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Karnataka SSLC PCS : KSEEB Indian Sociology June 2009

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Serial N o . o f Q. C . A. B. Ro ll No. J X R z W : 60 + [ J X z W : 20 [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 20 16 = 76 ] Total No. of Questions : 60 + 16 = 76 ] x z W : 9 1 -E K : n Code No. Subject : INDIA N SOCIOLOGY : 91-EK ( W X) ( F or Blin d Can didates only ) ( R O Y ) ( Kannada & English Versions ) : 09. 06. 2009 ] : B 10-30 W R 1-30 ] [ Time : 100 ] F OR OF FICE USE ONLY [ Date : 09. 06. 2009 : 10-30 A. M. to 1-30 P. M. [ Max. Marks : 100 PA RT A Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks 1. 11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. Marks 60. Total Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks of PA RT B Marks Q. No. Part Q. No. Marks 61. 65. 68. 71. 66. 69. 72. 67. 70. 73. B 76. 64. Marks 75. 63. A 74. 62. Total Marks of To tal Marks in Part Grand To tal wo rds 2. 1. Si gna tu r e of Eva l ua tor s Regi str a ti on No. Si gna tu r e of the D epu ty Ch i ef Si gna tu r e of the Room In vi gi la tor [ Turn over 91-EK 2 W : i) X R O O R . - O - . ii) - 60 X R R O - 16 X R R . iii) X R O O Y O P y . iv) - Y R O X R O O Y @ O Y O R , x J { Y . v) - X X R O J { R x . O R { Y . General I nstructions : i) The question-cum -a nsw er booklet contains two Parts, Part A & Part B. ii) Part A consists of 60 questions and Part B consists of 16 questions. iii) Space has been provided in t he q uestion-c um- answ er booklet itself to answ er the questions. iv) Follow the i nstructio ns given in Part A and w rite t he correct answ er in f ull in the space provided below each question. v) For Part B enough space f or each questio n is provided. You have to answ er the questions in the space provided. PAR T A x X R x @ O R . Y E O O R , O x @ x J { Y : 60 1 = 60 Four alternatives are suggested to each of the f ollow ing questions / incomplete statements. Choose the most appropriate a lternat ive and w rite the answ er in f ull in the space provided below each question : 1. 60 1 = 60 " W Xy # X R (A) (B) V (C) 1. { Z (D) Z y The book Satyartha Prakashan a w as w ritten by (A) Raja Ramm oha n Roy (B) Atmar am Pandura ng (C) Dayanand Sar asw ati (D) Sw ami Vivekananda O ( Ans. ) : 3 2. 91-EK { (A) (B) 1955 (C) 2. 1956 1947 (D) 1950 The Constitutio n of India came into existence in the year (A) 3. (B) 1955 (C) 3. 1956 1947 (D) 1950 O ( Ans. ) : Y R P (A) (B) % | (C) (D) { W The Theosophical Society in India w as established by (A) 4. (B) Dr. Annie Besant (C) 4. Raman anda Ranade (D) J yotiba Phule (B) (D) Z O ( Ans. ) : 24 (A) (C) X Vardhaman a Mahavir a w as the 24th (A) 5. (B) Sw amiji (C) 5. Tirthankara Prophet (D) Follow er (B) W | O ( Ans. ) : R y S J (A) (C) (D) The schools that are started to keep juvenile delinquents are called (A) 6. (B) Remand Homes (C) 6. Orphanage Certif ied Schools (D) Associated Schools (B) O ( Ans. ) : - Y W (A) y (C) (D) The person w ho w orked f or the unity of Hindu-Muslim w as (A) Kantaba i (B) Ramaba i (C) Mirabai (D) Sant Kabir O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 91-EK 7. 4 (A) (B) % @ (C) 7. { { W (D) Z W ho amo ng the f ol low ing w as t he leader w ho w orked f or the uplif tment of the depressed class ? (A) (B) Dr. Ambedkar (C) 8. Raja Ramm oha n Roy J yotiba Phule (D) Dayanand Sar asw ati O ( Ans. ) : \ } { (A) (B) 1956 (C) 8. 1960 1950 (D) 1961 Dow ry Prohibition Act w as passed in the year (A) (B) 1956 (C) 9. 1960 1950 (D) 1961 O ( Ans. ) : QM R Q (A) (B) J ] (C) 9. y (D) The Sati system w as abolished by (A) (B) L ord Hastings (C) 10. L ord W illiam Bentinck L ord Dalhousie (D) L ord Curzon O ( Ans. ) : { W X (A) (B) W W L (C) 10. { y | (D) y J yotiba Phule inf luenced a European w riter named (A) J ohn L ocke (B) Matthew Arnold (C) Tom Paine (D) W illiam L ocke O ( Ans. ) : 5 11. 