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Karnataka SSLC English Medium : KSEEB Social Science April 2009

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Serial No. of Q. C. A. B. Roll No. J X R zW [ J X zW : 16 [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 16 : 60 + 14 = 74 ] Total No. of Questions : 60 + 14 = 74 ] : q 85-E Code No. : 85-E x zW : Subject : SOCIAL SCIENCE ( Y ) ( English Version ) : 02. 04. 2009 ] [ Date : 02. 04. 2009 : B 10-30 W R 1-30 ] [ Time : 10-30 A.M. to 1-30 P.M : 100 ] [ Max. Marks : 100 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PART A Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks 1. 11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. Marks 60. Total Marks of Part A B PART B Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks 61. 64. 67. 70. 73. 62. 65. 68. 71. 74. 63. 66. 69. 72. Marks Total Marks of Total Marks in words 1. Part Grand Total 2. Signature of Evaluators 85712130 Registration No. Signature of the Deputy Chief Signature of the Room Invigilator [ Turn over 85-E 2 General Instructions : i) ii) iii) iv) v) The question-cum-answer booklet contains two Parts, Part A & Part B. Part A consists of 60 questions and Part B consists of 14 questions. Space has been provided in the question-cum-answer booklet itself to answer the questions. Follow the instructions given in Part A and write the correct answer in full in the space provided below each question. For Part B enough space for each question is provided. You have to answer the questions in the space provided. PART A Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the most appropriate alternative and write it in the space provided below each question. 60 1 = 60 1. The Portuguese rule in India was strengthened by (A) Vasco-da-Gama (B) Almeida (C) Bartholomeu (D) Alfonso de Albuquerque. Ans : 2. In the battle of Wandiwash the French were defeated by the English Commander (A) Nelson (B) Eyre Coote (C) Havlock (D) John Nicholson. Ans : 3. In the Uprising of 1857, Nana Saheb fought at Kanpur whereas Begum Hazrat Mahal fought at (A) Lucknow (B) Jhansi (C) Meerut (D) Barrackpur. Ans : 4. What was Mahal during the British period ? (A) District (B) State (C) Taluk (D) Palace. Ans : 5. A missionary Moegling published the first Kannada newspaper (A) Amrita Bazar Patrika (B) Mangaluru Samachara (C) The Hindu (D) Subodha Patrika. Ans : 6. Who was responsible for planning to construct all season trunk roads in India ? (A) Dalhousie (B) Munroe (C) William Bentinck (D) Curzon. Ans : 85712130 3 7. 85-E The State against which Police Action was taken by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was (A) Junagadh (B) Jammu & Kashmir (C) Mysore (D) Hyderabad. Ans : 8. The State of Mysore came into existence on (A) (B) 14th August, 1947 (C) 9. 1st November, 1956 1st November, 1973 (D) 15th August, 1947. Ans : Where did the murder of the Austrian Crown prince take place ? (A) Constantinople (B) Sarajevo (C) Paris (D) Florence. Ans : 1 0. The success of democracy in a country depends upon (A) (B) organisation of the people (C) wealth of the people (D) 1 1. education of the people health of the people. Ans : Present currency system of European community is (A) (B) Pound (C) 1 2. Rupee Dollar (D) Euro. Ans : A group of countries neither joining the capitalist nor communist bloc is called as (A) Atomic world (B) Old world (C) New world (D) Third world. (B) (D) Himachal Vindhya. Ans : 1 3. The highest range of the Himalayas is (A) Himadri (C) Siwaliks Ans : 1 4. Sandal wood trees are grown in (A) Mangrove forests (B) Evergreen forests (C) Deciduous forests (D) Thorn and Shrub forests. Ans : 85712130 [ Turn over 85-E 15. 4 A raw material used in the production of aluminium is (A) manganese (B) bauxite (C) haematite (D) magnetite. Ans. 1 6. A research centre at Gurgaon, near Delhi, conducts research on (A) wind energy (B) solar energy (C) water energy (D) heat energy. Ans : 1 7. India exports iron ore mainly to (A) China (B) Iran (C) Japan (D) Italy. Ans : 1 8. Basket making is a product of cottage industry whereas making of electrical fan is a product of (A) small scale industry (B) medium scale industry (C) large scale indusltry (D) specialised industry. Ans : 1 9. Goods are produced in cottage industries to meet the demands of (A) National market (B) State market (C) Local market (D) International market. Ans : 2 0. India s exports and imports are mainly through (A) Road transport (B) Sea route (C) Railways (D) Airways. Ans : 2 1. Which policy did the Nizam of Hyderabad accept at first ? (A) Recruitment policy (B) Free Trade policy (C) Policy of Subsidiary Alliance (D) Policy of Doctrine of Lapse. Ans : 85712130 5 22. 