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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Biology (Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir (SSRVM), Mumbai)

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Vidya Gokulkrishnan
Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir (SSRVM), Mumbai
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Giren alongside are two fiqures (A and B) representing the two stages of evolution of human beings. ldentfy the two figures and mention the cranial capacity of each. (2) B (N) Lia, a 30year-old female demonstrated a subtle onset of the following symptoms eight koss, Rapid heartbeat, tremors and muscle weakness. Some days she even obsenred excess sweating and increased sensitivity to heat. She was planning to (2) Visita physician very soon. Her friend came to meet her and observed that she has kost weight and there was a slight swelling in the neck. She also asked her to visit a doctor immediateBy. (a) Name the endocrine disorder in this case. b) ldentify the homone. (v) The diagram depicts the climate change on planet Earth. (a)Name the cimatic phenomenon for the increase in Earth's temperature. (b) Mention the reason for this? (c) What measures can be taken to prevent this THE CLIMATE IS CHANGING (1| (1] climate change? WHY AREN'TWE? Page 8 of 8 (1) Given below are three diagrammatic sketches (A, Band C)of one and the same particular phase during mitotic type of cell division. A B (a) ldentify the phase. (b) What is the diploid number of chromosomes shown in them? (c) ldentify whether these are animal cells or plant cells? [1) Question 7 What is the technical name of the area of best vision of the nomal eye? ( ) Mention two abnormal constituents in urine and what is the condition known as? (0) In a small village, farners were struggling to ripen their fruits on time for the annual [1] 2) 2] harvest festival. One farmer found out that by spraying a certain homone on these fruits, it woukd cause early ripening of fruits. ldentify the homone and write two more functions of this hormone. (iv) How are fratermal twins produced? What may be their gender? (v) A homozygous Tall plant (T) bearing red coloured (R) ffowers is crossed with a homozygous Dwarf plant (t) bearing white fiowers (). (a) Give the Genotype and Phenotype of the F1 generation. (b) Give the possible combinations of the gametes that can be obtained from the F hybrid. (c) Give the dihybrid ratio and the phenotype of the offsprings of the F2generation when twO plants of the Figeneration above are crossed. 2] E E Question 8 (0) A and B enter a restaurant and see the menu. Bstarts salivating but not A. Explain the reason for this difference. ( ) Given below are two statements which are incorrect. Rewrite the correct statements: (a)A nucleotide is composed of asugar(pentose), sulphate and a nitrogenous base (b) Cytokinesis in a plant cell is by furrowing of cytoplasm. Page 7 of 8 [2] Question 5 Amit is very interested in he wants studying genetics and any one career Can you suggest (ii to take it up as opportunity or application in a career. forms of life emerged process whereby complex continuous biologist who called? Name any one What is the slow and years of millions through from simpler forms gave this idea? () (iv) (V) guttation and bleeding State the difference between [1] genetics for him? based on location. significarnce. Expand the abbreviation ABA. Give its below, choose the correct structure Refer to the diagram of a nephron given (number) to answer the questions: [2 [2] (3] 2 3 4 (a) Where does ultrafiltration occur? (b)Where is most glucose reabsorbed into the blood stream? (c) Wh ch structure helps to concentrate urine and which is very long in desert mammals such as the Kangaroo rat? Question 6 0) According to an estimate, the world population will reach 10 billion around the year [1] 2050. To create awareness about this rising population, which day is observed as World Population Day'? (9) What is plasmolysis? How would this phenomenon be used, if there is excessive growth of weeds in the playground? (ii) Differentiate betvween Aqueous chamber and Vitreous chamber. (iv) If there were no green plants, all life on Earth would come to an end. Explain. Page 6 of 8 [2] SECTION B (40 Marks) (Attempt any four questions from this Section.) uestion3 () Explain the term 'osmoregulation' () Name the structures where photochemical phase and bio-synthetic phase of photosynthesis takes place. (ii) What happens to the uterus if: (a)Fertilisation takes place (b) Fertilisation fails to take place [1) [2) [2] [2] (iv) Education is very important for population control. Explain. Rohanwas studyingan experimental set-up to demonstrate a vital process. After sometime, he observed that the levelof the liguid in the vertical column increased. (v) E (a)Why did the level of liquid in the vertical tube rise? (b)Explain how the process affects a protozoan WATER [1] Such as Amoeba? (c) Give one example in any part of plants in which this SUGAR PARCHMENT PAPER procesS OCCurs. [1] Question 4 Why do herbaceous plants growing in well-watered soil, wilt on a hot day? [1] (ii) The amnion sac in the uterus of the female during pregnancy is filled with a fluid. [2] (ii) Explain. Mention the significance of the following minerals. [2] (0) (a) Iron in blood (iv) (b) Calcium ions in plasma Sam is fond of playing cricket. His concentration is on hitting the ball as shown in the [2] picture. (a)Which part of the brain helps Sam to concentrate on hitting the ball? (b) Name the part of the brain that co-ordinates all the voluntary muscles of his body? (v) Drawa neat labeled diagram of the membranous labyrinth. Page 5 of 8 [3) (ii) as tobe in aroup in the correct order so each in terms the rewrite Arrange and that is underlined. logicalsequence beginning with the term stomach vein, portal hepatic (a) Hepatic vein, aorta, fallopian tube, ovum (b) Graafian follicle, uterus, oviducalfunnel, (c) Cell membrane, chromatin fibres, cell wall, cytoplasm palisade (a) Upper