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CBSE XII Pre Boards 2015 : INFORMATICS PRACTICE with Answers (KV Kolkata)

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Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Salt Lake
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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, KOLKATA REGION 3rd PRE BOARD, 2014-15 INFORMATICS PRACTICES Class-XII Time : 03:00 Hrs Max Marks: 70 Instructions: (i) All questions are compulsory (ii) Answer the questions after reading the question cearfully 1. (a) With what aim UNICODE was developed? . (b) Expand the following terms: 1 1 (i) FLOSS (ii)HTTPS (c)Give one example of URL and one example of domain name. 1 (d)What do you understand by Network Security ? Name one common threat to it. 1 (e) What is MAC address ? What is the difference between MAC address and an IP address ? 2 (f) Write one advantage of Star Topology over Bus Topology and one advantage of Bus Topology over Star Topology. 2 (g) Mr. Ravi is confused between Shareware and open source software. Mention at least two point of difference to help him understand the same. 2. (a) Write the statement to make jCheckBox as disabled. 2 1 (b) What is the difference between the use of jTextField and jPasswordField ? 1 (c) What is the difference between <UL> and <OL> tag of HTML 1 (d) How are tags used in XML different from tags in HTML? Write 2 points. 2 (e ) What is the difference between the <TR> and <TD> tags of HTML ? 1 (f) Write a code in java that takes two numbers as input from textfields and displays their sum. 2 (g) What will be the value of A and B after execution of the following code: 2 int A =100 ,B; for( B=10;B<=12;B++) { A+=B; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, A: +A+ B: +B+ ); 3. (a) Write MySql command will be used to open an already existing database KVDB . 1 (b) The StudentName Column of a table Student is given below: 2 StudentName Ann Akansha Preetam KVDB KVDB Ajay (i) Select StudentName from student where StudentName like %V ; (ii) Select StudentName from Student where StudentName like %n ; (c ) What is the difference between Drop and Delete? 1 (d ) What is the difference in the output of CURDATE() and DATE() in MySql?1 (e ) Which command is used in MySql for the following? (i) To make any changes permanent in table (ii) 2 To discard any changes made in table. (f) Mr. Amit is a programmer at Suprime Enterprises. He created 5 digit password and store in a string variable called strPassword. He wants to store the same password in an integer type variable called intPassword. Write an appropriate Java statement to transfer the content from strPassword to intPassword. 2 (g) Mrs. Deb is using table Student with the following columns: 2 RNO, ADMNO, NAME, AGGREGATE He wants to display all information of students in descending order of name and within ascending order of aggregate, He wrote the following SQL query and he did not get the desired output : SELECT * FROM STUDENT ORDER BY NAME, AGGREGATE DESC; Rewrite the above query to get the desired output 4. (a) Define a class with reference to object oriented programming and one example 2 (b) What will be the content of jTextField1 after executing the following code: 1 int Num = 6; Num = Num + 1; if ( Num > 5) jTextField1.setText(Integer.toString(Num)); else jTextField1.setText(Integer.toString(Num+5)); (c ) What will be the contents of jTextArea1 after executing the following statement: jTextArea1.setText("Object\nOriented\tProgramming"); (d ) Rewrite the following program code using switch statement: if (d == 1) day = "Monday"; else if (d == 2) day = "Tuesday"; else if (d == 3) day = "Wednesday"; else day = "-"; 1 2 (e ) What will be displayed in jTextArea1 after executing the following statement jTextArea1.setText ( India\n is \n A \t great Country ); 2 (f) What will be the contents of jTextField1 and jTextField2 after executing the following code: 2 String s = "ABC Micro Systems"; jTextField1.setText(s.length()+" "); jTextField2.setText(s.toLowerCase()); (g) Amit is a programmer from Ranu software. He create the following GUI application in Netbeans (i) To calculate the total of marks and display in jTextField4 on click of command button Get Total (ii) 