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Karnataka SSLC Second Lang : KSEEB Alternate English June 2009

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Serial No. of Q. C. A. B. R ol l No. J X R z W : 35 + 24 = 59 ] [ Total No. of Qu estions : 35 + 24 = 59 ] J X z W : 16 [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 16 x z W : 55-E Code No. : 55-E : Z J | Y Subject : Second Language ALTERNATE ENGLISH : 10. 06 . 20 09 ] : [ Date : 10. 06. 2009 B 10-30 W R 1-00 ] [ Time : 10-30 A .M. to 1-00 P.M. : 100 ] [ Max. Marks : 100 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PART A Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks 1. 7. 13. 19. 25. 31. 2. 8. 14. 20. 26. 32. 3. 9. 15. 21. 27. 33. 4. 10. 16. 22. 28. 34. 5. 11. 17. 23. 29. 35. 6. 12. 18. 24. 30. Marks Total Marks of Part A B PART B Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks 36. 41. 46. 51. 56. 37. 42. 47. 52. 57. 38. 43. 48. 53. 58. 39. 44. 49. 54. 59. 40. 45. 50. 55. Marks Total Marks of Total M arks in word s 1. Grand Total 2. Part Signature of Evaluators Registration No. Signature of the Deputy Chief Signature of the Room Invigilator [ Turn over 55- E 2 General Instruc tions : i) The qu estion-cu m-answer booklet contains two Parts, Part A & Part B. ii) Part A consists of 35 qu estions and Part B consists of 24 qu estions. iii) Space has been provided in the qu estion-cum-answer booklet itself to answer the qu estions. iv) Follow the instru ctions given in Part A and write the correct answer in fu ll in the space provided below each qu estion. v) For Part B enou gh space for each qu estion is provided. You have to answer the qu estions in the space provided. PART A Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the most appropriate alternative and write it in the space provided below each qu estion. 35 1 = 35 1. Mr. Regnier s sold ............... kind of jewellery. ( Fill in with the appropriate word ) (A ) modern (B) old (C) antiqu e (D) gold. A ns . : 2. Gordon Butcher s reaction as soon as he saw the rim of the enormou s plate was (A ) curiou s (B) fear (C) afraid (D) u ps e t A ns . : 3. The writer of the lesson A mber James Herriot was a ............... doctor. ( Fill in with the appropriate word ) (A ) physician (B) dentist (C) veterinary (D) neuro surgeon. A ns . : 3 4. 55- E The lesson The World in a Wall is an extract from the book (A ) My family and other animals (B) My animals (C) My family and animals (D) My family. A ns . : 5. Sister Rose maintained dog sanctu ary by (A ) organising music nights (B) organising ju mble sales (C) organising magic shows (D) organising cricket match. A ns . : 6. Why did Butcher think of Ford at first as soon as he saw the rim of the enormou s plate ? It was becau se (A ) he was working for the Ford (B) he was afraid of Ford (C) he thou ght Ford may punish him if not informed (D) he did not know what to do by himself. A ns . : 7. Swaminathan thou ght that it would be ............... to expect fifteen rupees for ten mangoes. ( Insert the correct word from the following ) (A ) scandal (B) scandaliz e (C) scandalou s (D) scandaliz ed. A ns . : 8. McManu s had a cinema company by name (A ) Interworld Films (B) Internal World Films (C) International World Films (D) Intra World Films. A ns . : [ Turn over 55- E 9. 4 Victor s mother promised him to get ............... if he behaves himself. ( Write the correct word choosing from the following. ) (A ) pineapple cake (B) honey cake (C) apple cake (D) cake. A ns . : 10. The word ignominy means (A ) noise (B) shame (C) fear (D) happy. A ns . : 11. The author Pau l Therou x was travelling by train throu gh (A ) Costa Rica (B) New Hampshire (C) America (D) Africa. A ns . : 12. The lesson On the Train is an extract from (A ) The Old Patagonian Express (B) Patagonian Express (C) The Old Express Train (D) The Train. A ns . : 13. The Great Ruo gorge is in (A ) America (B) Africa (C) India (D) England. A ns . : 5 14. 55- E The lesson Cu t off by the Rains was an extract from (A ) Venture Interior (B) Venture into the Interior (C) Exploring A frica (D) Journey through A frica. A ns . : 15. Roald A mu ndsen was a ............... explorer. ( Fill in the blank with appropriate word ) (A ) American (B) African (C) Norwegian (D) European. A ns . : 16. Aditi Pant s Indian expedition is called (A ) Journey to South pole (B) Dakshin Gangotri (C) Journey to North pole (D) Journey to Antartica. A ns . : 17. Is there no one else in the lower school to rival your undou bted ............... at keeping goal ? Write correct word choosing from below. (A ) excellent (B) excellently (C) excel (D) excellence. A ns . : 18. A hockey game is to take ............... over a choir practice. ( Fill in the blank with appropriate word ) (A ) precedent (B) precedence (C) precedencing (D) precedently. A ns . : [ Turn over 55- E 19. 6 Why was the man given award ? It was becau se (A ) he killed a man (B) he killed a man when he was in army (C) he killed a man in a drunken brawl (D) he killed a man when he qu arrelled. A ns . : 20. The author in the poem Great Lover says he loved (A ) rivers and valleys (B) benison of hot water and furs to tou ch (C) bread and jam (D) chocolates and bread. A ns . : 21. The two things that the greedy dog doesn t eat are (A ) apple cores and bacon fat (B) chocolates and roast (C) orange peel and paper bags (D) mu shrooms and cu cu mber. A ns . : 22. Arithmetic is where the nu mbers fly like (A ) parrot (B) crow (C) pigeons (D) eagle. A ns . : 23. How did the writer come to know that the girl was blind ? When she (A ) sat at tea party (B) picked u p tea cup (C) smiled and picked up tea cu p (D) picked u p tea cup fast. A ns . : 24. The train journey to the boy was (A ) happy (B) enjoyable (C) very good (D) distress. A ns . : 7 25. 