29 total responses,    0    0
Lakshya Agarwal
Don Bosco School (DBS), Siliguri
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\\Salim\d\Salim\Academy 2013 3-14\Full Test\X IC CSE\English I\TS FT01 7379.docx E 7379 E Uni iversa al Tut torials X ICSE ( (TS) ENGLISH LANG GUAGE F Full Tes st 01: English E I Date: 15 Decembe er 2013 Recomm mended Time: 2 hours Max. Marks: M 80 Answ wers to this pa aper must be e written on the t paper pro ovided separately. You will no ot be allowed d to write dur ring the first 15 1 minutes. This time e is to be spe ent in reading the questio on paper. The time given at the head h of this paper p is the time t allowed for writing th he answers. Attemp pt all four questions. The allotm ment of marks s for question ns or parts of o questions is given in br rackets [ ]. You are a advised to t spend not t more than 35 3 minutes in n answering Question 1 and 20 minu utes in answering Ques stion 2. Question n 1) Do o not spend more than 35 minutes on this que estion [25] Write a compo osition (350 0 400 words s) on any on ne of the foll lowing a) Corporal punis shment shou uld be abolished in all educational ins stitutions. W Write your vie ews for or ag gainst the sta atement. b) Write a descrip ptive on your r school cam mp. n which a soldier, a child and a pet play an import tant role. c) Write a story in d) Th he happiness s of being the e only child of o your paren nts. e) Study the pictu ure given be elow. Write a story or a description or o an accoun nt of what th he picture su uggests to yo ou. Your composition may m be about the subjec ct of the pict ture or you may take su uggestions fr rom it, but there must t be a clea ar connection between the picture and the co omposition. Question n 2) [10] (D Do not spend d more than n 20 minutes s on this que estion) Se elect one of the followin ng: a) Write a letter to t the Chief Minister of your y state drawing her attention a to t the urgent need for a go overnment ho ospital in you ur district. b) Write a letter to your friend d requesting a letter of re ecommendat tion to suppo ort your appli ication for a job j in a large e firm. n 3) Question [25] Re ead the follo owing passa age carefully y and answe er the quest tions that fo ollow Ta aking the bre ewery on my back, I raise ed the rusty la atch of a little e door at the e garden end d of it, and wa alked through h. I was goin ng out at the opposite doo or not easy y to open now w, for the da amp wood ha ad swelled, and a the hinge es were yielding and the e threshold was w encumbered with a growth of fun ngus when n I turned my y head to loo ok back, childish associa ation revived d with wonde erful force Question Paper P Unive ersal Tutorials s X ICSE (2013 14) En nglish I Pa age 1 of 3

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Tags : English Literature, ICSE, 2015, english language, english I, icse 2015, mock test  

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