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ICSE Class X Prelims 2020 : Biology (The Heritage School, Kolkata)

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Kushalk 123
St. Xavier's Collegiate School (SXCS), Kolkata
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THE T{ERITAGE SCHOOL pRE, BOARDS EXAMINATIONS, 201 8_2019 SUBJECT. SCIENCE PAPER III (BIOLOGY) CLASS.X Answers to this paper must be u:t-iten on the pdper provided sepctrately. You will not be allo'toed to u rite during the first l5 minutes. This time is to be speht in reading the Question paper. The time at the head of this P is the tine allowed for the answers. Attempt all questions from Section I and any four questiois from Sectiotrll. The intended marks for dre in brackets Full Marks: 80 f ime: 2 hrs SECTION I ({0 Marks) Attempt all questions front this section, Question 1. lollowingi) The tube that connects the cavity of middle ear with the throat. ii) The nrain natural auxin found in plants. iii) The valve present between right atrium and right ventricle. iv) The only gaseous hormone. v) The part of brain which controls all loluntary actions. a) Name the b) Fill in the blanks- 1-.-. successor of tsl tsl represented the first man-like ancestor. Neanderthal man were the 2 . Neanderthai man had cranial capacity of about and showed _4_ locomotion. Homo sapiens is believed to have arisen from the main Nean<ierthal population and developed into c) Choose the conect i) option- Ma"ximum amount of w'ater from the glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed in a) descending limb of loop of Henle b) ascending limb of loop of Henle c) proximal convoluted tubule d) distal convoluted tubule ii) Hyposecretion of insulin causes a) myxoeCema b) diabetes mellitus c) diabetes insipidus d) cretinism iii) The nucleic acid, of which a chromosome is mainly composed of, is a) RNA b) histones c) DNA d) AMp This paper consists of 7 printed pages 15] \ \ iv) Which of the tbllorving is not a vestigial orga-n? a) wisdom teeth b) r'ern.riform appendix c) pinna ,j) colon v) \ krot firting like a cap on the upper surlace of rhe iesles gland b) interstitial celrs c) epidid,r-mis d ) ser:rnai r esicre The tubular a) prostate d) Match the items gir-en in Column A with the most appropnare Column A 1) Death rate 2) Cranial 3) Pituitary, gland 4) Biodegradable ri 5) Cytokinins ones rn Co jumn B- 'i. l r- Cc',,r:lt a aa ,R ll a,',,.,--a a aa,al,-. e hl po:ha)an.rus a-ste l, nonalit]. . I -) ^-;-- h r plastic e) Study the relationship bett.een the first pair and compiete the second pair on basis- the similar i) Neutrophils: Phagoorosis : : Ll,mphocy,tes: ii) Dynamic balance: Semi-circuiar canals :: Static balance: iii) Guttation: Hydathodes :: Bleeding: iv) Aqueous humour: Betu.een lens and cornea :: Vitreous humour: v) Tubectoml': Faliopian rube :: Vasectomy: t5l 1) Correct the following statements by changing the underlined u,ordst5] i) cvtosine is the nitrogenous base that pairs with adenine in a DNA molecule. ii) corpus callosum carries inrpurses from one hemisphere ofcerebe um to trre other. iii) Carbon dioxide is responsible for the formation of ozone hole. iv) Honev bee is the organism studied for industrial melanism. r) Addition of salt to pickres is a method of killing bacteria bv imtribition. g) Arrange the following in proper sequence- t5l i) Renal artery, Urethra, Ureter, Kidney, Urinary bladder ii) Polyrnerization, Activation of chlorophyll, photophosphorylation, photolysis iii) Implantation, Ovulation, parturition, Gestation, Fertilization iv) Incus, Tympanum, Auditory nerve, Stapes, Malleus v) Karyokinesis, G1 phase, Cltokinesis, G2 phase, S phase 2 h) Study the diagram and answer tlle following questions_ i) i5l Name the instmment being shown in the diac:am. ii) what type of plant movemenr that can be deironsrr.ated using the instrument? iii) \\rhat r,ill you observe after some if the inslrunlent isA) rotated l i Give reasons for 1.orir observation in B) not rotated (iiiAr. . SECTION B ({0 }{ARKS) Attempt anyfour questions from this section. Question 2 a) The diagram below is that ofa deveroping human foetus in the womb. study the diagram and answer the t5l following- j) Name the parts labeled I -3. ii) Define the term 'Gestation'. what is the normal gestation period of the aeveroping human embryo? iii)State any one significance of the part labeled 3. iv)Which part is endocrine in nature? Name any one hormone produced by it. v)Mention the sex chromosomes in a male and female embrvo. \ b) Differentiate beni'een the lblio*-ing on the basis of the pa:e.m::er _ci., e:1 rr rre r:ackeisi i) Pulmonar_v artery a-nd .