55- E According to writer the train is (A ) a means of travelling (B) a carrier (C) a string of carriages drawn by an engine (D) a box fu ll of people. A ns . : 26. What is the other word u sed in the poem Travelling to Work in Rainy Weather for wet ? (A ) Damp (B) Drenched (C) Sprinkling water on the body (D) Walk in rains. (B) Protests A ns . : 27. What do you mean by chanced reproach ? (A ) Enqu iry (C) Any objections that might be made (D) Appreciation. A ns . : 28. When you open the door there will be (A ) open space (B) magic city (C) a tree or wood (D) a dr a u g h t . A ns . : 29. The inhabitants of the wall were a mixed lot and they ............... into day and night workers. Fill in the correct words choosing from below. (A ) was divide (B) were divided (C) was divided (D) were divide. A ns . : [ Turn over 55- E 30. 8 We can form the opposite of the word fortune by u sing prefix (A ) m is (B) un (C) in (D) di s . A ns . : 31. The word byres mean (A ) cow shelters (B) dog s kennel (C) pou ltry shed (D) bird s cage. A ns . : 32. They worked hard to get good resu lts. The word worked functions as (A ) verb (B) adverb (C) preposition (D) conjunction. A ns . : 33. What do you mean by fierce compu lsion ? (A ) Strong feeling (B) Strong force (C) Strong fear (D) Strong appeal. A ns . : 34. Larry developed a phobia abou t match boxes. Phobia means (A ) shivering (B) fear (C) bold (D) courage. A ns . : 35. Wunder Kind is wonderful child. It is ............... word. (A ) Japanese (B) American (C) German (D) Latin. A ns . : 9 55- E PART B 36. Quote from memory : 4 How it might fall, ................................................................. ... .................. ... .................. .... . legacy of wood. Answer the following qu estions in tw o or three sentences each : 37. What was Morri s daily routine in the shop ? 2 38. What happened around three O clock when Bu tcher was tilling the land ? 2 39. Which words in the poem suggest that the widow was young ? 2 [ Turn over 55- E 10 40. Why was A mber abandoned ? 2 41. What is the dou ble word the writer uses to describe the shyness of the scorpions in the wall ? 42. 2 You seem to be an extraordinary idiot. 3 a) b) 43. Who said this ? Why did he say so ? They were both famou s and their qu arrel was famous too. a) Who were they ? b) Why did they quarrel ? 3 11 55- E 44. What did Rakesh do as soon as he came to know the resu lt ? 45. Rice smu gglers caught she read ou t, bu t immediately ran along a train of thought of her own. a) 46. 3 Who is the she referred to ? b) 2 What was her chain of thou ght ? Why did the writer refuse to see things with anyone else s eyes ? 2 Answer the following qu estions in about fi ve to si x sentences each : 47. Summarise the poem Going Blind . 4 [ Turn over 55- E 48. 12 What is treasure trove ? What does the law of England say about the treasure trove ? 4 49. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given in brackets : a) 50. Luis draws him ..................... relu ctant conversation. ( into, with ) b) 2 1=2 A wood man has been trapped ............... a falling tree. ( by, with ) Fill in the blanks with correct tense forms of the verbs : 2 1=2 The headmaster ..................... ( look ) u p as he ..................... ( come ) in. 51. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions : a) Neither a lender ..................... a borrower be. b) She is intelligent ..................... not industrious. 2 1=2 13 52. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the : a) 2 1=2 McManu s always wore ..................... strange old hat. b) 53. 55- E The interesting part of ..................... story ends here. Change into indirect speech : 2 The teacher said, If the pupils approached me I wou ld certainly gu ide them. 54. Rewrite the following sentences beginning with No sooner .... than : a) The condu ctor blew the whistle. The driver started the bu s. b) 2 1=2 He saw a tiger. He began to run. [ Turn over 55- E 14 Read the following passage carefu lly and answer the qu estions that follow : Health is more important than wealth. An u nhealthy man is a burden to himself and to others. He is never happy. He cannot enjoy life even if he has plenty of money. If a healthy man has no money he can work and earn money. Bu t an u nhealthy man cannot bu y health with money. We should, therefore, take steps to maintain good health. Regular exercise and balanced food help us to remain healthy. We should abstain from unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking. We should not do anything bad or evil. A guilty conscience can ru in our health. 55. Why is an unhealthy man bu rden to himself and to others ? 2 56. How can one maintain good health ? 2 57. Write a paragraph u sing the clu es given below : 4 A hare and a tortoise began a race the hare have ran faster the tortoise moved slowly the hare was prou d of his speed he was mu ch ahead of the tortoise slept on the way the tortoise moved ahead of the hare won the race. 15 58. 55- E Assu me that you are Narayan/ Gayathri of Tumkur. Write a letter to you r father asking his permission to join an excursion party. 5 OR Write a letter to the postmaster of your town asking him to redirect your letters to your new address. [ Turn over 55- E 59. 16 Write an essay on any one of the following topics in not more than fifteen sentences : 5 i) Air pollu tion and its effects ii) Our National Flag and its importance iii) Newspapers and its importance.

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
Tags : Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, second language 2009, online solved question papers, KSEEB second language, kseeb language 2, KSEEB SSLC Language 2, alternate english 2009, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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