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Karnataka SSLC PCS : KSEEB Indian Economics June 2009

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Serial N o . o f Q. C . A. B. Ro ll No. J X R z W : 60 + [ J X z W : 20 [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 20 16 = 76 ] Total No. of Questions : 60 + 16 = 76 ] : n x z W : 9 2 -E K Code No. : 92-EK Subject : INDIA N E CONOMICS ( W X) ( F or Blin d Can didates only ) ( R O Y ) ( Kannada & English Versions ) [ Date : 13. 06. 2009 1-30 ] [ Time : 10-30 A. M. to 1-30 P. M. [ Max. Marks : 100 : 13. 06. 2009 ] : B 10-30 W R : 100 ] F OR OF FICE USE ONLY PA RT A Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks 1. 11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. Marks 60. Total Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks of PA RT B Marks Q. No. Part Q. No. Marks 61. 65. 68. 71. 66. 69. 72. 67. 70. 73. B 76. 64. Marks 75. 63. A 74. 62. Total Marks of To tal Marks in Part Grand To tal wo rds 1. 2. Si gna tu r e of Eva l ua tor s Regi str a ti on No. Si gna tu r e of the D epu ty Ch i ef Si gna tu r e of the Room In vi gi la tor [ Turn over 92-EK 2 W : i) X R O O R . - O - . ii) - 60 X R R O - 16 X R R . iii) X R O O Y O P y . iv) - Y R O X R O O Y @ O Y O R , x J { Y . v) - X X R O J { R x . O R { Y . General I nstructions : i) The question-cum -a nsw er booklet contains two Parts, Part A & Part B. ii) Part A consists of 60 questions and Part B consists of 16 questions. iii) Space has been provided in t he q uestion-c um- answ er booklet itself to answ er the questions. iv) Follow the i nstructio ns given in Part A and w rite t he correct answ er in f ull in the space provided below each question. v) For Part B enough space f or each questio n is provided. You have to answ er the questions in the space provided. PAR T A x X R x @ O R . Y E O O R , O x @ x J { Y : 60 1 = 60 Four alternatives are suggested to each of the f ollow ing questions / incomplete statements. Choose the most appropriate a lternat ive and w rite the answ er in f ull in the space provided below each question : 1. P x x P (A) (C) 1. 60 1 = 60 x E J (D) R (B) Hindustan Sh ipping Yard is located in (A) Kochi (B) Mumbai (C) Vishakhapatn am (D) Chennai O ( Ans. ) : 3 2. 2. X Y } W (A) (C) 92-EK (D) (B) The currency of Britain is (A) 3. (B) Rouble (C) 3. Rupee Dollar (D) Pound (B) (D) O ( Ans. ) : @ y z Q (A) (C) @ Bhila i Steel Plant w as set-up during (A) 4. (B) Third Five-Year Plan (C) 4. Second Five-Year Plan Fourth Five-Year Plan (D) Fif th Five-Year Plan O ( Ans. ) : } J R L J : (A) (B) (C) y (D) N Hirakud Dam w as constructed across the river (A) 5. (B) Ganga (C) 5. Mahan adi Kaveri (D) Krishna (B) (D) O ( Ans. ) : Y Z U y z P (A) (C) Integral Coach Factory in India is at (A) 6. (B) Bengalur u (C) 6. Benaras Perambur (D) Ranchi O ( Ans. ) : y W O ? (A) d- (B) - X X (C) - X X (D) - The states w hich benef ited by the river Kaveri are (A) Maharash tra-Kar natak a (B) Tamil Nadu -A ndhra Pradesh (C) Karnatak a-A ndhra Pradesh (D) Karnatak a-Tam il Nadu O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 7. 4 Y y P ? (A) (B) 1956 (C) 7. 1950 1955 (D) 1958 W hich year the f irst Trade U nion started in India ? (A) 8. (B) 1956 (C) 8. 1950 1955 (D) 1958 O ( Ans. ) : R J y x @ (A) W (B) (C) X (D) y The f irst country in the w orld w hich implemented economic planning is (A) 9. (B) Germany (C) 9. Russia Britain (D) America O ( Ans. ) : O O Q R ? (A) W (B) X W (C) W (D) W W hat do w e call if the exports and imports are equal ? (A) 10. (B) Adverse balance of trade (C) 10. U nequal bal ance of trade Balance of trade (D) Favourable bala nce of trade (B) (D) W O O ( Ans. ) : O R O x _ QM (A) O W (C) y W Exchange of goods f or goods is called (A) 11. (B) direct trade (C) 11. goods trade primitive trade (D) barter trade O ( Ans. ) : " | # y X { (A) (B) (C) (D) Garibi Hatao programme w as introduced during (A) First Five-Year Plan (B) Fif th Five-Year Plan (C) Second Five-Year Plan (D) Sixth Five-Year Plan O ( Ans. ) : 5 12. 