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Karnataka SSLC English Medium : KSEEB First Language June 2008

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Serial No. of Q. C. A. B. Roll No. J X R zW [ J X zW : 16 [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 16 : 50 + 28 = 78 ] Total No. of Questions : 50 + 28 = 78 ] : X Y 14-E Code No. : 14-E x zW : Subject : First Language ENGLISH : 02. 06. 2008 ] : B 10-30 W R : 125 ] [ Date : 02. 06. 2008 1-30 ] [ Time : 10-30 A.M. to 1-30 P.M. [ Max. Marks : 125 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PART A Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks 1. 10. 19. 28. 37. 46. 2. 11. 20. 29. 38. 47. 3. 12. 21. 30. 39. 48. 4. 13. 22. 31. 40. 49. 5. 14. 23. 32. 41. 50. 6. 15. 24. 33. 42. 7. 16. 25. 34. 43. 8. 17. 26. 35. 44. 9. 18. 27. 36. 45. Marks Total Marks of Part A PART B Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks 51. 56. 61. 66. 71. 76. 52. 57. 62. 67. 72. 77. 53. 58. 63. 68. 73. 78. 54. 59. 64. 69. 74. 55. 60. 65. 70. 75. Marks Total Marks of Total Marks in words 1. B Grand Total 2. Part Signature of Evaluators I IV-E-27210 Registration No. Signature of the Deputy Chief Signature of the Room Invigilator [ Turn over 14-E 2 General Instructions : i) The question-cum-answer booklet contains two Parts, Part A & Part B. ii) Part A consists of 50 questions and Part B consists of 28 questions. iii) Space has been provided in the question-cum-answer booklet itself to answer the questions. iv) Follow the instructions given in Part A and write the correct answer in full in the space provided below each question. v) For Part B enough space for each question is provided. You have to answer the questions in the space provided. PART A Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the most appropriate alternative and write it in the space provided below each question. 50 1 = 50 1. Which one of the following is a sign of civilization ? (A) Living in a palatial house (B) Driving a posh car (C) Discovering new things (D) Inheriting power and riches. Ans. 2. The necessities for a man to think freely are (A) security, leisure and knowledge (B) luxury, security and beauty (C) security, leisure and power (D) security, leisure and society. Ans. 3. The author A. L. Hendricks describes the two boys as (A) 4. 5. 6. weak (B) bright (C) strong (D) sturdy. Ans. The distance between the author s house and the tramlines is (A) half a mile (B) one and a half mile (C) two miles (D) one mile. Ans. The author was amazed, when (A) the dark boy obeyed the white boy s orders faithfully (B) he saw the boys playing on the lawn (C) he thought about the inferiority of his race (D) the white boy enacting the role of a master. Ans. The white man s wife was a brown woman. This tells us that (A) Jamaica was a democratic country (B) there was no racial discrimination (C) there was racial discrimination (D) the Jamaicans were loving people. Ans. I IV-E-27210 3 7. 14-E According to the author curtailment of private liberty brings about (A) social justice (B) social order (C) economic equality (D) social anarchy. Ans. 8. Sudha described her America tour as (A) enjoyable and touching (B) tedious yet enjoyable (C) enjoyable and memorable (D) tedious and touching. Ans. 9. A card saying Congratulations, you have made it ! was given by (A) Sudha s father (B) Washington audience (C) a young girl (D) Sudha s guru. Ans. 1 0. Which one of the following can be the suitable theme for the lesson Long Exile ? (A) Justice delayed ; Justice denied. (B) It takes two to make a quarrel. (C) Where there is a will, there is a way. (D) It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. Ans. 1 1. When the police officials alighted from the troika, Aksionov was (A) sleeping under a tree (B) feeding his horses (C) playing his guitar (D) singing songs joyfully. Ans. 1 2. The incident that caused the greatest sorrow to Aksionov was, when he was (A) accused as guilty (B) suspected by his wife (C) condemned to be flogged (D) flung into the cart with his feet tied. Ans. 1 3. Makar was sent to the prison, because (A) he had been caught for killing the merchant (B) he had been accused of stealing a horse (C) he had murdered a wealthy man (D) he had stolen some valuables. Ans. I IV-E-27210 [ Turn over 14-E 14. 