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Karnataka SSLC Third Language : KSEEB English April 2009

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Serial No. of Q. C. A. B. R ol l No. J X R z W : 40 + 22 = 62 ] [ Total No. of Qu estions : 40 + 22 = 62 ] x z W : Code No. [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 16 : 63-E : 63-E J X z W : 16 Y Subject : Third Language ENGLISH : 03. 04 . 20 09 ] : [ Date : 03. 04. 2009 _ 10-30 W R 1-00 ] [ Time : 10-30 A .M. to 1-00 P.M. : 100 ] [ Max. Marks : 100 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PART A Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks 1. 8. 15. 22. 29. 36. 2. 9. 16. 23. 30. 37. 3. 10. 17. 24. 31. 38. 4. 11. 18. 25. 32. 39. 5. 12. 19. 26. 33. 40. 6. 13. 20. 27. 34. 7. 14. 21. 28. 35. Marks Total Marks of Part A B PART B Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Marks 41. 46. 51. 56. 61. 42. 47. 52. 57. 62. 43. 48. 53. 58. 44. 49. 54. 59. 45. 50. 55. 60. Total Marks of Total M arks in word s 1. Grand Total 2. Part Signature of Evaluators Registration No. Signature of the Deputy Chief Signature of the Room Invigilator [ Turn over 63- E 2 General Instruc tions : i) The qu estion-cu m-answer booklet contains two Parts, Part A & Part B. ii) Part A consists of 40 qu estions and Part B consists of 22 qu estions. iii) Space has been provided in the qu estion-cum-answer booklet itself to answer the qu estions. iv) Follow the instru ctions given in Part A and write the correct answer in fu ll in the space provided below each qu estion. v) For Part B enou gh space for each qu estion is provided. You have to answer the qu estions in the space provided. PART A Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the most appropriate alternative and write it in the space provided below each qu estion. 40 1 = 40 1. The postmaster gave Andy his master s letter when (A ) Durphy introdu ced him (B) Andy requ ested the postmaster (C) Andy paid eleven pence postage (D) Andy threatened the postmaster. A ns . : 2. Vikram Sarabhai s first achievement at the ISRO was (A ) setting up a rocket launching station at Sriharikota (B) setting up a launching station at Thu mba (C) setting up Sarabhai Chemicals (D) condu cting su ccessfu l experiments on cosmic rays. A ns . : 3. Vikram Sarabhai liked to work at the Indian Institute of Science becau se (A ) the institute had good telescopes and equ ipment (B) the weather of Bangalore was condu cive to him (C) he cou ld work there as an assistant to Sir C. V. Raman (D) it was a research institute. A ns . : 3 4. 63- E Narendranath stood up becau se, (A ) he was also talking with others in the class (B) the teacher asked him to stand u p (C) he did not answer the qu estion (D) his friends forced him to stand up. A ns . : 5. The Oval is in (A ) Australia (B) England (C) America (D) South Africa. A ns . : 6. The opposition started bowling intimidatingly at Chandra. They did so becau se (A ) they wanted to prevent him from scoring centuries (B) it is a practice among fast bowlers (C) they wanted to frighten him and enjoy themselves in the process (D) they wanted to hurt him so that his bowling becomes ineffective. A ns . : 7. Kalpana was dreaming while riding a bicycle. Her brother warned her (A ) Sister, go on riding (B) Look u p the sky every now and then (C) You shou ld behave like a girl (D) Sister mind the road . A ns . : 8. Kalpana wou ld often tell her brother (A ) I am going to be better than boys (B) I am never bothered about marks or ranks (C) I achieve something great in life (D) I want to do A erospace Engineering . A ns . : 9. Mu lties de la gu erre means (A ) people who fou ght in war (B) war wounded people (C) people who were saved in the war (D) underground railways. A ns . : [ Turn over 63- E 10. 4 The best civiliz ed person is one who (A ) behaves politely with others (B) wears decent clothes (C) writes good books (D) works together for the common good of all. A ns . : 11. The people who attended Shakuntala Dhamankar s marriage were (A ) tired and hungry freedom fighters (B) most wanted freedom fighters (C) the British officers (D) women freedom fighters. A ns . : 12. Kashibai had bou ght a Rolls Royce car for (A ) the u se of the pu blic (B) the u se of the British Collector (C) her family u se (D) exhibiting her wealth. A ns . : 13. Why was the king su rprised ? Daksha s father (A ) spoke in a gentle and refined langu age (B) gave the king mangoes as big as coconu ts (C) had pu t on a hu mble dress (D) did not show any fear on his face. A ns . : 14. The beggar-maid walked into the cou rt with her arms across the breast because (A ) she was afraid of the king (B) she wanted to show respect to the king (C) she felt shy (D) she was hurt. A ns . : 5 15. The poet s advice to the devotees is to (A ) put on the holy mantle (B) do socially u sefu l work (C) chanting and telling of beads (D) 16. 