11. Y R (A) J (C) J 91-EK (D) J | (B) Hindu School in Ban aras w as set up by (A) 12. (B) Sister Nivedita (C) 12. Sister Nirmala Sister Kamala (D) Annie Besant O ( Ans. ) : G x (A) Z (B) { (C) Z y (D) V The f ather of Indian Renaissance w as (A) 13. (B) Raja Ramm oha n Roy (C) 13. Dayanand Sar asw ati Sw ami Vivekananda (D) Atmar am Pandura ng O ( Ans. ) : Y R (A) Z X W (B) x X (C) { (D) X | W idow remarriage in Bengal w as introduced by (A) 14. (B) Keshab Chandra Sen (C) 14. Ishw ar Chandra Vidyasagar Raja Ramm oha n Roy (D) Debendranath Tagore (B) R O ( Ans. ) : R 1916 Y X (A) V (C) | (D) The Home Rule L eague in 1916 w as launched by (A) 15. (B) Pandit J aw aharla l Nehru (C) 15. Mahat ma Gandhi Annie Besant (D) Moham med Ali J innah (B) (D) X O ( Ans. ) : A X X (A) (C) The holy book of Sikhs is the (A) Ramaya na (B) Bible (C) Quran (D) Grantha Sa hib O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 91-EK 6 16. Y R W O b R (A) W (B) W (C) (D) Y 16. Kannada l iterature and cult ure w as spreaded in Karnataka at the time of (A) 17. (B) Chal ukyas (C) 17. Pandyas Cholas (D) Pallavas (B) (D) A O ( Ans. ) : V X P ? (A) Y (C) Ajmer is a pilgrimage centre of (A) 18. (B) Sikhs (C) 18. Muslims Parsees (D) Hindus O ( Ans. ) : " # ? (A) (B) (C) (D) The w ord 'Hindu' w as derived f rom the Persian w ord (A) (B) Indu (C) 19. Bandhu Sindhu (D) Vindhu O ( Ans. ) : @ \ { (A) (B) 1920 (C) 19. 1930 1925 (D) 1921 Adult educati on w as started in the year (A) 20. (B) 1920 (C) 20. 1930 1925 (D) 1921 O ( Ans. ) : y P (A) (B) X (C) X V (D) N Mahadeva Govinda Ranade w orked f or (A) Arya Sam aj (B) Prarthana S ama j (C) Brahmo Sa maj (D) Ramakrishn a Mission O ( Ans. ) : 7 91-EK 21. x X y P (A) N (B) X V (C) X (D) 21. Sister Nivedita w as associated w ith (A) 22. (B) Brahmo Sa maj (C) 22. Ramakrishn a Mission Prarthana S ama j (D) Arya Sam aj (B) (D) O O ( Ans. ) : QM P (A) (C) Siddharth a w as born at (A) 23. (B) Banaras (C) 23. Gaya L umbini garden (D) Kapilvastu (B) (D) { O ( Ans. ) : A x (A) @ (C) The last Guru of Sikhs w as (A) 24. (B) Zail Sing h (C) 24. Milkha Si ngh Ajit Si ngh (D) Govind Singh (B) (D) QM W O ( Ans. ) : QM (A) (C) The f ather of Gautama Buddha w as (A) 25. (B) Shuddhoda na (C) 25. Rahul Ashoka (D) Shakya (B) Y \ Y O ( Ans. ) : W O Z y X X (A) Y (C) Y (D) The Personality Development plays very important role in (A) Social group (B) Religious group (C) Economic group (D) Education al group O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 91-EK 8 26. O x @ W (A) (B) (C) W (D) 26. The inspiration w as given through Bhakti Marga by (A) 27. (B) Kanakadasa (C) 27. Shankar acharya Chait anya (D) Purandaradas a (B) (D) Z O ( Ans. ) : A x @ (A) (C) W The temple of Sikhs is called (A) 28. (B) Gurudw ara (C) 28. Basadi Chaity a (D) Vihara O ( Ans. ) : Y U y K (A) 18 (B) 19 (C) 21 (D) 16 The minimu m age limit f or an Indian citizen to vote in the election is (A) (B) 19 years (C) 29. 18 years 21 years (D) 16 years O ( Ans. ) : Z XW (A) (B) 1951 (C) 29. 1950 1947 (D) 1955 India became independent in the year (A) 30. (B) 1951 (C) 30. 1950 1947 (D) 1955 (B) n X V O ( Ans. ) : { P P (A) (C) X (D) Raja Ramm oha n Roy f ounded the institution know n as (A) Arya Sam aj (B) Stree Samaj (C) Prarthana S ama j (D) Brahmo Sa maj O ( Ans. ) : 9 31. 91-EK QM (A) (B) QM (C) 31. (D) R The original name of Gautam a Buddha w as (A) (B) Siddharth a (C) 32. Rahul Mahavira (D) Chenna O ( Ans. ) : y P (A) (B) QM (C) 32. z (D) { Guru Nanak propounded the religion called (A) Sikhism (B) Buddhism (C) Hinduism (D) J ainism O ( Ans. ) : 33. X x @ Q ? (A) (B) (C) 33. V x X O (D) { The Bible is a holy book f or w hich religion ? (A) (B) Hindus (C) 34. Muslims Christians (D) J ains O ( Ans. ) : V X. . 