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Karnataka SSLC PCS : KSEEB Indian Economics April 2009

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Serial No. of Q. C. A. B. Roll No. J X R zW [ J X zW : 20 [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 20 : 60 + 16 = 76 ] Total No. of Questions : 60 + 16 = 76 ] : n x zW : 92-EK Code No. : 92-EK Subject : INDIAN ECONOMICS ( W X) ( For Blind Candidates only ) ( R O Y ) ( Kannada & English Versions ) [ Date : 04. 04. 2009 1-30 ] [ Time : 10-30 A.M. to 1-30 P.M. [ Max. Marks : 100 : 04. 04. 2009 ] : B 10-30 W R : 100 ] FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PART A Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks 1. 11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. Marks 60. Total Marks of Part A B PART B Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks 61. 65. 68. 71. 74. 62. 66. 69. 72. 75. 63. 67. 70. 73. 76. 64. Marks Total Marks of Total Marks in words 1. Grand Total 2. Part Signature of Evaluators Registration No. Signature of the Deputy Chief Signature of the Room Invigilator [ Turn over 92-EK 2 W : i) X R O O R . - O - . ii) - 60 X R R O - 16 X R R . iii) X R O O Y O P y . iv) - Y R O X R O O Y @ O Y O R , x J { Y . v) - X X R O J { R x . O R { Y . General Instructions : i) The question-cum-answer booklet contains two Parts, Part A & Part B. ii) Part A consists of 60 questions and Part B consists of 16 questions. iii) Space has been provided in the question-cum-answer booklet itself to answer the questions. iv) Follow the instructions given in Part A and write the correct answer in full in the space provided below each question. v) For Part B enough space for each question is provided. You have to answer the questions in the space provided. PART A x X R x @ O R . Y E O O R , O x@ x J { Y : 60 1 = 60 Four alternatives are suggested to each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Choose the most appropriate alternative and write the answer in full in the space provided below each question : 1. 60 1 = 60 " y @ W P# R X (A) (B) | (C) 1. . Z Z W (D) Q n The book entitled as Planned Economy for India was published by (A) Jawaharlal Nehru (B) Sardar Patel (C) Sir M. Visveswarayya (D) Lal Bahadur Shastri O ( Ans. ) : 3 92-EK 2. O R x@ W R ................... O . (A) W (B) (C) (D) W 2. If goods are exchanged for money, such transaction is called (A) (B) barter (C) 3. business exchange (D) trade O ( Ans. ) : E (A) (B) Y E (C) R y X R (D) 3. y R y R E Plan outlay means (A) (B) drawing the plan and then planning the next course of action (D) 4. the money to be spent during the plan period (C) 4. planning the method of action planning the work and then deciding the outlay O ( Ans. ) : x y y W (A) d (C) (B) (D) E Largest number of industrial labours are in the state of (A) 5. (B) Karnataka (C) 5. Maharashtra Bihar (D) West Bengal O ( Ans. ) : R J { (A) X (B) X ] (C) W (D) The first Planned Economy was introduced by (A) Britain (B) France (C) Russia (D) Japan O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 6. 6. 4 W (A) x x (C) X QM (B) (D) The first Five-Year Plan gave top priority to (A) 7. (B) Irrigation (C) 7. Industry Rural development (D) Agriculture O ( Ans. ) : " | # y X { (A) (B) (C) (D) @ Garibi Hatao programme was introduced during (A) 8. (B) Fifth Five-Year Plan (C) 8. First Five-Year Plan Sixth Five-Year Plan (D) Fourth Five-Year Plan (B) (D) O ( Ans. ) : y O P } W (A) (C) The currency of the U.S.A. is (A) 9. (B) Yen (C) 9. Dollar Rupee (D) Pound (B) (D) . . B O ( Ans. ) : " # R (A) . . (C) . . Janata Plan was advocated by (A) 10. (B) D.R. Gadgil (C) 1 0. M.N. Roy S.N. Agarwal (D) Manmohan Singh (B) (D) @ O ( Ans. ) : { (A) (C) Crop Insurance was introduced in (A) Third Five-Year Plan (B) Fourth Five-Year Plan (C) Second Five-Year Plan (D) Fifth Five-Year Plan O ( Ans. ) : 5 11. R X 92-EK Q . (A) (B) X (C) 11. . . Y (D) R L The propounder of Rolling Plan concept was (A) M.N. Roy (B) Henry Kissinger (C) Attlee (D) Gunnar Myrdal O ( Ans. ) : 1 2. W (A) (B) W F O S (C) 12. S X S (D) X O S The sixth Five-Year Plan gave top priority to (A) (B) Electricity production (C) 1 3. Foodgrains production Machinery production (D) Production of consumer goods O ( Ans. ) : O W x@ } (A) (B) (C) 13. (D) The best example for Entrepot trade is (A) (B) Germany (C) 1 4. Singapore Rome (D) Japan O ( Ans. ) : d W \ (A) (B) | (C) 14. Q h (D) % . . @ The first Chairman of the National Planning Commission of India was (A) Lal Bahadur Shastri (B) Sardar Patel (C) Jawaharlal Nehru (D) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 15. 6 R ? (A) (B) 1946 (C) 15. 1942 1945 (D) 1943 In which year was Bombay Plan prepared ? (A) (B) 1946 (C) 1 6. 1942 1945 (D) 1943 O ( Ans. ) : P ] y z P (A) (B) (C) 16. (D) Hindustan Machine Tools factory is in (A) (B) Bengaluru (C) 1 7. Mumbai Bhopal (D) Delhi O ( Ans. ) : Y W Q } J ? (A) (B) x } J (C) 17. y X } J } J (D) } J Which is the longest dam in India ? (A) (B) Kosi Dam (C) 1 8. Bhakra Nangal Dam Hirakud Dam (D) Chambal Dam O ( Ans. ) : Y S O y X R y x@ (A) (B) } (C) 18. (D) Twenty Point Programme was introduced in India during the time of (A) Morarji Desai (B) Karan Singh (C) Indira Gandhi (D) Rajiv Gandhi O ( Ans. ) : 7 92-EK 19. O O R x X (A) (B) S @ (C) t (D) x 19. The Nuclear Power Project which is under protest recently is in (A) 20. (B) Kalpakkam (C) 2 0. Surat Srisailam (D) Kaiga O ( Ans. ) : N } J R L J : (A) y (B) N (C) (D) The Krishnaraja Sagar Dam was constructed across the river (A) 21. (B) Krishna (C) 2 1. Kaveri Tunga (D) Narmada O ( Ans. ) : Y Y @ y z R P P (A) (B) x (C) y (D) During the Third Five-Year Plan, a steel plant was set up in India at (A) 22. (B) Raurkela (C) 2 2. Durgapur Bokaro (D) Bhilai (B) O ( Ans. ) : W J (A) (C) x @ (D) Which city is called as Manchester of India ? (A) 23. (B) Hyderabad (C) 2 3. Bengaluru Kolkata (D) Mumbai O ( Ans. ) : X Y J x y y X X (A) X (B) (C) W (D) X ] Industrial Revolution was first started in the world in (A) Britain (B) Japan (C) Russia (D) France O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 24. 24. 8 Z y z P (A) (C) O (D) (B) Railway Engine Factory is located at (A) 25. (B) Delhi (C) 2 5. Bengaluru Chittaranjan (D) Panaji (B) (D) | @ O ( Ans. ) : W Y x x (A) O (C) The industry which is found in Mandya is (A) 26. (B) Cement (C) 2 6. Cotton Jute (D) Sugar (B) O ( Ans. ) : d \ R { (A) (C) (D) The National Education Policy was introduced in (A) 27. (B) Third Five-Year Plan (C) 2 7. Sixth Five-Year Plan Seventh Five-Year Plan (D) Second Five-Year Plan (B) @ O ( Ans. ) : Wx { y X R Q (A) (C) (D) The Package Programme was introduced during (A) (B) Fourth Five-Year Plan (C) 2 8. Second Five-Year Plan Sixth Five-Year Plan (D) Fifth Five-Year Plan O ( Ans. ) : X (A) (B) 1966 (C) 28. 1964 1965 (D) 1963 Food Corporation of India was set up in the year (A) 1964 (B) 1966 (C) 1965 (D) 1963 O ( Ans. ) : 9 92-EK 29. Y J W P P P (A) X (B) (C) (D) x R 29. The first Hydel power plant in India was started at (A) 30. (B) Sharavati (C) 3 0. Shivanasamudram Nagjhari (D) Koyna (B) (D) O ( Ans. ) : Y L x\ P (A) Z (C) The largest oil field of India is found in (A) 31. (B) Baroda (C) 3 1. Ankleshwar Bombay High (D) Moran O ( Ans. ) : X Y J P S J W x X (A) (B) (C) X (D) In Himachal Pradesh region, hydro-electricity centre was first produced at (A) 32. (B) Pykara Powerhouse (C) 3 2. Manali Powerhouse Himadri Powerhouse (D) Mandi Powerhouse (B) S @ O ( Ans. ) : J O P P P (A) } X (C) (D) In India the first Nuclear Power plant was set up in (A) 33. (B) Tarapur (C) 3 3. Rana Pratap Sagar Narora (D) Kalpakkam (B) (D) R O ( Ans. ) : P P P (A) J (C) x E Hindustan Shipping Yard is located in (A) Vishakhapatnam (B) Chennai (C) Kochi (D) Paradwip O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 34. 