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Class 10 Exam 2018 : Chemistry

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Khushi Panigrahi
Ambassador School, Dubai
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Paper: ICSE X- Chemistry C - Sa ample Paper 3 Total mark ks of the pape er: 80 Total time of the paper: 1:30 hrs Answer to o this paper mu ust be written on o the paper prrovided separa tely. You will not n be allowed to write during the first 15 min nutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the he ead of paper is the time allow wed for writing t he answers. This ques stion paper is divided d into two o sections. Section I is of 40 marks and compulso ory; contains on ne question witth parts (a) to (g g); all parts are e to be answere ed. Section III is also of 40 marks; m contains s six questions numbered 2 to o 7. You are to answer any fo our of these que estions. All workin ng, including ro ough work, shou uld be done on n the same she eet as the rest o of the answer. Questions s: 1 ] a. b. Name e the following:-(i) An organic gas which forms red precipitate with Fehling's sol ution .. (ii) A gas g having rotten egg smell (iii) An n insoluble salt obtained when n sulphur dioxid de is passed th hrough lime wa ater. (iv) Es ssential produc ct formed when n hydrogen sulp phide solution rreacts with an oxidizing agen nt. (v) An n alloy which ex xpands on coolling. (vi) Tw wo metallic oxid des reduced by y Aluminium. (vii) A gas which has s burning sulph hur like smell. (viii) A gas that gives s white precipittate with silver nitrate solution n. (ix) Is a greenish yellow coloured gas. g (x) Me etal which existts in liquid state e at room temp perature. [Ma arks:1 0] Write balanced chem mical equations s for the following:(i) Dilu ute sulphuric ac cid is added to lead nitrate so olution. (ii) De ehydration of etthyl alcohol by conc.H2SO4 [Ma arks:2] c. [Ma arks:5] Tran ns Web Educcational Servvices Pvt. Ltd d B 14 47,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOID DA, UP-2013001 Website:w Email. Tel:0120--4616500 Ext - 204 d. [Ma arks:5] e. i.How does metallic character vary in group and period? p ii.Elem ments of group 1 are called as s (1) ________ __ metals. Thesse are good (2 2)___________ _____ agent whereas the elements e of gro oup 17 are calle ed as (3)_____ _______.These e are good(4)__________ _agents. iii.The e vertical colum mns are called (1)_________.T ( The horizontal rows are called as ________ __. f. i.Durin ng the electrop plating of silver over copper sp poon, the electtrolyte used mu ust contain (1) _ _______ ions. The (2) _____ _____ is used as a cathode. (3) __________ iss used as anod de. ii. Give the equation taking place at cathode and at anode durin ng the electropl ating of silver o over coppe er spoon. [Ma arks:5] [Ma arks:5] g. [Ma arks:5] 2] Choos se from the list only:Ethyne,E Ethane,Ethene,Nickel,Copper,,Saturated,CnH2n,unsaturate ed,saturated,Fe ehling s solution n, red, colourle ess, Addition. 2,CnH2n+2 2 a)CH2=CH2 is (i) ___ _________.It is s (ii) _________ _____hydroca rbon having ge eneral formula(iii)________ ____. Ethene re eacts with the solution s of Brom mine in carbon n tetrachloride tto give (iv)___ _________ solution and it un ndergoes (v)___ ________reacttion. Addition o of hydrogen to CH2=C CH2 yields (vi) ________ _ in th he presence of (vii) ________ ___ as a catalyyst. b)Give e balanced che emical equation n for the reactio on in the above e question. c)Wha at special featu ure in CH2=CH2 helps to bring g about the cha ange of bromine e solution in ca arbon tetrachloride? [Ma arks:3] 3] 4] (a) Name the products obtained att cathode and at a anode during g the electrolyssis of: (i)Moltten lead bromid de.(inert electro ode) (ii)Aqu ueous solution of sodium chlo oride.(inert elec ctrodes) (iii)Co opper sulphate solution.