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CBSE XII Pre Boards III 2014 : HISTORY with Answers (KV Chennai)

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Kendriya Vidyalaya KV IIT Chennai
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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN CHENNAI REGION CLASS XII COMMON PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 2013-14 SUBJECT: HISTORY TIME ALLOTED: 3 HRS MAX.MARK: 80 General Instructions: i)Answer all the questions .marks are indicated against each question. ii) Answers to questions carrying 2 marks (Part A-Questions no.1to 3) should not exceed 30 words each. iii) Answers to questions carrying 5 marks ( Part B section 1,11,111,1V-Questions No 4 to 11) should not exceed 100 words each .Question No .11(value based question) is compulsory iv) Answer to questions carrying 10 marks (Part C Questions no 12 and 13) should not exceed 500 words each. v) Part D has questions No 14to 16 Based on three sources. (8 marks each) vi) Attach maps with the answer scripts (Part E)Q. NO.17. One map question carrying 5 marks PART A Answer all the questions given below. 1. Would you agree that the drainage system in Harappan cities indicated town planning? Give any two reasons for your answer. 2 2. Who led a new religious movement in Karnataka? What were his followers known as? 2 3. Why did Jawaharlal Nehru argue for a strong centre ? Mention any two arguments . 2 PART B SECTION I Answer any TWO of the following questions . 4.Describe how art facts help in identifying social differences during the Harappan period. 5 5. Historians find it particularly a difficult task to understand a text as complex as the Mahabharata -Justify this statement. 5 6. The Dharma sutra and Dharma shastras also contained rules about the ideal occupations of the four categories of Varna . Critically examine the statement. 5 SECTION II Answer any ONE of the following questions. 7.Explain how the prosperity of towns has been explained by the historians on the basis of Ibn Battuta s observations. 5 8. Explain how the biography of the saint poetess Mirabai has been primarily constructed. How did she defy the norms of society ? 5 SECTION III Answer any ONE of the following questions. 9. The permanent Settlement was rarely extended to any region beyond Bengal Critically examine the statement. 5| 10. Explain any three broad architectural styles used by the British for the public buildings in the colonial cities, with examples. 5 SECTION IV 11. A cherry will drop into our mouth one day . In the context of this statement ,explain Lord Dalhousie s policy of Awadh annexation. 5 PART. C 12. Explain how the Amara Nayaka system was a major political innovation of the Vijayanagara Empire . why did strain begin to show within the imperial structure after the death of KrishnadevevaRaya in 1529? 10 OR Explain the organization of the administration and army during the rule of Akbar ,as given in Ain 13.Examine the strengths and limitations of oral history .how have oral history techniques furthered our understanding of partition ? 10 OR Amidst all the turmoil following March 1947 ,Gandhiji s valiant efforts bore fruits to bring harmony among the people . Justify the statement. | PART D (Source Based questions) 14.Read the following extracts (questions no.14to 16) carefully and answer the questions that follow. Proper social roles Here is a story from the Adi Parvan of the Mahabhartha: Once Drona, a Brahmana who thaught archery to the Kuru prince, was approached by Ekalavya, a forest dwelling nishada (a hunting community). When Drona, who knew the dharma, refused to have him as his pupil, Ekalavya returned to the forest, prepared a image of Drona out of clay, and treating it as his teacher, began to practice on his own. In due course he acquired great skill in archery. One day, Kuru prince went hunting and their dog, wandering in the woods, came upon Ekalavya. When the dog smelt the dark nishada wrapped in black deer skin, his body caked with dirt, it began to bark. When the dog returned to the Pandavas, they were amazed at this superb display of archery. They tracked down Ekalavya, who introduced himself as a pupil of Drona. Drona had once told his favourite student Arjuna, that he would be unrivalled amongst his pupils. Arjuna now reminded Drona about this. Drona approached Ekalavya, who immediately acknowledged and honoured him as his teacher. When Drona demanded his right thumb, as his fee, Ekalavya un hesitatingly cut it off and offered it. But thereafter, when he shot with his remaining fingers he was no longer as fast as he had been before. Thu, Drona kept his word: no one was better than Arjuna. (i) What message do you think this story was meant to convey to the nishadas? 