85-E Among the Wodeyars of Mysore who is called the Maker of Modern Mysore ? (A) Narasaraja Wodeyar (B) Krishnaraja Wodeyar-IV (C) Raja Wodeyar (D) Chikkadevaraja Wodeyar. Ans : 2 3. Who gave a call Back to the Vedas to reform Hindu Society on the basis of basic thoughts ? (A) Atmaram Pandurang (B) Dayanand Saraswati (C) Raja Rammohan Roy (D) Swami Vivekananda. Ans : 2 4. What was the best tool to end the exploitation and to modernise society according to Jyotirao Phule ? (A) Trade Union movement (B) Giving reservation to downtrodden (C) Providing Education (D) Encouraging widow remarriage. Ans : 2 5. Which Act made the Bedas of Halagali of Mudhol state to revolt against the British ? (A) Regulating Act (B) The Arms Act (C) The Enlistment Act (D) The Vernacular Act. Ans : 2 6. Why is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel called as the Iron Man of India ? (A) For being the Home Minister of India (B) For uniting Junagadh with the Union of India (C) For merging the princely states with the Union of India (D) For agreeing to pay Privy Purse to the ruler. Ans : 2 7. What was the result of Mao Tse Tung s Leap Forward Policy on China ? (A) Dissatisfaction among the farmers (B) Good economic progress (C) Introducing collective farming (D) Ending private holding. Ans : 85712130 [ Turn over 85-E 28. 6 Which organisation was established to restore permanent peace after the World War-I ? (A) Red Cross Society (B) Amnesty International (C) The League of Nations (D) United Nations Organisation. Ans : 2 9. Armament Race means (A) mutual suspicion among the countries (B) modernising war machineries and strengthening army (C) collection of Arms (D) competing to modernise arms. Ans : 3 0. Cold War means (A) aggressive nationalism (B) the race of armament (C) secret alliances (D) ideological differences between two power blocs. Ans : 3 1. Which body of the UNO consists of all the members ? (A) Security Council (B) The Economic and Social Council (C) The General Assembly (D) The Trusteeship Council. Ans : 3 2. Who has the Veto power in the Security Council ? (A) Temporary members (B) Permanent members (C) Nominated members (D) Appointed members. Ans : 3 3. The greatest achievement of the World Health Organisation is (A) end of epidemics (B) elimination of poverty (C) protecting the environment (D) elimination of smallpox. Ans : 85712130 7 34. 85-E What is essential for an individual s existence and development ? (A) Fundamental Rights (B) Birth Rights (C) Human Rights (D) Special Rights. Ans : 3 5. Who was the first person to fight against racial discrimination and slavery ? (A) John F. Kennedy (B) Gandhiji (C) Nelson Mandela (D) Abraham Lincoln. Ans : 3 6. Which among the following is most dangerous to human race ? (A) Biological weapons (B) Chemicals (C) Nuclear weapons (D) Missiles. Ans : 3 7. India is divided into 28 states, 1 national capital territory and 6 union territories for the sake of (A) smooth administration (B) prolonged administration (C) bad administration (D) very strict administration. Ans : 3 8. According to Ferrel s law, South-East Trade winds become South-West monsoons due to (A) low pressure in the north (B) low pressure in the south (C) low pressure in the east (D) heavy pressure in the west. Ans : 3 9. Why are cottage and small scale industries more suitable to the Indian condition ? (A) Provide employment (B) Require less capital (C) Depend on indigenous resources (D) Require less power supply. Ans : 4 0. Why are National Parks created ? (A) To protect forests (B) To protect birds (C) To protect wildlife (D) To protect tigers. Ans : 85712130 [ Turn over 85-E 41. 8 Teak and Sal trees are grown in deciduous forests whereas in evergreen forests trees grown are (A) Canes and Palm (B) Cactus and Wild dates (C) Babul and Kasavi (D) Ebony and Mahogany. Ans : 4 2. What is the major types of irrigation practised in India ? (A) Well irrigation (B) Tank irrigation (C) Canal irrigation (D) Drip irrigation. Ans : 4 3. Why is pipeline a convenient mode of transport for oil, natural gas and mineral oil ? (A) There is no risk of shifting (B) Only connected with ports (C) It rules out causing of delays and losses (D) It is less expensive. Ans : 4 4. Why there is a decline in inland waterways in India in recent years ? (A) Parallelly going roads and railways (B) Airways (C) As it is costly (D) As causing delay. Ans : 4 5. What is the step taken by the government to protect farmers from natural calamities ? (A) Establishing Food Corporation of India (B) Establishing Co-operative Societies (C) Crop Insurance (D) Installing Janata Bazars. Ans : 4 6. Which organisation is providing loans to cottage and small scale industries ? (A) State Finance Corporation (B) Industrial Development Bank of India (C) Nationalised Bank (D) State Bank of India. Ans : 85712130 9 47. 