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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Chemistry (St. Josephs College (SJC), Prayagraj / Allahabad) : Prelim-1

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St. Joseph's College (SJC), Prayagraj / Allahabad
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ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE, PRAYAGRAJ PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 2024 TIME:3 Hours CHEMISTRY CLASS -X MM: 80 SECTION-A (Attempt all questions from this Section) Q1)Choose the comrect answers to thequestions from thegiven options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only) [15] 1)Organic compounds have relatively a) low melting but high boiling point b) low melting and low boiling point chigh melting point but low boiling point d) high melting and high boiling point 2) Which of the following is dibasic in nature a) HCI b) HNO; c) H,PO; d) H,PO, 3) The ions present in the electrolyte are Cu and Ag*. The ion which discharges at the cathode is a) Aglt b) Cu' c) Both Ag and Cu*l 4)The organic compound mixed with ethanol to make it spurious is d) None of the above a) Methanl 6 Methanoic acid c) Methanal d) Ethanoic acid 5) Assertion (A): Lead hydroxide is chalky white precipitate which is soluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide. Reason (R): Reaction of lead nitrate with ammonium hydroxide form lead(I) hydroxide which is insoluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide. a) Both Assertion and Reason are true. b)Both Assertion and Reason are false Assertion is true and Reason is false. d) Assertion is false but Reason is true. 6) Assertion (A): HCl gas is highly soluble in water. Reason (R): HCl gas is collected over water. a) Both Assertion and Reason are true,R is the correct explanation ofA. 5) Both Assertion and Reason are true, R is not the correct explanation of A. c) Assertion is false but reason is true. d) Assertion is true but Reason is false. 7) The atomic masses of sulphur(S), Oxygen(0) and helium (He) are approximately 32, 16 and 4 respectively. Which of the followingstatements regarding the number of atoms in 32g of sulphu, 16g of oxygen and 4g of helium is correct? P:16g of oxygen contains four times the number of atoms as 4g of helium. Q: l6g of oxygen contains half the number of atoms as 32g of sulphur. a) Only P b) Only Q c) Both P and Q Neither P nor Q 8) A compound with empirical fomula XY; has the vapour density equal to its empirical formula weight its molecular formula is c) XY a) X;Y4 b) X,Y, d) X;Y? 9) Silver nitrate is a electrolyte. a) Non c) Weak b)Strong d) Very weak 10) Ametal from period 2and group 1 b) Sodium a) Potassium Lithium 11)Assertion (A): Potassium, sodium, calcium cannot be reduced by coke, cartbon monoxide. d) Beryllium Reason (R): Oxides of highly active metals have greater aftinity towards oxygen and so cannot be reduced by common reducing agent. a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, R is the correct explanation of A. b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, Ris not the correct explanation of A. c) Assertion is true and Reason is false. d)Assertion is false but Reason is true. 12) Brass is an alloy of - a) Copper and Tin ) Copper and Zinc c) Zinc and lead 13) The metal oxide which can react with acid as well as alkali is a) Silver oxide b) Copper () oxide c) Aluminium oxide d) Lead and Tin d) Calcium oxide 14)Assertion(A): NH, is a polar covalent compound. Reason(R): The shared pair of electrons is unequally distributed between the nitrogen and hydrogen atom in not the correct explanation of A. a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, Ris the corect explanation of A. b)Both Assertion and Reason are true, R c)Assertion istrue and Reason is false. dyAssertion is false but Reason is true. 15) Solid lead bromide is a: ammonia. a) Conductor of electricity byNon-conductor of electricity c) Best conductor of electricity d) Semi-conductor of electricity Q2) 1)Identify the term/ gas/ substance/ element in the following a) lce like crystals formed on cooling an organic acid sufficiently. b) Unique property of a carbon atom to link with each other so as to form long chains or ring structures. c) A method used to concentrate Iron ore. d) The bond formed by the mutual sharing of electron(s). e) The scale used for determining the acidic or alkaline or neutral character of a solution. 2) The figure given below illustrates the apparatus used in the laboratory preparation of nitric acid. Glass etort A+B Sandtay4 Sin a) Name A (a liquid) and B (a solid) [do not give the formula]. b)Write an equation to show how nitric acid undergoes decomposition. c) Why is the flask fitted in slanting position in the above figure? d) Why is coldwater poured in the collection flask. 3)Complete the following by choosing the correct answers from the bracket: (5] ( alc.KOH/ aqueous KOH). a) Dehydro halogenation reaction takes place when an alkyl halide is treated with b) The process of formation of ions by HClin aqueous solution is called (lonisation/ Dissociation). c) The value of electron affinity of chlorine is (more/ less) than fluorine. d) Heating an ore in a limited supply of air or in the absence of air at a temperature just below its melting point is (calcination/ roasting). e) Theion whichreadily discharge at the anode during the electrolysis of acidified water is 4) State your observations: (CI/OH) a) When concentrated sulphuric acid is added drop wise to a crystal of hydrated copper sulphate. b) At anode, during the electrolysis of copper(|l) sulphate solution with copper electrodes. c) When nitrogen dioxide is passed through acidified freshly prepared ferrous sulphate solution. ) When ammonium hydroxide solution is added drop by drop and then in excess to copper sulphate solution e) Sodium hydroxide solution is added to Iron(ll) chloride solution >)Write the IUPAC name of the following organic compunds a) HH H-C--c HH H (21 b) c) H H O H C--CC----H H H d)Write the structure of the following organic compounds: a) 3-methyl pentan-2-ol b) 2-Bromo propane SECTION-B (Attempt any four questions) Q3) ) Complete the following table: Process Electrolysis of molten Lead Product at Cathode (2] Product at Anode Bromide 2) State your observation for the a)Ammonia gas is burnt in an following case: of oxygen in the absence of b)Bromine vapours are passedatmosphere catalyst. into a solution of ethyne in carbon tetrachloride. 3) Complete the table given below which refers to the important industrial Output refers to the product of the process processes. not the intermediate steps. Name of the Inputs process Hydrogen + Nitrogen Catalyst Finely divided iron 4) Atrophy manufacturer electroplates an iron trophy with Silver. a) Write the equation for the half that occurs at the iron trophy. reaction b) Identify an appropriate electrolyte. c) ldentify the anode. 13) Equation for catalysed reaction [3) Output

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