2 (ii) What message would it convey to Kshatriyas? 3 (iii) Do you think that Drona, as a Brahmana, was acting according to the Dharmautras when he was teaching archery? 3 OR The wealthy Sudra This story ,based on a Buddhist text in Pali known as the Majjhima Nikaya ,is part of a dialogue between a king named Avantiputta and a disciple of the Buddha named Kachchana .While it may not be Literally true ,it reveals Buddhist attitudes towards Varna. Avatiputta asked Kachchana what he thought aboutBrahmanas who held that they were the best caste and that all other castes were low ; that Brahmanas were a fair caste while all other castes were dark ; that only brahmanas were sons of Brahma ,born of his mouth, born of Brahma ,formed by Brahma ,Heirs to Brahma. Kachchana replied that if a Shudra had wealth or corn or gold or silver ,he could have as his obedient another Shudra to get up earlier than he,to goto rest later ,to carry out his orders ,to speak politely ; or he could even have a Kshatriya or a Brahmana or a Vaishya as his obedient servant. Kachchana asked : This being so, are not these four varna sexactly the same ? Avantiputtra conceded that there was no differenceamongst the varnas on this court. (i)What did Avantiputtra wantto know from Kachchana about Brahmanas ? 2 (ii)What was Kachchana s reply ? Explain 3 (iii)If a shudra had wealth,would Brahmanas and others speak to him politely ? Give reasons . 3 15. How tanks were built About a tank constructed by Krishnadeva Raya ,Paes wrote : The King made a tank .. at the mouth of two hills so that all the water which comes from either one side or the other collects there ;and , besides this ,water comes to it from more than three leagues (approximately ) 15 kilometers ) by pipes which run along the lower parts of the range outside .This water is brought from a lake which itself overflows into a little river. The tank has three large pillars handsomely carved with figures these connect above with certain pipes by which they get water when they have a irrigate their gardens and rice fields . in order to make this tank the said broke down a hill .. In the tank I saw so many people at work that there must have been fifteen or twenty thousand men, looking like ant (i) Explain briefly where the tank was constructed . 2 (ii) Explain briefly the sources of water for the tank . 3 (iii) Explain briefly the advantages of constructing tanks 3 OR For several days ..I did not sleep on a leopard skin at night, I did not extend my feet in the direction of blessed sanctuary of the revered saving master, and I did not turn back my back towards him, I passed the days beneath the trees. On Thursday, the fourth of the blessed month of Ramzan, I attained the happiness of pilgrimage to the illuminated and the performed tomb ..With an hour of daylight remaining. I went to the holly sanctuary and rubbed my pale face with the dust of that threshold, from the doorway to the blessed tomb I went barefoot, kissing the ground. Having entered the dome, I went around the light filling tomb of my master seven times .. Finally, with my own hands I put the finest quality of itar on the performed tomb of the revered one, and having taken of the rose scarf that I had on my head, I placed it on the top of the blessing tomb . (i) Which month is it refered to? 2 (ii) Where did she go? 2 (iii) How did she perform her prayer? 2 (iv) Jahanara s biography is about whom? 2 16. This is one of the arzis (petition or application) of rebel sepoy that have survived. They gave these cartridges to the sowers 9 mounted soldiers of the 3 rd Light Cavalry and ordered them to bite them; the troopers objected to it, and said that they would never bite them. For if they did, their religion and faith would be destroyed ..upon this the British officers paraded the men of the 3 Regiment and having prepared i1,400 English soldiers, and placing six guns before each of the infantry regiments, loaded the guns with grape and 84 new troopers prisoners, and put into jail with irons on them ..The reasons that sowars of the cantonment were out into jail was that we should be frightened into biting the new cartridges. On this account we and all our country men having united together, have fought the British for the preservation of our faith .. we have been compelled to make war for two years and the Rajahs and chiefs who are with us in faith and religion, are still so, and have undergone all sorts of trouble; we have fought for two years in order that our faith and religion may not be polluted, if the religion of a Hindu or Musalman is lost, what remains in the world? (i) Why the soldiers refused to use the cartridges? 