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ICSE Practice Paper 2017 : Chemistry (The Bishops School, Camp, Pune)

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Viraj Talim
The Bishop's School, Camp, Pune
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THE BISTIOP'S EDUCATIOI! SOCIETY, PUNE CHEMISfRY - REVTSION PAPER CLASS X I Answ rs to tl\. papef must be wrtten on the pap r prov ded sepa.ateLv You not b allow d to write dlr^q the nrst 15 mi'rutes. Thi5 t me is to b sDent in rcad ng the qu stan paper The rime aiven at the h ad ofth s paper isfte t me. owed t'or wrt|ns the w aGffi AttenPt any fa!. qu6tiox. ttuh s*tton $ se.tioh I is .onpulsory fhe intended ha*s ft lEstions a. pads or ttL.saans are ?iven th t J sEcrror{-r (4o MARKS) (att mpr aLL ouEsrroNs frcm thi3se.tion) beowr A) Choose the most appropriate answer olthe choices qrven Ilre catesory of compounds wh ch liberate ammonia on reacton with waterl ) ii) d) None ot the above. Dilut HydBchlorcacid reads with sodium sulphid to {1O) befatewrichgas: b) sulphurdiorde c) ii) Hydfogen surpriide The proc ss used to.onvert impure arum a) E ectro ytic refininq ia to pure a um'na 's: c) Baeyers process. d) Roasting fo lowed by Calcination. Which ofthe fo owinq comb nation is true for catryrng out le.trcplatrng ofan objed. a) Dnect and larqe c!rent, b) Alternatins and 5mallcu(ent, c) Artemaths and rarge curent. d) Direct and smerr curcnt. riass or7lines ofCOrat STP is: (C=12, O=16) v) v) vD which ortrre rollowns is used a) ammonium hydroxde as. roamins asent in ext nsuish 6: b) Ma9n sium hydro!de Aruminrum hydrorid d) Potassium frydroxide. A ntrate whch evoves laughrng gas on decompositon c) v ) a) ammoniun iitrate b) carcum n trate c) vir) : . sodium nitrate. d) F ric ntrat . rfeaths sod um acetate wrth sodarme prcduces: x) A non metal present n sta nless- steel r) Iyp of sa : t tormed when excess of cust c soda r acts w th concennated sulphur. acid. A) Stat on chemicaltest to dist nguish between each ofthe fo owrnq pa sod um carbon.te and sod !m surphite. Fetrols sulphate and l ad nitrate. Ethyne and Ethane. anqan se dioxide and cdpper orde. D ii) ii) iv) (,) rs: 14) phe ut on A is addcd ro ts) A so The prr norphtha e n so unon turns pink n ha e n so ution, the pheno plrthalern you can 5ay about the natur ofso ution A and sorution B (2) c) what do you obscrve wh n: (4) i) concentrat.d sLlPhur. a. Nitrc acid s passed through rreshly prcpa ')) Drlute when ammon6 qas s blrnt n an atmosphere ofoxyqen in the absen.e orcatay{. iv) When a spoon atcathode s eectropated with 5lver at anode A)rdonrry the ion in a.rr ) ofth phurc (4) turns most lead acetat paper Add t on ol dilute su )AddtLo.afdlutesuphuricacdtoBproducesagaswrr.rrturnsa.idiredpota55ium i) v) clrromate so ut on from orange to clear green. ro sol!tion C, a smallquantity ofsodium hydroxid soluton s added and then ex.ess, 'n s rormed wh ch remains To soluton D,.mmon um hydroxid s added n min mum quantty firet and then n isrormed wh ch d ssov s in xcess to lorm a clear d 'ptate .onvssions B) caffy our rhe fo owinq Ethyne to thana Ethyl iod de to ethene Mrsh sas to me rano Ethano to d ethyleth r. c) Expain the ro Ethene is insoubc n wat r but soubc arcdrro. Pure nitric acd is colourress but n lrc acid prcsoit (4) A)Gve a balanced chemica eqlation for the folowinq reactons: ) Njtroqen qas combines wth hydroqen qas. ) Red read s r,edt d wirh coic3nrracd Hcl i ) Conc ntrat d Nitrc acid s added to carbon. v) Copper ch'ps are treat d with concentrated su phurcacd (4) ) i) iD v) ) ii) owins Bl Mdch *P fo I i) i) iv) {2) i owins (4) (c=12, o=r6, N=14, cr=3s s, H-1) Group A Numbs or mole.u es pr sent in aeq or vorume o(uped by.16! of No: Mass or0.4 moles orc: Atoms in 139 orwater Group B a) 23.4q b) 1r.014x10x c) 22.4 .treg d) 13.066 x10x coi C) A 5tudent puts lr s siqnature with qraprr te penc . Ir the ma15 or carbon in the 5 qnature G f.a6an dams