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Karnataka SSLC Second Lang : KSEEB Alternate English April 2009

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Serial No. of Q. C. A. B. R ol l No. J X R z W : 35 + 24 = 59 ] [ Total No. of Qu estions : 35 + 24 = 59 ] J X z W : 16 [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 16 x z W : 55-E Code No. : 55-E : Z J | Y Subject : Second Language ALTERNATE ENGLISH : 01. 04 . 20 09 ] : [ Date : 01. 04. 2009 B 10-30 W R 1-00 ] [ Time : 10-30 A .M. to 1-00 P.M. : 100 ] [ Max. Marks : 100 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PART A Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks 1. 7. 13. 19. 25. 31. 2. 8. 14. 20. 26. 32. 3. 9. 15. 21. 27. 33. 4. 10. 16. 22. 28. 34. 5. 11. 17. 23. 29. 35. 6. 12. 18. 24. 30. Marks Total Marks of Part A B PART B Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks 36. 41. 46. 51. 56. 37. 42. 47. 52. 57. 38. 43. 48. 53. 58. 39. 44. 49. 54. 59. 40. 45. 50. 55. Marks Total Marks of Total M arks in word s 1. Grand Total 2. Part Signature of Evaluators Registration No. Signature of the Deputy Chief Signature of the Room Invigilator [ Turn over 55- E 2 General Instruc tions : i) The qu estion-cu m-answer booklet contains two Parts, Part A & Part B. ii) Part A consists of 35 qu estions and Part B consists of 24 qu estions. iii) Space has been provided in the qu estion-cum-answer booklet itself to answer the qu estions. iv) Follow the instru ctions given in Part A and write the correct answer in fu ll in the space provided below each qu estion. v) For Part B enou gh space for each qu estion is provided. You have to answer the qu estions in the space provided. PART A Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the most appropriate alternative and write it in the space provided below each qu estion. 35 1 = 35 1. William Morris was ............... man. (A ) funny (B) ordinary (C) observant (D) wonderfu l. A ns . : 2. The A merican who visited Mr. Regnier s shop was (A ) left handed (B) playfu l (C) seriou s (D) right handed. A ns . : 3. Glint of eagles means (A ) sharp eyes (B) watchful eyes (C) keen eyes (D) ordinary eyes. A ns . : 3 4. 55- E The other word u sed in the lesson The World in a Wall for bu lging is (A ) swollen (B) sagging (C) convex (D) concave. A ns . : 5. R. K. Narayan is a well known Indian Novelist, who writes in (A ) Kannada (B) Telu gu (C) Ta m i l (D) English. A ns . : 6. The Corinth canal is in (A ) Africa (B) America (C) Italy (D) Greece. A ns . : 7. Victor s mother promised to give V ictor ............... if he behaves. (A ) cake (B) honey cake (C) pineapple cake (D) fru it cake. A ns . : 8. The poet in the poem The Axe in the Wood says he saw the death cut down a thou sand men in that tall lovely legacy of (A ) wood (B) forest (C) trees (D) forest animal. A ns . : 9. The inhabitants of the wall were mixed lot, and they were ............... into day and night workers. (A ) divide (B) division (C) divided (D) divisioning. A ns . : [ Turn over 55- E 10. 4 Dr. Fawcett gave his (A ) witness (B) evidence (C) answer (D) reason. A ns . : 11. We can form the opposite of respect by adding the prefix (A ) im (B) m is (C) di s (D) in. A ns . : 12. He doesn t drive carefu lly, ................ Add a su itable qu estion tag. (A ) di d h e ? (B) do e s h e ? (C) doesn t he ? (D) di dn t h e ? A ns . : 13. It wou ld be ................ to expect 15 ru pees for three unripe mangoes. (A ) scandal (B) scandalou s (C) scandaliz e (D) scandalising. A ns . : 14. Students are ................ to the weekend. (A ) looking at (B) looking in (C) looking forward (D) looking up. A ns . : 15. Prakash is ................ M.A . He is ................ son of a high school teacher. (A ) a, the (B) an, the (C) the, the (D) a, a. A ns . : 5 16. 55- E How beautiful the place is The correct pu nctu ation mark to be u sed here is (A ) qu estion mark (B) exclamatory mark (C) hyphen (D) semi-colon. A ns . : 17. The teacher appreciated the good work of the students. The correct passive voice of the sentence is (A ) The good work of the stu dents was appreciate by the teacher (B) Students good work was appreciated by the teacher (C) Teacher appreciated the good work of the stu dents (D) Students were appreciated by the teacher for their good work. A ns . : 18. Whether she comes ................ not makes no difference. (A ) or (B) are (C) that (D) in. A ns . : 19. Please, help me to cross the road. Here the word please indicates (A ) requ est (B) order (C) command (D) admiration. A ns . : 20. In the poem The Other Time they pinned the medal, when he killed (A ) a man in the fight (B) a man in the war field (C) general time (D) during the qu arrel. A ns . : [ Turn over 55- E 21. 6 A hockey game is to take ................ over a choir practice. (A ) precedence (B) precedent (C) precedently (D) precedencing. A ns . : 22. Is there no one else in the lower school to rival your undou bted ................ at keeping goal ? (A ) excellent (B) excellence (C) excellently (D) excellenting. A ns . : 23. Greedy dog will not eat two things. They are (A ) apple cores and bacon fat (B) milk and roast (C) orange peel or paper bags (D) mu shrooms and cu cu mber. A ns . : 24. The A merican who reached the North Pole was (A ) Roald A mu ndsen (B) Aditi Pant (C) Robert Peary (D) Captain Cook. A ns . : 25. They wore a blue cap and green shirt. The word wore fu nctions as (A ) verb (B) adverb (C) preposition (D) conjunction. A ns . : 26. We go to school ................ . Fill in the blank with an infinitive. (A ) to learn (B) by learn (C) of learn (D) for learn. A ns . : 7 27. 55- E The author of the poem Going Blind is (A ) Rainer Maria Rilke (B) Philip Callow (C) Theodore Roethke (D) Peter A ppleton. A ns . : 28. Complete the following statement : If I were the principal ................ (A ) I wou ld have made you my secretary (B) I wou ld make you my secretary (C) I will make you my secretary (D) I cou ld have made you my secretary. A ns . : 29. As sweet and dry was the ground as tobacco dust. The figu re of speech employed here is (A ) simile (B) metaphor (C) personification (D) alliteration. A ns . : 30. He was born in an afflu ent family. Here afflu ent means (A ) rich (B) generous (C) edu cated (D) intelligent. A ns . : 31. How dare you ................ my box ? The correct preposition to be u sed in the above sentence is (A ) are open (B) to open (C) for open (D) in opening. A ns . : [ Turn over 55- E 32. 8 Even thou gh the girl knew that the Regniers don t do the repairs, she brou ght some pieces of jewellery becau se (A ) to pretend that she did not know about the Regniers selling only antiqu e jewellery (B) she wanted the jewellery shop people to believe that she is innocent (C) she wanted to attract the people s attention towards jewellery piece and at that time take the diamond ring (D) even thou gh she was not left handed she behaved like a left handed. A ns . : 33. After the plou ghshare got stu ck in the earth, Bu tcher decided to inform Ford becau se (A ) Bu tcher was afraid of the legal action (B) Bu tcher did not know anything of its valu e (C) Bu tcher was working for Ford (D) Bu tcher wanted Ford s help to remove the ploughshare from the earth. A ns . : 34. The tragedy of A mber was (A ) Amber did not co-operate for treatment (B) Amber s bad lu ck that she was not treated properly (C) Amber was born soon that the medicine was not invented (D) Sister Rose did not take her to the doctor at the right time. A ns . : 35. McManu s was angry and said he will never do bu siness with George Pavlides becau se (A ) McManu s did not like George (B) George commented McManu s film is bad and not good for children to see (C) McManu s treated George as his enemy (D) George qu arrelled with McManu s. A ns . : 9 55- E PART B 36. Quote from memory : 4 From here ................................................................... ... damp ....... . to ru n ... again. Answer the following qu estions in tw o or three sentences each : 37. Where did William Morris look for the ring as the girl was going out ? What did he find ? 38. 2 Why did Butcher think of going to Ford as soon as the plou ghshare stu ck into the earth ? 