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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Chemistry (St. Josephs College (SJC), Prayagraj / Allahabad) : Prelim-1

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St. Joseph's College (SJC), Prayagraj / Allahabad
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ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE,PRAYAGRAJ PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 2024 CHEMISTRY TIME: 3 Hours CLASS -X MM: 80 SECTION-A (Atempt all questions from this Section) Q 1) Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. [15] (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only) 1) Organic compounds have relatively a) low melting but high boiling point b)low melting and low boiling point cYhigh melting point but low boiling point d) high melting and high boiling point 2) Which of the following is dibasic in nature a) HCI b) HNO, c) H;PO3 d) H;PO4 3) The ions present in the electrolyte are Cu' and Ag*'. The ion which discharges at the cathode is a) Agl b) Cu2 c) Both Ag* and Cu+! d) None of the above 4) The organic compound mixed with ethanol to make it is spurious a) Methanol 6 Methanoic acid c) Methanal d) Ethanoic acid 5) Assertion (A): Lead hydroxide is chalky white precipitate which is soluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide. Reason (R): Reaction of lead nitrate with ammonium hydroxide form lead(Il) hydroxide which is insoluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide. a) Both Assertion and Reason are true. b) Both Assertion and Reason are false c Assertion is true and Reason is false. d) Assertion is false but Reason is true. 6) Assertion (A): HCIgas is highly soluble in water. Reason (R): HCI gas is collected over water. a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, R is the correct explanation of A. 5) Both Assertion and Reason are true, R is not the correct explanation of A. C) Assertion is false but reason is true. d) Assertion is true but Reason is false. 7) The atom ic masses of sulphur(S), Oxygen(0) and helium(He) are approximately 32, 16 and 4 respectively. Which of the following statements regarding the number of atoms in 32g of sulphur, 16g of oxygen and 4g of helium is correct? P:16g of oxygen contains four times the number of atoms as 4g of helium. Q:16g of oxygen contains half the number of atoms as 32g of sulphur. a) Only P b) Only Q c) Both P and Q Neither P nor Q 8) A compound with empirical formula XY; has the vapour density equal to its empirical formula weight its molecular formula is a) XY4 9) Silver nitrate is a a) Non b) X2Y) electrolyte. c) XY d) X,Y2 c) Weak b)Strong d) Very weak 10)A metal from period 2 and group 1 a) Potassium b)Sodium e) Lithium d) Beryllium 11)Assertion (A): Potassium, sodium, calcium cannot be reduced by coke, carbon monoxide. Reason (R):Oxides of highly active metals have greater affinity towards oxygen and so cannot be reduced by common reducing agent. a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, R is the correct explanation of A. b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, Ris not the correct explanation of A. c) Assertion is true and Reason is false. d) Assertion is false but Reason is true. 12) Brass is an alloy of - a) Copper and Tin b) Copper and Zinc c) Zinc and lead 13) The mctal oxide which can react with acid as well as alkali is a) Silver oxide b) Copper (1) oxide c) Aluminium oxide d) Lead and Tin d) Calcium oxide 14) Assertion( A): NH: is a polar covalent compound. Reason(R): Ihe shared air of clectronsis unequally distributed between1the nitrogen and hydrogen atom in ammonia a) Both Asrtin and Reason ane true, Ris the corect explanation of A. b Both Assertion and Reason are true, Ris not the comectexplanation of A. )Assertin is tue and Reason is false. H Asertion is taise but Reason is truc. 15) Sold lead brmide is a: a) Condutr of electricity byNon-conductr of electricity c Best eonductor of electricit d Semicondustor of electricity Q2) 1) 1dentihh the tem gas substance element in the follow ing a)le like nstals fomed on cooling an organic acid sutticiently. b)Lnique propert ofa carbon atom to link with each other so as to fom long chains or ring structures. c)A methodused to concentrate Iron ore. d)The bond fomed by the mutualsharing of e) The scale used for detemining the acidic orelectron(s). alkaline or neutral character of a solution. )The tigure given below illustrates the apparatus used in the laboratory preparation of nitric acid. a)Name A (a liquid) and B (a solid) [do not give the formula]. b) Write an equation toshow how nitricacid undergoes c) Why is the flask fitted in slanting position in the abovedecomposition. figure? d) Why is coid water poured in the collection flask. 