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CBSE XII Pre Boards 2015 : HISTORY with Answers (KV Kolkata)

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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN-KOLKATA REGION 2ND PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION: 2014SUB: HISTORY TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS M.M :80 a) Answer all the questions. Some questions have choices. Marks are indicated against each question. b) Answers to questions carrying 2 marks each ( Part-A, 1 to 3) should not exceed 30 words each. c) Answer to questions carrying 4 marks each (Part-B, section-I to IV should not exceed 100 words each. Part B, section- (question No. 12 ) is a value based question which is compulsory. d) Answer to questions carrying 8 marks each (Part C Questions 13 to 15) should not exceed 350 words each. e) Part D questions are based on three sources. (Internal Choices are given) (Part D- Questions 16,17,18) f) Attach the map with the answer scripts. (Part E questions 19.1 and 19.2) : i) ii) 2 ( ( iii) 1 - ) 30 ( . ( ) - i v) v) 3 . , ) ( ( vi ) ) - ) .- Part-A . ( )5 . - 1. Mention two rules of the Gotra system. 2 2. Describe two features of Hazara Ram Temple in the Royal centre. 2 3. What was the immediate cause of the Revolt of 1857? 2 1857 . ? Part- Section I - / Answer any t -I questions - 4. Describe briefly the opinion of the archaeologist about the Harappan Society. 4 5. Discuss Mauryan administration. How far was it different from the post Mauryan administration? Explain. 4 ? 6. Describe the features of the stupa of Sanchi with example. Part-B Section II / (Answer any 4 - -2 of the following questions) - 7. Who were the Nayaks and Amarnayaks? Describe their role in the Vijayanagar Empire. 4 ? 8. Discuss with the proper examples the distinctive feature of Mughal chronicles. Part-B Section III/ - 4 -3 Answer any two of the following questions 9. Why were the Deccan ryots revolted against the sahukars? 4 ? 10. Describe any two architecture styles used by the British in the construction of public buildings in Bombay. 4 11. How did women experience partition ? ? 4 Part B Section IV/ - -4 12. Consider, for instance, the work of Khushdeva Singh, a Sikh doctor specializing in the treatment of tuberculosis, posted at Dharampur in present day Himachal Pradesh. Immersing himself in his work day and night, the doctor provided that rare healing touches, food shelter, love and security to numerous migrants, Muslims, Sikhs, hindusalik. The residence of Dharampur developed the kind of faith and confidence in his humanity and generosity that the Delhi Muslims and others had in Gandhiji. One of them Mohammad Umar wrote to Khushdev Singh with great humility I beg to state that I do not feel myself safe except under your protection .therefore, in all kindness, be good enough to grant me seat in your hospital. , , , , . 12.1 Which are the qualities of Khushdev Singh worth emulating? 2 ? 12.2 Why do you think the migrants of all religions trusted him? 2 ? Part-C / - 3x8=24 13. Explain the main beliefs and practice associated with the early Bhakti Saints. How far Bhakti Saints were different to the Sufi Saints? Give two reasons. 8 Or/ Analyse the main factors responsible for the origin of Bhakti and Sufi movement. 14. When and why did Ghandhiji start the non-co-operation movement? Why did he withdraw it? Discuss. ? ? Or/ When and why was the Quit India Movement started? Evaluate its significance in the Indian 8 Freedom Movement. - 15. ? Summarise the central teachings of Jainism. OR 8 Is Mahabharata a dynamic text ? Comment. Part D (Sources based question) / - ( ) Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions very carefully that follows16. What the kings officials did? Here is an extract from the account of Megasthenes. Of the great officers of state, some . Superintended the rivers, measure the land, as is done in Egypt, and inspect the sluices by which water is let out from the main canal into their branches, so that everyone may have an equal of it. The same persons have charge also of the huntsmen, and are entrusted with the power of rewarding or punishing them according to their deserts. They called the taxes and superintendent the occupations connected with land, as those of the woodcutters, the carpenters, the blacksmiths,and the miners. - ? : ........ - , , I) Explain the duties of the great officers of state. 