2 (ii) What were the rumors spread among the soldiers? 2 (iii) How were the troops treated for not using the cartridges? 2 (iv) How did the people unite for the preservation of their faith? 2 OR A Ryot petitions This is an example of a petition from a ryot of the village of Mirajgaon, Taluka Karjat, to the collector, Ahmednagar, Deccan Riots Commission: The sahukars have of late begun to oppress us. As we cannot earn enough to defray our household expenses, we are actually forced to beg of them to provide us with money clothes and grain. Which we obtain from them not without their compelling us to enter into hard conditions in the bond. Moreover over the necessary clothes and grain are not sold to us at cash rates. The prices asked from us are generally twenty five or fifty per cent more than demanded from customers making ready money payments . The produce of our field is also taken by the sowkars who at the time of removing it assure us that it will be credited to our account ,but they do not actually make any mention of it in the accounts .They also refuse to pass us any receipts for the produce so removed by them. (i) Explain the complaints that the ryot is making in the petition. 2 (ii) Why was the harvest taken by the moneylenders not credited to the peasants account? 2 (iii) Why were peasants not given receipts? (iv) If you were a moneylender what reasons would you for these practices? 2 PART - E 17. On the given political outline map of India mark and label any five Buddhist sites. | 5 OR On the given political outline map mark the following places and label them: Bidar, Chandragiri, Kolar, Kanchipuram, Quilon. ***************** XII - History SCORING KEY I 1.yes i)Underground drainage system ii) Each drain was essential of every house . iii) Small drain connected with big drains which go outside the city. iv)All the drains covered with burnt bricks 2. Basavanna was a Brahmana who was initially a jain and a minister in the court of Chalukya King ii)His followers were know as Ligayats 3. i)Nehru argued that since partition is a settled fact it was injurious to the interests of the country to provide for a weak central authority ii)As it would be incapable of ensuring peace . 4.i)processing of food required grinding equipment as well as vessels for mixing, blending and cooking ii) These were made of stone, metal and terracotta . iii) Saddle querns used for grinding cereals iv) Made of hard ,gritty ,igneous rock or standstone mostly shows the sign of hard usage . v) Querns were used for grains. 5.Historians usually classify the content of the present text of the Mahabharata under two broad heads i) Sections that contain stories, designed as the narrative . ii) Sections that contain prescriptions about social norms iii) The didactive section iv)The narrative section v) Historians agree that it is a dramatic moving story . 6.i)Brahmanas ranked first with divinely ordained teach vedas perform sacrifices and get sacrifices performed, give and receive gifts ii) Kshatriya engage in warfare iii)Vaishya engage in agriculture ,pastoralism and trade iv) Shudras serving the three higher varnas . 7.i)Mercantile culture of the new rulers ii) Indians worked as traders middle man iii) Economic activity near the river iv) Palaces, houses garden houses in the suburb. 8.i)Emphasized the purity of the actions. ii) Believed that different caste were created by men iii) Criticized the caste organization. iv)stress the simplicity in religion v) Being a royal princess renowned the worldly pleasure 9.i)rise in agricultural prices ii) Including the value of harvest product iii)Enlarging the income of the Bengal zamindar iv)Revenue demand was fixed the colonial state could not claim any share v)Temporary revenue settlement was made . 