622 Y Q Y ? (A) (B) (C) 34. V y @ (D) To w hich place prophet Mohammad moved aw ay in the year 622 A. D. ? (A) Ajmer (B) Banaras (C) Mecca (D) Madina O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 91-EK 35. 10 " Z # X X P ? (A) (B) (C) 35. x X O Y (D) A Ramesw aram is the holy place f or people of w hich religion ? (A) (B) Hindus (C) 36. Christians Muslims (D) Sikhs O ( Ans. ) : Z Z R X (A) (B) Z (C) 36. { (D) y X Advaita phil osophy w as propounded by (A) (B) Madhvacharya (C) 37. Raman ujach arya Shankar acharya (D) Shukrachary a O ( Ans. ) : " # } R x J (A) (B) { W (C) 37. Z y { (D) Z The call Back to Vedas w as given by (A) 38. (B) J yotiba Phule (C) 38. Sw ami Vivekananda Raja Ramm oha n Roy (D) Dayanand Sar asw ati O ( Ans. ) : X X X P ? (A) (B) { (C) QM (D) Y Shravanabel agola is the holy place f or w hich people ? (A) Parsees (B) J ains (C) Buddhists (D) Muslims O ( Ans. ) : 11 39. 91-EK X O J P (A) (B) y (C) 39. Y (D) Q The birth place of J esus Christ is (A) (B) Kabul (C) 40. Bethlehem Rome (D) Baghdad O ( Ans. ) : QM R Y X (A) (B) { X (C) 40. t (D) Buddhism w as spreaded in India by (A) (B) Rajendra (C) 41. Raja Raja Ch ola Sri Harsha (D) Shasha nka O ( Ans. ) : Z y X (A) (B) Z (C) 41. { x X (D) N The spiritual personality w ho had inf luence on Sw ami Vivekananda w as (A) (B) Dayanand Sar asw ati (C) 42. Raja Ramm oha n Roy Keshab Chandra Sen (D) Ramakrishn a Parama hamsa O ( Ans. ) : X y (A) (B) W (C) 42. W W (D) \ W Crime w as one of the important reasons of (A) Economic problem (B) Social problem (C) Religious problem (D) Education al problem O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 91-EK 43. 12 X X P : (A) (B) A (C) 43. Y (D) X E R Banaras is the holy place f or (A) Hindus (B) Sikhs (C) Muslims (D) Christians O ( Ans. ) : 44. { P (A) (B) Z (C) 44. QM (D) J ainism w as f ounded by (A) (B) Dayanand Sar asw ati (C) 45. Gauta ma Buddha Vardhaman a Mahavir a (D) Shankar acharya O ( Ans. ) : 12 Y Y x R X (A) (B) Z y (C) 45. t N (D) Z The person w ho eradicated blind belief in Hindu Society during 12th Century w as (A) (B) Sw ami Vivekananda (C) 46. Sri Aurobindo Ramakrishn a Parama hamsa (D) Basavesw ara O ( Ans. ) : N Xx E X Y (A) (B) X X Y (C) 46. Y J Y (D) Y Y Smal l new spapers are more popular in (A) cities (B) rural areas (C) tow ns (D) districts O ( Ans. ) : 13 91-EK 47. Y Y } R (A) V z (B) Y z (C) z (D) z 47. The leader w ho introduced Islamic ref orms in India w as (A) 48. (B) Aslam Kha n (C) 48. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Aligar h Khan (D) Sher Khan (B) y X O ( Ans. ) : J Z Z R X (A) Z (C) { (D) Vishishtadvait a philosophy w as propounded by (A) 49. (B) Shankar acharya (C) 49. Madhvacharya Raman ujach arya (D) Shukrachary a (B) Annie Besant (D) Z y O ( Ans. ) : " N # P R P (A) Z (C) V Ramakrish na Math a w as f ounded by (A) 50. (B) Annie Besant (C) 50. Dayanand Sar asw ati Atmar am Pandura ng (D) Sw ami Vivekananda (B) (D) d W O ( Ans. ) : Y R J (A) ] (C) Y The temple in Aihole w as built by (A) 51. (B) Rashtrakut as (C) 51. Hoysalas Pallavas (D) Chal ukyas O ( Ans. ) : x Y R . (A) (B) (C) (D) X Gathering of the people w ithout a def inite intimatio n is called (A) f air (B) crow d (C) marriage (D) sports meet O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 91-EK 52. 52. 14 X X P ? (A) A (C) (D) x X O V (B) Amritsar is the holy place of (A) (B) Christians (C) 53. Sikhs Hindus (D) Muslims O ( Ans. ) : QM O { (A) (B) 1968 (C) 53. 1973 1975 (D) 1970 The Bonded L abour Prohibition Act w as passed in the year (A) 54. (B) 1968 (C) 54. 1973 1975 (D) 1970 O ( Ans. ) : Z y V X X P (A) (B) W X ]x (C) y (D) W y Sw ami Vivekananda impressed the w orld by his speech at (A) 55. (B) San Francisco (C) 55. W ashington Chicago (D) New York (B) (D) Z V O ( Ans. ) : X P (A) { (C) Z y The f ounder of Prarthana Samaj is (A) 56. (B) Dayanand Sar asw ati (C) 56. Raja Ramm oha n Roy Sw ami Vivekananda (D) Atmar am Pandura ng O ( Ans. ) : Y x X X P (A) X (B) (C) (D) The f irst television station w as started in India at (A) Madras (B) Delhi (C) Bangal ore (D) Bombay O ( Ans. ) : 15 57. 