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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : Gujarati (Chatrabhuj Narsee Memorial School (CNM), Mumbai)

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Ashish Kakabalia
Chatrabhuj Narsee Memorial School (CNM), Mumbai
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Shri Vile Parle Kelavani MandaPs C.N.M. School & N.D. Parekh Pre-Primary School PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2023 -24 GUJARATI DATE STD X 12.1.24 TIME 3 hours MAX MARKS 80 Number of printed pages -6 Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This paper comprises two sections: Section A and Section B Attempt all the questions from Se~/ion A_ and Section B The intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given in brackets {]. ,, SECTION -A (40 Marks) . (All questions areJ~om pulsory) v.., o{l , ~L1l.c-u fcl'~.2tl-lldl l-ll<i,QU~l (15) t<:l~L2fi .'ll~l l-lelot. cll~lclot ~l'llallt lj~ ?l~l Ccl~ - ctl{~ s~c-ti tl~8l2lotl 'Y.~~1l 3. ctl-lltl ~Clall-li C-l\JU. ~- QUtcioil $tf.{f C-ll~8. \>ll Rl R~u c-tllll. fE.Cl~ l-l~ ~caaj_ (~oU ls') i{errCl tll-l~tj. 'l ............. (. l-llti_Qj._(il BlfS 'll~t ilB (cl:t:i2i ti ~ . wuu ls'L;llcfi cil-lltl ~2l WUlotl }ctc-0. illcclaj Cll;lot 8~ ct Wutafi ctl ls'~ll cu. ll. a{lit. ~l'4Cj ~?l 61.e' ctl-ll tl l-lotl-li ~lClcil (cl <.ll t~ Cll <.ll ~lttc-0. Cllctl S ralutU C-l\>U. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~--~------------------------------------------ Std. X- Gujarati PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2023-24 Page I of 6 9J0 Z :l8t?d --------- ---- 0 -~ 1'2'I~ l}'>lt> ~1! 1ah ~1!~ 1P ~lfli ~11m1c1n. ~)t) l)illc lHtft2) 1,Wr l}h ch~ c~Si -~lJ>'t! ~lh 'e1'h. ll-'Jert1fc 11,o1 ~ @clli ~)t) l.)1llt 1 g .s)t) ll-ol-)8e) )_pg \!'>cllo~ clh'e \!'>'QQ~ 1 q ~ '3fil cl)t)~ lc1)_e ~'[Mh ~lh lilJ>llt) UJ>lo1lt ll,o~ln. l}'> .s)t) ll-oh~ t?8e) l,olble)t) U>llc'3 -~h 'Rh~ l)'tll ."~l~ -~ U>llc'3 Tl-)2~_ l-)8e) l-olble)t) lilJ>llt> ~lh 'eh ')Dl~le)t) ~. '~Ii Wil!t ~'QQ~ ~l9ohlt 'e~h l}'>cl)t)~ lc\1_e 'llclle .)Dllelafc l1'>lc~~1h l-olblc)t) ~l~lt> 'e~ llc'ra Y..Rn. \P~ l~lt> 'eSi)l!o l~ 'llcl>li1J- lf~ ms>_ 1P1h'rals> ll-)~ ll-o~ ~P !2~1~ ll-oli~'3 11cli lhW 1hlP9 'rals> lr)i ll,o~ 1Pl ~g)t lah ~l)t)~ lc1)_e -~Ii e,i 1'>}>)1 ~l)t)~ lc'1_C 11c1e ch.c~)l "@llt ~h~h ~b'D lof?i l\oU6'3lli~ ).?l'R~ ~h l,lt'b'D l)'Qf1Ple'Qt) ' nls> 'e~ ll,ol ll' ~l)t)~ lc1)_e ~1.F l!)lcln. llol-)'fD clt>lrl 'e~ ')Pg ~le ))Q'~ ~).!