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ICSE Class X Prelims 2021 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Lokhandwala Foundation School (LFS), Kandivali East, Mumbai)

4 pages, 43 questions, 42 questions with responses, 42 total responses,    0    0
Kiah Jaiswal
Ryan International School, Asha Nagar, Kandivli East, Mumbai
XI - XII Science
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LOKHANDWALA FOUNDATION SCHOOL PRELIMINARY EXAM-2020-21 LITERATURE IN ENGLISH English Paper- 2 Date: 11/01/2021 Duration: 2 hrs Grade: 10 Max. Marks: 80 _______________________________________________________________________________________ General Instructions: Attempt five questions in all from only three text books. You must attempt at least one question from each of the Sections A, B and C and not more than two other questions from the same books you have already compulsorily chosen. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. This paper consists of 4 printed sides. ____________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION A- DRAMA Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: Question 1. Portia: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) You know I say nothing to him, for he understands not me, nor I him: he hath neither Latin, French, nor Italian; and you will come into the court and swear that I have a poor pennyworth in the English. Who is Portia confiding in? What is the purpose of their discussion? (3) Who is referred as he in the given extract? Explain in your own words why Portia refers to him as a dumb-show . (3) What does Portia comment about his way of dressing? (3) Later in the scene, how has Portia planned to escape from being married to a sponge ? (3) How has Portia asserted that she will follow her father s will at any cost? Explain in detail the classical references mentioned by her in this context. What does her assertion reveal about her character? (4) Question 2. Bassanio: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) So may the outward shows be least themselves: The world is still deceived with ornament. In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt, But being season d with a gracious voice, Obscures the show of evil? Which casket is Bassanio referring to in the given extract? What was inscribed on it? What did it contain? (3) Explain the line, The world is still deceived with ornament. State two other examples given by Bassanio to prove the statement. (3) Earlier in the play, which suitor had rejected this particular casket? What reasons had he given for rejecting it? (3) Which casket does Bassanio finally choose? How does he explain his choice? (3) What does Bassanio find inside the casket of his choice? How does he describe it? (4) Class 10 English Literature Pg.2 Question 3. I ll have my bond; speak not against my bond: I have sworn an oath that I will have my bond. Thou call dst me dog before thou hadst a cause; But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs: The duke shall grant me justice. Shylock: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Where does the scene take place? State the terms of the bond Shylock is talking about. (3) Who is referred as Thou by Shylock? Besides being called a dog, state any three other grievances that Shylock has against that person? (3) Why is Shylock very sure that the duke shall grant him justice? Give reasons why the duke cannot deny the course of law. (3) How does the duke describe Shylock before he is called inside the court? (3) What examples does Shylock give to justify his stand that there are certain things in life which offend us without any reason and in return causes a similar offensive behaviour from us? Do you think his justification is valid? Give reason for your answer. (4) SECTION B- POETRY Treasure Trove A Collection of ICSE Poems & Short Stories Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: Question 4. Their dying fire in need of logs, But the first one held hers back, For, of the faces round the fire, She noticed one was black. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Who is being referred to in the first line of the extract? What is said about them at the beginning of the poem? (3) What prejudice did the first one in the group harbour within her? As a result of that prejudice, how did she react? (3) Who was the third man in the group? What was his reason for not putting the log into the fire?(3) How did the last man in the group believe in living his life? How would you describe such a person? (3) Explain the concluding lines of the poem in your own words: They did not die from the cold without They died from the cold within. What is the central message of the poem? (4) Class 10 English Literature Pg.3 Question 5. He plants a home to heaven anigh; For song and mother-croon of bird In hushed and happy twilight heard The treble of heaven s harmony These things he plants who plants a tree. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) What are the three major advantages of planting a tree mentioned immediately after the given extract? (3) According to the poet, how is a tree a friend of sun and sky ? (3) Explain the lines- He plants a home to heaven anigh; For song and mother-croon of bird. (3) In the concluding stanza of the poem, how does the poet give a God like status to the person who plants a tree? (3) Comment on the appropriateness of the title, The Heart of the Tree . (4) Question 6. I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Why does the poet refer to the daffodils as golden daffodils ? Where does he see them? (3) What image do the daffodils convey when the poet sees them stretched in a never ending line? State the figure of speech used in the same context. (3) What comparison does the poet draw between the waves and the daffodils? (3) How does the poet describe the company of the daffodils? What effect does it have on him at that time? (3) Explain the transition of mood experienced by the poet from the beginning to the end of the poem. (4) SECTION C- PROSE Treasure Trove A Collection of ICSE Poems & Short Stories Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow: Question 7. Now the truth dawned on the old man. His dream of a lifetime was about to be realized. He understood that the red man was actually making an offer for the goats. He had reared them up in the hope of selling them some day and, with the capital, opening a small shop on this very spot. Class 10 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) English Literature Pg.4 What was the old man s name? Give a few details of the village where he lived. (3) Describe the circumstances that had made the red man stop at that place. (3) How many goats were there and what was the red man offering? Why did the old man feel that the red man was actually making an offer for the goats? (3) What had the old man often dreamt about sitting at that particular spot? (3) State any three instances from the story where the two men misunderstood each other totally. What was the main reason for their misunderstanding? (4) Question 8. She had fallen upon the threshold of her own door in a drunken fit, and died in the presence of her frightened little ones. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Briefly describe the dead woman s children. What was decided about the two older children after their mother s death? Why did no one offer to take Maggie? Who finally took her home? How did he request his wife, Jane, to treat Maggie for one night? Compare and contrast the character of Jane before and after the arrival of Maggie in their house. (3) (3) (3) (3) (4) Question 9. Answer the following questions with reference to the chapter, Chief Seattle s Speech : (i) (ii) (iii) What has the good father in Washington promised the Native Americans if they agreed to his proposal? (4) Elaborate on the common destiny that Chief Seattle talks about. How does he justify it? (4) With close reference to the text, highlight the differences between the White Americans and the Native Americans. (8) ************************

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