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ICSE Prelims 2018 : Biology (The Bishops School, Camp, Pune)

5 pages, 93 questions, 69 questions with responses, 103 total responses,    2    0
Rasesh Ramadesikan
The Bishop's School, Camp, Pune
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\\- THE BISHOP'S SCHOOL, CAMP- PUNE SECOND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION [2O17-18] BIOLOGY Classt X DATEi 29,11,2O17 . . Answe . rne time TIME: 2 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: aO ======= ; : ;;;,;: *, ; ;; ; : :r:;7;r: ;:: you wi not be a owed i tne fiist;,:lS; ;;iinui.r. to write during r to th is p a siienTti;':,2:r'"",,;{;:;:i:ff{::!""fl:iz?!"!ff;j,n,," t,iii-s,on.t :^-ili2!!j." :Z'.::,::,; rhe intended narks for questions ",,*",,. rii,ia.n-u oi pai ir;i;L;;,;r;Zi;;;;; ana anv roi, q,,e,r;on, ;";;:;:;::;:i" rr. SECTION- I (40 Marks) (Attempt all questions from ihis sect,on) OUESTION 1 A) Name the foltovr'ing: (s) (i) The stage b,:tween two successjve divisions of cells. ,l^ ,., which hetps in" *r"ur" or ,lto rhe o.ood. lli,, (ri )The l"-:T"j: drug dtscovered in r9l0 v,,hic n proved stlr.ose effective ln many types of bacterial diseases r,v) Tu,n c.r. fin_ser , ^e p;;.;,". ll1,. ,:-"^:"1: (v) Unicetlutirr"lT'",re eltension oithe .ooi. ;,;;;;;;,;; ;;:#i": tJ) Cnoose th,J correcl dnqwer trom ea(n of t4e toJr optro4s gtven below: ( lrhe,n,trogen base nol prFsenl n a motecL,e ol DNA s ld, I (d) Uracit (s) nymtne (b) cytosine (c) Guanine (ii) '!4/hich of the following ts a viral drsease; '\a) t4ataria (b) Cholera (c) Tuberculosjs (d) pollomyetifls (iii) The secretion of ADH is inhibjteo oy (a) Emotion and stress (b) Nicotine (c) Atcohol (d) i'torphine (iv)The chief function of lymph nodes ls !o (a) Produce WBCs (tr) Produce hormones (c) Destroy otd RBCs id) Destroy pathogens (\,),WLth decrease in atmospheric pressure, the rate of transptration will (aJ lncrease (b) Decrease rapidty (c) Decrease slowly (d) Rematn the same (c) In each cati-rgory term given below, there is an odd one and cannot be grouped lo wh.rc.h Ihe orl-e' three belong. tdenf,fy the odd term ,n *ict, category ro wntcn tne remaining three belong. i Sewage, Newspaper, Styrofoam, Hay Odd term: Styrofoam Cdtegory : Biodegradable (r) C_ellophane paper, filter paper, vtsking bag, egg membrane (ii) cNs, PNS, SAN, ANS (iii) Lysol, DDl, Iodine, Benzoic acid, Boric acid {'v) Frdemog obin, Prothrorro.r. I,D.inoge.1, {tbrin, thrombok,ndje {vl r,drey.. reler, Lterus, L.eln.a, orduoe-, in ,.f"nO the same name the (5) I (D) complete end re,r'/rite the Foilc!rtn0 siaterient by fillirg i,t the aprrr:i.ii!l ,.el t. Il),r fr'! j:ro(l!.r, rr.,,red r.-. r.,, (s) ilf.i:IItiill:i ;:* lu,i;;u*;;;.,',"l;;*iri',,,,.,* *",. Ill't;;1;;;; ,*:::::11: ;;;iU; (v) rn,: rruri"an neirt-i; Slate ltrp 6xua|: yo.u,i)n r dr , rD,.!r,..t,r, iir",,rt;oii ortryi.,)u.,i,s *, ,,,,.:i.!,,!. fi.;,j,il;:ii;liil*fi,1[lilj,: ;;,x,:j,* tt ihe .t.ioJJri( :rt.,,..,-e(: (51 (j) Prortate otand (I ,. Se,t, re:ous L{ bule \,rj; F.r!lachidn iu, re irv) pahgadr_ cejls (v) Thyrojd qtanC iu, r"['u"o*'ne o''9ram r .:p eser,,c rjr.-)vL.lrcir secir(, .., /,.-,v" -f lirf:iilr:r:: i:t iniric reprad!iiit)\, j i5] 5 (i),:,n1el tl- r parti ' d,r -cl r... .1.., 1c..,.j. , r: .:,. iil r ,', -r;' .;.:,":'r ,"or- . ,1:': i;ti{i:i:r:;i:::i'in 'on'" r '1o l:l'#"":':';1";,;,,o,, 'Tr (G) G!r'en in :h:: 9q,\;"g a! 1,,,1.91 14 l,1ii,,rl 1_a:ii::,. ,j; ihi.ti:, !12 parr!,. Out of si.< pair",!, one h:,:j boer cirr.r r;: /c alj,nn ...:rn tri)ie, t-,,1m1' a : r.r )( S,.mOitS. T.r . d r.. I icini ly ihe r, r rprn :. fi.,,c ,tch i ,i r:: itiit, i^i,iJl :'.^ ',usrl,: nii i: i,r.' Int. 5 nlili:,:iiir,; ($] J S 51|l( rr . e, tu,gr | ,1,, . l:.,,: i: ii.: . ,J coiie ,:ei,;, atr;ur trr,tspcr1 ..JCt :, ...,. ,;9:.:,:ii:,: i.i;, .:: ,, rriri -noosnosis, {il.,,tlirq af blqi:::i. .\cUve (H) State ane |lrajn fun(tion ,::f the lb ci l.:,!s. H!,1r,ll iVa.,ir cvvrrl! n tG, ( s.l (ji D.D.-i" {ii) ^teufon i iii) Cc!,es (ivl r\li)he :ell6 (v) E.rsinolhiis. EUE"nljlN? ar" t(1".t .i LaiJt!i r .: :r. Serx:irrr-Il ( 40 nl,,irj,,,il _ {At,st}1,tt Bxy iar.* quelttians ft*.t)u ,:.rl:ji,{ir:i.}jJ (A) L/iiiere:rtiate tietween'ilra foii,]l.rin$ taltL r)n the balits ot what,t ir ,ur in the brackets: {:i.l r,1l: and idrk's v?, r,.ts {D.scaiLs L I v.r,c Lhev acLJ r ri.}5r.: rdf ior. 6nJ i r4 .to.