4 Mihir Sen s swim was postponed by forty-eight hours, because (A) his preparation was incomplete (B) he caught a chill (C) south-west monsoon broke out suddenly (D) one of the gun boats was missing. Ans. 1 5. In olden days the treatment of a patient was (A) primitive and simple (B) hard and unbearable (C) primitive and gratifying (D) hard and primitive. Ans. 1 6. The patient requested the doctor to postpone his shaving, because (A) he had many things to do at his office (B) he had to arrange some money (C) he was getting annoyed for the delay (D) he had been very tired. Ans. 1 7. Dr. Follicle s examination revealed (A) a partial growth of hair (B) the patient s history (C) disease affected skin (D) an unhealthy growth of hair. Ans. 1 8. The shoe-shining boy polished only the left shoe because (A) he was left handed (B) he was specialized in the use of left hand (C) he had no right hand (D) he liked to polish only the left shoe. Ans. 1 9. The purpose of conducting a mock-fight between Balarama and Revathi was to (A) test her proficiency in warfare (B) enable Revathi to be very strong (C) make Kukudmin understand Balarama s expertise (D) teach Revathi some tricks. Ans. 2 0. King Revatha vowed before his guardian deity to (A) destroy the Punyajana Rakshasas (B) make Revathi victorious in the battle (C) recapture Kushasthali (D) immolate himself in the fire if he failed. Ans. I IV-E-27210 5 21. The situation at the home of Baldwin was tense, because (A) (C) 2 2. 2 3. 2 4. 2 5. 2 6. 2 7. 2 8. 2 9. 14-E Baldwin had not returned Evie had not returned home (B) (D) Baldwin was sent for by Gresham Martha was miserably sick. Ans. What did Gresham want Baldwin to do ? He wanted Baldwin to (A) tell the truth (B) (C) bring John to the court (D) say that he did not remember accept the bribe. Ans. Gresham offered Baldwin some money to (A) give witness in his favour (B) (C) pretend a little forgetfulness (D) tell false details in the court speak the truth. Ans. The quest is endless. What is this quest for ? It is for (A) the soul s spiritual upliftment (C) enjoyment human bondage power and position. (B) (D) Ans. Sad Sight ! the shepherd with a sigh looked around. What does this sad sight refer to ? It refers to (A) an unusual cry of the dog (B) the human skeleton on the ground (C) the lonely shepherd (D) the lonely fish that leaps. Ans. The shepherd saw the dog barking strangely (A) beside the silent river (B) (C) down the valley (D) at the top of the mountain among the scattered rocks. Ans. Rustum gazed on Sohrab with grief, because (A) Sohrab called himself his son (B) (C) the latter was wounded severely (D) he had killed his son the latter was strong and formidable. Ans. The tiger king s reply to his people suggests that he is (A) ignorant (B) innocent (C) contemptuous (D) overconfident. Ans. Nice dog, you got there, Ajamil, suggests the tiger king s (A) admiration for the dog (B) attempt to hide his disgrace (C) attempt to please the shepherd (D) cowardly nature. Ans. I IV-E-27210 [ Turn over 14-E 30. 6 When God says, so both should losers be , He means (A) man will lose both God and his gifts (B) both man and God lose each other (C) God will lose both man and his gifts (D) man loses both power and wealth. Ans. 3 1. Which one of the following was not found by the poet in the mailbox ? (A) Sprigs (B) Twigs (C) Eggs (D) Letters. Ans. 3 2. When do we need noticeable quiet ? We need it when we (A) read for pleasure (B) talk to friends (C) read something as a task (D) go on a long journey. Ans. 3 3. Sohrab grew up to be a warrior in the (A) Persian army (B) Roman army (C) Tartar army (D) Turkish army. Ans. 3 4. The merchant was killed the robber a sword. The suitable prepositions to be filled in the blanks are (A) with, from (B) by, with (C) with, by (D) by, from. Ans. 3 5. Complete the sentence : If the rainfall is good, . (A) the farmers will reap a good harvest (B) the farmers would reap a good harvest (C) the farmers are reaping good harvest (D) the farmers should reap good harvest. Ans. 3 6. The boy stood on deck and watching huge waves. The appropriate articles to be filled in the blanks are (A) an, a (B) the, a (C) an, the (D) the, the. Ans. I IV-E-27210 7 37. 14-E Grievances cannot be redressed they are known. The correct conjunction to be filled in the blank is (A) lest (B) if (C) unless (D) but. Ans. 3 8. The governor gave him a reward. The passive form of this sentence is (A) He got a reward from the governor (B) He is rewarded by the governor (C) He will be rewarded by the governor (D) He was given a reward by the governor. Ans. 3 9. Her sobs could be heard in the still of the night. The italicized word is a (A) Noun (B) Verb (C) Adjective (D) Preposition. Ans. 4 0. But how old you ve grown, Grand dad The punctuation mark to be used at the end of the sentence is (A) Full stop ( . ) (B) Exclamatory mark ( ! ) (C) Question mark ( ? ) (D) Comma ( , ). Ans. 4 1. Rita won a prize, The appropriate question tag to be added is (A) was she ? (B) did she ? (C) didn t she ? (D) wasn t she ? Ans. 4 2. While Balarama ( talk ), two young women ( come ) to give them water. The tense forms of the verbs to be filled in the blanks are (A) was talking, came (B) is talking, came (C) talked, were coming (D) talked, are coming. Ans. 4 3. The word after does not rhyme with (A) daughter (B) matter (C) rafter (D) laughter. Ans. I IV-E-27210 [ Turn over 14-E 44. 