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Karnataka SSLC PCS : KSEEB Indian Politics & Civics June 2009

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Serial N o . o f Q. C . A. B. Ro ll No. J X R z W : 60 + [ J X z W : 20 [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 20 16 = 76 ] Total No. of Questions : 60 + 16 = 76 ] x z W : 9 3 -E K Code No. : 93-EK : W n O Subject : INDIA N POLITICS & CIV ICS ( W X) ( F or Blin d Can didates only ) ( R O Y ) ( Kannada & English Versions ) [ Date : 11. 06. 2009 1-30 ] [ Time : 10-30 A. M. to 1-30 P. M. [ Max. Marks : 100 : 11. 06. 2009 ] : B 10-30 W R : 100 ] F OR OF FICE USE ONLY PA RT A Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks 1. 11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. Marks 60. Total Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks of PA RT B Marks Q. No. Part Q. No. Marks 61. 65. 68. 71. 66. 69. 72. 67. 70. 73. B 76. 64. Marks 75. 63. A 74. 62. Total Marks of To tal Marks in Part Grand To tal wo rds 1. 2. Si gna tu r e of Eva l ua tor s Regi str a ti on No. Si gna tu r e of the D epu ty Ch i ef Si gna tu r e of the Room In vi gi la tor [ Turn over 93-EK 2 W : i) X R O O R . - O - . ii) - 60 X R R O - 16 X R R . iii) X R O O Y O P y . iv) - Y R O X R O O Y @ O Y O R , x J { Y . v) - X X R O J { R x . O R { Y . General I nstructions : i) The question-cum -a nsw er booklet contains two Parts, Part A & Part B. ii) Part A consists of 60 questions and Part B consists of 16 questions. iii) Space has been provided in t he q uestion-c um- answ er booklet itself to answ er the questions. iv) Follow the i nstructio ns given in Part A and w rite t he correct answ er in f ull in the space provided below each question. v) For Part B enough space f or each questio n is provided. You have to answ er the questions in the space provided. PAR T A x X R x @ O R . Y E O O R , O x @ x J { Y : 60 1 = 60 Four alternatives are suggested to each of the f ollow ing questions / incomplete statements. Choose the most appropriate a lternat ive and w rite the answ er in f ull in the space provided below each question : 1. 60 1 = 60 W W R O ? (A) (B) X X (C) 1. W X d (D) d W ho appoints the Governor of a State ? (A) The Chief Minister (B) The Prime Minister (C) The President of India (D) The Vice-President O ( Ans. ) : 3 2. 93-EK y K (A) (B) 20 (C) 2. 21 16 (D) 18 The minimu m age limit f or a citizen to get the right to vote is (A) (B) 20 years (C) 3. 21 years 16 years (D) 18 years O ( Ans. ) : O y R (A) (B) S (C) 3. W \ (D) W X The Presiding Off icer of the L egislative Council is the (A) (B) Speaker (C) 4. Chairm an President (D) Chief Minister O ( Ans. ) : Z P O P X P (A) (B) (C) 4. W y (D) . . The headquarters of Food and Agricultura l Organisatio n of the U. N. O. is in (A) (B) Geneva (C) 5. New York Rome (D) W ashington D. C. O ( Ans. ) : " @ # P X P (A) (B) . . (C) 5. y W y (D) W The headquarters of U NESCO is in (A) Chicago (B) W ashington D. C. (C) New York (D) Paris O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 93-EK 6. 4 X Y J Z W z W (A) (B) 15 (C) 6. 5 10 (D) 20 The total number of permanent members in the Security Council is (A) (B) 15 (C) 7. 5 10 (D) 20 O ( Ans. ) : d W P (A) (B) W y (C) 7. W (D) The headquarters of International Court of J ustice is in (A) (B) New York (C) 8. The Hague Paris (D) Geneva O ( Ans. ) : W y W P (A) (B) W W (C) 8. W X W (D) X The head of the State Executive is the (A) (B) Chief J ustice (C) 9. Chief Minister Governor (D) Home Minister O ( Ans. ) : d y X P (A) (B) W X ] @ (C) 9. . . y (D) W y The headquarters of the International Monet ary Fund is in (A) W ashington D. C. (B) San Francisco (C) Chicago (D) New York O ( Ans. ) : 5 10. 93-EK W (A) (B) 1947 (C) 10. 1955 1950 (D) 1952 India became a Republic in the year (A) 11. (B) 1947 (C) 11. 1955 1950 (D) 1952 (B) 6 O ( Ans. ) : W y (A) 4 (C) 7 (D) 5 The term of Of f ice of the Legislative Assembly is (A) 12. (B) 6 years (C) 12. 