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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2021 : Biology

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Kiah Jaiswal
Ryan International School, Asha Nagar, Kandivli East, Mumbai
XI - XII Science
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LOKHANDWALA FOUNDATION SCHOOL TERMINAL EXAMINATION -2020-21 SUBJECT :- BIOLOGY Grade :- 10 Duration : 2 hrs. Date :- 9-10-2020 Max. Marks: 80 __________________________________________________________________________________ General Instructions: Keep 10-15 A-4 size ruled sheets ready along with a scale, pencil, eraser and at least two black pens. You can use a black ball pen or waterproof gel pen to write. Write your name, roll number, class with section and page number on every sheet. Every sheet should be numbered on both sides. There should be a margin on both sides of the paper. Scan and staple the sheets in proper sequence as soon as you finish writing and keep them safely. General Instructions: Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].This paper consists of 5 printed sides. ___________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION A (40 marks) (Compulsory) Question 1 A. Give scientific term for: i. The liquid part of blood devoid of blood cells and fibrinogen. ii. Pressure of the cell content on the cell wall. iii. Permanently open structures seen on the bark of an old woody stem. iv. The hormones which target other endocrine glands. v. Gland present at the base of eye lashes. [5] B. Choose the correct answer from the options given: [5] i. A cell has five pairs of chromosomes. After mitotic division, the number of chromosomes in the daughter cells will be a.five b.ten c. twenty d. forty ii. The sound Lub is produced in the heart when a. Tricuspid and Bicuspid valve closes b. Mitral valve opens c. Semilunar valve closes d. Tricuspid valve closes iii. Water will be absorbed by the root hair when a. Concentration of the salts in the soil is high. b. Concentration of the solutes in the cell sap is high. c. The plant is rapidly respiring. d. They are separated from the soil by semi permeable membrane. iv Which of the blood vessel in humans carries with it maximum concentration of glucose? a. Hepatic vein b. Portal vein c. Renal artery d. Hepatic artery v. Junction between two neurons is a. Joint b. Synapse c. Terminal ending d. Synapsis vi. Each nephron has a cup shaped upper end called ___________, which contains a _________. a. Bowman s capsule, ampulla b. Capillaries, Bowman s capsule c. Ampulla, Glomerulus d. Bowman s capsule, Glomerulus vii. After meiotic cell division a human female gamete will have a. 44+ XX b. 44 + XY c. 22+ X d.22+ Y Grade 10 Subject: Biology Page: 2 viii. Pulse wave is mainly caused by the a. Systole of atria b. Diastole of atria c. Systole of the left ventricle d. Diastole of right ventricle ix. The glomerular filtrate does not contain a. Mineral salts b. Amino acids c. Protein macromolecules d. Glucose x. Which of the following is not a natural reflex action? a. Knee jerk b. Salivation at the sight of food c. Blinking of the eyes due to strong light d. Sneezing when any irritant enters the nose C. Identify the odd term in each of the set and name the category of the remaining 3 belong to: Example: Wind energy, Tidal energy, Petroleum, Solar energy Odd term Petroleum Category Renewable/Natural sources of energy [5] i. Haemoglobin, Prothrombin, Fibrinogen, Thrombokinase. ii. Cretinism, Haemophilia, Myxoedema, Goitre. iii. Coughing, Sneezing, Eating, Blinking. iv. CNS, PNS, SAN, ANS. v. Phosphate, RNA, Sugar, Nitrogenous base D. Choose between the two options to answer the question specified in brackets for the following: An example is illustrated below: [5] Example: Corolla or calyx (Which is the outer whorl?) (Answer Calyx) i. Endolymph and Perilymph (Which fluid surrounds the organ of corti?) ii. Blood in hepatic artery or hepatic vein (Which one has more urea?) iii. Stimulation of saliva production (Sympathetic or Parasympathetic nervous system) iv. Secretion of potassium (Where is it added Loop of henle or Distal convoluted tubule?) v. Blood in pulmonary artery or pulmonary vein (Which one contains more deoxygenated blood?) E. State the exact location and function for each of the following: i. Organ of corti ii. Chordae tendaniae iv. Centromere v. Corpus collasum [5] iii. Incus F. Match Column A with Column B and rewrite the correct matching pairs: Column A Column B i. Sacculus a. Multilobed nucleus ii. DNA and histones b. Hypersecretion of Insulin iii. Diabetes mellitus c. Dynamic balance iv. Neutrophils d. Static balance v. Eosinophil s e. Nucleosome f. Hyposecretion of insulin g. Bilobed nucleus h. Nucleotide [5] G. Given below are terms in each group the first pair indicates the type of relationship that exists between the terms. Rewrite and complete the second pair on similar basis: [5] Example: Oxygen: Inspiration: : Carbon dioxide : Expiration i. Eye: Optic nerve: : Ear : ____________ ii. Cytoplasm: Cytokinesis: : Nucleus : ____________ iii. Insulin: __________ : : Glucagon: Alpha cell iv. Foetus: Amnion: : Heart : ____________ v. Adenine: Thymine: : Cytosine : ____________ Grade 10 Subject : Biology H. Study the following diagram carefully and then answer the questions that follow: Page : 3 [5] i. Label parts 1 and 2 ii) What function is carried out by part labelled 3. iii) Write the difference in function between part 4 and 5. iv) Name the part labelled 6 and write a hormone secreted by its posterior part. v) The anterior part of part 6 secretes ACTH. Write the expanded form. SECTION B (40 marks) (Attempt any four questions from this section) Question 2 A. Study the diagrams given below and answer the questions that follow: [5] i. Name the cells labelled 1, 2 and 3. ii. Identify the phenomenon occurring in A. Explain the phenomenon. iii. Mention two structural differences between 1 and 2. iv. Name the process occurring in B and C. v. State the importance of this process in the human body. B. Give scientific reasons for the statements given below: i. Throat infections can lead to ear infections. ii. Urine is slightly thicker in summer than in winter. iii. Pituitary is said to be master gland. iv. Arteries are devoid of valves. v. Gametes have haploid number of chromosomes. [5] Question 3 A. The figure given below is a diagrammatic representation of a part of the cross section of the root in the root hair zone. Study the same and answer the questions that follow. [5] i. Name the parts indicated by guide lines 1 to 5 ii. Name the process responsible for the entry of water molecules from soil into 1 and inside the root. iii. Name and define the pressure responsible for the movement of water depicted by arrow. iv. Draw a diagram of part marked 1 as it would appear when a concentrated solution of fertilizers is added near it. Grade 10 Subject: Biology Page : 4 B. Study the diagram given below which represents a stage during the mitotic cell division and answer the questions that follow: [5] i. Identify the stage giving suitable reasons. ii. Name the parts numbered C and D iii. What is the technical term for the division of nucleus? iv. Mention the stage that comes before the stage shown in the diagram. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the stage mentioned. v. Is it a plant cell or animal cell? State a reason for your option. Question 4 A.The diagram given below shows a section of a human kidney. Study the diagram carefully and answer the questions that follow: [5] i. Label the parts numbered 1 to 4. ii. Why does part 2 have a striped appearance? iii. What is the fluid that passes down part 4 ? Name the main nitrogenous waste present in it. iv. Mention the structural and functional units of kidneys. v. Name the two major steps in the formation of the fluid mentioned in Q. 4(a) (iii) B. Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is mentioned within brackets: [5] i. Guttation and Bleeding (Define) ii. Exopthalmic goitre and Simple Goitre (Cause) iii. Active transport and Diffusion (Significance in plant) iv. Mitral valve and Tricuspid valve (Location) v. Rods and Cones of Retina (Type of pigment). Question 5 A. Given below is a diagrammatic representation of a defect of the human eye which has been corrected using a suitable lens. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow: [5] i. Identify the defect that has been corrected. ii. Mention two reasons for the above defect. iii. Label parts numbered 1 to 4 iv. State the functions of the parts numbered 3 and 4. v. What maintains the shape of the eye ball? B. Draw neat and labelled diagrams of the following: i. T.S. of Artery and Vein ii. A Myelinated Neuron: [3+2=5] Grade 10 Subject: Biology Page : 5 Question 6 A. The figure given below represents an experimental setup with a weighing machine to demonstrate a particular process in plants. The experimental set up was placed in bright sunlight. Study the diagram and answer the questions which follow: [5] i. Name the process intended for study. ii. Define the above mentioned process. iii. When the weight of test tube (A & B) is taken before the experiment, what is observed? Give reason to justify your observation in A & B. iv. What is the purpose of keeping the test tube B in the experimental set up? v. Draw a neat labelled figure of the structure through which the process mentioned in (i) takes place. B. Observe the figure of T.S of adrenal gland given below and answer the questions given below: [3] i. Name the parts marked 1and 2. ii. Name the hormone secreted by part 2 and state its function. iii. Write the symptoms and cause of Cushing s syndrome. C. Given below are a set of terms; rewrite the terms in correct order so as to be in logical sequence: [2] i. Spinal cord, Motor neuron, Receptor, Effector, Sensory neuron. ii. Lungs, Vena cava, Pulmonary vein , Heart, Pulmonary artery. ********************************************

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