2 To calculate Grade obtained and display in jTextField5 on the click of command button Get Grade . Criteria for Grade calculation is given below 2 (iii) To stop execution and exit from the application on the click of command button Exit 1 5. (a) Explain the purpose of DDL and DML commands used in SQL. 1 (b) Write the output of the following SQL queries: 2 (i) SELECT ROUND(6.5675, 2); (ii) SELECT TRUNCATE(5.3456, 1); (iii) SELECT DAYOFMONTH('2009-08-25'); (iv) SELECT MID('Class 12', 2,3); (c) Consider the table TEACHER given below. Write commands in SQL for (1) to (4) and output for (5) to (8) 1x 7 = 7 TEACHER ID Name Department 1 A K GUPTA 2 ALOK Hiredate Category Gender Salary CHEMISTRY 01/10/1997 PGT M 40000 SST 11/09/2000 TGT M 30000 ENGLISH 12/10/2003 PGT M 35000 KUMAR 3 UMESH KUMAR 4 AMIT ENGLISH 08/11/2007 PRT M 25000 HINDI 03/07/2006 PRT M 25000 KUMAR 5 PRADEEP KUMAR 6 P KUMARI ENGLISH 19/04/1988 PRT F 25000 7 SANJANA MATHS 05/07/1999 TGT F 30000 8 P THAKUR HINDI 03/09/1987 TGT M 30000 i. To display all information about teachers of PGT category. ii. To list the names of female teachers of Hindi department. iii. To list names, departments and date of hiring of all the teachers in ascending order of date of joining iv. SELECT MAX(Hiredate) FROM Teacher; v. SELECT DISTINCT(category) FROM teacher; vi. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TEACHER WHERE Category = "PGT" vii. SELECT AVG(Salary) FROM TEACHER group by Gender; 6. (a) Write an SQL query to create the table 'Menu' with the following structure: 2 (b) In a database there are two tables 'Customer' and 'Bill' as shown below. 1+1+2+2=6 Customer CustomerID CustomerName CustAddress 1 Akhilesh Narang C4,Janak CustPhone 9811078987 Puri,Delhi 2 Purnima Williams B1, Ashok 9678678711 Vihar,Delhi 3 Sumedha Madaan 33, South 6767655412 Ext.,Delhi Bill BillNo CustID Bill_Amt 1 2 12000 2 1 15000 3 2 13000 4 3 13000 5 2 14000 (i) How many rows and how many columns will be there in the Cartesian product of these two tables? (ii) Which column in the 'Bill' table is the foreign key? (iii) Display the CustomerName, Bill_Amt of all the Customers (iv) Display the Name of Customers will Bill_Amt More than 13000 (c ) What will be an output of following SQL command: 2 a. Select round (7654.567,2); b. Select truncate (7654.567,2); 7. (a) How does e-business improve customer satisfaction. write one point 1 (b ) What are the disadvantages of e-Learning write any two points. 2 (c) Raja works for the Customs Department. He wishes to create controls on a form for the following functions. Choose appropriate controls from Text box, Label, Option button, Check box, List box, Command button, Radio Button and write in the third column. SNo Control used to: 1 Enter Gender 3 Choose City from a list of cities 4 Control Enter Complete name 2 2 Submit Form ______________________________________________________________________ MARKING SCHEME INFORMATICS PRACTICES Class XII Note: This is a suggestive marking scheme done. Any or related answers can be considered 1. a)UNICODE was developed to provide a unique number for every character under all platform, program, and language. ( 1 mark ) b)(i) FLOSS : Free Libre Open Source Software ( mark for each correct ans) (ii)HTTPS : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secured c)URL : marks for each correct answer) In this URL is the domain name d)Threat to the network form the unauthorized users or hackers is network security eg Denial of Service ( mark for each correct answer) e) MAC Address also known as Media Access Control Address in a Unique Hardware Address of the NIC for Uniquely Identify them in the Network MAC Adress is Hardware address and IP address is a Logical Address given by the network administrator. ( 1 mark for each correct answer) f) Star Topology: It is characterized by central switching node (communication controller)and unique path (point to point link) for each host. It is easy to add and remove hosts easily. Bus Topology: It is characterized by common transmission medium shared by all the connectedhosts, managed by dedicated nodes. It offers simultaneous flow of data and control. (2 marks for correct difference) g) Shareware is software, which is made available with the right to