\ona r function) ii) Gibberellins and Ethrlene (el'tect on senescence) iii) ACTH and IUD (expand rhe ahbrer iation) iv) Astigmatism and PresbYopla t cause) v) Sympathetic and Parasl mparhetic nen'ous system (overall eiicrt.n :he :ri., l.j , Question 3 a) Given below is a diagran.r representing a stage during mirori!- .elj Jl-.:sir-,n. Srr-rdl the diagram ald ans\\'er the f5l lbllourne. i) Identify the above stage of division. State one reason to suppofl \ our ansrver. ii) Is it a plant cell or an animal ceil? Give one reason to suppon vour ans\\:er. iii) Name the parts labeled A and B. iv) Name the stage thal follo*s this stage of mitosis. Dra',r.a diagran.r to represent the stage. v) Horv many daughter cells are lormed from this type of division? b) Explain the following terms- t5l i) Population Density ii) Apical Dominance iii) Vestigial organ iv) Thigmotropism v) Speciation Question 4 a) The diagram given belorv shows cross-sections ofblood vessels. Study the diagrarn and answer the follovl,ing- t5l 4 \ i) Identifu the blood vessels A and B. ii) Narne the parts labeled 1 and 2. iii) Name the type of blood that flows through .{. iv) Mention two structural diflerences between -{ and B. v) Name the blood'essei that: A) canies deoxl genated brood from the lower part ofthe body to the heaft. B) Starts from capiilaries and end in capillaries. C) Supplies oxl eenared blood to the heart muscles. - b) Give reasons for each ofthe following i) ABA is known as stress hormone. ii) In summer urine is slightly thicker than in *.inter. iii) People living in the hilly regions suffer fron simple goiter. iv) Al alcoholic person when drunk generallv u.alks clumsily. v) Cro-magnon man is consideled as the direci aucestor of Modern man. t5l Questicn 5 a) The diagram given below represents al experinlental set-up to demonstrate a certain process. Study the diagram and answer the follou-ingt5l FARC! ,iEHT PAPSF i) Name the process ii) Define the above named process. iii) What would you observe in the experimental set-up after an hour? iv) What control experiment can be set up lor conrparison? v) Keeping in mind the root hair eelr and its surroundings, name the parts that correspond toA) concentrated sugar soiution B) parchment paper C) water in the beaker. vi) Name any other substance that can be used instead ofparcl,nent paper in the above experiment. b) i) Give appropriate biological/technical terms ibr the follorvingA) The contraction phase ofthe heart. B) Statistical study of human population. tsl \ \ C) The membrane covering the brain and spinal cord. D) Pressure exerted b1'the cell contents on the cell wall. E) The ceils that initiate blood clonins. F) A mixed gland. ii) A) State any hvo harmful effects of acid rain. B) Mention an)'t\\-o reasons lbr the populalion explosion :: I:dia. Question 6 a) Given below is a diagram depictine a defect of the truman e\ e. SrL-rd1- rhe same and then answer the follo*ing questionst5] i) Identify the defect shoua in ihe diagram. ii) State two possible reasons that causes this defect. iii) Name the type of lens used to correct this defect. iv) Name the two structures in the eye responsible for bringing about the change in the shape ofthe lens. v) Name the cells of retina and their respective pigments w'hich get acrjvated- A) in the dark B) in the light (r): b) In a homozygous pea plant, red flowers (R) are dominant over white flowers t5] i) What is the phenotype and genotype ofthe Fl generation ifa plant bearing pure red flowers is crossed with a plant bearing ptue white flowers? ii) Draw a pururet square to show the gainetes and offsprings when both the parents are heterozygous for red flowers. iii) What is the phenotypic and genotypic ratio of the above cross shonm in (ii)? iv) State Mendel's Law of Dominance. v) Name one blood disorder caused by each of the fcllowing-A) gene mutation B) X- linked inheritance. 6 / Question 7 a) The diagram given below is an experiment corductecr to study a factor necessary photosynthesis. Study the diagram ancl ansuer rhe following_ for t5l i) What is the aim of the experiment? ii) Name the test performed on the leafX and the solution used for the test. state the observation after the test. iii) During the above named test why was the leaf X- A) boiled in warer B) boiled in methylated spirit iv) Mention one way in which photosynthesis is beneficial to man. v) Differentiate between light reaction and cark reaction ofphotosynthesis on the basis of their site of occunence. b) i) Name the plant or animal hormone responsible for each of the A) Increase in heart rate. folrowing- t5] B) Intemodal elongation C) Ossification ofbones D) Converts glycogen to glucose E) Delay the falling ol leaves ii) l) Draw a well labeled diagram ofneuron and label the following parts_ A) C1.ton B) Nodes of Ranvier C) Nissl granules 2) Name a neurotransmitter. 7

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