\ 19o1t 1J- l-)'fD 1)-)~li ~~-1~11'> )l\lli " ~le Sil)hli Sin l-)ll-) 1P1J1!) 15~ ch lflh l-)'@lcli l-o'ralt lc\1_e ~lh lb6ih ~e) li1nll1> '1Plb~ 1'> )Pfil! . . 'e~ ~1.l- P'3lli cJlol,o li1nllt> fo~ l?h 1.l- ~ 11c) 'Sile ~lh cl)t)~ ~s; El! p>lb~1)_6 'eli1nllQ ' ')_ps>lo_ l!c'>lv1lt lah Jlol'b~ \!'>lP)c \!'>li1nllt> l)Dl ~ , ~\: ) g llclc Silb~ ll-)2~ 1hlbl}e \!'>Po~ 1l-olc~_~1h ~ fM11,o 1Jhli ~lilJ>llQ l)Dl ~ ~lhlli~ @~ ~)i\'p 1Pcli hl~ 1 s> l~c lfli 1D'raltb'3lli ~b leh , cl)t)~ lc'l)_e ')Ps> 1Pl~ 1hlblrll\o lflh ~lh n~cli fo~ cllc~ 'l)_altlb 1Wlo ~le 1Jh 1hl)llrl ~1nllt> 1}'>16't!~ 'e~ 1 q ua1h ~lJtt phc ~lh l.f~ 1 s> 1'>ch 1hlblle \!'>.9olv l\ol-)8e) h~ w~ 1hlPcSi lf llc~ lflh lfE?o i11t lbbl\olt> l$h l\olflh cl)t)~ lc'l)_e 'Sile lbbll-) )le) 1 s> 1 cli hlli cllo~ lc1)_e )Wlo 1hllale1~ 'eli1nllt> l\o~ ~h 1J- ~ clbli~ ' Wm 1hl'bcSi hJlo \!'>hll-o ll-ol-)8e) \olblc)t) 1hlbllc \oJlo)t) l ,l-)8e) l'>lble)t) )l?i't!~ .' 1_p~c lah ~lrlP 1Pcli hlli 'cl)t)~ '@lltbm '\Pq 1P~c .s)t) \!'>l-)8e) l-olble)t) \!'>hll,o cl)t)~ lc'l)_e 1hhlle lJl.?~\: [01) , -~l-J l'>lbJlo l)a~Yl, ~mn~ l' >-e 1)1lb ))c\mc )l-J't}l~ ~)} 'E'Yl. 1 -~l-J 'elflliij~ 'el-)~ 11'>l-ol6~ leh i.pcli ll htt lbbV>l9o 1 6nPt 1Pcli '3llc~~ 1}'>1J'31C 1J- 1'>16~'el-)~ Ii~ Si~ ll,oc~l6 Silt>~ 'c -~l-J k.h ~e) 1'31cl~ 11-ol'b~c 11~ ~)Q lolltlifo 1 11 ~11-o-e -~ el~ l!Hfc 1h lp 1J- ll-o 1J- ll-o ~Sillo l)Dl , lclh 'l, '1!4tl-) k.h ch lclil.'e) Ii~ lahSi~ Wlhlc'Re) ll-)'t}llQ ~1}'> 'c'Yl. [L) - . I (2) (2 ) \L ~ : rt er tl ? il?ct~ Blutl (){& l. {l Q ~ ~ {~ 'l ,. :>ll(l b(){L(ai (>{a{l? JlfJ? .8fJ Ucutl fJ .8 {l cv (. t{ {*? Jl ~ l? .8~l ( (: l .8fJ ~ l? tl ~ ~l{c-Bl? v{ {c t-t {c t{ 3. ~ ct 8~ ~?82ti fJ B t lih .l~ 'Y t ,8}C{ ~C{oj ~- JU~ (){l( '-tlc rt ~ ~aw~U? ~ l Cllrt1 t{ (2 [t , tfl {l Q .s i:t ~a il ~ ~- ~ l C{lrt1~ c (2 ) (2) i} ? (2 ) (1 ) . ~ o j~ {( 8 ~ \L.lf. ~~ at { ~. 1 ~ l{ t{ ~ f 8 {l'- ~ ~ \L ~ Jt ot C 8~ ot Bl S{ (\ ) ~iW ~{ l{t ~ lS l Blot ~a. ~iwafl (>{lcr b. l:Ztloilll j B~c-j c. istaj ~ ista (? {( fl~ d. l:Ztl atlll ~i te <~> al l~ ~tilc-u ~l<>- ~J (1) l{l~ l{Le C{t{?lc-t1 'C>(Biluj C>(<aj' a. c m n j ~l<>- ~ ul ~( C> f,t {~ e b. t> C-t c. C-{C{lj d. t{lj (1 ) (cls~ ~lrt (3) ~twc-tl ~l<>- all ~1C/lwl a. t{lSt b. Cllt9?j C. C>lC/lc d. Jl(Gt <~> ~c-t<ll ail t{ t~ 1 (1 ) fa~21f ~uul !l a. 1:LUlat, ~c-t< -tlGt<fl b. ~l~ Cl?, e'C C-tlGt<fl c. ?l ~~ ci , E> -tl~ <fl d. ?l~l{lcil, e'C ----- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------4 Y 6 -2 f R 23 o Page 3 ATION 20 ;~ L IM IN A ----------------------- Std. X - Gujarati EXAMIN I r (~) 'Jl~CJl'oU (cl~\{l tl6. . tllU\. (1) a. c1.ClJl~ b. c. BJllC{ d. Rua1. (S) !slut ~<ll.