4 years 7 years (D) 5 years O ( Ans. ) : } Y W S y K ] J ? (A) 18 (B) 25 (C) 30 (D) 20 W hat is the qualif ying age f or contesting in the L egislative Assembly election ? (A) 13. (B) 25 years (C) 13. 18 years 30 years (D) 20 years (B) S W O ( Ans. ) : W W \ R (A) W X (C) W S (D) The State Cabinet meetings are presided over by the (A) 14. (B) Speaker (C) 14. Chief Minister Deputy Speaker (D) Governor (B) U _ O ( Ans. ) : W E W Y ? (A) (C) (D) W here is the State High Court of Karnataka ? (A) Mysore (B) Mangal ore (C) Bangal ore (D) Hubli O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 93-EK 15. 15. 6 W y J ? (A) 7 (C) 4 (B) (D) 5 6 W hat is the term of off ice of the Governor ? (A) (B) 6 years (C) 16. 7 years 4 years (D) 5 years O ( Ans. ) : @ Y J W (A) (B) 28 (C) 16. 26 18 (D) 22 The total number of the states in Indian U nion is (A) 17. (B) 28 (C) 17. 26 18 (D) 22 (B) (D) . .{ . Q % N O ( Ans. ) : d (A) X (C) . . The present President of India is (A) 18. (B) A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (C) 18. Pratibha Patil V. V. Giri (D) Dr. Radhakrishnan O ( Ans. ) : Y \ R ? (A) W (B) S (C) W X (D) The leader of the majority party in the L egislative Assembly is the (A) 19. (B) Speaker (C) 19. Governor Chief Minister (D) Chairm an O ( Ans. ) : V Y { W P R X (A) (B) (C) (D) . x . The person w ho advocated Panchayat Raj in our country w as (A) Gandhiji (B) Indira Gandhi (C) J aw aharlal Nehru (D) S. K. Dey O ( Ans. ) : 7 20. 20. W Y x ? (A) O (C) 93-EK (B) (D) W W hich is the L ow er House in the State L egislature ? (A) 21. (B) L egislative Assembly (C) 21. L egislative Council L ok Sabha (D) Rajya Sabh a O ( Ans. ) : x { W W R ? (A) W (B) d (C) W X (D) X W ho appoints the judges of the L ow er Courts ? (A) 22. (B) The President (C) 22. The Governor The Chief Minister (D) The Home Minister O ( Ans. ) : Zx | R ? (A) W X (B) y X (C) W (D) X W ho appoints the Advocate General ? (A) 23. (B) The L aw Minister (C) 23. The Chief Minister The Governor (D) The Home Minister (B) O O ( Ans. ) : W Y z (A) (C) W (D) The permanent house in the State L egislature is the (A) (B) L egislative Assembly (C) 24. L ok Sabha Rajya Sabh a (D) L egislative Council O ( Ans. ) : W z W (A) (B) 224 (C) 24. 225 220 (D) 218 The total number of elected members in Karnataka State L egislative Assembly is (A) 225 (B) 224 (C) 220 (D) 218 O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 93-EK 25. 8 W X z R (A) (B) W \ (C) 25. W X W (D) W W The portf olios of the ministers in a State are allotted by the (A) (B) President (C) 26. Chief Minister Governor (D) Chief J ustice O ( Ans. ) : R K x @ P ? (A) (B) W (C) 26. y y (D) W hich organ executes the law s f ramed by the Legislature ? (A) (B) The J udiciary (C) 27. The L egislature The Executive (D) The Administrati on O ( Ans. ) : W W R (A) (B) W X (C) 27. y X W X (D) W W ho appoints the members of the State Public Service Commission ? (A) (B) The Chief Minister (C) 28. The L aw Minister The Deputy Chief Minister (D) The Governor O ( Ans. ) : W O W y K J ? (A) (B) 30 (C) 28. 25 28 (D) 35 W hat is the minimum age required to become a member of State L egislative Council ? (A) 25 years (B) 30 years (C) 28 years (D) 35 years O ( Ans. ) : 9 29. 93-EK W U W R O ? (A) (B) Y - (C) 29. Y - Y - (D) Y - Y Governor nominates one member to L egislative Assembly f rom the community of (A) (B) Anglo -Persian (C) 30. Anglo -Indian Anglo -Arabi an (D) Anglo -Musli m O ( Ans. ) : y J ? (A) (B) 3 (C) 30. 4 1 (D) 2 W hat is the term of Of f ice of the Mayor ? (A) (B) 3 years (C) 31. 