- r.;o-, iDc"irrrLrun ) (i.i) O.,on oel)ter']|, ,: I Glct-,r, .va,,:.i:,L ,,<e) liir:. I la (rv. >ner-F ,u,Jei arr '.,,.i nh:l+i,., rVi A(1:a1(,1 corl.ex an{J .r':rend: rreOtr, -1 t...1tOnel;,.t". (B),.) Draw r v\'ert taberec d,dg.a::r or huI|,_,, .rcrm. 1' ) Liit,,nv roLr Fu,,cflr.j of rr:,r;r"i.. !t,.c Ze^. i3) {:t } (A) Given below ts a dtagrammatic representation ot a certarn Pa rt of the process of crrculation of blood in man. Study the same and then answer the qLiestjons that follow. (s) (1) Name the parts labe ed 1,2,3,4 and 5. ( i) Give the number and name of the vessel which contains the maxtmurrl amount of urea dfter few hours of protein rich meal. (iii) Define a portal vein. (iv) lvlention two structural differences between blood vessel9.3,and ,e . (Ej) Give scientific explanations for the following:, (l) Excessive use of chemical fertilizers is harmful. (ii) There is no cure for colour blindness. (1ii) Disinfectants cannot be applied on the skin and the bodv. /rvr fne new-bor.l annoJrces ,ts drrva, by tetting out sha;p cry. (v) PeopLe living in the 1ow Himalayan hilly regions often suffer from Goitre. OUESTION 4 (A) Complete the following table by Endocrine gland or its fi ng in the btanks numbered 1 to Hormone secreted Principal action part Adrenal cortex lplineralocorticosteroids i InsLr lin Thyroxine 10. Effect of Under secretion Regulates plasma and potassrum n q9 Beta cells -99 (s) (5) Effect of Over sectetaon Adrenal virilism !!E!iq' i i l 2 Promotes tissue metabolism, growth and metabolism Simple goitre Dwarfism Posterior prtuitary Increases water reabsorption lrom krdnevs 10 (B) The dlagram grven below shows the internal structure of the spinal cord, depic[ing a simple reflex. Study the same and answer the questions that follow. (s) (i) llame the parts numbered 1 to 5. (ii) Usjng the leiters of the alphabet shown in the figure indicate the drrection in which an rnrpulse enters and leaves the spinal cord. (iii) What is the term glven to the point of contact between two nerve cells? iiv) What is meant by sirnple reflex? Give two examples of stmple reflexes and name the stirnuli too. (v) How does the arrangernent of nerve cells in the spinal cord differ from that in the b.ain? -- (s) OUESTION 5 (A) Two freshly taken leafy shoots of a herbaceous plant are dipped in ordinary water at thelr lower e,nds. (i) What is the aim of the experiment? the conducting iiif i.." o"iit.r *'e stem In both the shoots have been removed Name irssue in shoot A and shoot B that ls present iiio o"..iiu" tn" r-esult of the experiment in your own words' (iv) Explain the F'rocess of transpiration pull' or any two parts labeled (B) (i) Draw a well iabeled daagram of renal capsLlle Mention the function (3) by You. (2) (i;)'Explain arry two points of significance of photosyrithesls -. *-*- - OUESTION 6 study the diagram carefullyand (A) G,ven berow is a diagram ol Fuman male sex chromosomes answer the '.luestion that follows A ( i) ldentrfv the chromosome B A and B and se; chromosome' r.'l ixpraiir the meaning of auLosomeexplain sex delermination in numans ,iiit witt' tft" help of Punnett square A ch'omosome i'ui tlu|nu uny tv,/o diseases linked wilh iri no* aunv genes are present on chromosome B? question that follows (B) Study the diagram given below and answer the (51 A (i) Explain the physiotogical process being-studied- two or three days? tesr tubes afLe' iii wi"i *irL u! ot.".uid in th" two (ii) above In your answer i,'i) Ciiu" r"uton for with oil? cove'ed \"vater of iiui wnv it tnu trrrice B tube test up purpose setling ot iut'stut" tr," 9-ullsllgNl the the experiment carefully and answer (5) (A) Given tlelow is a diagram or an experiment. Study questions that follow I SUNLIGHT \ (i) what is the aim of the experiment? (ii) Give the name of the plant used in the experiment (iii) Mention one precaution which should be taken during the experlment' is added to water? iiuj wnut witl happen if ice and sodium bicarbonate process of photosynthesis' ivi Give tne balanced chemical reaction for the (B) Given below is a Picture of one type of pollution. Study the picture carefully and answer the (5) questio ns that follow. (i) Define the type of pollutron shown in the picture iii) c'ue any r*o major sources of this tyPe of pollutron ir,it Give anv four harmful effect of lhis type of pollrJt'on iivi Explain any two methods by which we can minamize the pollution'

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