3 2 II) Explain the role of sub committees for coordinating military activities. - III) What did Ashoka do to hold his empire together? 2 ? Or / This an excerpt from the mahaparinibbaSuta, part of the Suttapitaka. As the Buddha lay dying, Ananda asked him What are we to do Lord, with the remains of the Tathagata (another name for the Buddha) . The Buddha replied: Hinder not ourselvesAnnnda by honoring the Remains of the Tathagata, BeZealous, be intent on your own good. But when pressed further, the Buddha said At the four crossroads they should erect the thapa(Pali for stupa) to the Tathagata . And whosoever shall there place garlands or perfume or make a salutation there or become in its presence calm of heart, thatshall long be to them for a profit and joy. I)Why were the stupas built? 3 II)What did Ashoka do with the relics of Buddha? 2 III)Describe the structure of the Stupas? 2 , , ( ) ) ...... , 1 ? 2 ? 3 17. About a tank constructed Krishnadev Raya , Paes wrote: The king maid a tank .. At the mouth of two hills so that all the water which comes from either one side or the other collects there; and besides this, water comes to it from more than three leagues (approximately 15 km) by pipes which run along the lower parts of the range outside. This water is brought from lake which itself overflows into little river. The tank has three large pillars handsomely carved with figures, these connect above with certain pipes by which they get water when have to irrigate gardens and rice fields. In order to make this time the said king broke down a hill .. in the tank I saw so many people at work that there must have been fifteen or twenty thousand men , looking like anta 1. Where and why were tanks built by Krishnadev Ray? .. 3 2. Explain how the tanks were constructed? 2 3. Describe the most prominent water works among the ruins and who built these water works. 2 : ............. 9 ; ( 15 .) ; .............. ...... ...... I) II) ? ? III) OR( ) On horse and on foot This how Ibn Battuta describes the postal system: In India the postal system is of two kinds. The horse post, called Uluq, is run by royal horses stationed at a distance of every four miles. The foot post has three stations per miles: it is called dowa, that is one third of a mile Now, at every third of amile there is a well-populated village, outside which are three pavilions in which sit men with gridded loins ready to start. Each of them carried a rod, two cubits in length ,with copper bells at the top.When the currier starts from the city he hold the letter in one hand and the rod with its bells on the other and he runs as fast as he can.when the men in the pavilion hear the ringing of the bell the get ready. As soon as the courier reaches of them takes the letter from his hand and runs at top sped shaking the rod all the while until he reaches the next dawa. And the same process continues till the letter reaches its destination. This foot-post is quicker than the horse-post; and often it is used to transport the fruits of Khurasan which are much desired in India. I. Describe the two kinds of postal system as described by Ibn Battuta . 2 II. Give an example to show that the postal system of that period was a unique system of communication. 2 III. Do you think that the foot-post system could have operated throughout the sub-continent? Explain. 3 , ; .... , , , , , ? I. 2 ? II. III. 2 ? 3 THE NAME PAKISTAN 18. The name Pakistan or Pak-stan(from Punjab,afghan,Kashmir,sind and Baluchistan) was coined by a Punjabi Muslim student at Cambridge, Chaudharyrehmatali, who, in pamphlets written in 1933 and 1935 desired a separate national status for this new entity no one took are rehmatali seriously in the 1930s list of all the league and other muslim leaders who dismissed his ideas merly as a student dream. i. Who coined the name Pakistan and what did he desire? 2 ii. Mention the year in which pamphlets were written? 