4 years 1 year (D) 2 years O ( Ans. ) : X Y QM R J P P ? (A) (B) ] (C) 31. P W| P (D) Z P W hich institut ion has been set up to prevent w ars in the w orld ? (A) (B) L eague of Nations (C) 32. W arsaw NATO (D) U NO O ( Ans. ) : X Y P Z - y (A) (B) Y (C) 32. Y (D) x The L ocal Self -Government in the cities is called (A) Taluk Panchaya t (B) Zilla Panch ayat (C) Municipa lity (D) Mahan agar Palika O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 93-EK 10 33. Z S x (A) (B) t y (C) O (D) 33. India entered Panchsheel treaty w ith (A) 34. (B) Sri L anka (C) 34. China Pakistan (D) Myanmar (B) (D) O O ( Ans. ) : Z W P (A) y W ] R (C) The greatest achievement of the W HO is (A) 35. (B) eradication of malari a (C) 35. removal of cancer deaths total elim inat ion of smallpox (D) f reedom f rom heart diseases. O ( Ans. ) : y O P Y \ QM { Y ? (A) \ QM (B) \ QM (C) X \ QM (D) Z \ QM In U . S. A. system is in existence. (A) 36. (B) Single party (C) 36. Multi -party Three party (D) Bi-party (B) (D) W y | X | O ( Ans. ) : Z P X P (A) . . (C) y The headquarters of the U NO is in (A) 37. (B) New York (C) 37. W ashington D. C. Chicago (D) Detroit (B) 6 O ( Ans. ) : X W y (A) 5 (C) 4 (D) 3 The term of Of f ice of the members of the Village Panchayat is (A) 5 years (B) 6 years (C) 4 years (D) 3 years O ( Ans. ) : 11 93-EK 38. W X V Y X Z ? (A) W W (B) y X (C) W (D) S 38. The Chief Minister takes oath in the presence of the (A) 39. (B) L aw Minister (C) 39. Chief J ustice Governor (D) Speaker O ( Ans. ) : d W W y (A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 8 (D) 9 The term of Of f ice of the J udges of the Internationa l Court of J ustice is (A) 40. (B) 5 years (C) 40. 6 years 8 years (D) 9 years (B) (D) Z X O ( Ans. ) : W (A) } (C) The present Governor of Karnataka is (A) 41. (B) Ramesw ar Thakur (C) 41. Govinda Narayan Chaturvedi (D) Thripathi O ( Ans. ) : Z W R ? (A) W (B) R \ (C) W X (D) y X W ho appoints the Vice-Chancellors of U niversities ? (A) 42. (B) The Higher Education Minister (C) 42. The Governor The Chief Minister (D) The L aw Minister O ( Ans. ) : W R Q (A) W X (B) S (C) W (D) W X The joint session of the State Assembly is addressed by the (A) Chief Minister (B) Speaker (C) Governor (D) Deputy Chief Minister O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 93-EK 43. 12 x X | W P (A) (B) x X (C) 43. W x X x X (D) x X The head of the Secretariat of Civil Service is the (A) (B) J oint Secretary (C) 44. Deputy Secretary Secretary (D) Chief Secretary O ( Ans. ) : O J W R ? (A) W R (B) 75 W R (C) 44. 77 70 W R (D) 78 W R How many elected members are there in the State Legislative Council in Karnat aka ? (A) 77 members (B) 75 members (C) 70 members (D) 78 members O ( Ans. ) : 45. W Y X (A) (B) t (C) 45. t t (D) t . . The Prime Minister of India w ho attended the Millennium Conf erence w as (A) (B) Sri Rajiv Gandhi (C) 46. Sri Atal Bih ari Vajpayee Smt. Indira Gandhi (D) Sri P. V. Narasimha Rao O ( Ans. ) : Z P P (A) (B) 1935 (C) 46. 1945 1948 (D) 1950 U NO w as established in the year (A) 1945 (B) 1935 (C) 1948 (D) 1950 O ( Ans. ) : 13 93-EK 47. W y W O R E O y (A) W X (B) W \ (C) W (D) x X 47. State Public Service Commission s extension a nd curtail ment of pow ers is in the hands of the (A) Chief Minister (B) President (C) Governor (D) Chief Secretary 48. 48. O ( Ans. ) : W y (A) 4 (C) 3 (B) (D) 5 6 The term of the of f ice of the members in State Public Service Commission is (A) 49. (B) 6 years (C) 49. 4 years 3 years (D) 5 years O ( Ans. ) : O y X P P Y ? (A) X (B) x (C) Y (D) Commissioner is the government representative in w hich local self -government ? (A) 50. (B) Mahan agar Palika (C) 50. Village Panchayat Zilla Panch ayat (D) Municipa lity O ( Ans. ) : E W W O ] J ? (A) 62 (B) 58 (C) 60 (D) 65 W hat is the retirement age of the High Court judges ? (A) 51. (B) 58 years (C) 51. 62 years 60 years (D) 65 years O ( Ans. ) : W V Y X R Z ? (A) W X (B) E W W W (C) d (D) S In w hose presence does the Governor take the oath of off ice ? (A) The Chief Minister (B) The President (C) The Chief J ustice of the High Court (D) The Speaker O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 93-EK 52. 52. 