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Karnataka SSLC English Medium : KSEEB First Language April 2009

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Serial No. of Q. C. A. B. R ol l No. J X R z W : 50 + 28 = 78 ] [ Total No. of Qu estions : 50 + 28 = 78 ] 14-E Code No. : 14-E [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 16 : x z W : J X z W : 16 X Y Subject : First Language ENGLISH : 30. 03. 2009 ] : B 10-30 W R 1-30 ] : 125 ] [ Date : 30. 03. 2009 [ Time : 10-30 A .M. to 1-30 P.M. [ Max. Marks : 125 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PART A Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks 1. 10. 19. 28. 37. 46. 2. 11. 20. 29. 38. 47. 3. 12. 21. 30. 39. 48. 4. 13. 22. 31. 40. 49. 5. 14. 23. 32. 41. 50. 6. 15. 24. 33. 42. 7. 16. 25. 34. 43. 8. 17. 26. 35. 44. 9. 18. 27. 36. 45. Marks Total Marks of Part A PART B Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks 51. 56. 61. 66. 71. 76. 52. 57. 62. 67. 72. 77. 53. 58. 63. 68. 73. 78. 54. 59. 64. 69. 74. 55. 60. 65. 70. 75. Marks Total Marks of Total M arks in Part B Grand Total words 1. 2. Signature of Evaluators 1427210 Registration No. Signature of the Deputy Chief Signature of the Room Invigilator [ Turn over 14- E 2 General Instruc tions : i) The qu estion-cu m-answer booklet contains two Parts, Part A & Part B. ii) Part A consists of 50 qu estions and Part B consists of 28 qu estions. iii) Space has been provided in the qu estion-cum-answer booklet itself to answer the qu estions. iv) Follow the instru ctions given in Part A and write the correct answer in fu ll in the space provided below each qu estion. v) For Part B enou gh space for each qu estion is provided. You have to answer the qu estions in the space provided. PART A Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the most appropriate alternative and write it in the space provided below each qu estion. 50 1 = 50 1. Caliphs were (A ) Mu slim rulers of Arabia (B) rulers of Delhi (C) rulers of Rome (D) merchants of Arabia. A ns . 2. According to Lu cy Shakespeare was civiliz ed becau se (A ) grown-up people make great fu ss about his works (B) he was a great man (C) he wrote plays that people of all ages are proud of (D) he wrote plays what being civiliz ed is. A ns . 3. The narrator says that his walk was beneficial becau se (A ) he has good company (B) he enjoyed beautifu l scenery on his way (C) he learns something new now and then (D) the morning air is fresh and clean. A ns . 4. We grown-ups, according to the author, are (A ) always silly (B) good at impu ting motives to children s action (C) foolish not to understand children (D) good at judging objectively. A ns . 1427210 3 5. 14- E The white man was at first surprised at the narrator s outburst and eventually, he also smiled because (A ) the narrator was his friend (B) the narrator was explaining withou t introdu cing himself (C) both the little boys were his sons (D) he was puzz led at the narrator s foolishness. A ns . 6. The story Jamaican Fragment depicts (A ) how we recall our childhood memories, when we see children play (B) how we ju mp to conclu sion due to our prejudicial thou ghts (C) an incident which proved the author that there was no racial discrimination in his country (D) an incident which proved the author that the black dominated the whites in his country. A ns . 7. I never read Blu e Book for pleasure. The Blue Book refers to (A ) a magaz ine named as Blu e Book (B) an official report by Government (C) a blue coloured book (D) an official book of law. A ns . 8. In order that the liberties of all may be preserved (A ) the liberties of everybody mu st be curtailed (B) the liberties of everybody mu st be enjoyed (C) the liberties of a few mu st be curtailed (D) the liberties of a few mu st be enjoyed. A ns . 9. Dr. Pramod Sethi developed the Jaipur foot , which won him (A ) Padma Bhu shan award (B) Arjuna award (C) Nobel prize (D) Magsaysay award. A ns . 10. Congratu lation, you have made it. This statement was told by (A ) Sudha s guru (B) Sudha s father (C) Sudha s fan (D) Dr. Pramod Sethi. A ns . 1427210 [ Turn over 14- E 11. 4 The two gun boats, INS Su kanya and Sharada were (A ) trying to stop Mihir Sen from swimming ahead (B) not able to keep track with Mihir Sen (C) lending support in navigation of the swim (D) could not stop Mihir Sen from waving off the rules and regu lations. A ns . 12. Aksionov lived in Siberia as a convict for (A ) twenty years (B) twelve years (C) twenty-six years (D) twenty-four years. A ns . 13. The prisoners called Aksionov, Grand dad and a Saint becau se (A ) he led a simple and piou s life (B) he sang in the choir in the prison church (C) he gave message on religion (D) he was meek. A ns . 14. Aksionov stopped again after travelling for about twenty-five kilometres since (A ) his horses had to be fed (B) he wanted to rest a while (C) he saw troika following him (D) he wanted to play his gu itar. A ns . 15. Aksionov was shocked and pained at heart becau se (A ) he was suspected by his wife (B) he was imprisoned (C) he was flogged with a knout (D) he was charged with murder. A ns . 16. Dr. Follicle examined his patient by u sing a (A ) stethoscope (B) magnifying glass (C) clipper (D) razor. A ns . 17. To face the cru el and inevitable act. The act refers to (A ) being operated upon (B) being X rayed (C) being subjected to heart test (D) being shaved. A ns . 