10 W x x P (A) (B) (C) 34. (D) Heavy Electrical Industry is in (A) (B) Chandigarh (C) 3 5. Perambur Bhopal (D) Bengaluru O ( Ans. ) : Y Y } W (A) (B) (C) 35. (D) | y The currency of Bangladesh is (A) (B) Yen (C) 3 6. Pound Rouble (D) Taka O ( Ans. ) : Z U y z P (A) (B) (C) 36. O (D) } Integral Coach Factory is in (A) (B) Perambur (C) 3 7. Delhi Chittaranjan (D) Varanasi O ( Ans. ) : X (A) (B) 75 (C) 37. 77 72 (D) 70 The average life span of Japanese is (A) 77 years (B) 75 years (C) 72 years (D) 70 years O ( Ans. ) : 11 38. 38. Y (A) y (C) x 92-EK (D) N (B) The River called Sorrow of Bihar is (A) 39. (B) Mahanadi (C) 3 9. Kaveri Kosi (D) Krishna O ( Ans. ) : J P P (A) \V (B) (C) U (D) X The first Natural gas was explored in (A) 40. (B) Namrup (C) 4 0. Lakshmipur Digboi (D) Rudra Sagar O ( Ans. ) : } J R L J : (A) (B) (C) y (D) N Nagarjuna Sagar Dam was constructed across the river (A) 41. (B) Ganga (C) 4 1. Narmada Kaveri (D) Krishna O ( Ans. ) : ................... Y O O Y E | O . (A) W (B) W (C) O W (D) W W Indian rupee has resulted in reduction of imports and increase of exports due to (A) 42. (B) devaluation (C) 4 2. revaluation valuation (D) middle valuation O ( Ans. ) : O O W Q (A) W (B) W (C) X W (D) W If import and export values of commodities are equal, then it is called as (A) balanced trade (B) imbalanced trade (C) adverse trade (D) traders relation O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 12 43. W O W @ E Q Y R W R O . (A) (B) @ (C) X @ (D) @ 43. If the value of imports is more than the value of exports, it is called (A) 44. (B) disadvantageous balance of trade (C) 4 4. balance of trade adverse balance of trade (D) advantageous balance of trade O ( Ans. ) : Y ................. Y E | . (A) E O (B) | X S R (C) QM O (D) X The implementation of Five-Year Plan resulted in the import of (A) 45. 4 6. 46. (B) petroleum products (C) 4 5. raw materials finished products (D) machinery O ( Ans. ) : Y ........................ . (A) (B) (C) L (D) x rate has declined during the sixth Five-Year Plan. (A) The birth (B) The death (C) The interest (D) The capital investment O ( Ans. ) : W (A) x x (B) (C) W (D) The second Five-Year Plan gave top priority to (A) 47. (B) Fuel (C) 4 7. Industry Agriculture (D) Irrigation O ( Ans. ) : d O } O QM R (A) (B) (C) (D) The National Extension Service and the Community Development Schemes w ere started during the (A) Second Five-Year Plan (B) Third Five-Year Plan (C) First Five-Year Plan (D) Fifth Five-Year Plan O ( Ans. ) : 13 48. 48. @ X S (A) (C) 92-EK (B) (D) . . B The main architect of the fourth Five-Year Plan was (A) 49. (B) Rajiv Gandhi (C) 4 9. Jawaharlal Nehru Indira Gandhi (D) D. R. Gadgil O ( Ans. ) : X X W P R (A) @ (B) (C) (D) Project for drinking water facilities was given to rural areas during the (A) 50. (B) Sixth Five-Year Plan (C) 5 0. Fourth Five-Year Plan Eighth Five-Year Plan (D) Seventh Five-Year Plan (B) (D) X X x O ( Ans. ) : X W (A) (C) Tungabhadra Project is in the state of (A) 51. (B) Andhra Pradesh (C) 5 1. Karnataka Tamil Nadu (D) Kerala O ( Ans. ) : Y U y z (A) (B) (C) X (D) y The Chemical and Fertilizer Industry that started during the first Five-Year Plan was (A) 52. (B) Bhilai (C) 5 2. Durgapur Sindhri (D) Bokaro. (B) P O ( Ans. ) : } X O P W (A) d (C) (D) The State in which the Rana Pratap Sagar Nuclear Power Plant is located, is (A) Maharashtra (B) Karnataka (C) Gujarat (D) Rajasthan O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 53. 14 O @ W W (A) (B) x (C) 53. X X (D) Shabarigiri and Idukki hydel power projects are in the state of (A) (B) Kerala (C) 5 4. Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh (D) Karnataka O ( Ans. ) : " # J Q : (A) (B) O (C) 54. W O O (D) - O Pykara project was started during the plan for (A) (B) Nuclear power (C) 5 5. Hydro-electric power Solar energy (D) Geothermal energy O ( Ans. ) : d d W (A) (B) X W (C) 55. W W (D) O W Trade between two countries is called (A) (B) Provincial Trade (C) 5 6. Internal Trade Foreign Trade (D) Export Trade O ( Ans. ) : Y R | X ? (A) (B) (C) 56. @ (D) Neyveli Lignite Corporation was started during (A) First Five-Year Plan (B) Second Five-Year Plan (C) Fourth Five-Year Plan (D) Third Five-Year Plan O ( Ans. ) : 15 57. 