2 iii. Why did the Muslim leaders dismiss his idea? 3 ( 1933 , , , ) 1935 , i. ii. iii. ? ? ? , 1930 OR( ) Why was salt the symbol of protest? This is what Mahatma Gandhi wrote: The volume of information being gained daily shows how wickedly the salt tax ha been designed. In order to prevent the use of salt that has no paid the tax which is it time even fourteen times its value,the government destroy the saltit cannot sell profitably. Thus it taxws the nation s vital necessity; it prevent the public from manufacturing it and destroy what nature manufactures without adjective is strong enough for characterizing this wicked dog Inthe- manger policy. From various sources I hear tales of such wanton destruction of the nation s property in all parts of India. Mounds of if not tons of salt are said to be destroyed on the Konkan coast. The same tale comes from dandi. Where is likelihood of natural salt being taken away by the people living in neighbourhood in such areas for their personal use, salt officers are posted for the sole purpose carrying on destruction thus valuable nation property is destroyed at national expense and salt taken out of the mouths of people. The salt monopoly is thus a fourfold curse it deprives the people of a valuable easy village industry, involves wanton destruction of property that nature produce in abundance, the destruction itself means more national expenditure, and fourthly, to crown this folly, an unheard-tax of more than 1000 percent is exacted from starving people. This tax has remained so long because of the apathy of the general public. Now that is sufficiently roused, the tax has to go. How soon it will be abolished depends upon the strength the people. i. Mention the steps taken by the British stop the Indians from preparing salt from sea water2 ii. How was salt monopoly of the British a curse for the Indian people? iii. Why was salt the symbol of protest? ? 2 3 ( 14 ) , , , , - i. 2 ii. ? iii. ? 2 3 Part E 19.1 On the outline map of India show any two Mahajanapadas. ( 2 ) - 19.2 On an outline map of India centers of Indian national Congress session are marked 1,2,3, . Identify and name them. 3 19.1 &19.2 Class - XII Subject - History Marking Scheme 1. i) Each gotra under Brahmanical practice , was named after a Vedic seer. ii) All those who belonged to the same gotra were regarded as his descendants. iii) Women were expected to give up their fathers on marriage and members of the same gotra could not marry. 1+1=2 2. i) This was probably meant to be used only by the king and his family. ii) The image in the central shrine are missing however sculpted panels on the walls survive. These include scenes from the Ramayana Sculpted on the inner walls of the shrine. 1+1=2 3. Rumours and prophecies played a part on oving people to action. The sepoy who had arrived on Delhi from Merut had told Bahadur Shah about bullets coated with the fats of cows and pigs and that bioting those bullets would corrupt their caste and religion. TRhey had been given forcively the cartridges of the enfield rifles. Part B/ Section I 4. Archaeologist tried to reconstruct of the Harappan History the following ways1+1+3 i) Found evidence of Agricultural technology ii) Tried to identify the tools used for harvesting iii) They discovered the most unique featu H M iv) Found whether there were social or economic differences amongst people living within a particular culture. v) They tried to find out abut the craft production vi) Strategies for procuring Materials. 5. Mauryan-administration i) Chandragupta Maurya founded the empire in 3231 BCE. ii) Area extended in north west as Afganaistan and Baluchistan iii) Sources of the empire Archaeological finding Kautilyas Arthgashatra Ashokan insteription(c272/268-23BCE) iv) 5 Major political centre Patliputra Taxila Ujjayini Tosali Suvarnagiri v) Uniform administration vi) Communication Mode - Water route Land Route vii) Mauryan Empire - was regarded as a major landmark. viii) Messages on Ashokan enseriptions suggested the Ashokan Power as a more powerful and industrious. 1+1+3 6. i) ii) iii) iv) Discovered in 1818 (located in Madhya Pradesh,Bhopal) three of its four gate way were still standing. The fourth was lying on the spot where it had fallen and the mound was in good condition. The rulers of Bhopal, Shahjahan Begum and her successor sultan Jehan Begum provided money for the preservation of the ancient site. v) John Marshall decided his important volumes on Sanchi to Sultan Jehan, she funded the museum. vi) If the Stupa Complex has servived it is in no small measure due to wise decision and to good luck in escaping the eyes opf railway contractors,builders and those looking for fingds to carry away to the museum of Europe. 