(inert electrodes) Tran ns Web Educcational Servvices Pvt. Ltd d B 14 47,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOID DA, UP-2013001 Website:w Email. Tel:0120--4616500 Ext - 204 [Ma arks:1 0] [Ma arks:1 0] (iv)Mo olten sodium ch hloride. (v)Molten potassium m chloride. (b)Ag gNO3 + NaCl AgCl + NaN NO3 How many grams of silver nitrate is i required to precipitate p 287g g of silver chlorride? (N=14 4,O=16,Cl=35.5,Ag=108) (c)If a compound has empirical form mula CH2O and d its molecularr mass is 180, C Calculate its m molecular formula. 5] Three e solutions A, B, B C have pH 1, 6, 13 respecttively. (i) Wh hich solution is strongly acidic c? (ii) Wh hich solution is strongly alkaline? (iii) Th he solution whic ch contains both ions as well as molecules. [Ma arks:3] 6] (a) Na ame the most common c ore of Aluminium, zin nc and Iron. Na ame the processses by which the named ores are a concentrate ed. (b) Giv ve balanced ch hemical equatio on for the follow wing. [Ma arks:1 (i) Alu uminium hydrox xide is heated. 0] (ii) Zin nc oxide is redu uced. (iii) Fo ormation of sod dium aluminate e on dissolving most common ore of Aluminiium in suitable alkali. (c) Wh hat is the major purpose of su ubjecting conce entrated ore to either roasting g or calcination ns? 7] (a) (i) Nam me the propertty by which Am mmonia is prepa ared from its ellements. Write equation. (ii) Wh hich property of o Ammonia is demonstrated d by b Fountain exxperiment? (b). Name two metalllic nitrates, wh hich on heating, gives respecttive metal, NO2 and oxygen. (c). Na ame the metho od by which folllowing compou unds can be pre epared: Selectt the appropria ate method from m the following list Neutra alization; directt combination; precipitation; metal m + acid - u use a method o only once. (i) Sod dium sulphate (ii) Silv ver choride (iii) Iro on sulphide (d) Na ame a suitable method by which you could prepare p soluble e salt like Sodiu um chloride an nd an insolu uble salt like Le ead sulphate. Tran ns Web Educcational Servvices Pvt. Ltd d B 14 47,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOID DA, UP-2013001 Website:w Email. Tel:0120--4616500 Ext - 204 [Ma arks:1 0] Paper: ICSE X - Chemistry - Sample Paper 3 Total mark ks of the pape er: 80 Total time of the paper: 1:30 hrs Answer to o this paper mu ust be written on o the paper prrovided separa tely. You will not n be allowed to write during the first 15 min nutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the he ead of paper is the time allow wed for writing t he answers. This ques stion paper is divided d into two o sections. Section I is of 40 marks and compulso ory; contains on ne question witth parts (a) to (g g); all parts are e to be answere ed. Section III is also of 40 marks; m contains s six questions numbered 2 to o 7. You are to answer any fo our of these que estions. All workin ng, including ro ough work, shou uld be done on n the same she eet as the rest o of the answer. Solutions:: 1 ] a. (i) Ace etylene or Ethy yne (ii) Hy ydrogen sulphid de (iii) Ca alcium sulphite e (iv) Sulphur (v) Ty ype metal (vi) Fe erric oxide and Chromium oxide (vii) Sulphur S dioxide (viii) Hydrogen H chlorride gas (ix) Chlorine (x)Me ercury b. c. (i) Eth hane (ii) Ethane (iii) Etthene (iv) Methane M (v) Ac cetaldehyde d. e. i.Meta allic character increases i as we w move down the t group. Mettallic character decreases as we move acrosss a period d. ii.(1)A Alkali (2)R Reducing (3)H Halogens (4)O Oxidising iii.(1)G Groups (2)Periods Tran ns Web Educcational Servvices Pvt. Ltd d B 14 47,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOID DA, UP-2013001 Website:w Email. Tel:0120--4616500 Ext - 204 f. i. (1) Silver S (2)C Copper (3) Pure P Silver ii. Catthode: Ag+ + e- Ag Ano ode: Ag - e- Ag A + g. 2] (a) i. Ethene ii.Uns saturated iii.CnH2n iv.Collourless v.Add dition vi.Eth hane vii.Nic ckel (c) Th he presence of double bond. 3] 4] 5] (i) A (ii) C (iii) B 6] 7] ii. Extreme so olubility and bas sic nature. (b))Silver nitrate and a Mercuric nitrate. (c)) i. Neutralizatio on ii. Precipitation iii. Direct combination (d) So oluble salt- Neu utralization Ins soluble -Precip pitation Tran ns Web Educcational Servvices Pvt. Ltd d B 14 47,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOID DA, UP-2013001 Website:w Email. Tel:0120--4616500 Ext - 204

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