91-EK O y { (A) (B) 1955 (C) 57. 1951 1956 (D) 1950 The Hindu Succession Act w as passed in the year (A) (B) 1955 (C) 58. 1951 1956 (D) 1950 O ( Ans. ) : X X (A) (B) - J (C) 58. (D) X The holy book of Parsees is (A) 59. (B) Zend-Avesta (C) 59. Quran Bible (D) Grantha Sa hib O ( Ans. ) : 1948 y z Xy @ R x x @ x _ X K (A) 21 (B) 14 (C) 18 (D) 16 According to the Factories Act of 1948 the mini mum age of children to join in w ork in industries is (A) (B) 14 years (C) 60. 21 years 18 years (D) 16 years O ( Ans. ) : { (A) (B) 1955 (C) 60. 1956 1946 (D) 1945 Hindu Marriage Act w as passed in the year (A) 1956 (B) 1955 (C) 1946 (D) 1945 O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 91-EK 16 PAR T B x X X R W Y O : 10 2 = 20 Answ er the f ollow ing questions in two or three sentences each : 10 2 = 20 61. y R . 61. Mention any tw o services of Arya Samaj. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 62. QM Y ? 62. W hich are the tw o sects of Buddhism ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 63. W X R X O ? 63. How does a social group control the activities of its members ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 64. W x @ y ? 64. W hat are the reasons f or unemployment ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 65. x X O P ? X X ? 65. W ho w as the f ounder of Christianity ? W hich is the sacred book of this religion ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 17 66. \ y R . 66. 91-EK W rite any tw o reasons f or illiteracy. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 67. Y y \ R x X R . 67. Mention any tw o measures taken to remove beggary in India. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 68. X X R . 68. Name any tw o sacred books of Hinduism. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 69. Y x R . 69. Mention any tw o superstitions f ound in India. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 70. | R . 70. Mention tw o circumstances w here crowd is f ormed. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ x X X R W Y O : 4 3 = 12 Answ er the f ollow ing questions in five or six sentences each : 71. \ ? 71. 4 3 = 12 W hat are the basic characterstics of a community ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ [ Turn over 91-EK 18 _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 72. 72. \ y X ? W hat are the f ive point programmes in social education ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 73. X V Z R . 73. Narrate the principles of the Brahmo Samaj. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 19 91-EK _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 74. N R . 74. Give an account of the services rendered by the Ramakrishna Mission. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ x X X R W Y O : 2 4=8 Answ er the f ollow ing questions in about eight sentences each : 2 4=8 75. X W W W ? 75. W hat are the diff erences between primary group and secondary group ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ [ Turn over 91-EK 20 _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 76. 76. } R O R . Mention any f ive social exploitations and explai n any one of them. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) Physically Challenged Students (PCS) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
Tags : Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, indian sociology 2009, online solved question papers, KSEEB indian sociology, kseeb indian sociology, KSEEB SSLC indian sociology, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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