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Karnataka SSLC JTS : KSEEB Elem of Comp Sci IV JTS IV April 2009

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J X R z W : 9 ] Total No. of Qu estions : 9 ] [ J X z W : 3 [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 3 x z W : J.T.S. IV J.T.S. IV : | ] W ] IV Code No. : Subject : ELEMENTS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE IV : Date 04.04.2009 : 04.04.2009 : B 10-30 W R 1-30 ] [ : 90 Time : 10-30 A .M. to 1-30 P.M. ] Note : I. [ Max. Marks : 90 Answer all the qu estions. Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s) by selecting from the choices given in the brackets : i) The part of the computer which perform s arithmetic and logic operations is . ii) 10 1 = 10 ( Printer, CPU, ALU ) is an output device. ( Plotter, Sc anner, Joy stic k ) iii) The longest key on the keyboard is . ( Del , Spacebar, Tab ) iv) is the commonly u sed input device. ( Printer, Moni tor, Keyboard ) [ Turn over J.T .S. IV v) 2 Symbolic representation of a program is . ( fl owchart, al gorithm , structure ) vi) controls the operation of a computer. ( A LU, CPU, Keyboard ) vii) RA M and ROM are memories. ( semic onduc tor, volatil e, non volatile ) viii) is an u nconditional branching statement. ( For, If ..... else, Go to ) ix) C is called as level langu age. ( l ow , middle, hi gh ) x) are the group of characters enclosed within the dou ble quotation marks. ( strings, variabl es, c onstants ) II. Name the input and output devices. 3 b) What are the different types of computers ? 3 c) III. a) Draw the block diagram of a computer and label its parts. 4 a) What do you mean by M.S. Excel ? 2 b) What are the different u ses of M.S. Excel ? 4 c) How to start M.S. Excel ? 4 3 IV. J.T .S. IV What do you mean by M.S. Word ? 2 b) What are the basic u nits of M.S. Word ? 4 c) How to start Microsoft Power point ? 4 a) Define C character set. 2 b) V. a) Write a C program to check whether the given nu mber is odd or even. a) Write any four important features of C langu age. 4 b) VI. 8 Write a C program to find smallest three nu mbers u sing conditional operator. VII. a) 6 Write any fou r points are to be kept in mind while writing C programs. b) 4 Write a C program to get display of odd nu mbers in between 1 to 20. 6 VIII. a) 3 b) IX. What are the different types of expressions ? Give examples. Write a C program to find reverse order of given nu mbers. 7 a) Write short notes on variables and constants. 4 b) Write a C program to get the su m of entered two nu mbers. 6 [ Turn over

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) Junior Technical School (JTS) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
Tags : Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, elements of engineering 2009, online solved question papers, KSEEB elements comp science, kseeb elements computer science, KSEEB SSLC elements computer science, comp science, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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