12. " # R (A) . . (C) . . 92-EK (D) . . B . . (B) J anat a Plan w as advocated by (A) 13. (B) D. R. Gadgil (C) 13. M. N. Roy S. N. Agarw al (D) P. V. Narasimha Rao (B) x O ( Ans. ) : x y y W (A) (C) d (D) L argest number of industrial labourers are in the state of (A) 14. (B) Bihar (C) 14. Karnatak a Maharash tra (D) Kerala O ( Ans. ) : Y J W P P P (A) x R (B) (C) (D) X The f irst hydel power plant in India w as started at (A) 15. (B) Sharavat i (C) 15. Koyna Nagjhar i (D) Shivan asamudr am O ( Ans. ) : X Y J P S J W x X (A) (B) (C) X (D) y In Himachal Pradesh region, hydro-electricity w as f irst produced at (A) 16. (B) Mandi Pow erhouse (C) 16. Manal i Pow erhouse Himadri Pow erhouse (D) Pykara Pow erhouse O ( Ans. ) : Y P S J O P Y . (A) x (B) Y (C) y (D) The nuclear pow er project in Karnataka is established at (A) Kaiga (B) Yellapur (C) Karw ar (D) Haigunda. O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 17. 6 Y | X R ................ Y O . (A) (B) { (C) 17. U (D) Petroleum w as f irst discovered in India at (A) (B) Ranigan j (C) 18. L akhimpur Digboi (D) Naharkat iya O ( Ans. ) : Y L x \ P (A) (B) Z (C) 18. (D) W here is the largest oil f ield in India ? (A) (B) Ankaleshw ar (C) 19. Baroda Moran (D) Bombay High O ( Ans. ) : Y | X QM x X R P P (A) (B) (C) 19. x (D) The Petroleum ref ining station of Karnataka is at (A) (B) Mangal ore (C) 20. Sirsi Ankola (D) Kundapur O ( Ans. ) : Y J O P P P (A) (B) S @ (C) 20. } X (D) In India, the f irst Nuclear Pow er Plant w as set up in (A) Tarapur (B) Kalpakkam (C) Rana Pratap Sagar (D) Narora O ( Ans. ) : 7 92-EK 21. Z XW P Q (A) (B) y X- (C) (D) x 21. The f irst Multi-purpose river project af ter independence w as (A) 22. (B) Bhakra-N anga l project (C) 22. Hirakud project Damodar project (D) Kosi project O ( Ans. ) : X } J R L J ? (A) N (B) y (C) X (D) X The Tungabhadra Dam is constructed across w hich river ? (A) 23. (B) Kaveri (C) 23. Krishna Malaprabh a (D) Tungabhadra O ( Ans. ) : Y W Q } J ? (A) x } J (B) } J (C) y X- } J (D) } J W hich is the longest dam in India ? (A) 24. (B) Hirakud Dam (C) 24. Kosi Dam Bhakra-N anga l Dam (D) Chamba l Dam (B) (D) x O ( Ans. ) : ] Y (A) (C) The Sorrow of Orissa is (A) 25. (B) River Kosi (C) 25. River Mahanadi River Damodar (D) River Narmada (B) x O ( Ans. ) : X X Y O P (A) (C) t (D) In w hich place of Andhra Pradesh is a Nuclear Power plant situated ? (A) Narora (B) Kaiga (C) Srisaila m (D) Tarapur O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 8 26. O @ W W (A) d (B) X X (C) (D) x 26. Shabarag iri and Idukki hydel pow er projects are in the state of (A) 27. (B) Andhra Pradesh (C) 27. Maharash tra Tamil Nadu (D) Kerala (B) (D) X x O O ( Ans. ) : U y z P (A) (C) Chemical f ertilizer f actory is in (A) 28. (B) Sindhri (C) 28. Hyderabad Thiruvana nth apuram (D) Coimbatore (B) (D) U _ O ( Ans. ) : P ] y z P (A) (C) R Hindustan Mach ine Tools f actory is in (A) 29. (B) Hubli (C) 29. Bengalur u Chennai (D) Mysore (B) (D) x x O ( Ans. ) : S O R R ? (A) (C) Tw entieth Century is called as (A) 30. (B) Industrial Age (C) 30. Agricult ural Age Planni ng Age (D) Transport Age (B) (D) W W O ( Ans. ) : d d W (A) W (C) O W Trade betw een tw o countries is called (A) Import Trade (B) Internal Trade (C) Export Trade (D) Foreign Trade O ( Ans. ) : 9 92-EK 31. { , O P X Q (A) x (B) y X- (C) (D) 31. The Multi -purpose project, a joint venture of Punj ab, Haryana and Ra jasth an states w as built in (A) Kosi Project (B) Bhakra-N anga l Project (C) Hirakud Project (D) Narmada Valley Project O ( Ans. ) : 32. " y @ W P# R X (A) (B) V (C) 32. . Z Z W (D) Q n The book entitled as Planned Economy f or India w as published by (A) (B) Mahat ma Gandhi (C) 33. Sir M. Visvesw arayya J aw aharlal Nehru (D) L al Bahadur Sh astri O ( Ans. ) : X (A) (B) 1952 (C) 33. 1960 1950 (D) 1955 Indian Plann ing Comm ission w as started in the year (A) 34. (B) 1952 (C) 34. 