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ICSE Class X Mid-term 2023 : Biology : Mid term examination

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MIDTERM EXAMINATION (2023-24] Std: X Total Marks: 80 BIOLOGY SCIENCE PAPER-3 Time allowed: Two hours Answers to this Paper must be writen on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head ofthis Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B Theintended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [). SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this section) [15] Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options: (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answers only) (1) Synthesis phase in the cell cycle is called so, because of the synth esis of more (a) RNA (b) RNA and proteins ( c DNA (d) Glucose (i) The structure of the cell which is visible only during the time of cell division? (a) (b) (c) ( (iii) Chromoplast Chromatin Centrosome Chromosome During the formation of gametes, the sperms received half set of chromosomes. The sperms so formed contain autosomes and (a) X and Y chromosomes (b) (c) (d) Only X chromosome X or Y chromosome Only Y chromosome (iv) Purityof gametes is linked to (a) Law of dominance (C) Law of segregation Law of limiting factor (b) Law of independent assortment (d) (v) The space between the cell walland plasma membrane in a plasmolysed cell is filled with (a) Isotonic solution (b) (c) (d) (vi) Hypertonic solution Hypotonic solution Water Assertion (A): Leaves of some plants wilt during midday. Reason (R): The cells lose their turgidity as the rate of transpiration during midday exceeds the rate of absorption water by the roots. (a) Both A and R are True (b) Both A and R are False (c) Ais True andR is False (d) A is False and R is True (vii) Therate of photosynthesis is NOT affected by va) Light intensity b) Humidity (c) Temperature (d) CO; Concentration (viii) Rahul kept a healthy potted plant near the window. After few days he noticed that the plant bent towards the open window. Here the plant is showing towards light. ) Positive phototropism (b) Negative geotropism (c) Positive geotropism (d) Negative phototropism (ix) Angina Pectoris is due to (a) Defective nutrition Ab) Chest pain duc to inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart muscle (c) Defective functioning of mitralvalve (d) Infection by a virus reabsorbed in the glomerular filtrate is from water of amount Maximum (x) convoluted tubule v ) Proximal limbs of loop of Henle (b) Descending of loop of Henle limb (c) Ascending tubule convoluted (d) Distal in the human body present the in nerves number ofspinal (xi) The (a) 21 pairs (b) 31pairs (c) 12 pairs (d) 10pairs body is maintained by the of balance dynamic (xii) The ) Semicircular canals (b) Cochlea Utriculus and sacculus difficulty inviewing the has she but defect? nearby objects clearly Eustachian tube (xii) possible reasons for the the be may What from front to back far away objects. lengthened is The eye ball P. Sheetalcan see Q. R. The lens is too curved The lens is too flat (a) OnlyP (b) Only Q Both P and Q (c) (d) Both P and R (xiv) The testes descend into the canal through which the birth in human male scrotum just before child. a) Inguinal canal (b) Auditory canal (c) Semicircular canal (d) Sperm duct hormone is emergency situation adrenaline any faces person (xv) When a situation. Which of the following secreted to prepare the body to face thecan be experienced by the person? effects of adrenaline and the functionspressure increases 1. Heart beats faster and blood oxygen to the body cells. 2. Sends more glucose and 3. Slower breathing rate 4. Conversion of glucose to glycogen (a) Only l and 3 (b) Only 1,2 and 3 {c) Only I and 2 (d) Only 2, 3 and 4 Question 2 () Name the following: (a) [5] The scientific name of the plant which Mendel used for his experiments. (b) The type of bond which joins the complementary nitrogenous bases. (o) The term for the inward movement of solvent molecules through the (d) (e) plasma membrane of the cell. Permanent openings on stem through which transpiration occurs. The chemical substance used to remove chlorophyll present in the leaves. (i) Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in the correct order so as to be in a logical sequence beginning with the term that is underlined. (a) Right ventricle, Venacava, Pulmonary artery, Right auricle, Lungs (b) Renal artery,Urethra, Ureter, Kidney, Urinary bladder (c) Receptor, Spinalcord, Stimulus, Response, Effector (d) (e) b] Aqueous humour, Conjunctiva, lens, Optic nerves, Retina Sperm duct, Efferent duct, Epididymis, Urethra, Testis (ii) Choose the odd one out from the follovwing terms and name the category t o 5 which the others belong: (a) TSH, GH, LH, ADH (b) Uterus, Oviduct, Ureter, Cervix (0) Malleus, Incus, Cochlea, Stapes (d) Axon, Cell body, Dendrites, Spinal cord (e) Lumen, Muscular tissue, Connective tissue, Pericardium (iv) State the exact location of the following: (a) (v) Thyroid gland (b) Islets of Langerhans (c) Hydathodes (d) (e) Uterus Papillary muscles Fill in the blanks with suitable words: In nephron the blood flows through the glomerulus under (a) which is much greater than in the capillaries elsewhere? The reason for this is narrower than the (c) is that the (b) This pressure causes the liquid part of the blood to (d) from the glomerulus into the renal tubule. This process of filtration is known as (e) [5] SECTIONB (Atempt any fourquestions from this section) Question 3 () (i) (ii) Define Tropic hormones'. Mention any two functions of CSE. Differentiate between Diabetes mellitus and Diabetes insipidus based on the hormonal secretion. (iv) (v) (21 (21 sugar Rajesh prepared an experimental set-up by taking concentrated liquids were solution in the thistle funnel and water in a beaker. Both the which Rajesh is separated by cellophane paper. Nanme the phenomenon paper inthe trying to demonstrate and what is the use of cellophane (21 experiment? [3] The diagram given below shows a type of tropism. Study the same and answer the questions that follow: Male gom ooll Cvary Female (a) (b) (c) diagram. Name the type of tropism shown in the above the growth of part 2. Name any one effective stimulant that helps in Define tropic movements. Question 4 Expand the abbreviation IAA. (1) What is photolysis? (i) Explain. (iii) Forests tend to bring more rain. potometer. (iv) List any two limitations of leaves was taken in order to prove a factor variegated with plant potted A (v) kept for 24 hours and necessary for photosynthesis. The potted plant was then placed in bright sunlight fora few hourS. PALE YELLOW LEAF 'A' GREEN diagram? (a) What aspect of photosynthesis is being tested in the above above? shown (b) What will be the result of the test performed on leaf A (c) Give an example of a plant with variegated leaves. [1] [2] [2] [2) [3] the basic is the of Why? with labelled folds. as 2? the the part brain. provided of function as 1 unit is labelled Part What Name (c) (b) (a) (ii) [31 (2] 21 (2] are of to theshows pons. differencevessel broken of questions Spinal the cytons C other a by down section betweengiving and cord. neuron. that by axons a follows: theof enzyme an reason. A Explain. of and human neurons B. just brain after in brain and passing its and an below the blood one Write ldentify (b) (a) structural ) 6 (ii)Question Comment cord. Give The impulse Thespinal associated Mention neurotransmitters the diagram exact any from on parts. the given two one location Answer functionsneuron arrangement (v) (iv) B A () () 5 (iv) (ii) Question (21 2] 21 during of the of auricles, heart three Give beat? kinds Why'? [31of produced the and walls nucleus than sections mitochondria. cross show and are "DUP" diagrammatic lacksthicker sounds erythrocyte vessels: blood Thereason, Mature Explain The When walls tigure are the mammalian ofthe term given the "LUBB" Diapedesis. below ventricles (V) Question 7 () (i) (ii) (iv) (v) State the exact function of Organ of Corti. Name the pigments present in Rods and Cones Name the three ossicles of the ear. How do they contribute in the (21 mechanism of hearing? Blind spot is considered as 'area of no vision'. Why? Given below is a diagram depicting the human ear. Study the same and (2] [2] [31 answer the questions that follows: Stirup Anvil Hammeg Sesicircular Canals Cochiea Pinna Auditory Canal (a) (b) (c) What is function of part labelled as 2? Identify the part labelled as 1. What happens to the part labelled as 1 when we use sharp object to remove ear wax? Question 8 Define the term 'Implantation'. (i) (ii) What is the difference between menarche and menopause? (ii) (iv) Mention two functions of Placenta. [1] [2] [2] Differentiate between Corpus callosum and Corpus luteum based on their [2] function. (v) Draw a neat diagram of human sperm and label the following parts: (b) Mitochondria (a) Acrosome [31

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