18. The shoe shine boy polished only the left shoe becau se (A ) he was a left handed (B) he had specializ ed in the u se of left hand (C) he had no right hand (D) he was seated at the left side. A ns . 1427210 5 19. 14- E The consu ltant waved the qu estion of the fees aside becau se (A ) he was not interested in money (B) collection of fees was done at a different specialised cou nter (C) he was a generou s man (D) he didn t want to scare the man away. A ns . 20. In the lesson A Warrior Princess a father and his dau ghter pu rsue a common cau se with (A ) utter disappointment (B) fiery determination (C) vengeance (D) sacrifice. A ns . 21. Balaram felt miserable and regretted his folly. The word folly refers to (A ) fight a mock, fight with Revathi (B) asking for forgiveness (C) crying of Revathi (D) sending Revathi s mace flying into the air in the fight. A ns . 22. Gresham wanted Baldwin to say ju st three words at the trial. The three words were (A ) I do n t kn o w (B) I know everything (C) I can t say (D) I don t remember. A ns . 23. When Baldwin rejected the money, Gresham was not surprised becau se he knew that Baldwin (A ) was very rich and did not need money (B) was hard working (C) was not greedy (D) was honest to the core. A ns . 24. Baldwin was ready to hide the truth becau se (A ) he wanted to save Gresham (B) he too had his share of money (C) he didn t take the matter seriou sly (D) he knew that he wou ld be bribed. A ns . 25. The poet s view in Anikethana on the ultimate goal of hu man life is to (A ) attain spiritu al u pliftment (B) become immortal (C) become liberated (D) unite the sou l with the spirit. A ns . 1427210 [ Turn over 14- E 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 6 In the poem Fidelity the enormou s barrier is (A ) the thick cloud (B) high and lofty rock (C) the mist (D) the Helvellyn mountain. A ns . Send throu gh the tarn a lonely cheer , the lonely cheer was brou ght by (A ) a leaping fish (B) the crags (C) the ru shing water (D) the dog s cry. A ns . Sohrab grew u p to be a warrior in the (A ) Persian army (B) Tartar army (C) Roman army (D) Turkish army. A ns . The only proof which wou ld convince Ru stu m that Sohrab was his son, was (A ) his mother s words (B) his grandfather s dress (C) the griffin seal on Sohrab s chest (D) the griffin seal on Sohrab s arm. A ns . He cramps our style, su ggests that (A ) the sheep dog prevented the tigers from killing the sheep (B) the sheep dog came in the way of their u su al style of killing (C) the dogs su ffered from cramps (D) the dog did not allow the tigers to attack. A ns . I know the lie of the land su ggests that (A ) the tiger king knew that the people of the land were liars (B) the tiger king knew the natural features of the enemy s territory (C) the tiger king had a clear picture of the situ ation (D) the tiger king knew where the land lay. A ns . May toss him to my breast. The line su ggests that (A ) it might make man to remember god (B) it might pu ll man u pward (C) it might reach man upward (D) it might pu ll man u pward towards god. A ns . The poem Encroachment is, a message to human kind (A ) about hu man valu es (B) against terrorism (C) against cru elty on animals (D) against indiscriminate felling of trees and deforestation. A ns . 1427210 7 34. 14- E They wore no shoes. Their feet were mu ddy. These two sentences can be written in one simple sentence as (A ) Wearing no shoes, their feet were mu ddy (B) (C) Their feet were muddy as they wore no shoes They wore no shoes, so their feet were mu ddy (D) Not wearing the shoes, their feet were mu ddy. A ns . 35. Travel .................... India and Sri Lanka was rigidly controlled. ( Insert su itable preposition ) (A ) (C) 36. within from (D) an, the. (B) (D) or and. We learn English .................... Kannada. ( Insert su itable conjunction ) (A ) (C) 38. with between. A ns . He was .................... eminent personality, who has given u s .................... informative speech. ( Insert su itable articles ) (A ) an, an (B) the, the (C) a, a A ns . 37. (B) (D) nor as well as A ns . Shakespeare has written many plays. The correct form of passive voice is (A ) Many plays has been written by Shakespeare (B) (C) Many plays have been written by Shakespeare Many plays had been written by Shakespeare (D) Many plays were written by Shakespeare. A ns . 39. The dark boy picked u p the sticks, .................... . ( Add su itable qu estion tag ) (A ) (C) 40. isn t he ? doesn t he ? (B) (D) di dn t h e ? don t he ? A ns . when did you come the teacher asked me The correct pu nctu ation form is (A ) When did you come ? the teacher asked me. (B) (C) When did you come the teacher asked me. When did you come ? the teacher asked me. (D) When did you come ? the teacher asked me. A ns . 1427210 [ Turn over 14- E 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 8 Each Ju ly we .................... to Tu rkey for holidays. The correct form of verb is (A ) are going (B) go (C) went (D) were going. A ns . The arrival of the plane was delayed. The italiciz ed word is (A ) noun (B) verb (C) adjective (D) adverb. A ns . The pair in which the words do not rhyme with each other is (A ) patter-clatter (B) clink-think (C) sizzle-jingle (D) rumble-fu mble. A ns . The synonym of Baffled is (A ) confident (B) big fight (C) confused (D) sarcastic. A ns . The gu ilty was c ondemned to death. The antonym of the italiciz ed word is (A ) excu sed (B) forgiven (C) appreciated (D) pardoned. A ns . Which of the following prefixes makes the word Septic , a negative word ? (A ) in (B) un (C) anti (D) non. A ns . Truth sits upon the lips of the dying men. The figu re of speech is (A ) synecdoche (B) personification (C) metaphor (D) simile. A ns . The word su spen can be completed with the su ffix (A ) tion (B) sion (C) cion (D) sen. A ns . The one word for a sudden strong wind often bringing rain or snow is (A ) spring (B) spree (C) shew (D) squall. A ns . If I had stu died well .................... . Complete the statement. (A ) I wou ld have scored good marks (B) I wou ld score good marks (C) I will score good marks (D) I had scored good marks. A ns . 