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Karnataka SSLC Third Language : KSEEB English June 2009

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Serial No. of Q. C. A. B. R ol l No. J X R z W : 40 + 22 = 62 ] [ Total No. of Qu estions : 40 + 22 = 62 ] x z W : Code No. [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 16 : 63-E : 63-E J X z W : 16 Y Subject : Third Language ENGLISH : 15. 06 . 20 09 ] : [ Date : 15. 06. 2009 _ 10-30 W R 1-00 ] [ Time : 10-30 A .M. to 1-00 P.M. : 100 ] [ Max. Marks : 100 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PART A Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks 1. 8. 15. 22. 29. 36. 2. 9. 16. 23. 30. 37. 3. 10. 17. 24. 31. 38. 4. 11. 18. 25. 32. 39. 5. 12. 19. 26. 33. 40. 6. 13. 20. 27. 34. 7. 14. 21. 28. 35. Marks Total Marks of Part A B PART B Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Marks Q. No. Q. No. Marks Marks 41. 46. 51. 56. 61. 42. 47. 52. 57. 62. 43. 48. 53. 58. 44. 49. 54. 59. 45. 50. 55. 60. Total Marks of Total M arks in word s 1. Grand Total 2. Part Signature of Evaluators Registration No. Signature of the Deputy Chief Signature of the Room Invigilator [ Turn over 63- E 2 General Instruc tions : i) The qu estion-cu m-answer booklet contains two Parts, Part A & Part B. ii) Part A consists of 40 qu estions and Part B consists of 22 qu estions. iii) Space has been provided in the qu estion-cum-answer booklet itself to answer the qu estions. iv) Follow the instru ctions given in Part A and write the correct answer in fu ll in the space provided below each qu estion. v) For Part B enou gh space for each qu estion is provided. You have to answer the qu estions in the space provided. PART A Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the most appropriate alternative and write it in the space provided below each qu estion. 40 1 = 40 1. Andy in the beginning thou ght that the post office sold only (A ) gunpowder (B) letters (C) tobacco (D) groceries. A ns . : 2. What kind of a man was Andy ? (A ) Intelligent (B) Indu striou s (C) Foolish (D) Simple. A ns . : 3. Andy told his master s name when (A ) the postmaster repeatedly asked him (B) the postmaster called his master a goose (C) Durfy asked him to tell his master s name (D) Squ ire Egan instru cted him to tell his name. A ns . : 4. One of the dreams that was not fu lfilled while Sarabhai lived was (A ) lau nching a satellite (B) setting up an indu stry which produ ces medicine (C) setting up ISRO (D) becoming the Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission. A ns . : 3 5. 63- E The Oval is in (A ) Australia (B) India (C) England (D) South Africa. A ns . : 6. Chandrashekhar began playing cricket with a great disadvantage. What is the disadvantage referred to ? (A ) He had to bowl against great batsmen (B) His bowling arm was stru ck by polio (C) Batsmen like Ken Barrington intimidated him by swearing at him (D) The pitches on which he had to bowl were fast pitches. A ns . : 7. Kalpana I is the name of a (A ) spacecraft lau nched from A merica (B) weather satellite (C) person who died in the tragedy (D) spacecraft which India was going to lau nch. A ns . : 8. The students at Karnal gathered at the school premises the first time (A ) expecting a safe landing of Colu mbia (B) to honour Kalpana (C) to mourn the death of Kalpana (D) to bid farewell to Kalpana. A ns . : 9. Europeans wear more clothes than the people of Asia becau se (A ) they are rich (B) they are fond of clothes (C) they are showy (D) they live in a cold climate. A ns . : [ Turn over 63- E 10. 4 The lady who belonged to an aristocratic family was (A ) Kashibai (B) Laxmi Swaminathan (C) Shankuntala Dhamankar (D) Vimal Gulwadi. A ns . : 11. The farmer and his dau ghter lived in a (A ) mu d hou se (B) concrete house (C) thatched hut (D) small bu ilding. A ns . : 12. The Pandit had to be presented with a (A ) donation (B) citation (C) certificate of merit (D) gift. A ns . : 13. Daksha s father went to the palace with his friends because he wanted to (A ) meet the king (B) present mangoes to the king (C) get boiled eggs (D) attend the cou rt. A ns . : 14. The poet s mother was like (A ) Sita (B) Savitri (C) Sharada Devi (D) an ordinary woman. A ns . : 15. Why did the king step down from the throne ? (A ) To welcome the beggar maid (B) To send the beggar maid ou t of the court (C) To lead her to the throne (D) To garland her. A ns . : 5 16. 