8 The white younger walked abjectly behind the dark elder one. The italicized word means (A) friendly (B) humbly (C) faithfully (D) eagerly. Ans. 4 5. The opposite of the word definable can be formed by adding the prefix (A) in (B) un (C) non (D) dis. Ans. 4 6. England won the match against Australia. The figure of speech used in the above sentence is (A) metaphor (B) alliteration (C) synecdoche (D) personification. Ans. 4 7. Officially charge with a crime. The one word answer is (A) Blame (B) Accuse (C) Indict (D) Abuse. Ans. 4 8. The old father did not confide the work of his children. The noun form of the italicized word is (A) confidently (B) confidence (C) confidential (D) confidentially. Ans. 4 9. He is too timid to get on in his company. The opposite word of the italicized word is (A) arrogant (B) bold (C) shy (D) brave. Ans. 5 0. The soldiers gave in after a long struggle. The italicized phrase means (A) discontinued (B) defeated (C) stopped (D) surrendered. Ans. I IV-E-27210 9 14-E PART B Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each : 51. How does the author define beautiful things ? 5 2. How did the Romans eat their meals ? 5 3. Why does the narrator say that his walk was pleasant and beneficial ? 5 4. What did the old lady do to enjoy her liberty ? 5 5. What plan did Makar make to escape from the prison ? 5 6. 13 2 = 26 What is the message of Sudha Chandran s story ? I IV-E-27210 [ Turn over 14-E 10 57. How, according to the poet, can the soul be unhoused ? 5 8. Why was the shepherd surprised at the sight of the dog ? 5 9. Why did the tigers go to their king ? 6 0. Which gift did God withhold ? Why ? 6 1. What is the message of the poem Encroachment ? 6 2. What is griffin ? Why did Rustum take it as his family seal ? I IV-E-27210 11 63. 14-E How was the poet John Keats inspired to compose the poem To Autumn ? Quote from memory : 64. 4 With a sweet clammy cells. OR And he took fireplace. Answer the following in about ten sentences each : 65. 3 4 = 12 In what way was the Palk Straits more difficult to swim than the English Channel ? OR What made A. L. Hendricks to be anxious seeing the game played by the boys ? When did he overcome his anxiety ? I IV-E-27210 [ Turn over 14-E 66. 12 How did the patient go through the process of shaving ? OR How did king Kukudmin get back Kushasthali ? 6 7. Describe the journey of the poetess Emily Dickinson with the gentleman. OR Write the summary of the poem Fidelity . Explain the following with reference to the context : 68. Oh, it doesn t matter, here take the right. I IV-E-27210 3 3=9 13 69. I know that if, I take this money, I do a dishonourable thing. 7 0. 14-E Be so good and try once more. Rewrite as directed : 71. 3 2=6 Change into Complex and Compound sentences : Thinking of my pet dog, I felt sad. a) b) 7 2. Change into Indirect Speech : Why are you so late for the meeting, Robert ? said Anwar. I IV-E-27210 [ Turn over 14-E 73. 14 Change into other two degrees : Mumbai is one of the richest cities in India. a) b) 7 4. Assume that you are Venu / Vani. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper on the impact of not clearing garbage in your locality . 5 OR Write a letter to your friend expressing your preferences for outdoor games. I IV-E-27210 15 75. Write an essay on any one of the following topics in about a page : a) Importance of National Festivals c) 5 Dowry an Evil b) 14-E Role of Computers in modern life. I IV-E-27210 [ Turn over 14-E 76. 16 Develop a readable story from the outline given. 4 A village boy daily takes sheep for grazing gets tired of work shouts Wolf as a joke villagers rush boy laughs at them plays the same joke villagers angry at last wolf really boy shouts villagers take no notice result . Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : Desire, anger, miserliness, lust, pride and jealousy are the six enemies of men. They come in the way of his growth. Great men have always advised us to conquer them. For the purpose, we have to keep our eyes, ears and tongue under control. It is difficult to control them. Great men like sage Vasishtha, Sri Rama, the Buddha, Lord Jesus, Prophet Mohammed and Gandhi had succeeded in keeping them under control. Questions : 77. How can one conquer the six enemies of men ? 2 7 8. Why should we conquer them ? Name the great men who had conquered them. 2 I IV-E-27210

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) English Medium - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
Tags : Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, English Medium, first language 2008, online solved question papers, KSEEB first language, kseeb language 1, KSEEB SSLC language 1, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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