1+1+3 7. Vijayanagara kingdom Vijayanagara Kingdom- exercised power in the empire were military Chiefs who usually controlled forts and had armed supporters known as Nayakas. They often moved one area to another, and in many case4s were acompanised by peasants looking for fertile land on which to settle. They usually spoke. Telugu or Kannada. Many of them submitted to the authority of the kings of Vijayanagara but they often rebelled and had to be subdued byu military action. Amarnayakas --- was the most important and major politicl innovation of Vijayanagara Empire, It was likely that many features of this system were desired fropm Iqta system of the delhi sultanate. They collected taxes and other dues from peasants,craftsman and traders in the area. They were military commanders who were given territories to govern by the rayas, They retained part of the revenue for personal use and for maintaining a stipulated contigents provided the vijayanagara Kings with an effectivefighting force with which they bought the entire southern penincula. Some of the revenue used for the maintenance of temples and irrigation works. 1+1+3=5 8. i) The Mughals and their Wmpire (c 16th to 17th centuary) ii) The production of chronicles iii) The painted image iv) The Akabarnama and the Budhahnama v) The ideal kingdom vi) Capitals and courts vii) Imperial household viii) Imperial Officials Ix) Beyonds the frontiers x) Questioning formal religion 1+1+3 Section-III 9. on 12 May 1875 Deccan Ryots angered because i. Fury where the pattern ws the sme To attack the sahukars Accounts book were bunt bonds were destroued ii. iii. iv. v. Treeified of peasants attack The sakans fleed the villges Very often leaving their property and belongings behind A new revenue system were imposed 10. Architechture in Bombay Feature i. ii. iii. iv. v. Building in the city should be included forts Should be government offices Should be educational institutionsj Should be religious structures Should be commemorative towers commercial digits or even docks and bridge Hence Bombay was the commercial capitals of colonial India It was the center of international trade. By the end of the nineteenth centuary(Bombay) half the imports and exports of India passed through Bombay. Architecture was based on the European Architecture(Based on neo-gothic fashion was neo classicaland neo-classical --- Typical design found in Roman-Empire. 11. Partition is one of the most important political events in the history of South East Asia. The relationship b/n Pakistan & India has been profoundly chapped by the legacy of partition. Among every section of the society women were the most effected class during partition. In those violent times they were raped, abducted, sold, forced to settle down to a new life with strangers, sent to brothels etc. G A Govt. was insensitive towards the cause of the women & believed to be on the wrong side of the border. They were forcibly taken from the new relatives & sent to their book earlier families without taking any consult. According to estimate in 1953, 30,000 women were recovered out of which 22000 were Muslim women & 8,000 Hindu & Sikh women recovered & sent to these families. Similarly, in order to save the honour many woman were killed by the relatives or own man in fair of calling in the hands of alleluias. T M B thoakhalsa Village of Rawalpindi committed suicide jumping into a well. On 13th March, the Sikhs in D M Likewise in many places women were exhorted to remember the sacrifice in bravery of their sister & to cast themselves in a same mould. Similar story were also found from present Bangladesh, W.B, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, M.P & Hyderabad. A large no. of women left their houses permanently & went to the place in quest of safety & security. Many women became deity wages & some started selling the gunny bags in quest of livelihood. 12. i) Helping hand , sense of humanity, harmoniousness humbleness, generosity ii) As he(Dr. Khushdev) immersing himself in the treatment of tuberculosis working day and night provided that rare healing touch, food shelter, love and security to numerous migrant, Muslim, Sikhs, Hindu alike. --- Love is stronger than hate- A Remembrance of 1947. ---- His humble efforts for fellow- mankind irrespectively their caste and creed ,guides and religion. Part C 13. In the early centuries of Islam from the seventh centrry with the advent of Islam, the regionus become part of what is often termed jthe islmic world on the other hand, at a different livel fistarious of religion often classify bhafti raditios jinto