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CBSE XII Pre Boards 2015 : GEOGRAPHY with Answers (KV Kolkata)

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Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Salt Lake
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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN KOLKATA REGION 3 PRE BOARD EXAMINATION 2014SUB: GEOGRAPHY CLASS-XII TIME: 3 HOURS M.M : 70 1. There are 22 questions in all. 2. All questions are compulsory 3. Question Number 01 to 07 are Very Short Answer Questions carrying 1 mark each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 20 words. 4. Question Number 08 to 13 are Short Answer Questions carrying 03 marks each. . Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 80 words. 5. Question Number 14 to 20 are Long Answer Questions carrying 05 marks each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 150 words. 6. Question Number 21,22 are related to identification or locating and labeling of Geographical feature of maps. It is of 5 marks each. 7. Outline maps of the world and India provided to you must be attached with your answer book. 8. Stencils can be used for drawing maps. : 1. 22 2. 3. 01 07 4. 08 13 14 20 5. 1 20 80 5 150 6. 21-22 7. 8. Q1. Define the term positive growth of population. 1 Q2. Name the stretch of National waterway No. 1 of India. 1 1 Q3. Give any two examples of quaternary activities. 1 Q4. What do you understand by the term intensity of cropping? 1 ? Q5. Write two terminal stations of Konkan Railway. 1 Q6. What is urban agglomeration? 1 ? Q7. What does OPEC stands for? 1 ? Q8. Hi-Tech industries are usually confined to the peripheries of the major 3 cities - Explain. Q9. . There is a direct dependence of human beings on nature for resources which sustain them. Justify the statement by giving any three points in the light of environmental determinism. 3 II Q10. Distinguish between pollution and pollutant. State any four factors responsible for air pollution in India. 1+2=3 ? I Q11. Most underdeveloped countries have low HDI. Why? . Q12. ? 3 Q14. State five features of Gujarat Industrial region 5 Q15. What is rural and urban settlement? How are the problems of rural settlements and urban settlements different? Explain them. 5 ? ? Q16. Describe watershed development? Explain how people s participation made the watershed development programme successful ? - 5 - ? Q17. Explain five consequences associated with migration in India. 5 Q18. How are Indian Railways contributing to the growth of national economy? Explain with example. 5 ? Q19. Compare the characteristics of Panama canal with that of Suez canal. 5 Q20. Define demographic transition. Mention its broad stages with a suitable Diagram. 1+4=5 Q21. In the given outline map of the world five features are shown by A,B,C,D,E. Identify the features and write their names. 1 x 5=5 Q22. Locate and label the following on the given outline map of India. I) Head quarter of south eastern railway II) An off-shore oil field III) Haldia port- IV) Copper mine in Jharkhand- V) Kalpakkam - 5 SET-I 2nd PRE-BOARD-2014-15 GEOGRAPHY Marking Scheme 1. 2. 3. 4. When Birth rate is more than death rate. Haldia to Allahabad on river Ganga. Research and Development, scientists Area cultivated or harvested twice or thrice. 1 1 1 1 Gross cropped Area x 100 Net Sown Area 5. 6. 7. 8. Roha in Maharashtra to Mangalore in Karnataka. Definition to be given Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. 1. Easy to get highly skilled professional workers. 2. Chances for expansions. 3. Transport and communication is well developed. 1 1 1 3 9 i) Direct relationship of a household belonging to an economically primitive society with nature. ii) Nature is a powerful force and worshipped. iii) All the activities of the human being is controlled by the forces of nature. Iv)Environmental Determinism is propagated by E. Hutington and Carl Ritter.(Any three points.) 1x3=3 10. Pollution-degradation in quality: Pollutant-agents causing pollution Air Pollution-Fossil fuels, automobiles, industries, deforestation 1 2 11. Civil wars, low literacy, independence was achieved later,(any other relevant point) 3 12. 1. Trans-Canadian Railway line. 2. a) It connects the Quebec-Montreal Industrial Region with wheat belt of Prairie region. b) The railway line is connected with the St. Lawrence-Great Lake waterways making the economic artery of Canada. 1+2=3 13. 1. Gujarat- presence of permeable rocks along certain stretches 2. Tamil Nadu-Receive moderate rainfall., impervious rocks 1.5+1.5=3 14. Gujarat Region 1. Extends from Ahmedabad to Surat and Jamnagar in the West. 2. Known for Textile and petroleum based industries. 3. Kandla port helps in growth. 4. Synthetic fibre, dairy products,chemicals, food processing are other important industries. 5. Jamnagar , Vadodara, Bharneli, Kojali, Rajkot are important centres. (Any other relevant point) 5 15. Rural settlement main occupations are related to Primary activities. Urban settlement -main occupations are related to Secondary, Tertiary activities Problems of Rural settlement i) ii) iii) Lack of modern facilities. Lack of drinking water. Lack of proper sewerage system. Problems of Urban settlement i) ii) iii) Sub-standard houses like slums and squatter settlements. Large urban population disposes huge quantities of solid waste. Heavy use of fossil fuels for vehicles severely pollutes the air. 2+3=5 (Any other relevant point) 16. Watershed development means efficient management and conservation of surface and ground water resources. Storage and recharge of ground water through percolation tanks, wells, reservoirs etc. central, State and Panchayati Raj have initiated numerous management programme. Haryali project of Central Govt to conserve water for drinking, irrigation, fishing and afforestation. Project being executed by Gram Panchayat 5 17. Social , Economic, demographic consequences-(any five points) 1 x 5=5 18. Transport of industrial goods, passenger transport over long distances, long distance transport at a cheaper rate, improved facilities, employment (any other relevant point) 1 x 5=5 19. Location, Extension, Lock systems, Contribution to international trade, Countries being influenced. 5 20. Transition of agrarian rural society to urban industrial society Three stages to be described with diagram 1 3+1 21.A-Tokyo ; B- N-W Europe, C- Perth, D-North America, E- Singapur 5 22. 5

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Additional Info : KV Sangathan, Kolkata Region GEOGRAPHY Pre-Board Examination 2014-15 with Marking Scheme of Class XII PB-III GEOGRAPHY Question Paper
Tags : kendriya vidyalaya kv no. 1 salt lake, kendriya vidyalaya sangathan, kolkata region, west bengal, cbse pre boards, prelims preliminary exams, cbse specimen / guess / mock papers / books, cbse india portal, central board for secondary education, answer keys, top schools, cbse question bank, cbse model test papers with answers, solved question papers of cbse last year, previous years papers with solutions, free download pdf online cbse paper, cbse syllabus, pattern, dates notification, application forms, india cbse board sample last 10 years, how to prepare, 2015, 2014.  

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