\JU - '!slCl.all '-lE\ 1-til ~'-lt[ ij .' (1) a. Clctl-lla1.8l<J\ b. (1c1.!sl<n c. Qt(q:~.tBl<n d. Ble' \ll;l at~ (") ~l1lC-tl Cll~l-ll w.~ alll-l tll\{l ct.all 'Y.!sl( ~<n"U. l-lll;lffiall &<ni ii(e ( i{t 'Y. q~~i. (1) a. i{ll;lffi- &<ni- 61.lct b. i{tl;tffi- 61.klctt~a. &<ni-~1-J..ectt~a ._.,. . c. i{ll;lffi - QllClCll~B. &<ni- d. i{ll;tffi - ~1-J..ectt~B atti{, &<ni-~klctt~a (l) tlsl;noj Cll~ tllU\. a. 6'Jlcta1.l ';!~oti ~ct ~U eil.? b. 6'Jlcta1.l 'Y._(~ ~cj c. 6'0lctati ';!(oti ~cj d. 6'Jtcta1.i 'Y..~ott (1) ~u e~. . e~i ~c:t ~u eil.? Section - B 140 marks] (Attempt any four) ~l~~Olo/~ (!slCl.rll) '\).. \l o{l il.o{l Bfs!st ctl ctofi o{lii. ~t1lc-u '\).filall lS'CllCJl ({\JU. 110) "~~all ~htl 61.~ i{crl.l>l~; e~Cll-~~Clla1.l l-ll~Ol, (hU~l ~Sl, el~el~ l-ll~ ll.l>I.~.- \l~l;lll-l l-ll~l-~ll-latl~l~~l \ll68 Std. X- Gujarati L PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2023-24 Page 4 of 6 \. ~laJ.itl itQlrl{l tl<>t. ato{l '), l-llc Cl\l~l~C-lt ~? ctl-t~ B~C ll G\lBl~aj . Bfclotl ~\J.otll-0. "lr~llctl, ;\i{.{\ ijl~~ cu.{l i{t(M Q\l~. t 3 ~Claltll?lll-ll li{?l-~Clalttldl~l le <i\lut8oll \.l5 rt~ i{[ i{l rtl -lu. rtloj 'Y.. S cr{l~cr{l &~Bl ctl B~ (lrt ~BCl~U?(2) (2) ~~oti $WU (cl~ C{\>U. (3) lUJlf.lal rti{l~l tl<>ti.i{[ ct~\cil. rta{l a{l ~l\l.C ll ').matl ll'CllCJt C-t\Jll. "'-ll~rlt '-l~it~ \l\J(l '3El~, ijrll llC{Blctl llllll (10) Bl~,';lall tss-tlll QltClloj Bictloj e<l CJll~." - \ti ~Bl (llrll"rll - lj&~l 41'tll (2) \. Bl~atl a(clot\ ~,Pl ~llcQ, ctll~ BGLL BGll :\(t Bl~ itWJ.l ~? Be' (l-trlatl ~- ~l-tl 6all BGLL ~Cll 6aU (q~tl Bl~iti 8(Clliti ~l<:W. ~? tti~Blafi (l-1.rt @cu~ (2) atlit Blecliti ~l'l.GlL ~? (3) ~ttcnatl 'Y.ctl8l ttit 61.ctl,~<Ktl &crl. tt?l c-tl>lrll ~ctl? 3. BLCclitl ~LctctL '-lufi ~- Blecloti 'Y.Blt 6~llc:U; B<Ktl :> ~~Gllt B~ ~? :> CJ.rt aj Bll-1. 