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ICSE Board Exam 2017 : English Paper 2 (English Literature)

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Jay Mehta
Kapol Vidyanidhi International School (KVIS), Mumbai
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LITERATURE IN ENGLISII Paw-2 ENGLISH (T\po hotrn) Answers to tMs Paper must be wpitten on the ixtp p pro vld tl papately, You will not b allowed Io WPT g da+ rlng thejln ls mlnui *, This tin}e is o b spent tn readln# The lime given ai the beodq hispa r J Altemp Vou nn+ st jlve h que ion pap p, A, B and C and any lwo other questions. the intended marksjirr . que slions In atl. empt one questionfrom each ofthe Secllonr o( th lime t/nw djl:.wM/ng/h unmQr ques, tiJ ns op parts SECTION of qttes lon* ar given ln braclce a [], A-DRAMA The Merchant of Venlc : Shakespeape Question 1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: slm Why, look you, how you I would be* iends with you and have your love, Forget the shames that you have stain'd me with, Supply your present wants. Of nsancc for my moneys, This is kind and Where does this (ii) What are the'shaomes'which the speaker (iv) you'll not hear me: I offer. (I) (iii) Wnal And take no doit scene take place? WTO fs the says swr? To whom is he talking? have stained Mm? are the'present wants'? Who is in need ofthe'present Explain 'ms la kind 1 o er. What does the speaker [3] wants'? Why? propose [3] to do bnmediately after this? (v what do you think of Antonio and of Shylock with regard to the signing the bond? T17012 O Copyrisht Thfs Paper conafsts of 7 printed pages and pesepved. 1 blank page. 63] [3] of [4] Tum Ov r Question 2. follow: Read the extract givm below and answer the questions thai To PORTIA injunctim everyone doth swear these That comes to hazard ARRAGON: And so have I address'd me, Fortune now To my (I) for my worthless aelf. M's hope!-Gold, Wno had uied his luck in rrying to choose silver and base lead. the correct casket before the prince of Arragon? wuich casket had that suitor chosen? Wilat did he nnd inside the casket? (il) What are the three things Arragon (iii) What was thc itucription on was obliged by oath to obep rhc golden caskcl? How do the actions of thc martlct illustrate this inscription? (iv) [3] Which casket does Arragon fmally choose? Wnose portrait does hc nd [3] inaide7 Wnich casket actually comains Portia's poruait7 (V) who enters Juat Qwdon Read soon alter? What arrived? WnatliM young Venetian who has does he say about the has the Venetian brouaht wrM himT 3. Ue extract liven below and er lhJe 34 quertiom that follow: DE LEVIS Social Blackmail? H'm CANYNOE: Not al all-simple wmin& 1 If you cotuider 11 necessary in your Intereata to start thia*candal-no mawr how, we shall cotwlder It necerruy in oun to dimociare ounelv a completely from ooe who 10 recklersly disreg=lda the unwrillen coM (D (II) 011) Where ue the aperk* n at pteient? mt il mfened to M Soclrl Blackmail? Whobc* nynlQ Wiut rcandal b beln* refen=d to? Wny will it tr a scandal? Wnich raee doll De L*vl* mention IuM wDat II bi* opinion*bout* ociety? [3] : \-U, SECTION Ques on B-POETRY 5. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: 'Tell me not in moumful numbers, Life is but an empty dream! For the soul is dead that sltmbers, seem.' And things are not what they (A Psai (I) Explain- 'Tell me nol in moumful numbers, Life should not be considered the goal (ii) is the beating Wnat does the beatin8 (iii) What does im How should we view dream!' What of life? heart compared to? How is the heart described? heart remind us of? of the the poet mean when he compares should our role be (iv) of thc Wnat is bul an empty the world to a battle eld? Wnat this battle? the past and the future? What advice does the poet Bive in this context? (V) What do we Icam from M poem? Give one the lives of great men? wDat reason why the poem appeab to is the linal message of you Question 6. Read thc extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Wnere the mind ls without Wntxe knowledge Wnere the world m and the head is held Mgh is free has not been brokm up into aBments walls. By narrow domestic mer T17012 the M,nd is Withour Fear: Rabindranath Tagorq) 4 (I) To whom ls the poet praying? Whose mind ls the poet beginning ofthe poem? (ii) referrins to in wny? In which situation is the head held Mgh? Wnat does he mean is lree'? What are 'narmw [3] by'knowledge walls'? domestic (iii) What does the poet mean by'tireless striving'? Wnat does'clear to? Explain (iv) What (V) Wnat does the poet wish for at the cnd ofthe poem? Wnat does the readers about the poet? Give a reason tojuslify your answer is the meant by'dead habit'? Wnat M habit'compared is: [3] 'refer to and wh)Q {3] he poem tell [4] SECTION C-PROSE Collectiott of Short Stories Qnes on 7. Read the extract Bivcn below and answer the questions that follow: "He was not accustomed to facing the entire ckrss and speaking out aloud. He Mew that he did not ha've a air for making weches. However, he had worked hard on Ms assignment and had written it from thc depth of bis hem" (India's Heroes-Anonymous) (I) /ho was'he'? wnat evidence is there that he was not t ed to facing the entire chss? (li) V/hat was the assignment? How was 'Ms' assignment different from the oMen7 (iti) Who was the Mst person to feature in'Ms'mignmemT What about Mm? (iv) (q Wno was the Gmaal Manager Wn according m is speak , ofae ad he'say [3] Taj Hotel? Wnat role did he is the plq7 only true religion in the world? ml human qualities have been highlighted thrmgh'his'speechT T17012 S Turnover Question& and Mini. Describe Oc rst nteeting and the last meeting between the Kabuliwala the Kabuliwala alter the last meeting with Mini Wmt realization dawns upotr Animal Fapm: Geopge Orwell [i6]

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