3) Complete the following by choosing the correct answers from the bracket: a) Dehvdro halogenation reaction takes place when an alkyl halide is treated with (alc.KOH aqueous KOH). b)The process of formation of ions by HCI in aqueous solution is called (lonisation/ Dissociation). c)The value of electron affinity of chiorine is (more/ less) than fluorine. d) Heating an ore in a limited supply of air or in the absence of air at a temperature just below its melting point is (calcination/ roasting). e) The ion which readily discharge at the anode during the electrolysis of acidified water is (Ct OH) 4) State your observations: a) When concentrated sulphuric acid is added drop wise to a crystal of hydrated copper sulphate. b) At anode, during the electrolysis of copper(ll) sulphate solution with copper electrodes. c) When nitrogen dioxide is passed through acidified freshly prepared ferrous sulphate solution. d) When ammonium hydroxide solution is added drop by drop and then in excess to copper sulphate solution e) Sodium hydroxide solution is added to Iron(I) chloride solution 5)Write the IUPACname of the following organic compounds a H H H--C-C H H H [2) (5) e) H H C d) Writo the structure of' the following orpanic compound: a) 3-methyl pentan-2-ol b) 2-Bromo propano SECTION-B (Attempt any four questions) Q3) I)Coniplete the following table: |Process Electrolysis of molten Lond (2) Product nt Cathode Product at Anode Bromide 2) State your observation for the following case: a) Ammonin gas is burnt in an atmosphero of oxygon in the abscnce of catalyst. b)Bromine vapours uro pussd into a solutionof ethyne in carbon tetrachloride. (2) 3) Complete the table given below which refers to the inmportant industrial processes. Output refers to the product of the process not the intermediate steps. Name of the Inputs Catalyst Hydrogen+ Nitrogen Finely divided iron process 4) Atropl1y manufacturer electroplates an iron trophy with Silver. a)Write the cquation for the half reaction that occurs at the iron tropl1y. b) ldentify an appropriate clectrolyte. c) ldentify the anode. |3| Equation for catalysed reaction |3| Output 13| Q) HConvert: a) Ethvl chloride to ethyl aleohol b) Acety lene to Ethy lene (2 2) Answer the following question: a) Name the gaseous reactants used during the Ostwald's process. b)Name the dissolved gas due to which the commercial sample of nitric acid is pale yellow in colour 12 3) Answer the following question: a) Detine lsomerism. b) State the type of isomerism present in the following pair of compounds i. Propanol and Propan-2-ol ii. Butane and 2-methylpropane 13 4) Name the gas evolved when the following mixtures are heatcd a)Calciunm hydroxide and ammonium chloride. b)Ammonia reacts with heated copper oxide. c)On decomposition of ammonium nitrate. Q3) l) Name the property of sulphuricacid shown in cach case a) When concentrated sulphuric acid is heated with carbon. b) When sugar crystals are added to a hard glass test tube containing concentrated [3 sulphuric acid. 2) Write a balanced chemical equation for the following a) Nitric oxide comes in contact with atmosphere. b)Magnesium nitride is warmed with water. 3)State one chemical test between each of the follovwing pairs: a) Sodium carbonate and sodiunm sulphite. b)Ferrous nitrate and lead nitrate. c) Manganese dioxide and copper(l) oxide. [3| 4) Answer the following questions a) State Gay lussac's law of combining 13) b) What volume of oNygen is required tovolumes. burn 90cm of butane completely under similar pressure? conditions of temperature and c) A gas cylinder contains 12X10 molecules of oxygen gas. If Avogadro's number is 6X10, OxYgen present in the cylinder. calculate the mass of Q6) ) Write one equation each to show the a) Acidic nature b) As anon-volatile acid following properties of sulphuric acid: [2) 2) Write the balanced chemical equation for the following reactions a) Fornation of alumminium involved in Bayer's process. hydroxide. b)Formation of pure alumina. 3) Answer the following a) What are the two steps b)Give the name of a necessary to change lead carbonate into lead chloride. soluble lead salt and write the equation for the action of heat on this salt. 4) For each of the substance listed below, describe the role played in a)Cryolite the extraction of b) Sodium hydroxide Aluminium: c) Graphite |4) 3| [3| thvghhmewator questious Mtho basls o tlheaove slalouwat maonol gas Ansse hulanced walor!! woulhe obsevod n me a) iea le oolowng ehomical equatioafr the ehange DWhat the lah, pertiwnmodanovpornmont inintomation has Sinha abovo )M questiouss hased on tho g the othow o0. electrom dot structurv of anonn b)Dan am Yisa o-metal with avalenoy a motalI with a valenoy ot,an u. Ekncnt\is ) how Y fous Weanyuation to show equatiomtor the dicot ooubiution oe: Yisa diatoiegs, writean belougN to? this metal N nhihgroup does solution usng )During the elevtrolysis olwopperl) suphato pluimmm as choe audcbo s bde catbode" )What do youobsve at the elkotrolyto? tho What ehunge isuoticed inalode, )Write the reacuONs at tho QS) I)Answer the following: place wheu othanol is trcatod wihvetio iojd. takes that reaction distinctivd Name a a) above nnentioncl ovlon. b) Write abalanced chemical vquation o the 2)What will be the particles present in: a)Kerosene b) Sodiuun chloride toomulaot an ogane copond bon he datu iven bekow 3)Find theempirical formuluadthe oleoular C=75,929%, H-6.32% and N=l7,76% (|C-2,-I, N-H) The vapour density ot the compound is 39,5 the following: 4) Write abalanced chenmical cquation tor cach ot a) Burning of ethane in plentiliul supply ot air. b) Action of wateron calcimn carbide. olconwontsatedsulphue avid. c) Heating of Ethanol at |70 C in the presence

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