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Karnataka SSLC JTS : KSEEB Elements of Engg JTS I March 2010

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P 145 71E Common Instructions to Candidates : 1) This is a question cum answer paper booklet. 2) This question cum answer booklet contains two sections. 3) Space is provided to write answers below each question. Answer should be written within the space provided. 4) This question paper has 4 questions in Section - A and 3 questions in Section - B and together there are 7 questions. 5) Candidate should not write the answer with pencil. Answer written with pencil will not be evaluated. (Except graphs, diagrams & maps). 6) In case of multiple choice, fill in the blanks and matching questions, scratching, rewriting & marking is not allowed. Answers with such errors will not be evaluated. SECTION - A Instruction : Answer Question No. 1 and any two full questions of the remaining. I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word(s) selecting from the choices given in the brackets. [10 x 1 = 10] a) Cleat wirings are used for ___________ purpose. (temporary, permanent, temporary & permanent). [1] Ans. temporary. _____________________________________________________________. b) The core of a transformer is made of ___________________ (cast iron, silicon steel, mild steel). [1] Ans. silicon steel. _____________________________________________________________. c) The field winding of a d.c.shunt motor has _________ turns. (equal, less, more). [1] Ans. more. _____________________________________________________________. d) Commutator segments are made of ________________ (copper, silver, brass). [1] Ans. copper. _____________________________________________________________. -2- P 145 e) 71E A d.c. generator converts _______________ (electrical to mechanical energy, mechanical to electrical energy, chemical to electrical energy). [1] Ans. mechanical to electrical energy. _____________________________________________________________. f) The pump is a __________ device. (mechanical, hydraulic, electrical). [1] Ans. mechanical. _____________________________________________________________. g) Spark plug is used in _____________ engine. (diesel, oil, petrol). [1] Ans. petrol. _____________________________________________________________. h) _________ is used to save the boiler against over heating. (Economiser, Fusible plug, Super heater). [1] Ans. fusible plug. _____________________________________________________________. i) ___________ is the most commonly used type of impulse turbine. (Francis turbine, Pelton turbine, Keplan turbine). [1] Ans. pelton turbine. _____________________________________________________________. j) When a rotary motion is to be converted in to a linear motion _______ arrangement is used. (Spur gear, rack and pinion, worm and worm wheel). [1] Ans. rack and pinion. ____________________________________________________________. [P.T.O. -3- P 145 II. a) 71E Explain with a figure the working of transformer. Ans. Transformer works on the principle of mutual induction that is when ever the flux produced by coil A links with another coil B an emf is induced coil B. This induced emf is propositional to the rate of change of flux and number [1 + 4 = 5] of turns on B. b) State Fleming s right hand rule. Ans. ____________________________________________________________ Stretch the fore finger, the middle finger and the thumb ________________________________________________________________ of your right hand at right angles to each other, the ________________________________________________________________ fore finger indicates the direction of flux, the thumb ________________________________________________________________ indicates the direction of motion of the conductor and ________________________________________________________________ the middle finger indicates of the direction of emf [3] ________________________________________________________________ induced the conductor. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -4- P 145 c) 71E What is a transformer? Transformer is a static device which transfers the Ans. ____________________________________________________________ electrical energy from one ckt to another it changes ________________________________________________________________ [2] HV to LV and LV to HV but same frequency. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ III. a) Explain with a neat sketch of electric iron box. Ans. Electric iron is used to ironing the cloths there many parts i) Sole plate ii) Pressure plate iii) Heating element iv) Cover plate v) Handle i) Sole plate : It is made of cast iron it is coated with chromium shining like a glass. ii) Pressure plate : It is made of cast iron is assembled has a heating element is tightly fitted with screws. iii) Heating element : It is made up of richrome wire is flat ribbon the capacity is available in the market is 450W, 750W or 1000 watts. -5- [P.T.O. P 145 71E iv) Cover plate : It is made of cast iron thin sheet it is also coated with chromium assemble it sole plate. v) Handle : It is made up of wood or good plastic. [2 + 3 = 5] b) Name the types of D.C, generator. Ans. Types of generator : (i) Series generator. (ii) Shunt generator. (iii)Compound generator. Cumulative type compound generator. c) Differential type compound generator [3] What is back emf? Ans. When the armature of motor rotates cuts the lines an emf is induced this induced emf is opposition to the applied voltage is called back emf. [2] -6- P 145 71E IV. Write short notes on any two of the following a) Conduit wiring. [2 x 5 = 10] Ans. Conduit wiring : Conduit wiring is most and best ____________________________________________________________ desirable system of wiring used for public building ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ and Industries and Residential buildings. The two types conduit ________________________________________________________________ 1) G.I. Conduit. ________________________________________________________________ 2) Open system. ________________________________________________________________ Advantages : ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 1) Used for both lighting and power ckt. 2) It is fire proof. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3) It is free from troubles and faults. Disadvantages : ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 1) It is costly. 2) Difficult to instet ________________________________________________________________ 3) Require too many accessories. ________________________________________________________________ [5] ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -7- [P.T.O. P 145 b) 71E Alternator. Ans. ____________________________________________________________ Alternator : An alternator is a machine which generates ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ alternating current by the principle of dynamic induction it is also called as AC generator. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ For a generator to work on dynamic induction there ac should be a rotor and a stator that the rotor of a dc ________________________________________________________________ generator has the armature wiring using employs that ________________________________________________________________ the field poles on the rotor. ________________________________________________________________ Parts of an Alternates : ________________________________________________________________ a) Stator. ________________________________________________________________ b) Rotor. ________________________________________________________________ [5] c) Excitor. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -8- P 145 c) 71E Incandescent lamp. Ans. Incandescent lamp it consists filament whose length is designed to give required voltage such as 40W, 60W, 100W. Filament is supported which are attached to central stat. Lamp in least two gases Nitrogen and Orgon mixture of two gases 15% of Nitrogen and 85% Orgon is best result and life is more is heliptical construction. [5] -9- [P.T.O. P 145 71E SECTION - B Instruction : Answer any two full questions of the following. V. a) What are boiler mountings? Ans. ____________________________________________________________ Boiler mountings are the extra equipments fitted over a boiler for operation and safety of the boiler. ________________________________________________________________ [2] ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) Name any four boiler accessories. Boiler accessories : Ans. ____________________________________________________________ 1) Feed pump. ________________________________________________________________ 2) Super heater. ________________________________________________________________ 3) Damper. ________________________________________________________________ 4) Econamiser. ________________________________________________________________ 5) Steam separator. ________________________________________________________________ [2] 6) Steam trap ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -10- P 145 c) 71E Sketch and label all the parts of a Babcock and wilcox boiler. Ans. Draw a neat sketch of Bab cock and wilcox boiler and label the parts like 1) Steam & water drum. 2) up take header. 3) down take header. 4) Battle. 5) Mud box. etc............... [6] -11- [P.T.O. P 145 VI. a) 71E How are I.C. engines are classified? Ans. ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ I.C. engine are classified as ________________________________________________________________ i) Type of fuel used. ii) Method of Ignition. ________________________________________________________________ iii) Number of strokes. ________________________________________________________________ iv) Nature of thermo dynamic cycle. ________________________________________________________________ v) Number of cylinders. ________________________________________________________________ [2] vi) Position of cylinder. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) Compare a petrol engine with a diesel engine. Compare petrol engine with diesel Ans. ____________________________________________________________ i) Spark plug used. ________________________________________________________________ ii) Spark ignition. ________________________________________________________________ iii) Carburator is used. ________________________________________________________________ iv) Weight of the engine less. ________________________________________________________________ v) Main cost less. ________________________________________________________________ vi) High speed. ________________________________________________________________ vii)Less noise. ________________________________________________________________ [2] viii)Less vibration. ________________________________________________________________ -12- P 145 71E c) Draw a neat sketch of two stroke petrol engine and describe working principle in brief. Ans. ____________________________________________________________ Draw a neat sketch of two stroke petrol engine & ________________________________________________________________ mark the importants parts like ________________________________________________________________ 1) Spark plug. ________________________________________________________________ 2) Piston. ________________________________________________________________ 3) Crank. ________________________________________________________________ 4) Grek case ________________________________________________________________ 5) Transfer port. ________________________________________________________________ 6) Inlet port. ________________________________________________________________ 7) Exhaust port [6] ________________________________________________________________ & Explain briefly. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -13- [P.T.O. P 145 VII. a) 71E What is a pump? How are they classified? Pump is a mechanical device which convert mech. Ans. ____________________________________________________________ [1] energy in to hydraulic energy. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Classified ________________________________________________________________ i) Reciprocating pump. ii) Rotary pump. ________________________________________________________________ iii) Centrifugal pump. ________________________________________________________________ [2] iv) Jet pump. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) What is the principle of operation of water turbine? Water turbines are the machines which convert the Ans. ____________________________________________________________ kinetic & potential energies possessed by water in ________________________________________________________________ [2] ________________________________________________________________ to mechanical rotary motion of power. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -14- P 145 71E c) Explain with a neat sketch name all the parts, the working of a reciprocating pump. Draw a neat sketch of single acting or double acting Ans. ____________________________________________________________ reciprocative pump & mark the imp. parts like ________________________________________________________________ 1) Inlet value. ________________________________________________________________ 2) Delivery value. ________________________________________________________________ 3) Inlet pipe. ________________________________________________________________ 4) Delivery pipe. ________________________________________________________________ 5) Piston. ________________________________________________________________ 6) Crank and ________________________________________________________________ [5] Explain briefly. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -15- P 145 71E -16-

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) Junior Technical School (JTS) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
Tags : Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, elements of engineering 2010, online solved question papers, KSEEB elements of engineering, kseeb elements of engineering, KSEEB SSLC elements of engineering, engg, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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