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Karnataka SSLC JTS : KSEEB Engg Drawing II JTS II March 2010

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P 146 72E Common Instructions to Candidates : 1) This is a question cum answer paper booklet. 2) Space is provided to write answers below each question. Answer should be written within the space provided. 3) This question paper has 5 questions including the matching type question. 4) Candidate should not write the answer with pencil. Answer written with pencil will not be evaluated. (Except graphs, diagrams & maps). 5) In case of multiple choice, fill in the blanks and matching questions, scratching, rewriting & marking is not allowed. Answers with such errors will not be evaluated. 1. a) Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s) by selecting from the choices given in the brackets. [5 x 1 = 5] i) Large size threads cut on a machine called _________________ (lathe, shaper, drilling). [1] lathe Ans. _________________________________________________________. ii) Drawings of small instruments are drawn to _______________ (full scale, reduced scale, enlarged scale). [1] enlarged scale Ans. _________________________________________________________. iii) Head lamps of motor vehicles are in the shape of ______________ (ellipse, hyperbola, parabola). [1] parabola Ans. _________________________________________________________. iv) Radial height of the gear tooth above the pitch circle is __________________ (addendum, dedendum, module). [1] addendum Ans. _________________________________________________________. -2- P 146 72E v) Knuckle threads are used in _____________ (lead screw of lathe, coupler of railway carriages, screw of a bench-vice). [1] coupler of railway carriages Ans. _________________________________________________________. b) Match the following : [5 x 1 = 5] Group A Group B i) Crest. a) distance between crest and root. ii) Root. b) equal to half the lead. iii) Flank. c) equal to lead. iv) Slope. d) surface between the crest and the root. v) e) inner most part of a thread. f) outer most part of a thread. Depth. Ans. i) [1] outer most part of a thread. ____________________________________________________________. ii) [1] inner most part of a thread. ____________________________________________________________. [1] surface between the crest and the root. iii) ____________________________________________________________. [1] equal to half the lead. iv) ____________________________________________________________. v) [1] distance between crest and root. ____________________________________________________________. -3- [P.T.O. P 146 2. a) 72E Print the given word in single stroke inclined capital letters of height 18 mm with ratio 6 : 5. Inclined Letters Ans. Inclined Letters 75o to the right side INSTRUMENT 6 : 5 RATIO [5] b) Draw a common external tangent to two unequal circles of radii 20 mm and 15 mm. Ans. Draw common external tangent R1 = 20 mm R2 = 15 mm [5] -4- P 146 3. a) 72E Construct a parabola in a parallelogram of sides 100 mm and 45 mm and with an included angle 75o. Ans. Construct parabola Sides 100 mm x 45 mm 75o [5] b) Draw the front view and top view of a square nut for 24 mm diameter bolt when its two faces are equally seen in the front view according to approximately standard dimensions. Ans. [5] -5- [P.T.O. P 146 4. 72E Construct a diagonal scale of R.F 1 : 20 showing divisions of 0.01 m and capable of measuring 3 metre. Mark a distance of 2.37 metre on it. OR The pictorial view of an object is shown in Figure No. 1. Draw the following ortho graphic views and mark the dimensions. i) Front view. _____ looking in the direction of arrow X . ii) Top view. _____ looking in the direction of arrow Y . iii) Side view. _____ looking in the direction of arrow Z . -6- P 146 Ans. 72E Construct diagonal scale. R.F = 1/20 mark 2.37 m on it [10] 1 L.S. = 20 3 100 = 15 cm Divide 15 cm in to 3 equal parts Divide first part in to 10 equal parts. OR -7- [P.T.O. P 146 5. 72E Figure No. 2 shows the front view of a pinjoint or knuckle joint. Draw the same in full size (1 : 1 size). Sectional elevation. Ans. Draw the sectional elevation of pin joint or Knuckle joint to full size mark dimensions show hatching lines Sectional elevation. [10] -8-

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) Junior Technical School (JTS) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
Tags : Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, engineering drawing II 2010, online solved question papers, KSEEB engineering drawing, kseeb engineering drawing, KSEEB SSLC engineering drawing, engg, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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