63- E The poet s mother won a bracelet for her arm by (A ) plou ghing the field with her hand (B) earning money for the family (C) pleasing her hu sband and children (D) raising a hu ndred measure of millet. A ns . : 17. In the poem Work Is Worship the speaker lays stress on (A ) meditation (B) work (C) praying with flowers and incense (D) chanting and singing. A ns . : 18. The poet learnt to say Good bye . He actu ally meant, (A ) good riddance (B) glad to meet you (C) bored to meet you (D) nice talking to you . A ns . : 19. One word for, a person who loves money and hates spending it, is (A ) spendthrift (B) miser (C) philanthropist (D) capitalist. A ns . : 20. Bhima s pride was shattered when (A ) he saw the real form of the monkey (B) he cou ld not move the monkey s tail the least (C) the monkey lau ghed at him (D) he was prevented from going further. A ns . : 21. Bhima was not willing to ju mp over the monkey becau se (A ) he had no strength (B) it was below his dignity (C) he was proud (D) it was against the scriptures. A ns . : [ Turn over 63- E 22. 6 The first and the last instance of Gandhiji s carelessness in school was (A ) disliking gymnastics (B) absenting from a gymnastic class (C) telling lies (D) thinking of going back to IIIrd Std. A ns . : 23. Which one of the following statements about Gandhiji is incorrect ? (A ) Gandhiji s handwriting was bad (B) Gandhiji was a meritoriou s student (C) He had great regard for his Sanskrit teacher (D) Gandhiji didn t get exception from gymnastics till the end. A ns . : 24. When did the Du chess begin to cry ? (A ) Her father scolded her (B) She saw a scrap book sent from the school (C) She came to the village (D) Margherita didn t su pport her. A ns . : 25. What did the Du chess do when her father asked her to come down ? She (A ) obeyed his instruction (B) stayed where she was (C) climbed higher (D) gaz ed at her father. A ns . : 26. ............... you come to school everyday ? The appropriate verb to be filled in the blank is (A ) Does (B) Do (C) Is (D) Has. A ns . : 27. Truth is beau ty. The word truth is (A ) an adjective (B) an adverb (C) a nou n (D) a verb. A ns . : 7 28. 63- E Have you seen the Mysore palace The punctu ation mark to be u sed at the end of the sentence is (A ) comma (B) qu estion mark (C) fu llstop (D) colon. A ns . : 29. Narendra answered all the qu estions correctly ............... the others could not. The appropriate conjunction to be filled in the blank is (A ) and (B) that (C) yet (D) bu t . A ns . : 30. The word that does not rhyme with the other three is (A ) near (B) bear (C) fear (D) clear. A ns . : 31. Padma is very intelligent ............... industrious. The appropriate conjunction to be filled in the blank is (A ) and (B) or (C) becau se (D) bu t . A ns . : 32. Lata is fond of flowers. The qu estion tag to be u sed is (A ) isn t it ? (B) is she ? (C) isn t she ? (D) doesn t he ? A ns . : 33. Tilak was a lion in those days. The figu re of speech is (A ) metaphor (B) simile (C) personification (D) synecdoche. A ns . : [ Turn over 63- E 34. 8 One word for a person who has been appointed or selected to attend a conference is (A ) ambassador (B) delegate (C) representative (D) messenger. A ns . : 35. One word for to be disloyal to someone who trusts you is (A ) tru stworthy (B) cheat (C) betray (D) cru el. A ns . : 36. Civilization is the reverse of barbarism. The word reverse means (A ) same (B) opposite (C) difficu lt (D) equal. A ns . : 37. Why don t you answer ............... ? The correct form of the word to be filled in the blank is (A ) correct (B) correction (C) correctness (D) correctly. A ns . : 38. He gives ............... answers. The correct word to be filled in the blank is (A ) satisfactory (B) satisfy (C) satisfaction (D) satisfactorily. A ns . : 39. We can form the opposite of the word appear by adding the prefix (A ) un (B) ir (C) m is (D) di s . A ns . : 40. He was seen in his robe and crown. The word robe means (A ) appearance (B) dr e s s (C) throne (D) royal dress. A ns . : 9 63- E PART B 41. Quote from memory : 4 Judge not .. ......... .. ......... ..... grace; Behind a . ... ............ face. OR Within .......... ................. ......... ...... ....... treasu re He ...... ............... .......... . .............. pleasure. Answer the following qu estions in tw o or three sentences each : 8 2 = 16 42. What was the postmaster doing when Andy made a second visit to the post office ? 43. Why did Narendranath go to A merica ? 44. What did the newspapers of A merica write about Swami V ivekananda ? 