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Karnataka SSLC JTS : KSEEB Elements of Engg JTS I June 2009

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J X R z W : 7 ] [ Total No. of Qu estions : 7 ] J X z W : 3 [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 3 x z W : J.T.S. I Code No. : J.T.S. I : | ] I Subject : ELEMENTS OF ENGINEERING I : Date 13.06.2009 : 13.06.2009 : B 10.30 W R 1.00 ] [ : 50 Time : 10.30 A .M. to 1.00 P.M. ] Note : [ Max. Marks : 50 Answer questions from Sections A & B as per the instru ctions given under them. SECT ION A Instruc tion : Answer Qu estion No. I and any tw o fu ll questions of the remaining. I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word(s) selecting from the choices given in the brackets : a) 10 1 = 10 The output rating of a transformer is . ( kV , kW, kV A ) b) A good fu se wire mu st have melting point. ( l ow , m edium, high ) c) Normally the field poles of alternator is excited by . ( a.c. generator, d.c. generator, a.c. & d.c generators ) [ Turn over J.T .S. I d) 2 system is employed as a concealed wiring. ( P.V .C. c onduit, Casing & cappi ng, Cleat ) e) The motor u sed in table fan is . ( mul tipolar, uni versal , shaded pole ) f) Economiser is a boiler . ( acc essory, attachm ent, safety devic e ) g) Fuel pu mp is u sed in engines. ( petrol , diesel , gas ) h) Spur gears are u sed to transmit power from one shaft to another whose axes are . ( parallel , perpendic ular, inclined ) i) A centrifu gal pu mp develops pressure when compared to a reciprocating pu mp. ( l ess, sam e, m ore ) j) turbine is a reaction type tu rbine. ( Banki, Francis, Gi rard ) II. a) What is the function of boiler ? 2 b) What are the different methods of classification of boilers ? Give two examples in each of the different types. c) Draw a neat sketch of locomotive boiler and label its parts. 5 a) How are water turbines classified ? 2 b) III. 3 State the advantages of a centrifu gal pu mp over a reciprocating pu mp. c) IV. 3 Draw a neat diagram of bu cket pu mp and label its parts. 5 a) Classify internal combu stion engine. 2 b) Differentiate between petrol engine and diesel engine. 3 c) Describe with a neat sketch, the working of simple carburettor. 5 3 J.T .S. I SECT ION B Instruc tion : Answer any two fu ll qu estions of the following. V. a) Draw a neat diagram of d.c. generator and mention its parts. b) On what principle does a d.c. motor work ? Name the two types of d.c. compound motor. c) 5 3 A 220 volt, 5 h.p. motor having an armatu re resistance of 0 5 ohm and a fu ll-load armature cu rrent is 50 ampere. Find the back e.m .f. 2 VI. Draw a neat diagram of arc lamp and explain briefly. b) Explain the terms step-u p transformer and step-down transformer . 3 c) VII. a) List any four applications of three-phase indu ction motor. a) What sou rce is u sed for the generation of hydroelectric power ? Draw a neat layout diagram of hydroelectric power plant. b) 5 2 5 Name any two types of insu lators used in overhead lines for transmission and distribution of electric power. c) 1 Write short notes on any tw o of the following : 4 i) Appliances ii) Indoor wiring iii) Electrical measuring instru ments. [ Turn over

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) Junior Technical School (JTS) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
Tags : Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, elements of engineering 2009, online solved question papers, KSEEB elements of engineering, kseeb elements of engineering, KSEEB SSLC elements of engineering, engg, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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