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CLASS: X DATE: 31.10.2014 INNISFREE HOUSE SCHOOL FIRST PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2014 HISTORY, CIVICS AND GEOGRAPHY PAPER-I TIME: 2 HRS. MARKS: 80 Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this PAPER is the time allowed for writing the answers. Attempt all questions from Part I(compulsory). A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II, two out of three questions from Section A and three out of five questions from Section-B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets.[ ]. This paper consists of 2 printed pages. Part I (30 marks) Attempt all questions from this part. Question 1 a) Define the term Parliament. [1] b) Mention any one Miscellaneous function of the Speaker. [1] c) Mr. Dayal, an independent member of Parliament has joined the Lokseva political party after his election. What does the Tenth Schedule to the Constitution say about this action? [1] d) Who administers the oath of office to the Vice-President? [1] e) What is meant by the cabinet? [1] f) Why is the Prime Minister called the Chief spokesman of the Government in the Parliament? [1] g) Explain the term Annual Budget. [1] h) Who appoints a Judge of a High Court as an ad hoc Judge of the Supreme Court? [1] i) Mention any one case in which the Supreme Court does not exercise Original Jurisdiction. [1] j) What is the Composition of a High Court? [1] Question 2 a) State the reaction of the Early Nationalists towards the August Declaration, 1917. b) Mention any two programmes formed by the Khilafatists. c) With reference to the Gandhi Irwin Pact, mention any two conditions agreed by the Congress. d) Mention any two objectives of the Forward Bloc. e) When and why did the Muslim League accept the Cabinet Mission Man? f) Name any four principal organs of the U.N.O g) What is meant by the term Human Rights? l) Describe two ways by which UNESCO aims to promote communication. i) What were the two similarities between the causes of Fascism and Nazism? j) Explain these terms-Militant nationalism and Aggressive nationalism. [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] _____________________________________________________________________________..2 Part II [50 marks] SECTION-A Attempt any two questions from this section Question-3 The Indian Parliament exercises control over the Executive. In this context, briefly describe, a) Interpellation b) Vote of No-Confidence, c) Monetary controls [5] [2] [3] Question 4 The Prime Minister occupies a unique position in the Parliament of India. In this content, briefly describe. a) The Prime Minister as the leader of the nation. b) Check on the authority of the Prime Minister. [6] [4] Question -5 The Upper House or the Council of States is known as the Rajya Sabha . With reference to this answer the following questions:a) What is the Composition of the Rajya Sabha? [2] b) What are the qualifications needed to contest for the Rajya Sabha? [7] c) How many members can the President nominate in the Rajya Sabha? [1] SECTION B Attempt any three questions from this section. Question 6 The Simon Commission was appointed in November 1927 to recommend Contitutional reforms in India. In this content, describe; a) The purpose of the Commission, b) Main recommendations of the Commission. c) Why was this Commission boycotted? [1] [7] [2] Question 7 By organising the INA Subhas Chandra Bose set an inspiring example of patriotism for the Indian people. In this content, answer the following questions; a) What were the main objectives of the I.N.A? b) What were the achievements of the I.N.A? [5] [5] Question 8 The Security Council is the most important and effective organ of the UN. In this content describe; a) The composition of the Security Council. b) Four of its functions. [6] [4] Question 9 With reference to the functions of the UNESCO. a) Mention any six functions of the UNESCO in the field of education. b) Mention the functions of the UNESCO in the field of scientific activities. [6] [4] Question 10 With reference to the Non-Aligned Movement, answer the following; a) Describe briefly the meaning of non-alignment? [3] b) Who was the main architect of NAM? [1] c) Global tension caused by cold war and restructuring international economic order were responsible for the development of the NAM. Explain. [6] ________________________________________________________________________________