epidermis, spongy mesophyll, cuticle, mesophyl assoCiation (e) Receptor, dorsal root ganglion, effector, ventral root ganglion, neuron (iv) [5] Read the explanations given below and name the structure: Example: Tube between kidney and urinary bladder Answer: Ureter (a) Organ in which urea is formed. (b) A disc-like structure attached to the uterine wall. (c) The smallest blood vessels in the human body. (d) A cell formed by fusion of gametes. (e) Aglandpresent on the top of each kidney. (V) Given below is the structure of human brain. Match the structures marked (1)to (5) with their correct functions: Example: 6 - ()protects the delicate organ brain. Structure of Human Brain Functions (a) maintains balance of the body. 6 (b) controls activities of the internal growth. (c) controls the body temperature. (d) produces hormone for essential growth. (e)controls allvoluntary actions. ( protects the delicate organ brain. 3 4 5 Page 4 of 8 [5] receptor K v) Assertion: A reflex arc is the shortest route that can be taken by an impulse from a to an effector. Reason (R): Bl nking, coughing and sneezing are conditioned reflexes. (a) Both Aand R are True (b) Both Aand R are False (d) Ais False and R is True (c) Ais True and R is False epidermal cell that has been XV) The following diagram shows the appearance of an onion be transferred to, if yoUwant cell this should Soaked in a 15% saltsolution. Which solution the cell to return back to its turgid state? (a) 5% salt solution (c) 25% salt solution (b) 15% salt solution (d) 35% salt solution Question 2 (i) Name the following: (a) The pollutant that cannot be broken down to simple and harmless products. stem. (b) The permanently open structures seen on the bark of an old (5] (c) The kind of division that takes place inthe reproductive tissues. (d) The process of uptake of mineral ions against the concentration gradient using energy. (e) The branch of renal artery which enters into the Bowman's capsule. (i) Given below is the structure of an eye. Read the given informationand fill in the blanks. Eyes are crucial for vision as they act as the primary sensory organ that captures light from the surrounding environment, conveting it into electrical signals that are then sernt to the brain to create our sense of sight, allowing us to perceive the world around us in terms of colour, shape, size and distance. The technical term for long sightedness is (a) This defct is caused because the (b) of the eyeball from front to back or the lens is too (C) It can be corrected by using a suitable (d) power of the lens is mentioned in (e) Page 3 of 8 lens. The [5] the uterus of foetus attached to developing shows a (vl) The diagram normally cut immediately after bith? Which part is a pregnant woman (b) Part B (a)Part A (c)Part C (d) Part D alphacells of pancreas. (vi) Assertion(A): Insulin is secreted by blood. Reason (R): It checks rise of protein level of (b) BothAand R are False (a) Both A and Rare True True (d) A is False and R is (c) Ais True andR is False man, in which stage is a well-developed (vi) While studying the stages in the evolution of chin observed? (a) Homo habilis (c) Homo sapiens (ix) (x) Assertion(A): The flat part of the stirrup fits on the oval window. Reason (R): It causes the vibrations to reach the inner ear. (b) Both A and R are False (a) Both A and R are True (d) Ais False and Ris True (c) A is True and R is False How many meiotic divisions are necessary to produce 100 pollen grains? (a) 20 (c) 50 (xi) (b) Homo erectus (d) Australopithecus (b) 25 (d) 100 Assertion. Phosphorylation occurs in allorganisms only during the process of respiration Reason. Photophosphorylation is the process during which ADP combines with inorgani phosphate (iP) and produces ATP. (a)Both A and R are True (b) Both A and R are False (c) Ais True andR is False (d) A is False and R is True (i) Abiology teacher asked her students to give two examples of non-biodegradable waste Raj said: Paper and plastic Sunil said: Plastic and Styrofoam Laxmisaid: Glass and plastic Arvind said: Glass and paper Who were correct? (a) Arvind and Sunil (c) Raj and Laxmi (b) Sunil and Laxmi (d) Arvind and Raj (xii) Which is the most widely used plant hormone in agriculture? (a) Ethylene (b) Cytokinins (c) Gibberellins (d) Auxins Page 2 of 8 SRI SRIRAVISHANKAR VIDYA MANDIR, MULUND SECOND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION (2024 - 2025) SUBJECT: BIOLOGY -SSRVM STD. : X MARKS: 80 TIME : 2 HOURS DATE: 13/01/25 Answers to this paper must be written on the paper separately. You willnot be allowed to write during first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent reading the Question paper. The time given at the head of the paper is the time allotted for writing the answers. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or part of questions are given in brackets [] THIS QUESTION PAPER CONSISTS OF [8 PRINTED PAGES. SECTION A (40Marks) (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answers only.) () Which of the folowing two-items mean the same thing? (a) Blood cancer- Haemophilia (b) Pacemaker -SANode (c) Diapedesis - RBC (i) (d) Diastole - Contraction phase For the stomata of a leaf to open, the guard cells accumulate more potassium ions than the surrounding cells. Which row describes what happens? (i) movement of movemnent of water in potassium ions relation to guard cells final state of the guard cells (a) active transport in (b) active transport turgid diffusion out in flaccid (c) (d) diffusion out no change plasmolysed Aperson has a high-protein die. What describes the evelof urea in the blood leavingthe liver and, in the urine, leaving the kidneys? A urea in blood urea in urine leaving liver leaving kidneys high high high low high iow (iv) On which plant did Mendel conduct his hybridization experiments? (a) Cow pea (b) Garden pea (c) Potato (v) low (d) Pigeon pea What is the birth rate for 400 offsprings born in a population of 20,000 people? (a) 20 (c) 50 (b) 40 (d) 0.02 Page 1 of 8 [15]

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