1960 1950 (D) 1955 O ( Ans. ) : @ Y Y. (A) J @ y z (C) y @ y z Q (B) (D) Xy @ y z @ y z The proposed project of w as not started during the Fourth Five-Year Plan period. (A) Vishakhapatn am Steel Plant (B) Salem Steel Plant (C) Bokaro Steel Plant (D) Vijayan agar Steel Plant O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 10 35. W (A) W x @ (B) x x (C) x @ (D) x @ 35. Second Five-Year Plan gave top priority to (A) Agricult ure (B) Industry (C) Fuel (D) Commu nicat ion O ( Ans. ) : 36. R ? (A) (B) 1946 (C) 36. 1943 1942 (D) 1945 In w hich year Bombay Plan prepared ? (A) (B) 1946 (C) 37. 1943 1942 (D) 1945 O ( Ans. ) : d W \ (A) (B) N (C) 37. G (D) V The f irst Chairman of the Nationa l Plann ing Comm ission of India w as (A) (B) Krishnamach ari (C) 38. Gulzari lal Na nda J aw aharlal Nehru (D) Mahat ma Gandhi O ( Ans. ) : Y S O y X R y x @ (A) (B) (C) 38. . . . . (D) Tw enty Point Programme w as introduced in India during the time of (A) P. V. Narasimha Rao (B) Morarji Desai (C) V. P. Singh (D) Indira Gandhi O ( Ans. ) : 11 92-EK 39. Y R | X ? (A) (B) (C) @ (D) 39. Neyveli L ignite Corporation w as started during (A) 40. (B) Third Five-Year Plan (C) 40. Second Five-Year Plan Fourth Five-Year Plan (D) Sixth Five-Year Plan. (B) O ( Ans. ) : Wx { y X R Q (A) @ (C) (D) The Package Programme w as introduced during (A) 41. (B) Second Five-Year Plan (C) 41. Fourth Five-Year Plan. Fif th Five-Year Plan (D) Third Five-Year Plan O ( Ans. ) : N L J } J ? (A) } J (B) x } J (C) } J (D) y X- } J W hich dam is built across the Krishna river ? (A) 42. (B) Kosi Dam (C) 42. Hirakud Dam Nagarju na Sag ar Dam (D) Bhakra-N anga l Dam O ( Ans. ) : Y Y @ y z R P P (A) x (B) (C) (D) y During the Third Five-Year Plan, a steel plant w as set up in India at (A) 43. (B) Durgapur (C) 43. Raurkela Bhila i (D) Bokaro O ( Ans. ) : @ X W (A) x y QM (B) QM (C) (D) The Fourth Five-Year Plan gave top priority to (A) industria l development (B) agricult ural development (C) f uel (D) social services O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 44. 12 V Y P x x ? (A) (B) x x (C) 44. O | J x x @ x x (D) | x x W hich industry is established in Ahmedabad ? (A) (B) J ute industry (C) 45. Cotton Textile industry Steel industry (D) Cement industry O ( Ans. ) : X Y J x y y X X (A) (B) X ] (C) 45. X (D) W Industrial Revolutio n w as f irst started in the w orld in (A) (B) France (C) 46. J apan Britain (D) Russia O ( Ans. ) : Y y L J } J (A) (B) } J (C) 46. } J J } J (D) N } J The dam w as constructed across the River Kaveri in Karnataka is (A) (B) Tungabhadra Dam (C) 47. Nagarju na Sag ar Dam Ala matt i Dam (D) Krishnaraj a Sagar Dam O ( Ans. ) : d \ R { (A) (B) (C) 47. @ (D) The National Educat ion Policy w as introduced in (A) Sixth Five-Year Plan (B) Seventh Five-Year Plan (C) Fourth Five-Year Plan (D) Eighth Five-Year Plan O ( Ans. ) : 13 48. 48. W x x P (A) (C) 92-EK (D) (B) Heavy electrical industry is in (A) 49. (B) Delhi (C) 49. Bhopal Bengalur u (D) Chandigar h (B) (D) O ( Ans. ) : Y Y } W (A) (C) | y The currency of Bangladesh is (A) 50. (B) Pound (C) 50. Rouble Taka (D) Yen O ( Ans. ) : R X Q . (A) X (B) . . B (C) . . (D) X. R L Rolling plan concept w as advocated by (A) 51. (B) D. R. Gadgil (C) 51. Pranab Mukherjee S. N. Agarw al (D) Prof . Gunnar Myrdal (B) x O ( Ans. ) : S @ O P W (A) (C) X X (D) Kalpakkam Nuclear Energy Plant is in the state (A) 52. (B) Tamil Nadu (C) 52. Karnatak a Andhra Pradesh (D) Kerala (B) (D) W y O ( Ans. ) : O W x @ } (A) (C) y y The best example f or entrepot trade is (A) Singapore (B) Thaila nd (C) Hong Kong (D) J akarta O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 53. 14 Z y z P (A) (B) (C) 53. } O (D) x @ The Railw ay engine f actory w as set up in (A) (B) Bhila i (C) 54. Varanasi Chittar anj an (D) Kolkata O ( Ans. ) : y y y { (A) (B) 1925 (C) 54. 1921 1928 (D) 1926 Indian government introduced L abour U nion L aw in the year (A) (B) 1925 (C) 55. 1921 1928 (D) 1926 O ( Ans. ) : d X W y X { (A) (B) (C) 55. @ (D) Nation al Rura l Employment Programme came into f orce during (A) (B) Sixth Plan (C) 56. Fourth Plan Third Plan (D) Seventh Plan O ( Ans. ) : X (A) (B) 75 (C) 56. 