39. 2 You seem to be an extraordinary idiot. 3 a) Who is the you ? b) Why did the author call him an extraordinary idiot ? [ Turn over 55- E 40. 10 They were both famous and their quarrel was famou s too. a) 41. Who were they ? b) 3 Why did they quarrel ? I know the answer to the chanced reproach. a) Who is the I ? b) 3 What was the answer for chanced reproach ? 42. How did Sister Rose run the sanctu ary ? 43. When was the Indian expedition to South Pole begun ? What was the objective of Indian expedition ? 2 2 11 55- E 44. Who was V ictor ? What kind of boy was he ? 2 45. Why did Swami s father refu se to tell him whether mangoes were ripe or not ? 2 46. What was the resu lt of Scorpions bringing to the hou se finally on the writer ? 2 Answer the following qu estions in about 5 to 6 sentences each : 47. Summarise the poem Going Blind . 4 [ Turn over 55- E 12 48. How did James Herriot look after A mber in her last days ? 49. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions : 4 2 1=2 He was born ..................... Ramanathapu ra, a village ..................... Karnataka. 50. Fill in the blanks with correct tense forms of the verbs given in the brackets : 2 1 = 2 Imagine that you .................... ( travel ) in a crowded compartment. One of the passengers .................... ( read ) a newspaper. 51. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions : a) Latha worked very hard ......................... she couldn t pass. b) ......................... you work hard you will earn a lot. 2 1=2 13 52. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the : a) 53. 2 1=2 One goes to ..................... u niversity to receive higher education. b) 55- E English is ..................... interesting langu age. Change into indirect speech : 2 The voice said, Naku la, answer my qu estions and then drink water. 54. Combine the sentences into one simple sentence : a) I was walking along the street. I saw a cobra. b) 2 1=2 I have some work. I mu st do it today evening. [ Turn over 55- E 55. 14 Write a paragraph u sing the clu es : 4 Boy set to guard sheep told to cry wolf ! if he sees a wolf near the flock watches the sheep for several days gets tired of the monotonou s work so one day shou ts wolf ! as a joke all the villagers hasten to his help they find no wolf boy lau ghs at them villagers angry plays the same joke a few days later some villagers take no notice, some came ru nning finding nothing, they beat the boy at last wolf really comes boy is terrified and shouts wolf ! wolf ! villagers take no notice wolf kills several sheep. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow : One day Sardar Patel was argu ing a case before the judge with u tmost concentration. He was still on his feet. When an urgent telegram was handed over to him, he glanced at the contents, folded it and put it in his pocket. It was only when he conclu ded his argu ment and sat down that those who were near him learnt abou t the content of the telegram. It said, his wife was dead. 56. What was Sardar Patel doing when he received the telegram ? What was the content of the telegram ? 2 57. What does this incident show abou t Patel ? 2 15 58. Write an essay in abou t a page on any one of the following : i) The problems of dowry system iii) 5 Importance of celebrating national festivals ii) 55- E Evils of drinking. [ Turn over 55- E 59. 16 Assu me that you are Aravind / V idya of Shimoga. Write a letter to you r father requ esting him to send Rs.3000 to join school excu rsion. 5 OR Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about dog s menace in your area.

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Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)

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Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, second language 2009, online solved question papers, KSEEB second language, kseeb language 2, KSEEB SSLC Language 2, alternate english 2009

, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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