85-E Which commodity is an ancient export of India ? (A) Chintz Cloth (B) Diamonds (C) Spices (D) Muslin cloth. Ans : 4 8. Passing the Regulating Act in 1773 was much needed to (A) expand territory (B) interfere in administration (C) administer India (D) regulate the administration of the East India Company. Ans : 4 9. What type of government which had failed in provinces was introduced in the Centre in 1935 ? (A) Democratic Government (B) Monarchy (C) Dyarchy (D) Socialistic Government. Ans : 5 0. Annie Besant established the Central Hindu College to achieve the goal of (A) reviving the Hindu Culture (B) developing the spirit of Equality (C) developing the feeling of Brotherhood (D) making co-existence. Ans : 5 1. Sangolli Rayanna continued war against the English because he wanted to (A) become a ruler (B) punish the British (C) recapture Kittur (D) install the adopted son of Rani Chennamna as a ruler. Ans : 85712130 [ Turn over 85-E 52. 10 The occupied part of Jammu & Kashmir is called as (A) Azad Kashmir (B) Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (C) Special State (D) Akashichin. Ans : 5 3. Why do we remember Stalin even to-day ? (A) For his annual plan (B) For ending private holdings (C) For implementing Five-Year Plan (D) For introducing collective farming. Ans : 5 4. Italy and Germany emerged as dictatorial due to (A) The First World War (B) Social Disorders (C) Anarchy (D) Economic crisis. Ans : 5 5. As a result of Meiji restoration, Japan developed as (A) a rich industrial country (B) a rich agricultural nation (C) a rich farming nation (D) a country of fully literate people. Ans : 5 6. Commonwealth of Nations is (A) an organisation of European countries (B) an association of the new English colonies (C) an organisation of earlier imperial colonies of Britain (D) a voluntary organisation of England. Ans : 85712130 11 57. 85-E Why is the North Indian plain called the Heart of India ? (A) Due to perennial rivers (B) Plain land (C) Fertility for agriculture (D) Having irrigational canals. Ans : 5 8. According to Karl Marx, the only solution to solve feudal problem was (A) the dictatorship of the proletariat (B) the rule of the Tsar (C) the rule of farmers (D) the rule of the commons. Ans : 5 9. The League of Nations failed because of (A) the U.S.A. did not join that (B) many countries remained outside (C) the League of Nations had no military force of its own (D) failure in causing disarmament. Ans : 6 0. The Manchu dynasty was the last to rule in China as (A) its emperor were weak and inefficient (B) it had trade relations with France (C) England defeated China (D) the U.S.A. secured rights to trade. Ans : 85712130 [ Turn over 85-E 12 PART B Answer the following questions in two sentences each : 6 2 = 12 61. Who was Dupleix ? What was his ambition ? 6 2. Which two conditions of Srirangapattana s treaty faded the future of Tipu Sultan ? 6 3. Mention any four rights enlisted by the UNO for children s sake. 6 4. What are manufacturing industries ? Name their divisions. 6 5. What are the two functions of the Planning Commission of India ? 85712130 13 66. 85-E Mention any two developmental works of Sir M. Vishweswaraiah. Answer the following questions in three sentences each : 67. List out any three causes for the failure of the Uprising of 1857. 6 8. What are the aims of the U.N.O. ? 6 9. 4 3 = 12 What are subsistence farming, commercial farming and mixed farming ? 85712130 [ Turn over 85-E 70. 14 Mention any three features of India s Foreign Trade. Write the answers to the following questions in about eight sentences each : 71. 3 4 = 12 How did the Moderates differ from the Extremists ? What were the four demands of the Moderates ? 7 2. What is poverty ? What are the steps taken by the government to eradicate poverty ? 85712130 15 73. Why is India backward in agriculture ? 7 4. Draw an outline map of India and locate the following on it : a) River Kaveri b) Kolkata 85-E c) 85712130 1 o 82 2 1+3=4 East longitude. [ Turn over 85-E 16 Alternative Question for Blind Candidates only : ( In lieu of Q. No. 74 ) Name the physical divisions of India. What is the importance of coastal plains in the economic development of India ? 85712130 4

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) English Medium - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
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Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, English Medium, social science 2009, online solved question papers, KSEEB social science, sslc social science, KSEEB SSLC social science

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