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ICSE Prelims 2018 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (The Bishops School, Camp, Pune)

2 pages, 35 questions, 34 questions with responses, 76 total responses,    3    0
Rasesh Ramadesikan
The Bishop's School, Camp, Pune
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THE BTSHOP'S SCTIOOL, CAMP- PUNE SECOND PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION [2017-14] ENGLIS}I LTiERATURE ATTEMPT FTVE QUESTIONS II{ ALL. vou must attempt oNE queston iron eacrr ofth sectons- a, a and c and any Two other questron5 Intcndcd marks forquestionsor part orquestionsaf qv n n brackets tl SECTION- A {DRAMA} Nor is not noved with concord of sweet sounds ts...........,.,,,.,and spoils The motion or his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus, Let no such man betrusted. a b d e where does s. n tako plac ? Name the sp aket who s he ta k nq to? What is refetr d to as who cannoi be tust d? Ereburr (3) (3) The po.t did l 9n that Orpheus drew troes, stones and floods But wh st th'5 muddy vcslure ofdecay ootrr qrossy cl \!hat s Portia's opinron about trre'b am of trre candle"z Gve trre rwo.iampes cted bv her to srrow (3) trrdl g ater q ory d m trr tsow rras Poda q v n Anton o hfe and vn97 How does the rnq ep'sodc crea \4) .omedy 3s wc as . ss, roy? Po.tia: Go, draw aside th .urtains, and discover Th several.askets to this noble prin.e (rhe curtains ar drawn ba.k) som sod dire.t nl. iudeem r willsurveY the ins.riptions back asain. cco.t thE t me? ll/h.h a.e the sev.fa casket, b Expan thero owins 'A qoden ' ro kss th s srrr n., th's m . caskets2 the frsr d e. (3) (3J ? what are the coid tions Moroc'o has (3) 1. abde by beror maki.g h s cho'ce or.askcts? nsdoesrresverorhs.roce?(3) wrr.rr.askct do s Moroc.o (4) two deeds of h s brav rvr Pnn.e aid menton anv sketch of the ive a chara.ier - B IPOETRY] tA OLLECTION OF ICSE POEi'IS] SECTTON ''I',m srat fulsir," he whispered, as I handed mv canteen And smil d a smile that was,I think, th brishtestthat I have seen ''seems silly that a man my size sofullof vim and zest, ould rind hims lf der ated a, b lvrro rras 'c.nteen Ment on the , d ? . fer d ro by the so d r as s r'? whe was he at 0rat tim , what h meant {3) fgure ol sp ec sma pa by n n my chest wrry does trre sod'er ree ''s p or water"2 what s its sign ficanc ? od'?Howhashedescribedflr nqhtz u/rry does he count (3) (3) comm nt.n the physcaland enot onaraoony or rhe sord eE) Mennon thF form or rhe ooen .(4) r took- her way orspeakins s ntly,- for a tri.k ofthought Ihatf:lls in werrwith din , and c rtes broughr t her loved i. c. d e. rot be oved what bf ngs a s nse or to ov her? What peasaitras ? so wrolqrrt may be unwrought aut ove nr for what s rerered to as dear p(y, Why d.e. th po t refef How do6 th poem show t comment on the form and theme ofire a trre thinqs (3) h poem. (3) (4) SECTION'C IPROSE] IA COLLECTION OF ICSE SHORTSTORIES] .You know members of the panchayat, that three y ars ago I erecuted . deed in ravour or my neph w,.., transf rring all my property to him. He on his pan promised to maintain who were |re old ady and her nephew? What was the underctand ng between the two) \!hat (3) deed s she releft n9 to? (3) 'property orthe od lady Name thc iephdws wife) what was rrer art lude towards rhe oLd adyr How did tho o1d ady rca.t to tre chanqed s tuanon? hdyat rre d) what aranqancnr d d tho ncprr& make ror t? (3) frow d'd aaqu Chowdhar become the heatl.panch? Wha (4) thr.u9lr tlr s storvT what do you tlr nk s the actua pu,po.e beh nd ihe

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