63- E sit in the temple closing their eyes. A ns . : Why does God move in a mysteriou s way ? (A ) (B) To j u d g e u s (C) 17. To do wonders To show how strong He is (D) To bless u s A ns . : In Tartary, the Lord s bed wou ld be made of (A ) (B) silver (C) 18. gold ivory (D) wood. A ns . : The car of the Lord of Tartary wou ld be drawn by (A ) (B) mu sicians (C) 19. peacocks horses (D) zebras. A ns . : Why did the miser come to the hole everyday ? (A ) (B) To add some more gold pieces into the hole (C) To know whether the gold pieces were safe (D) 20. To cou nt his gold pieces To get pleasure just by seeing the treasure. A ns . : When did Bhima feel mu ch stronger than before ? When Hanu man (A ) (B) showed his divine form (C) 21. joined his voice embraced him (D) promised to be on the flag. A ns . : Bhima wou ld have ju mped over the monkey if (A ) the scriptures had allowed him (B) he had enough strength (C) the monkey had asked him (D) the monkey had not allowed him to move fu rther. A ns . : [ Turn over 63- E 22. 6 Gandhiji would have come to the physical education class if (A ) he had interest for it (B) his father had allowed him to go (C) he had a watch (D) the teacher had given him the correct time. A ns . : 23. Gandhi was convicted of lying. What did Gandhiji learn from this ? (A ) He shou ld be disciplined (B) He shou ld tell the tru th (C) He shou ld be not absent to the gymnastic class (D) A man of tru th mu st be a man of care. A ns . : 24. What kind of a girl was Du chess ? (A ) Obedient (B) Sensitive (C) Qu i e t (D) Thoughtful. A ns . : 25. Which one of the following statements is correct ? (A ) The Du chess didn t have all the comforts of a city in that village (B) Nino appreciated the problem of the Du chess (C) The Du chess had no support of her mother (D) Albertino wanted to go back to the city. A ns . : 26. Go back ....... I ll horsewhip you . The appropriate conjunction to be filled in the blank is (A ) (B) or (C) 27. and bu t (D) that. A ns . : You have to pay a lot of money. The passive voice of the above is (A ) A lot of money has to be paid by you (B) A lot of money had to be paid by you (C) A lot of money has been paid by you (D) A lot of money had been paid by you. A ns . : 7 28. 63- E The Nightingale is a singing bird. The italiciz ed word is (A ) verb (B) adjective (C) adverb (D) noun. A ns . : 29. May I come in Sir The correct pu nctu ation mark to be u sed at the end is (A ) comma ( , ) (B) qu estion mark ( ? ) (C) exclamatory mark ( ! ) (D) fu ll stop ( . ). A ns . : 30. Manju la speaks the tru th. The word truth is (A ) adjective (B) verb (C) noun (D) adverb. A ns . : 31. .................... I help you ? The verb to be filled in the blank is (A ) May (B) Have (C) Does (D) Had. A ns . : 32. The word that doesn t rhyme with deed is (A ) heed (B) seed (C) read (D) dead. A ns . : 33. One word for one who foretells things by stu dying stars is (A ) astronomer (B) astrologer (C) astronaut (D) scientist. A ns . : 34. The word fortune takes the prefix (A ) un (B) im (C) di s (D) mis. A ns . : [ Turn over 63- E 35. 8 A girl shines like a moon in clou ded skies. The figure of speech used here is (A ) simile (B) alliteration (C) synecdoche (D) personification. A ns . : 36. What is the secret of you r .................... ? The correct form of the word to be filled in the blank is (A ) su ccessfu l (B) su cceed (C) su ccess (D) su ccessfu lly. A ns . : 37. The student writes .................... . The appropriate form of the word to be filled in the blank is (A ) beautifu lly (B) beautifu l (C) beauty (D) beautify. A ns . : 38. The word that takes the prefix u n is (A ) perfect (B) done (C) correct (D) regu lar. A ns . : 39. Vivekananda was a disciple of Ramakrishna. The word disciple means (A ) follower (B) adviser (C) instructor (D) pet. A ns . : 40. The Dove is an .................... poem. The appropriate form of the word to be filled in the blank is (A ) interest (B) interested (C) interestingly (D) interesting. A ns . : 9 63- E PART B 41. Quote from memory : 4 I had a dove .......... . ...... ....... grieving O, what ...... . . .............. weaving; OR Judge not .. ......... .. ......... ..... grace; Behind . ............ face. Answer the following qu estions in tw o or three sentences each : 42. How did Dr. Sarabhai encourage the students ? 43. How do you say that Narendra had a powerfu l concentration of mind ? 44. What does Chandrashekar advise the young cricketers ? 45. 8 2 = 16 Why did the stu dents of Karnal gather at the school twice ? [ Turn over 63- E 10 46. Why do many people in Europe think that they are more civiliz ed than A sians ? 47. Why was Shankar Kurtakoti unwilling to marry Shanku tala Dhamankar at first ? 48. Why is the beggar-maid compared to the moon in clouded skies ? 49. What message does the poem Work is Worship convey ? Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow : 50. I am worried, my dear a) Which lesson is the line taken from ? 2 3=6 11 b) 51. Who does dear refer to ? c) Why was he worried ? They u sed to shake hands with their hearts a) Who is addressing this and to whom ? b) When did they shake hands like this ? c) How do they do now ? Answer the following qu estions in a paragraph each : 52. 63- E 2 4=8 Describe Andy s second visit to the Post Office. OR What is interesting about the wedding of Shakuntala Dhamankar ? [ Turn over 63- E 53. 12 Describe the qualities of the poet s mother. 4 OR Why does the poet say that God moves in a mysterious way ? 54. Change into indirect speech : 2 The Au thor said, What s your advice to the young cricketers ? 55. Write the other degrees of : 1+1=2 Yuvraj Singh is the most dependable batsman at the moment. 56. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 2 1=2 A boy learnt many good things ................... his mother. He also inherited her memory .................. other things. 57. Use the correct form of verbs given in brackets. When I saw a snake I ......................... ( be + frighten ) and ............... ( run ) away. 2 13 63- E Read the following passage carefu lly and answer the qu estions that follow : Forests are the most important sources of natu ral wealth covering one fifth of the cou ntry s land area. They supply the timber for the railways, hou se bu ilding, furniture making, fu el for cooking etc. Medical herbs also come from the forests. Unfortunately, forests are being cut down. Deforestation has resu lted in air pollu tion, soil erosion and ground water pollution. We mu st therefore protect and develop forests. Vanamahotsava is an important step in this direction. It is observed for a week in July every year. During this week lakhs of saplings are planted throu ghout the country. This is being done to restore our fast disappearing forests. 58. When and why is the Vanamahotsava observed ? 2 59. How are the forests u sefu l to u s ? 2 [ Turn over 63- E 60. 14 Imagine that you are Raghu/Su shma of Xth Standard, Government High School, Mangalore. Write a letter to you r friend u sing the given clues. 5 School excursion visit to places of historic importance beauty of su ch places sharing views, etc. OR Write a letter to the Su perintendent of Police using the given clu es : Your location thefts during nights need of more police secu rity creating a peacefu l atmosphere in the location, etc. 15 61. Write a paragraph u sing the clu es given below : 63- E 4 A silly cricket sings all the su mmer does not store food dying of hunger in winter goes to an ant begs for food ant refu ses remarks dance all the winter moral. [ Turn over 63- E 62. 16 Write a paragraph or tw o on any one of the following topics : i) Radio ii) Noise pollu tion iii) Small family Advantages. 5

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Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)

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Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, third language 2009, online solved question papers, KSEEB third language, kseeb language 3, KSEEB SSLC Language 3, english 2009

, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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