14 W S (A) % { X X (C) % N (B) (D) % { % @ The main architect of the Constitution of India w as (A) 53. (B) Dr. Rajaji (C) 53. Dr. Rajendra Prasad Dr. Radhakrishnan (D) Dr. Ambedkar (B) V O ( Ans. ) : W S (A) | (C) Q h (D) The main architect of India's Foreign Policy w as (A) 54. (B) J aw aharlal Nehru (C) 54. Sardar Patel L al Bahadur Sh astri (D) Mahat ma Gandhi (B) (D) W x X | O ( Ans. ) : Z P y (A) X (C) The executive organ of the U NO is (A) 55. (B) General Assembly (C) 55. Security Council Trusteeship Council (D) Secretariat O ( Ans. ) : X y X (A) W \ (B) O (C) x X (D) The Government representative in the Village Panchayat is the (A) 56. (B) Commissioner (C) 56. President Secretary (D) Chief Off icer O ( Ans. ) : Z W P (A) 1949 (C) 1950 W orld Health Organisation w as set up in (A) 1949 (C) 1950 O ( Ans. ) : (B) 1955 (D) 1948 the year (B) 1955 (D) 1948 15 57. 93-EK d W Y W z W (A) (B) 15 (C) 57. 14 18 (D) 21 The International Co urt of J ustice consists of J udges. (A) (B) 15 (C) 58. 14 18 (D) 21 O ( Ans. ) : Z P Z W d y R R O . (A) (B) W| (C) 58. | | (D) | The permanent members of the U NO enjoy power is called (A) (B) NATO (C) 59. V ET O SEATO (D) CENTO O ( Ans. ) : x @ | (A) (B) - (C) 59. y (D) - | - The spiritual head of Tibet w ho f led to India is (A) (B) Chou En-L ai (C) 60. W angchuk Dalai L ama (D) Sun Yat -Sen O ( Ans. ) : J O P (A) (B) y (C) 60. G (D) X The f irst Non-Alig nment Meet w as held at (A) Belgium (B) J akarta (C) Delhi (D) Belgrade O ( Ans. ) : [ Turn over 93-EK 16 PAR T B x X X R W Y O : Answ er the f ollow ing questions in two or three sentences each. 61. 61. 10 2 = 20 10 2 = 20 W y y ? W hat are the executive pow ers of the Governor ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 62. W y ? 62. W hich are the tw o houses of the State L egislature ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 63. 63. O Y W R . Name any tw o states w hich do not have Legislative Council. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 64. 64. X y R . Mention any tw o f unctions of the Village Panchayats. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 65. x R . 65. Name any tw o City Corporations of Karnataka. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 17 66. O x W x @ y x . 66. Give reason w hy the L egislative is necessary. 67. Y x y ? 67. W hat are the f unctions of the District Civil Courts ? 68. ? 68. W hat is f oreign policy ? 69. Y R W P ? 69. How are Public Service Commissions organised in India ? 70. Z W P W R . 70. 93-EK Mention the f unctions of the W orld Health Organisation. x X X R W Y O : 4 3 = 12 Answ er the f ollow ing questions in five or six sentences each : 4 3 = 12 71. O R . 71. W rite about the relationship betw een India and China. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ [ Turn over 93-EK 18 _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 72. W X R Y { ? 72. W hen can the Governor be dismiss the Council of Ministers ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 73. x y ? 73. W hat are the chief sources of f inance of the City Corporation ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 19 93-EK _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 74. W W y ? 74. W hat are the important f unctions of the State Public Service Commission ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ x X X R W Y O : Answ er the f ollow ing questions in about eight sentences each : 75. W W X W O y R \ O . 75. 2 4=8 2 4=8 Explain brief ly the pow ers and f unctions of the Chief Minister of a State. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ [ Turn over 93-EK 20 _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 76. F W W Z XW R \ ? 76. How are the independence of the High Court J udges saf eguarded ? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) Physically Challenged Students (PCS) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
Tags : Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, indian politics civics 2009, online solved question papers, KSEEB indian politics civics, kseeb indian politics civics, KSEEB SSLC indian politics civics, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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