45. Who, according to B. S. Chandrashekhar, is the greatest batsman today ? Give reasons. [ Turn over 63- E 46. 10 Even as a girl, Kalpana was uniqu e. Give two examples from the text in support of this claim. 47. Why does Nehru call great nations unciviliz ed ? 48. Where, according to Tagore, is God to be fou nd ? 49. What does the poet in the poem Once Upon A Time, want to relearn and from whom ? Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow : 50. I will u se it for drying cowdung cakes. a) Who is the I ? 2 3=6 11 b) 51. What is it ? c) When did the speaker say so ? I came everyday to see it. a) Who does I refer to ? b) What did he see there ? c) What happened to the it ? Answer the following qu estions in a paragraph each : 52. 63- E 2 4=8 How can we say that Dr. Sarabhai was a kind hearted teacher ? OR How did Daksha answer the Pandit s qu estion ? How did the Pandit feel when his qu estion was answered ? [ Turn over 63- E 53. 12 Describe how Walter de la Mare imagines himself to be the Lord of Tartary. OR Describe the beau ty of the beggar and how the king reacted to her beauty. 54. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions : 2 Swamiji felt nervou s ............... the sight ............... su ch a hu ge au dience. 55. Use the correct form of verbs given in brackets : 2 Vivekananda ............. ( be ) a follower of Ramakrishna and he always ............. ( try ) to carry out the will of his master. 56. Write the other degrees of the following : 2 No other student is as bright as Kamala. 57. Change into indirect speech : 2 The king said to her, I permit you to take away anything that you like from my palace as your priz e . 13 63- E Read the following passage carefu lly and answer the qu estions that follow : The man came with the poison and said to Socrates, You have only to drink this and walk about until your legs feel heavy and then lie down, and it will act for itself . Socrates took the cup cheerfully without trembling and withou t any change of colour, and looked up at the man with that fixed glance of his and asked, Shall we make an offering to the gods from it ? We only prepare so mu ch as we think su fficient, Socrates, he answered. I understand, said Socrates, I suppose I mu st pray to the gods that my journey hence may be prosperou s : that is m y prayer, be it so. With these words he put the cup to his lips and drank the poison calmly and cheerfully. Most of the men present controlled their grief. Bu t one of them burst into a loud cry. Then all of them broke down except Socrates. 58. What did Socrates say before drinking the poison ? How did one of them react to it ? 2 59. What did the man ask Socrates to do after drinking poison ? How did Socrates take the poison ? 2 [ Turn over 63- E 60. 14 Imagine that you are Raju / Sunita of Xth Standard, Government High School, Ku mta. Write a letter to your friend about the celebration of Kannada Rajyostsava in your school u sing the clu es given below : 5 Hoisting of flag procession invocation welcome speech gu ests invited cu ltural programme vote of thanks. OR Write a letter to your father requ esting him to send Rs. 500/- for your excursion u sing the following clu es given below : Abou t your studies dates of excursion no. of days places to be visited amou nt required. 15 61. Write a paragraph u sing the clu es given below : 63- E 4 A fox hungry cou ldn t find food came to a village grapes garden very happy ju mped cou ldn t get angry. [ Turn over 63- E 62. 16 Write a paragraph or two on any one of the following topics : i) Uses of forests ii) Radio iii) Air pollu tion. 5

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Additional Info : Karnataka SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB)
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Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka Class X, Karnataka Class 10, Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, KSEEB results, kseeb model question papers, kseeb sslc sample papers, third language 2009, online solved question papers, KSEEB third language, kseeb language 3, KSEEB SSLC Language 3, english 2009

, Karnataka, SSLC, Karnataka SSLC, Karnataka SSLC Board Papers, Secondary School Leaving Certificate, Karnataka SSLC previous question papers, Karnataka SSLC question papers, Karnataka SSLC previous year question papers, SSLC model question papers 2015, india, question bank, SSLC question papers  

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