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Karnataka SSLC JTS : KSEEB Elem of Comp Sci IV JTS IV Mar 2010

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P 148 74E Common Instructions to Candidates : 1) This is a question cum answer paper booklet. 2) Space is provided to write answers below each question. Answer should be written within the space provided. 3) This question paper has 9 questions. 4) Candidate should not write the answer with pencil. Answer written with pencil will not be evaluated. (Except graphs, diagrams & maps). 5) In case of multiple choice, fill in the blanks and matching questions, scratching, rewriting & marking is not allowed. Answers with such errors will not be evaluated. 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s) by selecting from the choices given in the brackets. [10 x 1 = 10] a) CPU of a computer consists of ____________________ (ALU and control unit, ALU and memory unit, Memory and input unit). [1] ALU and memory unit Ans. _____________________________________________________________. b) An example of secondary storage device is ____________ (RAM, Keyboard, Floppy disc). [1] Ans. _____________________________________________________________. RAM c) Magnetic tape is an example of ________________ memory. (direct, indirect, serial). [1] Ans. _____________________________________________________________. serial d) The networking of computers covering a small area is called _____________ (LAN, WAN, System). [1] LAN Ans. _____________________________________________________________. -2- P 148 e) 74E The smallest individual of a C-Program are called as _______________ (C-tokens, C-constants, C-variables). [1] Ans. _____________________________________________________________. C-tokens f) Better quality of printing can be obtained using _________ printers. (dot matrix, line, laser). [1] Ans. _____________________________________________________________. laser g) Multiple branching can be implemented using ____________ statement. (goto, switch, break). [1] switch Ans. _____________________________________________________________. h) An identifier, whose value does not change throughout the program is called ______ (constant, variable, label). [1] Ans. _____________________________________________________________. constant i) C-language was originally developed by __________________. (Brain Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie, Charles-Babbage). [1] Ans. _____________________________________________________________. Dennis Ritchie j) A group of 8 bits is termed as one _____________________. (Nibble, Word, Byte). [1] Ans. ____________________________________________________________. Byte [P.T.O. -3- P 148 2. a) 74E Define Program. Ans. ____________________________________________________________ Program referts to a set of instructions to a computer [2] to perform a particular task. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) Write short notes on digital computers. Digital computers perform operations in discrete Ans. ____________________________________________________________ steps. The operations are by counting the presence ________________________________________________________________ absence of a signal of a particular level. Binary ________________________________________________________________ logic is used where 0 stands for the absence and 1 ________________________________________________________________ [6] stands for the presence of a signal. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ c) Define arithmetic logic unit. The ALU unit operates in the data available in the Ans. ____________________________________________________________ main memory and sends data back to main memory ________________________________________________________________ after processing it. ALU contains operation such as ________________________________________________________________ [2] + , compare shift, rotate, AND OR. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -4- P 148 3. a) 74E Explain the functions of the following keys in a key board. i) Enter key. ii) Scroll lock. Ans. i) Enter key : to enter the program. ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ii) Scroll lock : Explain ________________________________________________________________ uses of enter key and scroll lock to be explained. [2] ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) Write short notes on dot matrix printers. Ans. Dot matrix printers are one of the widely used printers ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ to-day. The characters are formed by printing a series ________________________________________________________________ of dots on the paper. Dot matrix printers are usually [3] ________________________________________________________________ fast print is not very good. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -5- [P.T.O. P 148 c) 74E Explain the structure and construction of a CRT with a neat sketch. Ans. Cathode Ray tube (CRT) Cathode ray tube produces the display. -6- [5] P 148 4. a) 74E Explain DOS commands. DOS Commands : DOS provides a set of commands Ans. ____________________________________________________________ which are used to manipulate or handle the files, data ________________________________________________________________ program etc. ________________________________________________________________ Two types of commands ________________________________________________________________ i) Internal commands ________________________________________________________________ 1) CLS command ________________________________________________________________ 2) DIR command ________________________________________________________________ 3) DIR / P command ________________________________________________________________ 4) DIR / W command ________________________________________________________________ 5) Copy command ________________________________________________________________ 6) DEL command etc. ________________________________________________________________ ii) External commands ________________________________________________________________ 1) Edit command ________________________________________________________________ 2) Tree command ________________________________________________________________ 3) Disk copy command ________________________________________________________________ [5] 4) Un delete command etc. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -7- [P.T.O. P 148 b) 74E What is mail-merge? Ans. ____________________________________________________________ Mail merge : It assists to produce a personalized letter [3] to each person in mailing list. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ c) What is Charts? Charts are graphical representation of information. Ans. ____________________________________________________________ Excel has tools to draw different types of charts are ________________________________________________________________ Bar charts, area charts, pie charts, line charts, radar ________________________________________________________________ [2] charts etc. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -8- P 148 5. a) 74E Explain the structure of C-language. The structure of C-language : Ans. ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ C programs have a definite structure. The structure ________________________________________________________________ of C consists of the following parts. ________________________________________________________________ * Documentation section. * Pre processor directives. ________________________________________________________________ * Variables and function declarations. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Declaration Part * Main function ________________________________________________________________ Executable Part ________________________________________________________________ * Other functions. [3] ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ -9- [P.T.O. P 148 b) 74E Write a C program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. Ans. C-program to convert fahrenheit to celsius. # include < stdio . h> # include <cono . h> main ( ) { float f.c; clrser ( ); printf ( enter the value of C ); scanf( %f , &c); f = (c * 1.8) + 32; printf ( the f is = %f , f); getch ( ); } 1* enter the value of C 3y The f is 93.19997 * 1. -10- [7] P 148 6. a) 74E Define C character set. Ans. C character set it has fixed set of characters. These characters must be used as per the grammer of the language. This rule of grammer is known as syntax. There are two sets. A to Z & a to z 1) Source characters 0 to 9 + /^~% 2) Execution characters \o \n \r \f. b) [2] Write a C program to find smallest three numbers using conditional operator. Ans. C-program to find smaller three numbers # include < stdio . h> # include <conio . h> main ( ) { int a.b.c X; clrser ( ); printf( enter the value of a, b, c ); scanf( % d% d%d ) & a, & b & c); -11- [8] [P.T.O. P 148 74E X = a < b? a : b; X = X < c? X : c ; printf( %d is smallest no , X); getch( ); } 1 * enter the value of a, b, c, 2582 is smalled no * 1. -12- P 148 7. a) 74E Define data types. Ans. ____________________________________________________________ Data types - Data refers to any information which is to be stored in computer. Ex : Marks of student, Salary ________________________________________________________________ of a person. Name of a person are all data. [2] ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) Write a C-program to convert binary to decimal. [8] Ans. C-program to convert binary to decimal # include < stdio. h> # include <conio . h> # include <math. h> -13- [P.T.O. P 148 74E main ( ) { int n, r, s = 0, i; clrser ( ); printf( enter the value of n ); scanf( %d & n); i=0 while (n! = 0) { r = n% 10; s = s + r * pov (2.i); n = n/10; i++; } printf( the decimal number is = 0% d% , s); getch( ); } 1 * enter the value of n 1101 the decimal number is 13 * 1. -14- P 148 8. a) 74E Define looping. Looping : Some times it is necessary to repeat the Ans. ____________________________________________________________ execution of a sequence of statements until a certain ________________________________________________________________ condition is met. There are three types of loop control ________________________________________________________________ in structures in C. ________________________________________________________________ 1) do..............while ________________________________________________________________ 2) while ________________________________________________________________ [2] 3) for. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ b) Write a C-program to find wheather a given number is even or odd. Ans. C-program to find wheather given number is even or odd. # include <stdio . h> # include <conio . h> main ( ) { int a; clrse ( ); [8] -15- [P.T.O. P 148 74E printf( enter the value of a: ); scanf( %d , & a); if (a % 2 = = 0); printf( % dis even , 0); else printf( % d is odd no , a); getch( ); } Enter the value of a = 6 Enter the value of a = 33 -16- 6 is even no. 33 is odd no. P 148 9. a) 74E Define arithmetic operator. Arithmetic operators : Arithmetic operators are the Ans. ____________________________________________________________ operators used for various calculations. Arithmetic ________________________________________________________________ expression consists of constants, variables and ________________________________________________________________ function calls connected by arithmetic operators. ________________________________________________________________ [2] ________________________________________________________________ b) Write a C-program to calculate the area of triangle. Ans. C-program to calculate are of triangle. # include <stdio . h> # include <conio . h> main ( ) { float base; height, area clrser ( ); printf( enter the value for base: ); scanf( %f & base); area = 0.5 * base * height; printf( the area of triangle is %f , area); } Enter the value for base : 5 Enter the value height : 2 The area of triangle s 5:00000. -17- [8] P 148 74E -18- P 148 74E -19- P 148 74E -20-

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) Junior Technical School (JTS) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
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