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Karnataka SSLC JTS : KSEEB Elem of Elec Engg II JTS II Mar 2010

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P 147 73E Common Instructions to Candidates : 1) This is a question cum answer paper booklet. 2) Space is provided to write answers below each question. Answer should be written within the space provided. 3) This question paper has 9 questions. 4) Candidate should not write the answer with pencil. Answer written with pencil will not be evaluated. (Except graphs, diagrams & maps). 5) In case of multiple choice, fill in the blanks and matching questions, scratching, rewriting & marking is not allowed. Answers with such errors will not be evaluated. 1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word(s) by selecting from the choices given in the brackets. [10 x 1 = 10] a) The base or radix of a decimal systems is _______________ (6, 8, 10). [1] 10 Ans. _____________________________________________________________. b) Two diodes are employed in __________ rectifier. (Full wave, half wave, bridge). [1] Full wave Ans. _____________________________________________________________. c) VLSI is a _____________ scale integrated circuit. (small, very small, very large). [1] very large Ans. _____________________________________________________________. d) NOT gate has one input and ____________ output. (two, one, zero). [1] one Ans. _____________________________________________________________. -2- P 147 73E e) When a pentavalent impurity is added to a pure semiconductor is called _______ semi conductor. (N - type, P - type, PN - type). [1] N - type Ans. _____________________________________________________________. f) A ___________ can retain its output state after the inputs are removed. (shift register, transistor, flip-flop). [1] flip-flop Ans. _____________________________________________________________. g) An oscillator requires _______________ circuit. (feedback, tank, turned). [1] feedback Ans. _____________________________________________________________. h) The electric power consumption in a integrated circuit is ____________. (high, medium, low). [1] low Ans. _____________________________________________________________. i) A ________ is used for storage and transfer of binary information in a digital system. (shift register, register, buffer register). [1] register Ans. _____________________________________________________________. j) Op-Amp is amplify _______ input signals. (a.c, d.c, both a.c. & d.c.). [1] Ans. ____________________________________________________________. both a.c. & d.c. [P.T.O. -3- P 147 2. a) 73E With a neat circuit diagram explain the working of P-N junction diode in reverse bias condition. Ans. [2 + 3 = 5] In Reverse biasing P terminal is connected to negative and N terminal to positive end of the battery. The negative charge of battery attracts holes and the positive charge of the battery attracts free electrons consequently. The holes and free electrons both are drived away from the junction. -4- P 147 b) 73E List the difference between P-type and N-type semiconductor. [Each 1 x 3 = 3] Ans. ____________________________________________________________ P type semiconductor N type semiconductor ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 1) The P type semiconductor The N type semiconductor is prepared by adding is prepared by adding ________________________________________________________________ travalent impurities to an travalent impurity on ________________________________________________________________ intrinsic semiconductor. extrinsic semiconductor. ________________________________________________________________ 2) In P-type semiconductor In an N-type semiconductor ________________________________________________________________ holes are majority carries electrons are majority ________________________________________________________________ and electrons are minority carries and holes are ________________________________________________________________ minority carries. carries. ________________________________________________________________ 3) Fermi level and acceptor Fermi level and donar level ________________________________________________________________ level linear the volume linear the conduction bond. ________________________________________________________________ bond ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ c) What is dooping? Ans. ____________________________________________________________ Dooping : The process of adding impurities to pure [2] semiconductor is called dooping. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -5- [P.T.O. P 147 3. a) 73E Define a transistor. Draw a structure and symbol of PNP transistor. [2 + 3 = 5] Transistor : The concept of transferring a current from a low resistance to a high resistance circuit in one version of transfer of resistance and has given rise to the same TRANSISTOR . Ans. b) What are the applications of transistor? [Each 1 x 3 = 3] Ans. ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ i) as an amplifier. ii) as a switch. ________________________________________________________________ iii) Both as a general phase shift oscillator. ________________________________________________________________ iv) In cliping and clamping ckt. ________________________________________________________________ v) In logic and digital ckt. ________________________________________________________________ -6- P 147 c) 73E Define FET. Ans. ____________________________________________________________ [2] FET ( Field Effect Transistor) : ________________________________________________________________ FET is a three terminal the current is controlled by ________________________________________________________________ an electric field as in vacuum tubes FET is having three ________________________________________________________________ terminal gate, drain source. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. a) Name the types of electron emissions. [Each 1 x 4 = 4] Ans. ____________________________________________________________ Types of emission : ________________________________________________________________ i) Thermonic Emission ________________________________________________________________ ii) Photo-electric emission ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ iii) Secondary emission ________________________________________________________________ iv) Field emission ________________________________________________________________ v) Radio active emission. b) What is amplifier? [2] Ans. ____________________________________________________________ A transistor based circuit capable of increasing the ________________________________________________________________ amplitude or power of an input signals is called ________________________________________________________________ amplifier. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -7- [P.T.O. P 147 73E c) Draw a neat circuit diagram of Simple Common Emitter (CE) transistor amplifier using NPN transistor. Ans. [4] -8- P 147 5. a) 73E List the application of logic gates. [1 x 3 = 3] Ans. ____________________________________________________________ i) Logic gates are used to construct arithmetic circuit ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ such as adder / subtracter etc. ________________________________________________________________ ii) Logic gates are used in telephone switching ckt. ________________________________________________________________ iii) Gates are used to construct flip-flops which are used ________________________________________________________________ to store binary words. b) Draw a neat symbol of exclusive NOR gate and explain briefly. [2 + 3 = 5] Ans. It is a special type of NOR logic in which the output becomes 1 when the input to both the input terminals is 1 where as NOR gate (logic) the output remains zero for l input to both the input terminals the symbol and truth table for EX NOR logic. c) Write the truth table of OR gate. Ans. A 0 0 B y =A+ B 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 [2] 1 -9- [P.T.O. P 147 6. a) 73E What do you understand an integrated circuit? [2] Ans. ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ A large number of discrete components put on a silicon ________________________________________________________________ chip to act as a functional block constitutes an integrated ________________________________________________________________ ckt. (IC) operational amplifier is one such linear ________________________________________________________________ integrated ckt. ________________________________________________________________ b) How the I.C. s are classified? Ans. IC s may be classified as follows on the basics of their ____________________________________________________________ [1 x 4 = 4] ________________________________________________________________ manufacturing process ________________________________________________________________ 1) Monolithic ________________________________________________________________ 2) Thin film ________________________________________________________________ 3) Thick - film ________________________________________________________________ 4) Hybrid. c) Write the advantages of I.C. s. [1 x 4 = 4] Ans. ____________________________________________________________ Advantages of IC s : ________________________________________________________________ 1) Increased reliability due to lesson number as ________________________________________________________________ connection and No solder joints. ________________________________________________________________ 2) They are small in size and easy to assesible and ________________________________________________________________ carbricates. ________________________________________________________________ 3) They consume much lower power low power requirements. ________________________________________________________________ 4) They are cheeper, because a large number of IC s are ________________________________________________________________ manufactured simultaneously. ________________________________________________________________ -10- P 147 7. a) 73E Define Shift register. [2] Ans. ____________________________________________________________ Shift Register : A shift register a register whose contents ________________________________________________________________ can be shifted either left or right. There are shift registers ________________________________________________________________ with bi-directional shifting facility with control for left ________________________________________________________________ shift and right shift. The shifting of the contents by one ________________________________________________________________ bit position is done when the shift register is triggered by ________________________________________________________________ the clock input. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) Draw a block diagram of Op-Amp. [4] Ans. -11- [P.T.O. P 147 c) 73E List the application of Op-Amp. [1 x 4 = 4] Ans. ____________________________________________________________ Application : ________________________________________________________________ a) an inverting amplifier ________________________________________________________________ b) non-inverting amplifier ________________________________________________________________ c) Voltage follower ________________________________________________________________ d) an-adder ________________________________________________________________ e) an integrator ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ f) a comparator. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 8. a) Convert 23 into binary number. Ans. Convert 23 binary number 2 23 2 11 1 2 5 1 2 2 1 2 1 0 0 1 binary no 10111 -12- [3] P 147 b) 73E Convert 101001 into decimal number. Ans. Convert 101001 into decimal number [3] 101001 = (1 x 20) + (0 x 21) + (0 x 21) + (1 x 23) + (0 x 24) + (1 x 25) 1 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 32 41. c) Convert 56231 into hexadecimal number. Ans. Convert into hexadecimal number 16 16 [4] 56231 3514 7 7 16 219 10 A 16 13 11 B 0 13 D hexadecimal number DBA7. -13- [P.T.O. P 147 9. 73E Write short notes on : i) Oscilloscope. ii) LCD. iii) Counters. iv) Microprocessor. [4 x 2 2 = 10] Ans. ________________________________________________________________ 1 i) Oscilloscope : The instrument made for viewing the ____________________________________________________________________ amplitude variations on a time base scale of an electrical ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ wave is called an oscilloscope. ii) LCD : LCD technology is applied in digital watches ____________________________________________________________________ computer monitors. The flat panel monitors use LCD ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Technology it is also used in mobile phone display. ____________________________________________________________________ Calculator Digital meters etc. in LCD display there are two ____________________________________________________________________ sheets of polarising materials. ____________________________________________________________________ iii) Counter : Counter is a ckt with a set of flip-flops which ____________________________________________________________________ counts the number of pulses given at the clock input at any ____________________________________________________________________ time. The number of pulses received is shown in the counter ____________________________________________________________________ outputs i.e. the out put pattern in the flip flop in different ____________________________________________________________________ stages it counts from 0000 to 1111 Binary numbers. iv) Micro processor : A microprocessor is an IC chip which ____________________________________________________________________ can acts as CPU of a digital computer. It consists of a number ____________________________________________________________________ of LSI and VLSI devices such as Intel 8085, which contains ____________________________________________________________________ 40 connecting pin. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ -14- P 147 73E ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ -15- P 147 73E -16-

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) Junior Technical School (JTS) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
Tags : Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, elements of engineering 2010, online solved question papers, KSEEB elements electronics engineering, kseeb elements electronics engineering, KSEEB SSLC elements electronics engineering, engg, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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