two broad catefories Saguna Nirguna i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. The alvrs and Nayanars of Tamil Nadu Hitudes towards caste Woovea Devotee Relations with the state The vivashaiv tradition in Kanratka a) Wearing a diven ne Aabric Kabir b) Baba furu Nanak and the sered wood c) Mirabi the devotee princess OR A mosaic of religious befiefs and practices i. ii. iii. a) b) c) d) e) iv. The integration of cults Fifferences and onflict Poems of prayer and easly Traditions of Bhakti Alvas and Nayanavs (Tamil Badu) Attitude towads carte women devotee relation with the state vivshaiva tradition (krmataka) refigous ferment on north india a) faith weaving a divine jfabric Kabir b) baba Guru Nanak and the sacrred wird c) mirabai, the devotee princess 14. mahatma Gandhi Causes jof non-Coorporation movement i. ii. iii. iv. 1917- Satyagraha launched 1919 ganghiji movement involved with two example ahmedabad In 1919 Sir Sinney rowlat Passed Rowlatt Act- Compaigned against this act April 1919 bloody climax took place(in Amritsar) Gandhiji hoped that by coupling non cooporation-Movement with Khitafat movement i. In 1921 involving 600000 workerand 396 stikes tiik place ii. In February 1922 a group of peasuts attacked and troched a police staton I the romlet of chauri-Chaura iii. In March 1922 Gandhiji arrested and charged with sedition OR M G M i. satyagrah (1917) ii. No-cooperation and Khilafat(1921-22) iii. Disobedience Movement(1930) after Civil Disobedience Movement fourth major movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi was the Quit India Movement (Auguest 1942) objective and fearutes i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) The failure of the erps Mission Was feuinely a mass movement bringing ito its abmit rundreds of thousands of ordinary Indians Youngster group took part in very large numbers left their college to go to jail. In june 1944, Gandhiji released from jail. In 1946 fresh election were held Mulims, the league own an over whelming majority. A cabinet Mission sent in Summer 1946. Dirext Action day (16 August 1946) In February 1947 wavell was replaced by (as a viceroy) Lord Mountbatten. Prolonged applause inked (in Delhi) Mahatma Gandhi as The father of the Nation Part D(Sourced Based Questions) 14.(i) The growth of Magadha culminated in emergence of the Mauryan impire. In order to administer the empire the emperson ashoka was trying to toed his emire togerher by propagation dhamma His prneiple of Dhamma was simple and uivtually universly jcapable. Special offices, knowjn as the dhamma cahamatta were appointed. Some superintended, souve measured some were collection the tax (ii) one looked after the navy Second managed transport and provisions Third was responsible for fool-soldiers Fourth was. Responsible for for roses Fifth for choroits Sixth for elephants iii. to hold his empire Askoka tried to propagate Dhamma OR i. to tradition of erecting stupas may have been pre budhist jbut they came to be associated with Buddhism This was because relixs of th Buddha such as his bodile remains or objects used by him were buried there According to Buddhist tax known as the Ashoka Vadana, Askhoka distributed partions of the B and ordered the construction of stupa over them. Ex. Bharmut-Saranath and Sanchi ii. the Stupa (Sanskrit word meaning a hep) Riginated as a simple semi circular mund of eath later called anda. Gradually it evolved into a move comples structure balancing round and square shape Above the anda was the harmika balcony like structure that represtened the abode okf the godes Arising the from the harmika was mast called yashit Yashit of tea surrounded by a chhatri or umbrella Ralling 15. Jain traditions claim that Jainism was the products of teachings of 24 Trithankaras. Risvadev was the first Trithankar & Mahavir Bardhaman was 24th. According to Jainism this world is a reality & exists since beginning. This eternal world is full of sorrow and pain. The washy desires lost, oldage,death all are sources of pain & sorrow. It is not god but mains did (kamafal) saves the destiny of a man. The fruits of karma are the cause behind birth & rebirth of a person. Through salvation one can get read of bondage of warly disres. So to archive salvation, one should observe Triratus i.e. samyakgan(light knowledge), samyak darshan(right vision),samyak asharan(right conduct.) Beside this Mahabir put great empire on panchatantra