redistribute copies, but it is stipulated that if one interds to use the software, ofter after a certain period of time, then a license fee should be paid. Shareware is not the same thing as free and open source software (FOSS) for two main reasons : (i) the source code is not available and, (ii) modifications to the software are not allowed. OSS refers to open source software, which refers to software whose source code is available to customers and it can be modified and redistributed without any limitation. (2 marks for correct difference) 2. a) jCheckBox. setEnabled (false) (1 mark) b) jTextField handles String data and normal text but Jpassword Fields gets array of encrypted charactors. (1 mark) c) <ul> is used to get unordered list with bullets and <ol> is used to get ordered list with number or character. (1 mark) d) e) <TR> tag is used for Table ROW creation and <TD> tag is used for Table Coloum creation. (1 mark) f) 1 mark for defining the textfield name properly and taking values from them 1 mark for sum calculation and display the result in the third textfield. g) A: 133 B:13 (1 marks each for A & B output) 3. a. use KVDB or connect KVDB (1 mark for any ans) b. i) (1/2 mark for any ans) KVDB KVDB b. ii) (1 mark for any ans) Ann Akansha c. Drop in a DDL Command and Delete is a DML Command Drop is used to delete any schema object but delete is used to delete tuples only ( mark for each correct ans) d. CURDATE() returns the current date. The DATE() function extracts the date part of a date or date/time expression. ( mark for each correct ans) e. i) To Make Changes Permanent COMMIT command is used ( 1 mark ) ii) To Cancel Changes ROLLBACK command is used ( 1 mark ) f. int intPassword=(int) strPassword; (2 marks for correct statement or 1 mark each for LHS and RHS) g) Select * from (select * from students order by name) as tmp order by tmp desc; (2 marks for correct ans or 1 for part correct) 4. a Class is a blue print of real life entity and one example (1 marks each) b. 7 ( 1 marks for correct answer) c. Object Oriented Programming (1 marks for correct answer) d. 1 marks for correct switch case definition and 1 mark of correct switch body. e. India (2 marks or 1 each for every step) is A great country f. 17 and abc micro systems g. 1. 1marks each for input/ouput and if construct 2. 1marks each for input/ouput and if construct 3. 1 marks for correct statement (System.exit(0); 5. a. DDL commands are used for modification of data schema whereas the DML commands are used for modification of records of data. (1 mark for any correct ans) b. ( each for correct answer) c. (1 each for all correct answer) 6. a. create table menu ( ItemCode varchar(5) Primary Key, ItemName varchar(20), category varchar(20), price decimal(5,2); b. (i) 15 rows and 7 coloums ( each for correct ans) (ii) CustID (1 marks) (iii) select Customer.CustomerName, Bill.Bill_Amt from Coustomer,Bill where Customer.CustomerName=Bill.CustID; ( 2 marks or 1 each for Select or where clause ) (iv) select Customer.CustomerName from Coustomer,Bill where Customer.CustomerName=Bill.CustID and Bill.Bill_Amt>130000; ( 2 marks or 1 each for Select or where clause ) c. 1 each for correct output 7. (a ) Goods sold through e-business are generally cheaper as cost incurred in ebusiness is less compared to setting up a traditional business. Customers can receive highly customizable service. Even Remote area customers are reached in e-business. Sellers have better understanding of their customers' needs as customers communicate through e-mails. (1 Mark for any correct point) (b ) Very high dropout rate requires a minimum hardware & software requires computer literacy requires network for connecting to virtual classes (2 mark for any correct point) (c) SNo Control used to: Control 1 Enter Complete name 2 Enter Gender 3 Choose City from a list of cities List Box or Combo Box 4 Submit Form Button (Command) ( Mark each for each correct answer) Text Field Combo box / Radio Button

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Additional Info : KV Sangathan, Kolkata Region INFORMATICS PRACTICES Pre-Board Examination 2014-15 with Marking Scheme of Class XII PB-III INFORMATICS PRACTICES Question Paper
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