10.i)For public building three broad architectural style were used . ii) Neo classical ,neo-Gothic ,Indo saracenic iii)Construction of geometrical structure iv)Derived from ancient Rome v)Suitable for tropical weather 11.i)The Subsidiary alliance had been imposed on Awadh ii)The region was ideally located for the development of principal market of upper India iii)All the major areas of India had been conquered ,the Maratha lands ,the Doab ,the carnatic ,the Punjab and ,Bengal iv) The nawabs became increasingly dependent on the British . v)The nawab had to disband his military forces 12i)The amar nayaka were military Commander who were given territories to government ii)Collected revenue iii)Retained part of the revenue for personal use and for maintaining horses and elephants . iv Provided an effective fighting force withwhich they brought the entire northern peninsula under their control . v)Some of the revenue was used for the maintenance of temples and irrigation works vi) Sent tributes to the kingannually and appeared personally in the royal court withgifts vii)Many nayaks established independent kingdoms . viii)The king some time changed their area from one place to anotherfor asserting controlon them . OR i)Ain gives detailed account of the organisation of court ,administrations and army . ii) Sources of revenue and physical lay out of the provinces iii)About cultural religious traditions iv Description of the various department v) Varied and diverse customs and practices. vi) Ain I smade up of 5 books vii Detailed account of subas and their administration ,fisical didition viii)Ain gives detailed account of sarkar ix ain is a mine of information x)Collection and compiling this information systematically was an important imperial exercise . 13.Oral data seem to lack correctness and the chronology and the information may be imprecise ii)Uniqueness of the personal experience makes generalization difficult iii) Oral account concerned tangential issues iv) The small individual experience of the happening which remains in memory alone are irrelevant to the unfolding of large processes of history . v) Sources are many vi)Ample evidences OR i)Principles of non-violence ii)He moved from village to village to stopHindus and Muslims killing eachother. iii)He build mutual trust and confidence between the two communities iv)Addressed the Sikhs at Gurudwara on Guru Nanak s birthday . v)The effect of fast was electric . 14.i) returned to the forest, prepared a image of Drona out of clay, and treating it as his teacher, began to practice on his own. In due course he acquired great skill in arch ii) Any skill could be learnt with full dedication and since arty iii) No, Drona kept his word: no one was better than Arjuna. OR i)He wanted to know about the bramanas who held that they were the best caste and that all other castes were low ; that Brahmanas were a fair caste while all other castes were dark ; that only brahmanas were sons of Brahma ,born of his mouth, born of Brahma ,formed by Brahma ,Heirs to Brahma. ii) Kachchana replied that if a Shudra had wealth or corn or gold or silver, he could have as his obedient another Shudra to get up earlier than he,to goto rest later ,to carry out his orders ,to speak politely ; or he could even have a Kshatriya or a Brahmana or a Vaishya as his obedient servant. iii)No 15.i) Mouth of two hills so that all the water which comes from either one side or the other collects there ;and , besides this ,water comes to it from more than three leagues (approximately ) 15 kilometers ) by pipes which run along the lower parts of the range outside . ii)Tungabhadra river iii) Water used for irrigating their gardens and rice fields. OR i )Ramzan ii)Pilgrimage iii) Rubbed her face with the dust of that threshold, from the doorway to the blessed tomb barefoot, kissing the ground. iv) Jahanara s biography 16.i )Religion and faith would be destroyed ii)Cartridge smeared with the facts of cow and pig iii) British officers paraded the men placed guns before each of the infantry regiments, loaded the guns with grape , soldier were put into jail with irons on. iv) compelled to make war , the Rajahs and chiefs with faith and religion, had undergone all sorts of trouble that the faith and religion may not be polluted OR i) ii) iii) iv) They could not earn enough to defray their household expenses, and were forced to beg for money clothes and grain. Due to the bond The prices asked from us are generally twenty five or fifty per cent more than. Own assessment. 17.Lothal, Harappa ,kalibhangan ,Ropad Mohenjadaro Meerut ,Champaran , Dandi ,Kanpur ,Ara ,Gwalior -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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