or five principles. Five Principles: Ahimsa (non violence),Satya(truth),Asteya(non stealing),Aprigrah(non accoumulation of wealth), Bramacharya(giving of sexual desiers). Concept of Atma is integral part of Jain philosophy. Every object of this universe has a soul, thus a period has to follow true ahimsa not by giving injury to anyone. Or It is undersigning fact that the Mahabharata is a dynamic text. The growth of the Mahabharata did not stop with the Sanskrit Version. Over the centuries versions of the epic was written in variety languages. From its 10000 verses it has reached to 1 lakh verses. It also provided themes for a wide range of performing arts, dance, plays and other kinds of narrations e.g.- pandvani in Chathisgarhi. Mahabharata is written in simple lucid languages. The Mahabharata is not only describing the political system of thet time but also throwing light on philosophy , social difference & economic system. Each & every episode has some relevance till date & will be relevant in future too. For e.g. - the central story is about two sides of waring cousins kauocavas & sandevas. The date for wealth & for property conflict is going on b/n brohers & brothers. 16. (i) Vijayanagara is the natural bsin formed by river trugabhadra which flows in a north easernly direction. The most inpatant suych tank was built early years of the fifteen centuary jand is now called kamalapuram tank. A numbr of streams flow down to the river from thse rocy outcrops Embankments erer built along these streams to create reservoirs jof varying sizes ii. in almost all cases embankments were built along the streams created reservoirs of varying sizes. b. as this is mone of the most arid zones of the peninsula elaborate arrangements had to be made to store rain water and conduct it to the city. c. wate from the famous tank named Kamalapuram tank used to irrigate the fields nearby and also conduted iii. a. one of the most prominent water works to be seen among the ruins is the Hiriya Canel b. this cacal drw water from a dam across the Tungabhadea and irrigaeted the cultivated valley that separated \c This was apparently buit by kings of the Sangama dinesty. OR I. II. III. The horse post (Uluq) The foot post (DAwa) a. state jenedently tiik especial measures to encourage merchants b. almost all trade routes were well fsupplied with inns and guest houses c. the efficiency of postal system was anaged to Ibn Bottuta which allow mrachants to dispatch goods required at short notice d. the postal system was so efficient that while it tokk only fifty days to reach Delhi from sindthe news reports of spies would reach the sultan through the postal system in just five days yes the foot post is quicker the the horse post and often it is used to transport the fruits jof Khurasan which are much desirex in India the news reports of spies would reach the sultan through the postal system in just five days 17. i) On 23 March 1940 the league moved a resolution demanding a measure of autonomy for the Muslims majority areas of the subcontinents. -- This ambiguous resolution never mentioned partition or Pakistan. -- In facts Sikander Hayat Khan,Punjab premier and leader of unionist party, had drafted the resolution in a Punjab assembly speech ----reiterated hios plea(on March 1st ,1941) for a loose confideration with considerable autonomy fort the confederating units . -- Means Pakistan fro m Punjab,Afganistan,kasmir, sind , Baluchistan. ii) Punjabi Muslim students at Cambridge- Choudhury Rehmat Ali- desired a separate national states for this new entity. iii) In 1933 aand 1935 iv) Initially Muslim leaders did not seriously raise dthe demand for Pakistan as a souvern state. The pressure of second world war. The massive Quit India Movement started in 1942. British agreed to create an entirely Indian Central Executive Council.. Or i) Upto 14 times ii)Salt officers to prevent people from doing so iii) a. it deprived people of easy village industry b. involved wanton destruction of property that nature produced in abundance c. more expenditure national expenditure d. the more than 1000 was exacted from staving people starving people(any two) iv. the thin of daily used and concern for all the sections of the society hence joined them together 17. see passage 19.1- Reference of text book 19.2 Reference to Text book (1. Lucknow, 2. Kolkata, 3-Surat)

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