77 76 (D) 70 The average life span of J apanese is (A) 77 years (B) 75 years (C) 76 years (D) 70 years O ( Ans. ) : 15 57. 92-EK O E W Q (A) (B) (C) 57. (D) x The multi -purpose project, a joint venture of f ormer Bihar and W est Bengal states is the (A) (B) Narmada Valley Project (C) 58. Chamba l Valley Project Damodar Valley Project (D) Kosi Project O ( Ans. ) : W (A) (B) x x (C) 58. (D) W The f irst Five-Year Plan gave top priority to (A) 59. (B) Industry (C) 59. Fuel Transport (D) Agricult ure (B) O ( Ans. ) : W J (A) x @ (C) R (D) W hich city is called as Manchester of India ? (A) (B) Mumbai (C) 60. Kolkata Chennai (D) Bengalur u O ( Ans. ) : \ W (A) (B) 1977 (C) 60. 1978 1976 (D) 1974 The Fif th Five-Year Plan ended abruptly in the year (A) 1978 (B) 1977 (C) 1976 (D) 1974 O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 92-EK 16 PAR T B x X X R W Y O : 10 2 = 20 Answ er the f ollow ing questions in two or three sentences each. 10 2 = 20 61. z W E V X ? 61. How has population grow th hindered our economic progress ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 62. x y y W ? 62. W hat are the problems of Industrial labours in India ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 63. Y @ y z R . 63. Name any tw o steel plants set up during Second Five-Year Plan. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 64. 64. y ? W hat w ere the causes of the f ailure of the Third Five-Year Plan ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 65. Y X x y X ? 65. W hat are the tw o schemes started f or the rural development during the Sixth Five-Year Plan ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 17 66. 66. 92-EK W R O ? W hat w ere the priorities given in the Fif th Five-Year Plan ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 67. Y W W ? 67. W hich are the tw o main hydro-electric projects in Karnataka ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 68. P ? y ? 68. W hen w as Food Corporation of India established ? W hat are its f unctions ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 69. ? Y Y Q ? 69. W hat do you mean by Ann ual P lan ? D uring w hich years t hese plans w ere in f orce in India ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 70. W @ ? 70. Name three classif ications of trade. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ x X X R W Y O : Answ er the f ollow ing questions in about six sentences each : 71. 71. 4 3 = 12 4 3 = 12 Q ? W hat w ere the achievements of the Fif th Five-Year Plan ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ [ Turn over 92-EK 18 _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 72. @ X Q Q ? 72. W hat w ere the important objectives of the Fourth Five-Year Plan ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 73. Q Q ? 73. W hat are the objectives of multi-purpose projects ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 19 92-EK _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 74. R . 74. Mention the achievements of the Seventh Five-Year Plan. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ x X X R W Y O : 2 4=8 Answ er the f ollow ing questions in about eight sentences each : 2 4=8 75. 75. W R \ O . Explain brief ly the necessity of the Five-Year Plans. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ [ Turn over 92-EK 20 _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 76. P B W y X ? 76. W hat are the opinions of the Reserve Bank of India on the economic position of India ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) Physically Challenged Students (PCS) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
Tags : Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, indian economics june 2009, online solved question papers, KSEEB indian economics, kseeb indian economics, KSEEB SSLC indian economics, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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