92-EK W (A) (B) 1991 (C) 57. 1990 1989 (D) 1992 Indian Rupee was devalued in the year (A) (B) 1991 (C) 5 8. 1990 1989 (D) 1992 O ( Ans. ) : @ W (A) (B) x (C) 58. O x x (D) Fourth Five-Year Plan gave top priority to (A) (B) mining (C) 5 9. transport and communication industry (D) irrigation O ( Ans. ) : W S x X P (A) (B) (C) 59. x R y (D) The Hydro-electric power project of Karnataka is at (A) (B) Shabarigiri (C) 6 0. Koyna Kali (D) Sileru O ( Ans. ) : O R x P (A) (B) U (C) 60. X V X (D) Z The first oilfield drilled by ONGC is at (A) Bombay High (B) Digboi (C) Brahmaputra Valley (D) Ankleshwar O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 16 PART B x X X R W Y O : 10 2 = 20 Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 10 2 = 20 61. Y d J y R . 61. Name the national level Trade Unions in India. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6 2. Y x y QM x Y ? 62. Why was industrial development not satisfactory during the Fifth Five-Year Plan ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6 3. 63. Y \} E E y ? What were the causes for the increase of defence expenditure during Third Five-Year Plan ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6 4. 64. P R W W ? Which are the two Banks that study economic condition of India ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6 5. 65. X Y E x y QM R y ? What factors helped Japan to become an industrially developed country in the world ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 17 66. x\ X W R ? 66. 92-EK What were the priorities given in the Seventh Five-Year Plan ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6 7. W Q ? 67. What were the important aims of the Second Five-Year Plan ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6 8. W R " { # R O . x ? 68. Why is Indian agriculture called gamble with monsoons ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6 9. W ? W W Y O ? 69. What is internal trade ? Where does it generally take place ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 7 0. W R O ? 70. What were the priorities given in the Fifth Five-Year Plan ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ x X X R W Y O : Answer the following questions in about six sentences each : 71. W W ? 71. 4 3 = 12 4 3 = 12 What are the main functions of Planning Commission ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ [ Turn over 92-EK 18 _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 7 2. W Q ? 72. What were the important aims of the First Five-Year Plan ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 7 3. QM Y W X W ? 73. What is the importance of Foreign Trade in India's economic development ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 19 92-EK _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 7 4. X @ R x X ? 74. What steps are taken to overcome our adverse Balance of Payment ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ x X X R W Y O : 2 4=8 Answer the following questions in about eight sentences each : 2 4=8 75. 75. Y X Y ? What were the achievements in the field of social services during the Sixth Five-Year Plan ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ [ Turn over 92-EK 20 _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 7 6. 76. x@ W ? What is the need for economic planning in India ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) Physically Challenged Students (PCS) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
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Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, indian economics 2009, online solved question papers, KSEEB indian economics, kseeb indian economics, KSEEB SSLC indian economics

, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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