1427210 9 14- E PART B Answer the following qu estions in tw o or three sentences each : 51. How does the author define beautiful things ? 52. How does the author define the word civiliz ation ? 53. How does the author describe the two boys ? 54. What is Fagin s Academy and who started it ? 55. Why was Sudha forced to get her leg ampu tated ? 56. 13 2 = 26 How did A ksionov spend his time in prison ? 1427210 [ Turn over 14- E 10 57. What actually is mistaken for the sou l ? How do the forms or names bind it ? 58. What is referred to as the lonely cheer and what is the symphony ? 59. Why did Ru stu m not believe Sohrab s words ? 60. What was shocking to the tiger king ? Why ? 61. Mention the riches that God gave man and which gift did He withhold ? 62. Encroachment means intruding on other s property, who is the real intruder here ? How ? 1427210 11 63. How was the physician able to cure the narrator s lameness ? Answer each of the following qu estions in about ten sentences : 64. 14- E 3 4 = 12 In what ways was the Palk Straits more difficult to swim than the English Channel ? OR Why does the au thor say that, the game, the children played on the first morning puzzled him ? Explain. 65. What, according to the author, are the dangers and drawbacks of over-specialization ? OR Explain briefly how Ku kudmin restored Ku shathali. 1427210 [ Turn over 14- E 66. 12 How does the shepherd react to the sight of human skeleton ? OR Describe the journey of the poetess with the gentleman in the poem, Because I cou ld not stop for Death Explain with reference to the context : 67. Bu t I shou ldn t care to advise it withou t heart test. 68. I don t believe your father ever did a wrong thing in his life. 1427210 3 3=9 13 69. He replied : that s not su rprising. Quote from memory : 70. 14- E 4 And fill all fruits .............................................. .............................................................. shells With ................................................................. ................................................................. bees Until ................................................................. ................................................................. cells. OR And he took ..................................................... ............................................................ grimace Broke ................................................................ ............................................................ fireplace Well .................................................................... ............................................................. lau ghter. 71. Rewrite as directed : 3 2=6 Combine by using too .... to and so .... that Balarama was large hearted. He never felt enviou s about it. 72. Change into reported speech : John said, I did this exercise last night. 1427210 [ Turn over 14- E 73. 14 Write the other two degrees of the following : Manohar is one of the bravest boys in the class. 74. Develop a readable story from the outline given. Su ggest a su itable title. 4 People are very fond of smoking. injuriou s to health government has banned we shou ld remember that smoking gives nothing waste of money cau ses diseases it is an addition government has made mandatory on every cigarette pack. 75. Write an essay on any one of the following topics : a) Terrorism remedies. b) Rights and du ties of a citizen in a democracy. c) Role of computers in modern age. 1427210 5 15 76. 14- E Assu me that you are Suresh/Sunitha of Xth Standard, Jyothi High School, Bangalore. Write a letter to you r friend describing a place of historical importance you visited recently. 5 OR Write a letter of complaint to the Commissioner of Police abou t the street dogs nuisance at night in your locality. 1427210 [ Turn over 14- E 16 Read the following passage carefu lly and answer the qu estions that follow : In this life, there is no gain withou t pain. Life indeed would be dull, if there were no difficu lties. Games lose their zest if there is no real stru ggle and if the resu lt is a foregone conclusion, both the winner and the loser enjoy the game most, if it is closely contested to the last. No victory is a real triu mph unless the foe is worthy of the steel. Whether we like it or not life is one continuous competitive examination. Questi ons : 77. How does the author compare man s life with games ? 2 78. What lesson do we learn from this passage ? 2 1427210

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) English Medium - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
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Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, English Medium, first language 2009, online solved question papers, KSEEB first language, kseeb language 1, KSEEB SSLC language 1

, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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