8(Clll-Li ~rr (3) ~LO. ~? '\J.." o{l ~a{l b(sBl ctl ctofl o{l ~l~C ll '\J. lotl IS'Cll<Jt c-t\Jtl. (10) "Cll $~ ClltCJl $t $~ otElotl 'Y._t, .. ~ltl C>llc~t otct $~, Qla tt(ill{ mSt ~(. ~fl (il~ il l{Ul, rtluU 6l?l ~crl.B, ijl>l-t:l>ll{L. tllU (i, ct C-tllltllli ~B." - ijQll~ctl <\.. ~~L@.ctlott 'Y.Blt tll-l. 61.ctl. (2) ~- a(ci. (i{~otl B~l B~l 'Y.Bl~ Q{ltl ~. ~:~(i{?I. Be' flrt ~cn\>(l ~l8l~? (2) 3. ~8 ~st tti~l(JU Bll;l ~? ttc:l ~5l tti~l(JU Bll;l ~? Be' ftrt? (3) ~- ~ltcll~a{l cut;Qoj l-lC~ 8GCj ~? G.E.l. Q{l~ tll-l~il. (3) Std. X- Gujarati PRELIMINARY EXAMIN~iioN 2023-24 ------- Page 5 of 6 tll~~:>J'ltfl ctln\) '\J..l a{l~a{l BlsBl ctl~ rtafi a{l~ lU.C U V.ilcrtl 'l!'ctl6l C-t"li. " l aUcrtBsl tllnX'lll ~a{l Wisl itufi Jle'. ~lli [10) 'Unlafi ufs&lCll~ c{til cl ~crl. 'li'~t ~JU tlllllat ctttlcfi c.(hu c?<il." \l~ctclat - :,tlfltlBi ~"tll '\{llB<j' 'I.. fs~uflc-tlC-totl tllnX'lli~o{l ~~sl'4i ~&cu 6CllaU ctlit Bit ~lau? tlctl~ ~it{ Bit la.ti? (2) ~. t9l'lliiti BGl.l tlitl~l~ ~'lllGl.l enl? (5~uflc-tlC-tatl ~E.&itiill B&l 'Y.~lUlctl afiB~l? (2) 3. <?~'Y.tllE.<Hle' fs~U~C{lC{~ BC:U C-tl:>cil? <?~'Y.tllE.Qlle'~ (5~1lflc-tlC1.afi Be' ~t{l Clln 61.l;U? Be' flrt? (3) ~. C{K1.ctlul&~ (5~1l~C{lC{aj a.c-1. Be' ~rt t>ctl c-0.~? (5~1l~C{l(1 B~c-0. Be' QlC{ ctil ~l~& at@ Bil? (3) 'V..~ a{l~afi B(sBl ctl~ rtafi a{l~ ~lU.C-tl V.ilatl 'l!'ctl6l C-tl>U. "ctlnlct~l;l 'l!'tl ecn~ 'llScj e<j. rtiti [10) ~fl \llell l{~nl t) crl. U.C{l llll;lttcrtl E~lat at Ul& ~i ~\:ll it~ tel rtll 'lll;l at c?<j.;, - l{l t)ail \<-llC-t1.- JJC-ll6lEltl eii\B~ 'l. 'itl t)'~lC>-Eotl ~t 6l;llcfi; U~lli ELS\-.llllaj 8l(l;l aj <?cj? ~. l{l t)ai.l U(a{l (~ai.laj ctl;lat 8~. ,. [2] ::;. [2] 3. JJ~Jll( ct~1 Bla0. Rlll2l8 8~? Bt> ~rt? [3] ~- ll&ctl t) Bll;l <?ctl? ctl{~ Baj \l~lz'4 BtCllotl 'Y.tlJl 'Y.l'-<t U~? ctaj \l~l;llll aj ~laj? v..,o a{l~a{l BBBl cti~ cla{l a{l~ ~UU.C{l 'V.filatl 'l!'ctlul C-tl>U. [3] [10] "itel(l'l!' :>tcn:>lcnt U&l. l?l:>fie.tttafi ~il>tliti 'lll;L ~cn~wl&l La.ti. lltl;tffi~ lIT ~~c.(l nC{Cll~ l-&lat 8(cti 8(cti JllG BEl at il~l.c:i a1. ttiet<nc:i crl'l!'~ El ." - tllE. cHcm, ~d.(~t itUll;fi 'l. tllE. Cl(("(ij C1\>l8otl \l~~Gl l'U. ~.QUCla1.Jl(a1.l <l 6ta1.l \l~Cll( (cl.~ 6l;ltcll; ctitaO. 3. lu.ctl-";!?l ul<?l<ct{z,ua{l ~- (l 6t l?\slo{l ~Cll\>lll;l ~ttfi, (2) m2l Bt> Jl 6ula0. Ucai.l ula0.? (2) vlc?l(Cl(zGtlai.l JJl;UaJ ctl;lat 8~. (3) aj Cl(ctl 61.Gl l9? 8t> ~ct? (l 6t~ \Uctta0. vtlattta0. Bt> flct ulcttcll? (3) *************************************~****************************************** Std. X- Gujarati PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2023-24 Page 6 of 6

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