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ICSE Class X Prelims 2020 : Computer Applications (Akash International School (AIS), Bangalore) : With Creative Questions

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Akash International School (AIS), Bangalore
8 to 10 Computer Applications
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COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (Theory) (Two Hours) Answer to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading this question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. This paper is divided into two sections. You are to answer all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[ ]. Section - A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions Question 1: a) Write java statements for the following: (i) To declare a variable to store the value 8156L (ii) To print random number between 0 and 1. [2] b) Define Polymorphism. [2] c) How Java is platform independent? [2] d) Differentiate between Autoboxing and Unboxing [2] e) Write a difference between following statements. (int) 2.56; Math.floor(2.56) [2] Question 2: a) Write a java statement to take single character input using Scanner class [2] b) What is the use of constructor? And what are the types? [2] c) Identify the operator and write what it does. [2] (i) = (ii) % d) What is fall through condition in switch case ? [2] e) What will be the value of a after executing the following code : [2] int a = 2; (i) a += 5%4 + --a (ii) a = 'z' - a++ Youtube: ICSE Java - Complete Reference Question 3: a) Answer the following questions with reference to the given array . int Numbers [][] = {{7,14,28,9}, {23,15,5,54},{91,47,3,34}}; [2] (i) Write a Java statement to print the value at second row last column (ii) How many columns and rows are there in the given array. b) Give the output of the following code and mention how many times loop get executed. [2] int x = 5; while (true) { x += 2; System.out.println(x+" "); if (x==10) break; } c) Convert the following using ternary operator: [2] double X, A, D=0.2; if (X >=2000) A = D*X + X; else A = A; d) What will be the output of the following code? String St = "incandescent"; System.out.println(Character.toUpperCase(St.charAt(7))+St.substring(8)); [2] e) What do you mean by scope of variable? [2] f) Differentiate between actual and formal parameters. [2] g) Convert the following do..while loop into for loop String M = "Automobile"; int i = M.length()-1; do { System.out.print(M.charAt(i)); i--; } while (i>=0); [2] h) Differentiate between pure and impure methods [2] i) Find the errors from the following Java code (i) "Paper".lastIndexOf(e); (ii) "Pencil".endswith("il"); [2] j) (i) What will be memory size in bytes of char type array with size 2 x 5 (ii) Write a Java statement to print sum of first and last element of an integer array. [2] Youtube: ICSE Java - Complete Reference Section - B (60 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section. The answers in this Section should consist of the Programs in either Blue J environment or any program environment with Java as the base. Each program should be written using Variable descriptions/Mnemonic Codes so that the logic of the program is clearly depicted. Flow-Charts and Algorithms are not required. Question 4: Design a class called Display with following description: [15] Instance variables/data members String AR : to store the Aspect Ratio of display double H : to store the height of the display double W : to store the width of the display Member methods default constructor - to store default value of the data member. void process() - To accept Aspect Ratio as in the below table and calculate Area using values given. void show () - To print Height, Width and Display Area as given below Aspect Ratio 3:2 4:3 16:9 Height 5.6579 6.1200 5.0007 Width 8.4869 8.1600 8.8901 Display Area Calculate using Height & Width Write a main method to create an object of the class and call the above member methods. Question 5: Dudeney number is a number which the sum of all the digits present in it is equal to the cube root of the number. [15] Example: 512. Cube root of 512 is 8 and sum of all the digits present in it (5+1+8) is 8 . Create a java program to check that the given number is Dudeney number or not. Youtube: ICSE Java - Complete Reference Question 6: WAP to accept two strings, convert them to upper case and check whether smaller string[15] is substring of bigger string or both are same and print the result. Question 7: Create a class called Math which overloads method Func as given below: [15] With one integer argument which returns true if number is even otherwise returns false. With two integer arguments and prints HCF. With one integer and one character and returns the sum of integer and ASCII value of character. Question 8: Using switch statement, write a menu driven program to [15] (i) print sum of series of : 1! - 2! + 3! - 4! + up to n terms (ii) print the following pattern of n number of rows. Example: If n is 4 it should print: A BB CCC DDDD For an incorrect option, an appropriate error message should be displayed. Question 9: [ ] Write a Java program to store the above matrix in double dimensional array and store [15] the sum of columns a single dimensional array & print it. Youtube: ICSE Java - Complete Reference

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Additional Info : Creative questions for Board Exams 2020
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