nthessndure. (c-12) \2) (ATTE PTANY FOUR OUESTIONS FROM THIS SE TION) A)an e ement A ha5 four erect ompound rormed does not conduct i) r) i) (3) What s tha nature olthe chemi.a bond c ve the eectron dot stru G ve dny 2 prop it s orth s.ompauid. Ln the compound? B)state the reacton occufinq at the anode durnq electrolyss or: ) copp* surprrde sordon u ) copper suLphate solution us n9 a paunum anode r) acdifed waref us n9 a prat num anod c) answerthe follow nq qu sto il G've the compostion orth ,i) Why s powder d cok sprinkred over th surface oreec ) iv) Give tfre reactan occutr n9 at cathode why lectrorytc reducno .' (3) (4) A)Complete the fo ow nq by writ nq the propercond tions and baancinq th r actions M l'L! l! i::_L!l (4) B) A carouress qu,d has rhe fo D ii) D (4) rt sowry tum d bue rcpp wh n warmod wth sulphur, a gas sme i0 or burn n9 s Wh n a itle liqu d was pourad nto walef, the water bo.ame hot. suggest a name ror this coLourless qu d and support your answer by xpain nq each test c) (2) Draw th branched structura lormu a lor the fo ow n9: ) So uton used ror stor n9 bo09 calspecimen. ) cas used for adificia (3) A compound has th rollowinq percentaqe compositoni rrydroqen oryqen = 33 53o,t Ca cu ate the emp rcalro.mula . (H=1, c-rr, =3.6%i o=16) B) ) what E Ne$er's reasent. what t st does ]t 9ve wrth ammonium )wrte a balanced equaton forthe fo owinq reacnon: a) When zhc meta s added to ! ute n tr. d.d. b) wh n zin. is added b.anc 5a t5? (2) {2) (3) IUPAC nam s orthe product s rormad n the rollow n9 r acuons: Readon ora karine pota$ whenethy acoho s added to ac tc acin in presenc or.on.entrated su phurc acd When aqu o!5 KOf s added to chloro thane. C)wr te the ) ) li) A) You ar pdvdod w th thc ro owinq chemica s: (ahmoi um hydrox'de, chlorife, copper oxide, ron , lead n'trate and d sodium su phate !s n9 only chemicas n th above st qven i write equatons rorthe follow nq sat prepaEton.) (s) ) ) ii) base v) v) A so uble ra i rrom a mera . 6)^tranqe the forrow ns eeme ) Ar, He, Ne ( in'ncr as no order or nunber oreecnon she s) I L" F, C, o ( n n.ruasnrg orderof erecvon affn ty) ' O cr, Me, P, Na ( n,nc,eas nq orderoratom c sze) A*tbypr cipLtation. A so ube ralt bY neuhaliza A so uble sa t from an nsolube A sat by dtect comb naton (3) (2) A)Answer trre ro owinq questions reat nq to dilute rrydrochon. a.d, diute ) ) {s) wh ch acd wil Lead n tate soluton b c acd wlllnot give a prec pitate? ro owins dacto.s: s added to each acd. which i) wrre baL:ncd quatons ror each ortrre a. z nc and dil hydrochlorc sodlum hydroxde soluton a copper oride and d lute n trc ac d B) rhe rollownq obseryations are record d durnq a senes orcxperinents nvoLvinq substancex ) when subdanc x s heated, a.edd sh'brown oas s evolved a onq wth a sas which rar9hrs a 9row n9 wooden splin a Name the redd sh brcwn gds. b. Name the qa5 wh.h rc LAhls the 9Lownq wooden spl'nror' on additon or.mfroi um hvdroxid to a solution orX, a whi s,nsolube n ex.ess ammon um hydroxide. what s the cation pr sent in substanc x? write tric ba anced equat on fo (s) Ifdilute hydrochoric:cd were idd d ro a so ution ofX, what woutd you observe? A) Name the tems defin d as fo owsl The orccess In whlch an atom or ion loses eledrons. The prcqess In whlch Grbon atoms share eledrons with one anotherto A salt in which the hydrcSen ordn ac d has been partially repbced by a i) ii) iii) iv) A hydrccarbon wrth (4) doube or B) The follown9 table represents the three oeriods ofmodern D riodic rable. The elements are r prerented by l Re6, These letters are not the symbos rorthe el ments concerned,(6) z ofthe most metalic eement. Givethe letter ofthe most non metalllceement. Givethe letterofthe most read ve elemenL where willyou find the smallestatom? Name the family of elements repre*nted by letteB L, aiiange the elehents represented by letters L, Q and R in decr*sing order of Give the letter tiD v) G)

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